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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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56626449 No.56626449 [Reply] [Original]

Lets be honest, he made Vesper irrelevant

>> No.56626538


>> No.56626595

How is he? I've been thinking about checking him out.

>> No.56626669

Does he have anything that compares to the impromptu bit of putting tiny vesper in the jar and murdering him from that Sims stream?

>> No.56626687

Actually, Kronii made Vesper irrelevant when she banned him from her channel

>> No.56626726

It's more like he made Magni irrelevant.

>> No.56626742

He's alright funny clown man, he's the only reason Tempus is still relevant despite everything he still tries to include the other homos in the little projects he does.

>> No.56626799

I always found it funny that she had her whole "I collab with whoever I want" and ended up basically not collabing with anyone that she didn't already collab with earlier. She even started slowing down the Vesper collabs until just stopping, that whole thing was pretty useless at the end of the day.

>> No.56626807

Since him and Magni are now besties yes, he visits Yagoo's slavr dungeon to get ideas from Magni's corpse.

>> No.56626813

Vesper made Vesper irrelevant

>> No.56626863

His debut week was comedy gold

>> No.56626889

Vesper made himself irrelevant by being a huge flake. He was supposed to be the power streamer too, what the fuck went wrong? I still remember when he threw shade at people for not streaming much, and a few months later he's pulling the most bullshit anxiety hort shit ive seen from any vtuber.
If not for butthurt Kronies who spam Vesper threads every day he would be completely forgotten by now.

>> No.56626917

This. By Allah this.

>> No.56627012

Homostars are still irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, this doesn't change anything.

>> No.56627046

Hes a pussy little boomer with mental issues. Imagine that

>> No.56627120

Don't care nigga. nobody asked if they're famous or not

>> No.56627255

unironic fag here, is this cute guy a homobaiter? i need to watch him if so

>> No.56627422

your oshi is also probably "irrelevent" in the grand scheme unless they're part of a handful of HoloJP's

>> No.56627492

Oppositional Defiant Disorder, she just doesn't like to be told what she can and can't do, even if it's something she was going to do anyway

>> No.56627517

I don't really watch Tempus much, you might like Flayon though, people seem to think thats his whole thing.

>> No.56627543

This guy is nowhere near as popular or infamous as Vesper. On this board or anywhere else. He's Magni 2.0. As a former vestie, I can say that after Vesper left, I didn't watch any other tempus. I just went back to watching only the girls. I think that's probably what happened for the majority of us. I replaced Vesper with twin dogs. And you know what? I'm happier for it.

>> No.56627555

why won't mori give funny clown man or the rest of tempus the chance she gave fagni and vesper.

>> No.56627696

The only vtuber to make me full on belly laugh. He genuinely feels like a combination of 2012-2015 era YouTubers that would be right at home on the couch with OG Game Grumps Oneyplays, Jerma, and Vinesauce, at least to me. Like he’s a genuine pseudo-normie streamer that somehow wandered into vtubing and is all the better for it. If that sounds appealing to you, check him out. Considering his past, it makes sense, but it’s weird as hell he ended up in Holostars of all places.

>> No.56628238

Sounds pretty cool, I don't watch Tempus too much but I don't really have issues with them, if he's playing anything interesting I'll give him a watch.

>> No.56628327

what? when she made the "I collab with who I want" statement the only collab she had done with Tempus was the Dead by Daylight one, and the Mori/Kronii/Magni/Vesper group only formed later and collabed more or less once a month up until Vesper and Magni got suspended

>> No.56628477

Because there's no interest in male collabs anymore, the girls already have Advent. The Tempus collabs have only been a thing in the main period of desertification of holoEN, but since the come back of the girls, they clearly slowed down. Between Summer 2022 and Winter 2023, no Japan trips, less streams, lots of hiatuses. As soon as a new Japan arc started, the contacts started reforming, and it overshadowed Tempus2.
The comeback of Ina, Gura and the debut of Advent just accelerated the process.

>> No.56628539

I'm pretty sure that there's not a single collab with them since April.

>> No.56628567

Vesper did it himself, also damaged the rest of the homos and Kronii

>> No.56628701

if you're american then you'll like him as funny. I don't find him funny.

>> No.56629098

Gravy Boat is great.

First it was Shinri, now Bettel. What's with the surge of Tempus posts outside of /mans/? There hasn't been a hologirl collab in months.

>> No.56629142
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I have a good impression of him because he is nice to my Mysta.

>> No.56629253

I guess they realized there's no dirt on any of those dudes so they're using them to slowly crawl out of /mans/.

>> No.56629273

so is he a non-menhera Vesper? i didn't hate stars before tempus, if the homos are not going away anyway, might as well give them a try as long as they stay away from the girls.

>> No.56629344

>There hasn't been a hologirl collab in months.
staying away from the girls was all they needed to do to get accepted.

>> No.56629372

this post >>56627696 summarizes it well, he's genuinely really funny. i'll give just about anyone a fair chance if they play games i'm really fond of and i was pleasantly surprised.

>> No.56629618

lets hope he keeps staying away from the holo whores

>> No.56629730

It's crazy how simple it was. They just needed to do the exact same as the starsJP, and most people wouldn't have minded their existence.
It's at least partially management's fault though. They went too fast in the shilling phase, and didn't let them get an audience in time. They ended up just being relevant because of their content with the hologirls, and once the girls dropped them because of more stability in holoEN, they because hardly relevant by themselves.

>> No.56629917

He has a great sense of humor, but he's also quite depressed and I get the sense he's perpetually nerfing himself, at least as of last I watched several months ago

>> No.56629968

How are Tempus catalog bait threads even a thing. Why anons willingly post in these?

>> No.56629970

At least they're using their brains this time instead of mindlessly begging for collabs.
Also Bettel is great, he milked that 8/19 thing for all it was worth

>> No.56630069

A funny guy being depressed is like apple and peanut butter, they go hand in hand
Also twitch humor won't fly in cover so bettel's doing what he can with the material he has

>> No.56630095

this guy is basically fuwamoco for nijiniggers. dude acts like he's in luxiem, joins chat pre stream to beg for membership donations, and is pretty much doing a jerma impersonation the entire time. he's very popular with nijisanji fujos, don't believe me? there's THE CHART for a reason

>> No.56630130

Dude's literally Pagliacci. Worth catching a VOD here and there.

>> No.56630134

She did collab with whoever she wanted, it was vesper and the blue man.

>> No.56630151

Jesus fucking christ the amount of dick sucking for this faggot, you fags have to be fudanshi or trannies, there can't be this much woman on this board

>> No.56630161

This faggot's design is annoying alone by itself that I would never watch him over grampire. I don't like his voice from what I've heard in collabs either.

>> No.56630185

>vtuber male finally finds success
You make this sound like a bad thing, especially when he doesnt have the crazy fans of vox and mysta

>> No.56630199

>Roberu and Bettel are basically the only good Holostars

>> No.56630208

All of that for a couple collabs with two homos is honestly a very ironic outcome. When I saw it I thought that it would truly influence her content, but it almost changed nothing in the end.
At least it seems that she wants to collab with Kaela and Ina now.

>> No.56630317

This is what happens when the board's used for its intended purpose, dramatranny

>> No.56630375

>clown is literally carrying a branch by himself
Bettel is the lord and commander of Tempus

>> No.56633230

he's a syphon for niji american fans, chinks don't touch this faggot with a 10 foot pole. and if you think not even breaking 200k subs is "success" I got a bridge to sell you

>> No.56634579

He is undoubtedly a success in the context of Holostars. In less than a year, he has made more in SC than the total of all Stars members except for Astel and Roberu, is a permanent 4 view, has an insane culture of gifted memberships that can sometimes reach 5k+ a month (competitive with many of the girls), and his extremely dedicated fanbase shows no signs of dwindling to the point of following his RM where he can double dip. Maybe his whales will run out of money eventually, but he’s the only holostar that I can legit see becoming a millionaire under Cover.

>> No.56634583

He's Jerma965 of Vtubing

>> No.56634761

I’d watch him but the gay anime boy in the corner is a turn off, if he starts streaming without it, let me know

>> No.56634907

Lets memoryhole bettel fucking bae

>> No.56635013

he is literally carrying the whole branch, not an exaggeration check his supas

>> No.56635139

Does his twitter space count?

>> No.56635711

It's fucking Bae, she filtered people who would care on debut
The reason why the Kronii and Ame collabs caused such a stink was because they had huge unicorn/gosling fanbases who cared about this kind of stuff. Back before Tempus, when people did HoloEN GFE tierlists, those two were always placed near the top by anons. Bae wasn't.

>> No.56636056

I kinda wish clown man was part of the first half of the tempus gen, he deserves the success.

>> No.56636577

Closest thing to a true brotuber out there
Gives me hope for make vtubing
>j-just watch fleshtubers if you want male streamers
As if I want to watch some dumb metrosexual faggot like xqc or a bunch of bootlipped porch monkeys chimping out over nba 2k. Fucking please.

>> No.56636755

Nah Flayons straight as fuck, I remember homos /here/ melting down because he was simping hard for some chick in a vidya

>> No.56636767

i dont give a single shit about your skank oshi. im not gonna watch pro male vtubers that collab with women “bro”. just keep your whore whoever it is away from the one boy we have left. its not worth losing your life over

>> No.56636824

based as hell

>> No.56636856

Even better, he gives off early Achievement Hunter vibes, particularly Geoff.

>> No.56636963

I've watched this guy a couple times, but I can't take more than few minutes of him. He just seems like the average "loud = funny" Twitch screecher.

>> No.56637027

used to be funnier before being a Holostar

>> No.56638065

>Mori constantly says she supports Holostars
>Never did shit with StarsJP aside from one cover which was apparently the homo's invite
>Surprised she's gone back to not giving a shit

>> No.56639005

Well, they died, if he cames back you can bet that in a month she will do a dick sucking collab with him

>> No.56639102

Ame being hailed as some GFE queen has always been comical to me. Did people memoryhole her jerking off to Shien on twitter during his 3D debut?

>> No.56639224

that's like some low bar knowledge anyways, no one will know about that. But I do recognize that Watson was recognized as GFE to an extent because even a fucking JP website talking about the GFE terminology claims that Watson was GFE.

>> No.56639690
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Lets be honest. They are both irrelevant shitters.

>> No.56645157

Who this

>> No.56645431

Most holos garner massive crowds of mouth breathing reddit npcs and browns. Being irrelevant seems cool in comparison.

>> No.56645438

Boston Jerma or Vegas Jerma?

>> No.56646771

Let’s be real another reason for his success is the tumblr sexyman model. He also has the best model is Tempus HQ and VG combined. He’s in fucking heels.

>> No.56647216

kill yourself

>> No.56648036

The model helps but the real reason he's so popular is the hot model + being genuinely funny. It's the same reason Vox has a strong fanbase--good model, funny content, plus a ton of pandering.
>t. Bettel gachi

>> No.56648839

bruh he's the only holostar that put a dress on his model kek

>> No.56649008

lol, nobody watches Vox because he's funny. a lot of his audience came from when he was coomer baiting early in his lifetime. he hasn't been growing in a long time

>> No.56649066

>cant bring up a male vtuber without Vesper being somewhere in the thread to get eyes on it

>> No.56649203

if coombaiting was all it took to be popular then there'd be a lot more Vox level vtubers is all I'm saying. girls like funny guys.

>> No.56649393 [DELETED] 

He fucked bae. Shinri > baettel

>> No.56650308

Vesper made himself irrelevant by getting himself suspended 2 months in then acting like a bigger woman than actual women when he escaped to Japan then gaslit and lied to his fans about a lot of shit all while hiding communication behind a $10 paywall
If he never comes back it's not that big of a loss believe me. Him and gay hand boy have been phoning it before their mysterious disappearance.

>> No.56650542

Its easy to be "genuinely funny" when all your fans want to beat you to death and rape your dead body.

>> No.56654090

Bettel is good but I can tell none of you watch bettel because the best part of bettel is bettel 2/twobert, who is also closer to a “sane vesper” than bettel is

>> No.56658728


>> No.56661971

vesper collabed with the girls
he didn't
he learnt from vox and the sex pest.

>> No.56663789

I watched him for a bit after he took over an aspies art tag on twitter and thought he was funny, but I don't really watch vtubers anymore if it's not in clip format.

>> No.56663855

He is just as irrevelant but, more alive

>> No.56663933

I don't even know his name

>> No.56664464
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Vettelgeuse romanee-conti is his name, fren

>> No.56664755

this is the guy whose fucking Froot right?

>> No.56664794

jerma but a vtuber. the best streams are the one where his brother shows up. he is nerfing himself and i can tell. i want him to go apeshit.

>> No.56664893

people assumed that they were since they were friends in PL and flew out to visit her. neither have had much interraction post holostars debut and neither pre or post holostars have they said they were intimate. you can make conclusions yourself with this information.

>> No.56665469

Used to play lots of apesex together before holostarts but after they don't really interact. If he's banging her we will never know

>> No.56667614

Jerma but vtuber

>> No.56667784

Crossdressing as a woman is the most masculine feat a man can do

>> No.56667903

he's retiring?

>> No.56668639

>Lets be honest, he made Vesper irrelevant
How so?

>> No.56668824
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>> No.56668886

He made all of tempiss irrelevant because the rest are raid baby 3views

>> No.56669893

>farms more supa than some of the girls
what the fuck?

>> No.56670142
File: 221 KB, 480x480, lKl-ZOGoLJKA_9EP46WlwAQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Bettel has a million fans, I'm one of them
If Bettel has 5 fans, I'm one of them
If Bettel has 1 fan, that one is me
If Bettel has no fans, I'm no longer alive
If the world is against Bettel I'm against
the entire world
Till my last breath, I'll support Bettel
My master, the king of sex, the emperor of gap moe, the genius jester.

>> No.56670353

Bettel is good. Ironically, the biggest problem with him is that the other EN homo's are all garbage. If he had better peers to bounce off of, he'd be doing even better.

>> No.56670415

The only drama free tempus
And the best part, he stay on his own lane
Probably the only good tempus

>> No.56670471

Just hope he never makes the mistake of getting married. Sad Geoff era was rough...

>> No.56670714

>The only drama free tempus

>> No.56670755

Ok, my bad
I totally forget about that guy
But yeah, shinri is also drama free(?)
At least I didn't hear any drama about him yet

>> No.56671683

He's the only one I like to watch. I liked Dez too but he's gone at the moment. He's got a great personality, likes to banter with chat, very humble, weird food takes but it's funny, is the glue holding Tempus together. He takes his role as an entertainer seriously and you can tell.

>> No.56672359

Bettel's committed to his audience and won't do collabs just for the hell of it. There has to be a decent reason for him to collab with someone outside of Holostars. For the collab with Bae, it was due to the shared interest in Barbie movies (Bae wanted to see his reactions to her favorite films and Bettel knew his fans wanted him to suffer through more Barbie). I don't see much potential for a Mori collab besides maybe music or art. Bettel knows better than to needlessly seek out Hololive collabs.

>> No.56672476

Bettel is as popular, if not more popular, than Vesper. The only reason people think he's not is because Bettel is much more popular with women than men, and the percentage of female fans who post here is much lower.

>> No.56673686

Don't care, hope they all get axed

>> No.56673934

bro just watch smaller streamers like carson

>> No.56674118

Not really?
Vesper's strength was in playing "unusual" games like Zomboid and Dwarf Fortress, Bettel doesn't do that.

>> No.56674346

wtf why is there some actual decent discussion in this thread dont you faggots know where you are?

>> No.56674742

It's a beautiful sight isn't it?
This is the power of Bavis Gettel.

>> No.56674872


>> No.56674955
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>> No.56679351

is geoff better now? i couldn't take his sadness anymore. i wanted to cry so much.

>> No.56683269


>> No.56685097

Don't you think that applies to every female vtuber fan, in the sense that they'll think the vtuber is good despite being boring because they want to fuck her?

>> No.56685263

>girls like funny guys.
You can be poor and ugly as hell but you can get a girl if you're funny enough. Guys in /vt just think they're funny in their heads, they just come off as autistically rude KEK

>> No.56687425

Not only Bettel leeched Magni's fanbase, but now doesn't support him at all. Truly disgusting.

He is cool maybe if you like dudes who bitch & moan every 5 minutes and go into hour long rage fits about stupid shit like daylight savings. Bettel probably stil wears a diaper and needs a coo to stop crying because he is that much inbred.

Axel, Flayon, Hakka and Regis are much better

>> No.56687684

bettelsister youre trying too hard

>> No.56688513

This is the weirdest falseflag attempt I've ever seen.

>> No.56689198

false how? baka Idiots like you who call somebody out but they know the have no argument so they write nothing.

Has Bettel streamed together with Magni back and forth for 3 months? Yes he did

Has Bettel shown any indication of care or support about Magni now? No he did not.

>> No.56689354

>Has Bettel shown any indication of care or support about Magni now? No he did not.
Are you trying to get people to post the RM shit that proves you wrong, or...?

>> No.56689449

Bettel moved near to where Magni lives and also appeared on many of his RM account's streams recently

>> No.56689903

I think just because he's entertaining & has the analytics to show for it.
Shit I opened this thread to gauge how much /vt/ hates my boy on-principle and am pretty fuckin' impressed at the net-positivity. I think he's talented sure but didn't figure it was enough to cancel out the Tempus giga-debuff for this many anons.

>> No.56690015

Shit really? Villain moustache and all?
And VODs/highlights on YT or are they all on that newfangled zoomer site?

>> No.56690303

Most of the Tempus hate is just seething about male collabs with HoloEN specifically. You'll notice that nobody talks about VG in general on the catalog, even though they've interacted with JP and various indies a fair amount.

>> No.56692231

you fuckers said the same thing with vesper back then and look what happened

>> No.56692441

I've seen Hakkantis & Flayantis. The former cuz AFAIK he's done the most actually verifiable homobegging and the latter cuz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVtBzCV8Zrc
Shinri's just a cryptid, you can't convince anyone he's real. Dude gets no attention outright.

>> No.56692484

Being funny consistently (and not being an old menhera) also matters

>> No.56692904

Bettelsisters trying to desperately to make him be talked about..sad..

>> No.56695759

Tempus is irrelevant Anon.

>> No.56696333


>> No.56701079

You're right but you also can't discount that Vox got the once in a lifetime Luxiem buff
