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56532559 No.56532559 [Reply] [Original]

The gosling queen of the new generation.
Ame cucked her fans and IRyS is becoming obsolete... Hopefully Shiori~n can bring them back.

>> No.56534516

The collab ban is almost lifted, it'll be either an all Novelites win or a gosling slaughter,
I'm not prepared but I'm taking it like a man (and might end it all)

>> No.56534520

The most astroturfed Advent member.

Meanwhile, I'll be sticking with better choices like Fauna, FuwaMoco, and Nerissa who I suspect will improve with time.

>> No.56534698


>> No.56534722

What about her brain enables her to be more engaging than other ens

>> No.56534724

>The most astroturfed Advent member.

>> No.56534785

i hope she collabs with males just so the goslings can cry again

>> No.56537929
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>> No.56538248

I'll be surprised if Shiori sabotages herself with homo collabs at this point honestly. She's in too deep.
She still could of course, stranger things have happened. But unless she deliberately wants to earn less money or is just way more stupid than I thought, she'll just stay the course.

>> No.56539892

pure unfiltered autismkino

>> No.56540040

>cocks mentioned out of nowhere
did you at least let your parents know you're a genetic dead end?

>> No.56540144

I will not commit until the collab ban ends, nor should you

>> No.56540162


She can never be the Queen of anything. Already ruined her reputation by acting trashy as fuck.

>> No.56540197

Is there anyone in EN who might be able to roll with her and make for a fun collab? I can think of some JPs I could imagine having fun with her, but I don't think Shiori speaks moon.

>> No.56540269

Mumei and Fauna.
Fauna loved the idea of Shiori starting a book club with her chat.
Mumei gushed over Shiori at some point, think it was when Shiori raided Mumei.
Ame was brought up because of Shiori's whole "sherlock holmes" thing.

>> No.56540479

There are two possibilities here.
a) Anon doesn't know what astroturfing means
b) Mental illness

>> No.56540593

pretty sure she'd do well with anyone except for maybe Kiara and Ina. Kiara and Shiori would constantly interrupt eachother, and Ina would be a bit too overwhelmed by Shiori's energy. I feel like Shiori and Kronii is a bit volatile too, either Kronii starts cringing too hard, or we get good mean-girl kino

>> No.56540631

>10 Shiori threads + her general before she even debuted is not astroturfing
Yeah must those "antis" falseflagging. Weirdly how that didn't happen to other girls from advent.

>> No.56541273

It was just seeing her model and getting hard, if they wanted to astroturf the threads would've been more like her actual personality.

>> No.56541305

oh fuck, irys is obsolete because some anon declared it
mumei also kind of shat on shiori.

>> No.56541397


>> No.56541475

She kept her mouth shut the whole time when Kiara asked her about hololive.

>> No.56541759

Only thing is Ame has the personality of dry wallpaper so they wouldn't work well together

>> No.56541987

>mumei also kind of shat on shiori.
Well, we can't have some skank come into her turf and do the creepy weirdo thing better and with proper kayfabe, can we?

>> No.56542063

better? well...

>> No.56542207

Ame doesn't play along or has chemistry with any girl she collabs with. That's not a Shiori problem.

>> No.56542777
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nigga is Gosling for an actual slut lmao

>> No.56543001

>Oshi collabs with da homos
>Unicucks seethe at da homos and scream about whores as they shit their pants
>Unicucks find new oshi, call themselves goslings

Yeah that's totally not like you guys at all.
