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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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56662168 No.56662168 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.56662211

>Can't even have the balls to fully stop using Xitter

>> No.56662352

>"leaving twitter"
>still posts updates via proxy
Whats the fucking point? Twitter is not a place to spam yourself like an ad, if you can't be bothered to interact with other people then get the fuck off the platform completely. Also lmao at the reason why she left

>> No.56662422

>12 minutes
Summarize it.

>> No.56662514

God I wish she would just leave completely

>> No.56662591

People like this fucking sicken me
"OMG Im so traumatized by a website I have to make a big deal over it"
Fucking kill yourself you ugly cunt

>> No.56662596

twitch hag left twitter, told manager to take over the account and unfollow everyone (except mr beast KEKW). rest of the video is her being a woman

>> No.56662602

Further proof why Vietnamese are the worst type of SEA. Their language is ugly, and they are easily triggered by their own people. Only thing good is their food.

>> No.56662644

go take a shower and touch some grass

>> No.56662672

>using twitch emotes outside of twitch
Unironically neck yourself.

>> No.56662712

They should use Truth instead.

>> No.56662723

Twitter never worked that well anyway. I hope more vtubers make alternates on something so I can use it as an excuse to dump it. But I doubt the industry will drop it en masse, so barring some kind of gaming related exodus by people with actual leadership skills, everyone will be there until it dies.

>> No.56662741

Yes because it's a shit website with a shit community and it isn't lurker friendly

>> No.56662767

What is the appeal of Bao? Isn't it just being a whore whale? What kind of "Twitter hate" could she possibly amass by being so milquetoast as a human being?

>> No.56662805

Twitter sucked ass before. It's sucking even more ass with every new change.
I only use it because everyone else does. So yes.

>> No.56662809

And their currency is Dong.

>> No.56662874

What happened to her? Is she do something that caused her to get the hate, even though it's a nothingburger? There's no way she's /here/, right?

>> No.56662936

why? isn't she a 3view indie?

>> No.56662955

Elon Musk is just an asshole at this point. Why rebrand Twitter?

>> No.56662987

not even vtubers have the essential lobotomy necessary to use truth

>> No.56663055

Yes. I really hope that Cover actually delivers on that social network-ish app they said they were developing or whatever so that I can delete my account. Someone should bomb Twitter's HQ already and make it end.

>> No.56663117

The moment Threads is open to everyone, not just instragram fuckwads, and allows NSFW, Twitter is obsolete. Until then, Twitter remains a thing.

>> No.56663171

She literally got / is still getting shit for pissing off SEAs for daring to mention Chinese New Year. That's literally it.

>> No.56663190

>And their currency is Dong.
yeah that's a positive, "dong" as a word rolls off the tongue (gayness unintended) and is pretty catchy.
>they are easily triggered by their own people
well long story short, Viets seem "self-hating" but it's most always been a feud between the retards and the people who would rather die than inconvenience anyone else. unfortunately, the retard sect has been winning for pretty much all of Vietnam's history.

>> No.56663232

That thing is a massive dumbass mistake and Cover would be utterly retarded to go through with it. In fact, most of Cover's "big ideas" are fucking retarded.

That's never going to happen. Instagram is hard filtered for porn. Best you get is gravure with not so subtle hints to OnlyFans sites.

>> No.56663239

good for her this bitch was a fucking retarded using twitter lmao

>> No.56663253

Musk is still butthurt that the government publicly told him to "know his place"

>> No.56663264

Twitter is a place for whatever brings it more traffic and revenue. Many celebs use it as an advertisement platform without really interacting with others.

>> No.56663267

I don't know why it would be a mistake and I don't care for what reasons you might provide, if they go through with it I am going to use it over Twitter and that's about it.

>> No.56663282

Why do SEAs hate the Chinese New Year?

>> No.56663284

Huh? Why are SEAs triggered about it? Isn't some chinks there always celebrating it?

>> No.56663294

He's the richest man in the world. He can fuck the entire US Goverment.

>> No.56663320

>Twitter is not a place to spam yourself like an ad
literally half of twitter is that

>> No.56663333

Imagine believing this in a post-Epstein world. Power is measured in the amount of armed men loyal to you when it comes down to it.

>> No.56663338

because whatever country her parents are from got gangbanged by china, but kicked them out eventually. They now call chinese new year something else because they hate china. now they call her a race traitor.

>> No.56663373

People keep saying this and yet Twitter remains.

>> No.56663379

Not like twitter was functional before but its gotten worse over time somehow. I honestly think my buddy could make a better site in terms of functionality. We don't want to do it because of money sink social media seems to be at the moment. I think we found a workaround where it could be profitable but we're not fully invested in such a project. We're doing well in our current jobs and this one venture is potentially profitable but too risky.

>> No.56663386

Keep saying what?

>> No.56663399

>SEAs hate the Chinese
there, answered

>> No.56663404

lmao what, no amount of money would save Musk if he becomes a liability to the us govt.

>> No.56663422

it was specifically the verbiage. back in the day, China used to suck and fuck a ton of countries in Asia (kinda like Japan did), Vietnam included, so some salty retards believed Bao should've said "Lunar New Year" or "Tet" instead of "Chinese New Year". that's literally it.

>> No.56663425

And what do those armed men need? Money. If you don't pay them, they will turn against you.

>> No.56663428

When did social media become such an anchor point to streamers? And yea, i get the whole point of streamers/chuubas basically coming from social media, but there's no way Twitter is THIS important as to have a video on it

>> No.56663434

How come Musk fans are always so retarded? It's literally ALL of them

>> No.56663435

Everybody calls it "Lunar New Year" instead just to thumb their noses at China. Instead of, y'know, developing their own calendar system because deep down they still rather enjoy China's dick up their butts.

>> No.56663450

>Twitch cunt acts like hot shit
>gets humbled
We need this to happen more often

>> No.56663458

> Threads
> owned by Facebook
> allows NSFW
yeah, wait for that, anon, may as well hold your breath, it's coming soon

>> No.56663464

This, and unlike the moronic Russian FSB, the CIA is actually very good at making it look like accidents.

>> No.56663468

>He's the third (publically) richest man in the world
There's some people you'll never see on a news article that can shut down a city on a whim

>> No.56663469

If you're talking about content, no it hasn't. It hasn't gotten worse, you're just more aware of how shitty it is because people keep saying it's more shitty now. It has always been this shitty. But Evil Rich Man buys it and now it's super shitty. Elon hasn't done great things with it, so don't get me wrong, but as far as the people using it, nothing has changed.

>> No.56663486

Elon Musk has been obsessed with the letter X as as brand for 25 years. He's still butthurt that Paypal rejected it. Unfathomable cuck behavior.

>> No.56663505

Why does Bao let stupid shit bother her so much?

>> No.56663541

Yeah, I am sure you're the teflon pan that nothing sticks to.

>> No.56663544

>Non-corpo chuuba
>Thrives off discount Vshojo tier antics
It's like asking a knacker why they have to put their water bottles in the middle of the side walk

>> No.56663566

Yeeh, yeah, we know the Rothschilds, the former richest family. But they are divided at this point.

Elon even named his child X. Who the hell does he think he is? X-Men?

>> No.56663579

You mean he won't just fly out of a window in the same exact way as 20 other people the same week? Is that even feasible? Wouldn't they need a supercomputer to calculate such a complex and thought through plan?

>> No.56663589

She's been crying and taking breaks for a while now.

>> No.56663596

I'm really tired of Asians expecting white westerners to know all their little delicate sensibilities. We just call it Chinese New Years here because we all know the Chinese celebrate it. If they care about her as a vtuber so much, they should maybe attempt to understand her Western perspective instead of treating her like she's an Asian herself.

>> No.56663611

Meant for >>56663464

>> No.56663619

How could you say that to me anon? :(

>> No.56663622

That's what she should be doing

>> No.56663646

That's what going off Twitter is for

>> No.56663664

>It's like asking a knacker why they have to put their water bottles in the middle of the side walk
what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.56663680

At this point Elon was just being a douche peddling impossible promises. Journey to Mars? I hope you like drinking your own piss. Neuralink? Enjoy having ads in your dreams. Of course, stupid zoomers eat up everything he has to say.

>> No.56663698

>be American
>pander to Viet crowd because of your "heritage"
>make rookie mistake of using "Chinese New Year" instead of "Lunar New Year" and got into a twitter fight with silly Viet people on twitter
>finally embraces her American heritage by running away and leaving the fight

Vietnam 2 - America 0

>> No.56663703

You say this like he actually has running water. It's not quite monsoon season yet

>> No.56663718

>Her anti's are literally SEAmonkeys mad she referred to the Lunar New Year as Chinese New Year, despite the fact that all those 3rd worlders still do all the cultural shticks from China like the red envelopes, lanterns, dances, and shit FROM CHINA
It's like those lefty fags demanding you say BCE/CE instead of BC/AD

>> No.56663720

>Why does Bao let stupid shit bother her so much?

Because she's human. One could turn around and say "why do certain chuubas live rent-free in /vt/ard's heads?"

>> No.56663740

She's still monitoring stuff
Just log off entirely and let Cha handle shit

>> No.56663748

Why is Bao even addressing this though? Isn't the whole point that she can't help herself from getting oneguyd and yet someone is still keeping her updated on some nobody on twitter malding about a follow

>> No.56663760

you should check it out, it's peak retard. Brit and Frenchie hooligans put water bottles in the middle of busy walkways, and when someone eventually knocks it over a group of the "knackers" will crowd the person and harass them and either shake them down for money, or beat them up

>> No.56663765

Even the least stable menheras should be able to just scoff at an army of brown smelly Vietnamese manlets fuming because you said their favorite holiday has Chinese origins

>> No.56663780

>Neither of us appreciate the speculation /rumord about this
What did they expect?

>> No.56663801
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>Vietnam 2 - America 0
b-but where friends now! D:

>> No.56663828

I'm just saying, it's pretty easy to judge someone else for taking a lot of shit from a whole lot of angry people who probably also dish out death threats to you and your family like it is nothing because they're angry you dared to mention the big China thing while you have to deal with, what, an angry family member? Your boss? Public ridicule over being whatever you are? Faggots on this site? You be you, anon, just saying it's a bit unfair to judge someone else's juevos without being in their shoes. Bao is not without deserving of criticism for x, y, or z, but c'mon man, she's getting a lot of flak. Have a rice grain size of sympathy at least for fucks sake.

She IS Asian herself, just mostly American.

My bad, anon, you're a cool guy really.

>> No.56663847

To be fair, if you are going to space, you are gonna be drinking the same water you piss and shit in regardless. It just gets filtered back into the system. Neurolink though? supported by the same people who believe in microchips inside vaccines? pure dystopian retardation, I hope a lot of people get it so that we can finally start killing retards by just connecting to the internet. Just imagine using one of those home-made EMPs that can turn off pacemakers near one of those brainchips.

>> No.56663861

I like how you guys act tough but the moment Twitter pops up, you go full white knight for any chuuba as if the shit here wasn't on par.

>> No.56663880


>> No.56663894

>Have a rice grain size of sympathy
das racist anon

>> No.56663918

I mean... How do Vietnamese Americans embrace their heritage when their homeland is currently ruled by the regime that caused them to run away in the first place? I wonder what's the opinion of proper Vietnamese people now about them.

>> No.56663922

>She does anything, Twitter hates her
>He does anything, Twitter hates him

>> No.56663965
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Take your meds Bao.
Lmao, I love silly European shit.

>> No.56664015

Having dreamers with big goals is a good thing in general, and as long as he's doing things with his own resources and not hurting anybody he can promise making cat girls real all he wants.

>> No.56664069

I know my audience.

>> No.56664073

Oh, if she's Asian, then who cares. I only sympathize when whites have to put up with all the Asian politics. She probably knew better and that's why they're skewering her.

>> No.56664101

It is probably more vicious because she's Asian, yes. Nobody hates other Asians like Asians.

>> No.56664161

>I wonder what's the opinion of proper Vietnamese people now about them.
Presumably similar to how Europeans feel about white Americans or really, any nationality towards their American counterparts for that matter.

>> No.56664199

this is such a WHO CARES thread

>> No.56664202
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Just how much of the EN VTubersphere is Asian-American or Asian-Canadian, anyway?

>> No.56664215

SEAs absolutely HATE China. Case in point: Phase Connect's Enemy Number One, Henri Ikari.

>> No.56664258

>Her dad is a rurouni kenshin fan
uh oh...shiori probably never got to lock her door at night

>> No.56664303

>My bad, anon, you're a cool guy really.
Thanks pal. And to be honest I don't think Bao deserved the sperg mob she got or anything, she's a pretty harmless vtuber, I just feel like at some point she's gotta stop caring about this shit since it seems to keep happening to her.

>> No.56664310


>> No.56664345


>> No.56664351

Bao's biggest mistake was she gave Shylily and Nihmune a platform to launch themselves even further than before, while Bao is stuck at the (Bikini) Bottom hoping the next batch of 2 view lewd girls can jettison her out

>> No.56664364

>Henri Ikari.
fucking who? How do you guys always know who 400 follower nobodies on twitter are? Is there like a wiki for these fucks?

>> No.56664411

No. X is one of the few website where i can get updates about the day to day live of ma oshi

>> No.56664410

Pippa's biggest anti.

>> No.56664624

Yet, the people from the third world keep insisting to immigrate to America. The reason I hear so far is either due to war, or the economy, or they just hate any value that is opposed to liberal values.

>> No.56664666

Did Elon buck break another stupid cunt? I'm sure she will come crawling back anyway

>manager for an indie

Lol boyfriend

>> No.56664736

Bao is an irrelevant whore indie that nobody actually watches

>> No.56664758

I watch her clips (very) occasionally...

>> No.56664962

bao has a niche that she doen't play into enough

>> No.56664975

It was the biggest, free, non limiting platform until musk took over. It went to the shitter fast.

>> No.56665765

There's nothing to gain from abandoning the main way to connect with your fans other than some sort of virtue signaling, so no.

>> No.56665912


>> No.56666134


>> No.56666392

>Let me announce to the world I won't be using twitter anymore
>oh by the way my "manager" will still be using my twitter account
what a loser, hope she stops using her twitch account too.

>> No.56666595

Yeah people say he ruined it, but they started pushing that "For You" shit way before he bought it. That garbage absolutely ruined the site.

>> No.56666629
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>> No.56666701

So she did the Viet equivalent of a chicano using Latinx, and months later still gets shit for it?
I kinda get it

>> No.56666763

That's because Elon was always a con man who stole credit for other people's work.
Paypal? Tesla? Projects other people did everything for and he then forces them out to go ME ME ME ME
The fact he's actually destroying Twitter, a site that's too big to fail in this age of constant consolidation is incredible.
What's eve more fucked up is Elon is weaponizing the US government to attack his perceived enemies.
Like how Elon is not only suing a nonprofit that tracks hate speech using data from twitter, but immediately after Elon said he was suing them, the US House has opened an hostile investigation into the group too.

Either way, Cover better get that social media platform up fast.

>> No.56667037

It’s not that weird really. People seethe about the schizos in /here/ but twitter psychos are far worse. There are much more of them and will bombard you every day with death threats and detailed murder plans if you as much as reply to their favourite celebrity

>> No.56667095

He’s the basedest cuck alive followed by an army of yes-men. Recipe for disaster

>> No.56667114

I don’t think 70yo divorced boomers are their target audiencce

>> No.56667168

Automod editing my “so-yest” into “basedest”?

>> No.56667642

No you don't understand. That didn't happen. It should have happened but what actually happened is that she said something inoffensive and Asians threw a bitch fit.
They didn't tell her off for being a vapid cunt. They went full offended bitch mode over nothing.
Such babies honestly.
Always SEAfriends holding grudges over the wrong shit.

>> No.56667740

>Twitter drama thread
>Bao thread
Didn't read. Kys.

>> No.56667771

>Vietnam 2 - America 0
I don't think that shithole is winning anything. And no, I'm not talking about America, confusing as it may be.

>> No.56667806

My Viet friend showed me a facebook screencap of where like ten of them wrote essays about how Bao saying CNY was an insult to their entire race, country and history, and was mocking her audience and "biggest supporters" (despite typical SEA poorfag level of donation) and that she deserves to be cancelled to graduation. All this, ignoring her constant effort to explain and apologize to many of them who spams her account on Twitter.
That country's brainwashing is something else.

>> No.56667834

Countries other than China celebrate it. You don't go around saying Merry English Christmas do you?

>> No.56668002

Malays have a blood feud with the Chinese since the dawn of time. Vietnam has sour relations with the PRC (for good reasons). The only country that really celebrates Chinese new year in SEA is the Philippines.

>> No.56668029

You really think the brainless army of Nguyenchamas who attack random people on the internet out of stupid patriotism to feel good about themselves, really watch streams? They heard about it somewhere and jumped into harassing her as the new "prey".

>> No.56668121

>Twitter is not a place to spam yourself like an ad
That is quite literally what it is, retard. It was always just an advertising website masquerading as social media. Hell, social media itself is just ads pretending to be something else.

>> No.56668210

fpbp pewdiepie left that site years ago and if he could anyone can

>> No.56668216

Not since he bought it, no, but it never recovered from the mass purgings. Many of the best and most creative posters were culled, and a lot of the strict moderation still exists because he has no control over it. It's the natsec-NGO apparatus pushing it.

>> No.56668237

I mean once their app is out of beta, Hololive is probably going to drop X/twitter and move over completely into a further walled garden.

>> No.56668249

>It went to the shitter fast.
it was always shit,go back

>> No.56668288

It’s free real estate

>> No.56668337

Imagine being such a faggot that not only do you want all the traction from twitter, but you also want to 'join' all the other faggots throwing fits.

>> No.56668393


>> No.56669590

Kek, the problem is the Saudis have invested a ton in Twitter. Each one of them are super rich AND have actual armies and assassins at their disposal, not just fucking fat crypto nerds. If Elon isn't careful he's going to end up like that one journalist.

>> No.56670504

Haha holy shit imagine unironically using Twitter like a social media platform. Who the fuck actually wants to interact with the cringy trannys that treat twitter that way?

>> No.56671179

Honestly, I'm all for using Twitch emotes outside of Twitch. It is somehow less cringe then using LMAO or rofl these days.

>> No.56671366

I used to like her music before she goes all out on the retarded thin-skinned womanchild behavior when she got a bit popular in Twitter.

>> No.56671464

Indonesia has no problem with saying Chinese New Year, we're practically disconnected with the mainland anyway, most of the resident chinese here can't even speak mandarin

>> No.56671676

>Twitter is not a place to spam yourself like an ad
That's exactly what Twitter is to ecelebs you stupid ponce.

>> No.56671808

Didn't she also joke about the people dying/already dead in the titan sub incident as it was happening? Funny how the breaking point wasn't the blowback she got from that.

>> No.56671856

>chinese new year
Heh, all this time thought was about vietnamese hating cunny or something

>> No.56671882

Elon's wealth is not tied to actual currency or power, it's tied to the Tesla stock price and lines of credit. One bad day in the markets or his creditors enforcing the debt and he's done.

>> No.56671890

Most SEA, especially Viet, hate Chinks with a passion. Hard not to hate a country that has been trying to invade yours for thousands years, I suppose?

>> No.56671949

This thread is a good example of why a rebrand is necessary. People have a strongly negative perception of twitter. Sane people hated it because it was controlled by authoritarian liberals for so long, and now the mentally ill hate it because Musk changed the rules and now people no longer get banned for shit like "misgendering". Can't blame him for wanting to get away from the name and start fresh.

>> No.56672043

Mito stopped using Twitter a couple of weeks ago.

>> No.56672084

He is rebranding because he wants "X" to be an everything app similar to what his Chinese masters do. It will be a disaster.

>> No.56674445

No, it makes things boring. Part of the fun is the drama people get into. This specific instance tho, no one vares because its Bao, aka the whore aka the prostitute, aka the town bicycle, aka human cumrag, aka the cumpdumspter, aka the "massage" parlor attendant, aka the streetwalker, aka the easy one, aka the slut, aka ms legs open, aka la puta, aka the protein collector

>> No.56674980

Learn to differentiate between Ancient China and the modern Communist bugmen.
