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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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56604543 No.56604543 [Reply] [Original]

I used to rule the world...

>> No.56604584

when was his peak?

>> No.56604674

Did anyone see this coming at the start of the year?

>> No.56604728

Yes? His numbers were already going to shit as far back as November.

>> No.56604770

literally a year ago.

>> No.56604792

I don't really pay attention to Niji, qrd?

>> No.56604809

Ngl. His career reminded me a lot of belle delphine. Profited from simps then fucked off doing her own thing

>> No.56604963

Don't think his transition to brotuber is going to work. His model is too fucking ikemen that I can't help but feel like a homo watching him.

>> No.56604993

didn't even think that it was this bad, he's like bae tier now

>> No.56605238

he started declining back in october of 2022 so yeah, yeah we did

>> No.56605295

This was always going to happen when their core audience was as volatile as it was.

>> No.56605340

>he started to decline a few months after his gf was doxxed
also see: lamy and rushia

>> No.56605424

but lamy didn't decline...

>> No.56605455

So insecure brother.

>> No.56605459

Lamy biggest recline to date is the DQ debacle

>> No.56605468

give it time friend

>> No.56605473

Pretty much from late Spring until early Autumn last year. Everything that transpired after WrestleSanji for the branch has been a constant rail-road of drama and misery. I must commend Vox for insisting on his brotuber path, because he has historically been menhera over numbers

>> No.56605485

so you listed two examples that don't actually apply?

>> No.56605494

Still btfo the Tempussies

>> No.56605537

to be fair, for nijisanji this isnt bad but there were better times yes

>> No.56605649

Imagine your measure of success being that you're at least better than Tempiss.

>> No.56605724

A yab here, a menhera moment there.
The final straw was him rebranding as a gameplay and comedy focused channel.

>> No.56605847

instead of brotuber he should just do coomer/yume pandering to men instead by leaning into a sexy seductress archetype instead of corny "daddy dom" shit (while keeping the deep voice still) HOOOOOOLY GEM

>> No.56605956

Well yes it's not gona work. "brotuber" if that a thing that mean something at all, have to fight with each other for the audience, and Vtuber have the debuff of having a fag model hanging out here for some reasons. On top off that it mean concurencing with people who are litteraly insane.
So why would you watch vox (or actually any male Vtuber who exist RN) when you can have a guy who don't bring a fag face in you face, have better gameplay, have more knowlendge about the game and comedy, is funnier, and don't have dick sucking ASMR on their channel?

>> No.56606056

this. He had a good setup with this clan lord thing or what it was.

>> No.56606141

My brother, I don't find men attractive.

>instead of appealing to one niche of horny orgasm addicted internet dwellers
>appeal to this even smaller niche of horny orgasm addicted internet dwellers

Because it worked out so well for him.

>> No.56606148

Why didn't he just ignore the call

>> No.56606181

why are you gay?

>> No.56606232

NTA what's "brotuber" supposed to mean again? I'm not familiar with male chuuba terms.

>> No.56606452

it's cozy (i like women too)
afaict just a transposition of normal let's player type guys into the vtuber space

>> No.56606455

Basically your normal male streamer. Dude that's just going to play games and be entertaining for males, without all that blatant coomstreaming for zhang sisters

>> No.56606596

Thanks, anon. Have a nice day/evening.

>> No.56606979
File: 2.98 MB, 3461x1750, holoennumbers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some holoen numbers this month for comparison

>> No.56607017

Why are all the male vtuber fans that I've seen either lonely women or gay men?

>> No.56607130

How does Mumei outperform Fuwamoco?

>> No.56607196

Because if I (a straight male) has the choice between watching someone being bad at games or watching someone being bad at game with a cute voice and big tits, I'm going to pick the big tits every time.

I assume that women and gay men don't operate the same way.

>> No.56607229

she has rarity buff + getting raids quite alot. also doing alot of buff content. props to her for holding the raids well tho, other people usually lose the viewers way faster than mumei

>> No.56607257

>rebranding as a gameplay and comedy focused channel
I would believe that if he didn't have a thumbnail with nipples out in the OP pic

>> No.56607265

>Did anyone see this coming at the start of the year?
Vox is a male vtuber who rode a temporary hype train. He was always destined to drop off hard. In another year he'll probably be averaging 1k .

>> No.56607472

He chose Reimu and now apparently Millie in some threesome over his fans and numbers, despite being number obsessed.
He can't be a brotuber because he's dangerous around girls. Look what he did to Fulgur. He'd totally fuck your oshi behind your back.

>> No.56607606

He actually could've kept his numbers up, but he flip flops on content, like 180 flipflops. He's a BFE streamer, then does an hour long rant at his fans for being parasocial. He tries to be parasocial again, then snapped again recently. He just doesn't have a channel direction and that's the real reason he's failing. It doesn't help him he's openly fucking Reimu, too.

>> No.56608262

>Look what he did to Fulgur. He'd totally fuck your oshi behind your back.

>> No.56608602

>Chinks would rise when I gave the word.
>Now in the morning I stream alone in the dead channel I used to own.

>> No.56608786

we're straight here

>> No.56609428
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>fags ITT: He got abandoned by the sis now for trying to be a brotuuber
My good brothers in Christ,
What kind of straight dude would click on a stream's thumnail like picrel?

>> No.56611774

PewDiePie but with anime model

>> No.56615598
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>> No.56615759

>holochads hate both nijis and tempiss
>they have the same audience
hope they both rot in hell so this board can celebrate

>> No.56615889

Came back for advent and got raided to her stream and she honestly became a lot better than what I remembered her to be.

>> No.56616297

because the guy you're replying to chose not to post any of fuwamoco's earliest streams

>> No.56616425

Its not so much the model as it is the thumbnails he uses. That, and what his brand is now associated with right now.

>> No.56617403
File: 120 KB, 1280x284, 1687779117516584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rebranding is never going to work, everyone who cares knows him as the guy whose chat looks like this so unless he breaks into another brand new audience somehow he's never going to get rid of that reputation

>> No.56617810

Looks like Fulgur didn't do as well as expected.
