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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 635 KB, 863x2757, 1686502128496424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56521436 No.56521436 [Reply] [Original]

Lmfao Opera replied to people saying they were inflating views with embedded streams.

>> No.56521544

black company

>> No.56521589

I've blocked that account the moment they put two homos kissing as thier profile picture to support the already hated cause, thanks for showing that there's no reason to unblock them yet.

>> No.56521627

shit company, shit browser.

>> No.56521636

youtubekeks melting down at the idea that people watching an embedded stream are real

>> No.56521653

how dare this corporation do what they can to support their vtuber
this goes against everything we stand for here on the hololive - nijisanji board

>> No.56521685

How much is Opera paying you.

>> No.56521704

Kinda feel bad for the girl who became their vtuber, she probably didn't think of all the baggage that is attached to Op*ra.

>> No.56521744

Ngl, that was pretty normal numbers for a streamer backed by a large company especially if they're on twitch

>> No.56521774

>we did not do it
>even if we did it’s not against Twitch TOS
>everybody does it anyway!

>> No.56521816
File: 46 KB, 579x596, 1680349518887354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mucho texto but eveything stated is fair play
Seethe more niji/indie 1view/ # monkey/phasefaggot?

>> No.56521852

>we didn’t do it
>it’s not against Twitch TOS
>everybody does it!

>> No.56521857

she gets schizo shitting on her on biweekly basis from her other account since way before Opera got the idea of making a vtuber, she is used to it

>> No.56521898

you don't understand, you are supposed to buy an ad on 4chan

>> No.56521978

Holy shit you're right, it's actually just three lines of narcissist prayer written differently.

That didn't happen.
And if it did happen, it wasn't that bad.
And if it was bad, that's not a big deal.

>> No.56521991

The Opera interns posting on this board since this abomination debuted got to be the funniest thing to happen to /vt/ so far this year

>> No.56522020
File: 248 KB, 720x1643, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but our goal wasn't to hit or inflate any numbers
>we just wanted to show her debut stream to as many people as we could

>> No.56522031
File: 46 KB, 811x794, 16916552214280975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>misusing your product as a botnet to funnel views into your chuuba's debut
>only 70k
How unpopular really is Opera?

>> No.56522050
File: 476 KB, 590x591, 1674245604944590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sony makes multiple vtubers
>buys no ads, makes no promotion, randomly drop out of nowhere the debuts
>less than 3k watching their debuts, stable 30-100 ccv per stream
>Opera makes a vtuber
>buys ads, makes promotion, spend 3 months preparing for the debut by letting the girl tweeting shit and publish shorts, follows twitch guidelines regarding embed streams views

>> No.56522116

wow by presenting the embed stream alongside legitimate advertising methods you almost look like you're in the right. pretty solid post.

>> No.56522133

fuck off ducky you faggot vtuber "journalists" are worse than numberfags

>> No.56522145

>lies about vpn
>lies about not giving data to chinese part of the company
dont worry, i sunderstand microsoft and google sell your data too, but they dont activley advertise the opposite and use it as an USP

>> No.56522151

I honestly don't care

>> No.56522158

The Sony vtubers are not personifications of the brand itself you humonguous fucking retard
Sony tried to hop on the vtuber market for easy bucks and failed
Aura is just a walking pop up ad

>> No.56522161

No really explain whats wrong with them promoting the debut of something they spent time and money on?

>> No.56522178

What a fucking snowflake

>> No.56522184

They already lost the Browser Wars TWICE and that should tell you everything

>> No.56522203

> replying to antis

>> No.56522222

Maybe I'm the only one who cares but this company also used Marine's latest MV to shill their faggy Chinese spyware browser on their tiktok account

>> No.56522243

Failed? More like not even tried
Won’t be surprising when they close the branch in 3 months

>> No.56522270

>reading comprehension : 0
I know this place is filled with ESLs, but at least try to hide it.

>> No.56522301

Because those are essentially fake views.

>> No.56522346

are you deliberately misreading my post? promotion is fine and necessary, inflating viewers is not.
embed views DO count as views even if the stream is muted and the person is in another tab. and to say logged out users don't count as views is simply false because twitch themselves count viewers and people in chat as two separate numbers - one of them includes logged out viewers and the other does not.

>> No.56522363

Who cares, they served their purpose to expose Aura
All she has to do now is streaming and she is going to do it just fine

>> No.56522378

stop arguing, he is literally paid to shill

>> No.56522403

So, you counted as a viewer if you had a twitch account you didn't log out of?

>> No.56522430

>noooo just accept the degredation of society like the little lotus eater you are!

>> No.56522435
File: 35 KB, 1018x611, 1672890924465465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't use opera, never will and i see nothing wrong with anything they did

>> No.56522437

>LE fake

>> No.56522452

This is what happens when you abandon presto.

>> No.56522467

he doesn't matter but anyone who comes into this thread needs to come out of it knowing that he's lying

>> No.56522472

So...people who are offended by this are numberniggers? I simply don't feel anything and couldn't care less, they can do whatever the fuck they want, isn't that the normal response?

>> No.56522475

Not downloading your spyware Operashills. I see you

>> No.56522492

Who the fuck cares

>> No.56522518

if you don't see anything wrong with a brand astroturfing their own vtuber debut to improve their product's reputation you're beyond saving

>> No.56522519

is this the fabled chink browser?

>> No.56522550
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>> No.56522575

But when Hololive does it it's all fine right?

>> No.56522611

>own something
>don't advertise it
>it dies
What are you, Google?
This is why 90% of their products are failures and a whole website got made to mock them.
Google - the advertising company terrible at advertising its own products.

>> No.56522622

>perversion of the industry through deceitful viewership numbers and then trying to gaslight the entire fanbase is completely normal and should be accepted

No. Gatekeeping is good. Having some fucking corpo shill represent one of the biggest debts in vtubing is bad for the industry and therefore bad for all other vtubers.

>> No.56522631

>Arguing over numbers
The last time i saw a big meltdown over numbers was when youtube decapitated the numbers of a certain kpop group's music video.
I knew that the numberfaggots /here/ are retarded, but we are reaching kpop fans level of retardation.

>> No.56522637

yes, pretty much admited that they are botting her views if you're logged in

>> No.56522643

It's all nijifags seething because her debut mogged all of Krisis. Sad to see, really.

>> No.56522657

She was also farming for months as a pseudo v-tweeter before debut.
I dont mind another successful chuba, hope she can capitalize on this and dont fuck it up by doing retarded shit.

>> No.56522672

>who cares
Aura and Opera. See >>56521436

>> No.56522679
File: 56 KB, 451x394, 1687967636578563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fextralife bros we finally won... Look how many people defending us

>> No.56522683

>buys no ads
sony actually has thrown a lot of money at there vtubers, they just do it in the most ineffective way.

>> No.56522692

No, it's all Phasefaggots because Pippa was blocked by their intenrs and Lumi had a fight with the person behind Aura model and some of her fans have been harassing the girl ever since she joined Phase

>> No.56522702

Wow, I was just joking at first, but looking at this thread I'm convinced that these people are actually paid shill.
P. S. Is it actually 50cent/post or is it just a random number some anon come up with?

>> No.56522705

lol, lmao even...
that silly league player tyler1 had 350k before

>> No.56522741

Everyone who cares itt is mentally ill. Everyone pretending to care itt is also mentally ill.

>> No.56522757

not really offended the article is about her hitting 75k and people are correcting them by pointing out it was embedded so most likely only a couple thousands actually watched the stream.

>> No.56522761

Twitch starts breaking at 3.5 million viewers according to Ibai

>> No.56522775

Will Aura collab again with Kiara?

>> No.56522783

Nooo u can't stream on twitch, only YT biased algorithms (being holo is needed) for eternal 20 viewers

>> No.56522808

Just a reminder that Opera is owned by Chinese farmers.

>> No.56522846

What's a good alternative?

>> No.56522848

I just think that larping is fun.

>> No.56522858

It's Utano and it is run by a company that has historically been a monumental failure, hence why it is under new management.
Last time I used Opera was as a 3rd browser used purely for logging in to Myspace with proxies to troll on the Myspace forums.
They've always been a 3rd rate shitheap joke of a browser that lied and and bullshitted their way to thinking they matter.
>buy our browser for a Better Experience
>g-guys look at our browser scores, sugoi
>g-guys we're reinventing the web with Opera Unite, no more will big corporate sites own social media!

It still doesn't make what they did wrong, and you numberfaggots can screech about it all you want about how her "views don't count".
lmao, seeing your tears over this is honestly the funniest thing to have come out of Opera anything ever since I used it for said Myspace trolling above.

>> No.56522860

youtube embeds dont count towards ccv retard, and no cover dosent have its own search engine where it can embed debut streams to inflate viewership.

>> No.56522891

they promote their new debuts though

>> No.56522924

It was bought by a "chinese company" which means it's CCP spyware.

>> No.56522928

Sisters, numbernigs, phasefucks

>> No.56522938

Dear Opera
I recommend you to fire the guy behind the twitter account, because this manifesto only adds to negative PR. You would be better not speaking at all.

>> No.56523007

Who else but the owner should be responsible to promote their services?

>> No.56523041

by posting about them on twitter, or in very rare cases by ads, i dont have a problem with Aura but being forced to watch a debut while people willingly tuning into watch holo debuts are two very different things.

>> No.56523100

>Buy an ad
>Corpo buys an ad
Board is mad
State of /vt/

>> No.56523101

pippa sicced her dogs on her and there are few things more rabid in this fandom than a phase cultist

>> No.56523136

It phasekek malding because pippa goon squad lost to her.

>> No.56523201

look up the definition of an ad illiterate kun.

>> No.56523203

lumigumi too because Aura and Lumi are not on friendly terms with each other

>> No.56523221

Ungoogled chromium, firefox (and its forks: librewolf/pale moon/waterfox etc.).
Fuck, even MS Edge is more trustworthy than Opera.

>> No.56523336

is a metaphor for shilling in this case fag

>> No.56523352

Netscape Navigator

>> No.56523397

couldn't uninstall it from my pc, I had to do a format

>> No.56523549

Watch how you will defend this when that shit Holo game comes out that aims to be a Holo VRChat-like / Minecraft-like game that will have conventions / concerts / other special events in-game.
Some people will call you a shitposter, but I legit had Chrome rape its own install several times over the years, and I've had my fair share of having to fix others installs.
Chromium is honestly probably the buggiest browser I've ever had the misfortune of having to fix.
I mean sure we're talking dozens of times I've ever had to do this across me (once) and others, but that's still 100% more than any other browser.

>> No.56523576

>letting her tweet n shit
Stop being a retard. Look at her Twitter. There is no where near the level of hype the would preclude a 70K viewer stream. There was no hype at all; jer entire viewership spawned from Opera's underhanded embed. Also proving again how unreliable Twitch's metrics are.

>> No.56523594

they should've just said "yes we embedded our darling girl's debut stream because we can" and ignored everything else

>> No.56523683


>> No.56523805

you are just rambling about shit now we get it hololive bad yeah say something relevant to the topic, take your fucking meds.

>> No.56523834

For me, it was more like a 'people like this exist?' kind of feeling.
Sure I know these people might just be, you know, larping, but in the off chance that these tourists are actually paid to post on Romanian shoe making from is... Interesting for me.

>> No.56523910

You never denied it.
Both of them are the same and NOTHING is wrong with either of them doing it.
It'd be like screeching at Epic making a vtuber and shilling them on Fortnite. It's absolutely fine for them to do so.

>> No.56523931

I stopped here. Putting this in your argument is pure "I'M NOT MAD" cope. It doesn't fool anyone and only makes the author seem condescending.
I don't know what the rest of that post said, but given that their opener was incredibly gay, it was probably just about how many cocks they can fit in their mouth at once or something.

>> No.56523942

It's paid shills vs /#/schizos

>> No.56523967

> there's no reason to unblock them yet.
Kek you will see them once Elon removes the blocking option

>> No.56523998

"sassy" memetic marketing has been a fucking disaster for the online sphere and I fucking hate whichever stupid faggot at Wendys started this shit

>> No.56524054

numbers vs people

>> No.56524067

Opera has vtubers?

>> No.56524072

>"this is so wrong lmao haha see I'm LAUGHING I'm not actually mad because I wrote LMAO hahaha see I'M LAUGHING I FIND IT FUNNY"
>proceeds to write 7 whole paragraphs of seethe

>> No.56524165

Solid guy with a solid post.

>> No.56524236
File: 6 KB, 754x95, 1607164782262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board has tons of numberfags, they justify watching someone only based on numbers (there's people like that everywhere, but it's mostly holofans from what I've seen. See chumbuds for example). They pick someone popular to "back" because they need numbers to feel validated. As soon as someone else comes along with bigger number they start losing their mind and attack that someone to bring them down so that their "picked fav" would still be on top justifying their choice. Truly Marvel $oyboys of vtubing.

>> No.56524245

/#/ dont give a shit about twitch numbers

>> No.56524302

You should be offended, but you probably come from a country without laws preventing deceit in advertising.

>> No.56524363

They don't, but some retards keep trying to use twitch numbers in their thread so they do care about proving that twitch numbers are unreliable

>> No.56524514

Someone posted the LinkedIn of the faggot who runs the Twitter...they are an actual broccoli-haired 19 year-old. It's fucking depressing.

>> No.56524593

I take it you are the opposite, right? You can't enjoy something unless as few as people possible like it or you won't get that smug feeling of exclusivity you seek. Go drink a craft beer, faggot.

>> No.56524723

Imagine sacrificing the integrity of the brand and thus degrading the general public image of said brand all so you can get some likes from seal-clapping corpo-cocksuckers on Twitter

>> No.56524751

? I just enjoy whoever is entertaining regardless of popularity. I'm not insecure enough to need validation by numbers.

>> No.56524834
File: 429 KB, 395x557, 49034112320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its seriously fair play dough. its an entire fucking web browser: so has insane traffic for one, and real people see the landing page of such a browser; if they aren't "playing fair" then no vtuber that is platformed by youtube or twitch is playing fair, since its not their own fucking website or some delirious bullshit like that

>> No.56525004
File: 977 KB, 386x270, dsp phil excited shower nod nude.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


eat a dick Philipp.

Ive been using opera fpr 5 years and you are ruining the reputation of good browser. This vtuber shit will only get you into a ocean of piss you dont want to be in.

fuck off 5 ever gay cunt.

>> No.56525196
File: 376 KB, 480x498, 1691239098304512.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reputation of good browser.
nice joke nigga

>> No.56525271

>everyone who doesn't have my brainrot must have the opposite brainrot
Fucking hell

>> No.56525444

I couldn't give a shit.
The numberfags seething is kinda funny though.

>> No.56525915

More actual diversity of browsers would be a good thing for web freedom / open standards, so Opera used to get some points for that, but now it's just reskinned Chromium, the same as basically every browser that's not Firefox-based.

>> No.56525956

Really funny to see numberfags having a meltdown because their favorite toy isn't the one to pull huge numbers

>> No.56526380
File: 36 KB, 487x487, 8ce46e8ebc51c4707635009ffe8bdb7a919ac56c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo, how do I get a job shilling your ccp spyware on 4chan. I want to gt paid to shit post and shill viruses to people just like you guys.

>> No.56526405

>brand account saying lmao in a tweet like a teenage girl
Social media managers were a fucking mistake.

>> No.56526456

Sorry, we are full

>> No.56526571


>> No.56526662

>. I want to gt paid to shit post
not related to any of this but ask niji cords about that they pay with giftcards

>> No.56526664

That's not the issue, brainlet. The primary issue is the fact that this is a demonstration of how blatantly bad twitch's viewer count is. This type of conduct hurts everybody because we all know that 70K people were not watching that stream. It was probably 1/20th of that of people actually viewing the stream for the stream and not just people who coincidentally had the browser tab open.
The problem begins to grow when sponsors, advertisers, hell even other vtubers begin to grow suspicious of view counts of vtubers knowing how easily it has been abused in the past. It reduces the pool of sponsors, it reduces the amount of money they want to spend, it makes vtubers be more cautious about who they contact within the community for fear they're botting their own views and overall just hurts the entire industry. So that's why it's important to kneecap this type of shit immediately.

The chink spyware can do whatever they want and we can criticse their bullshit.

>> No.56526707

What does making out have to do with a browser? At least make it two Opera themed V-Tubers making out instead

>> No.56526765

She is even a KFP, too

>> No.56526778

Why does it matter anyways?

>> No.56526819

>This type of conduct hurts everybody
Mostly your numberfag feelings lmao

>> No.56526931

The fucking point here is that auras viewership was inflated to unreasonable degree by the use of unethical methods, yeah it's not a big deal it's just opera using their website to promote their product it can even be considered something similar to a pop up ad.
What people are saying here is that these numbers should not be taken at a face value which is fair, what hololive does with there debuts and holoearth has no connection here.

>> No.56526943

The cover is doing good
Are these botted views too? 3k people were at the premiere

>> No.56526976


>> No.56526981

Anon, NTA and I don't know if it's new to you, but everyone has known that Twitch and YT counts viewers differently for ages. Twitch goes for bigger numbers, while YT wants to sell the fact that their viewers are "real". This has been a thing for years.
No one sane, sponsors included, would seriously try to compare viewerships between two platforms because of that. I don't see any reason why this debut should be that big of a deal when no one but /#/fags or shitposters complained about how Twitch counts viewers before.

>> No.56527038

When did I say anything about comparing platforms?

>> No.56527051

I simply didn't want my advertisement ended up on a 144p mini-player with no sound in a tab that didn't even being watched at. Is it really too much to ask?

"your ads are being served on a 70k+ stream!"
well actually it's just 5k impression since 65k of them didn't know the stream even existed in the first place.

>> No.56527095

>we didn't do it!
>and even if we did why does it matter anyways?
I wouldn't expect your kibs to get it
and even if you did you would pretend it's not important

>> No.56527103

nijis make 500k in 2days with 3k viewers

>> No.56527124

>ching chong ping pong
In God's language please you brittle numbertroony

>> No.56527128

>big vtuber corpo makes ____

>> No.56527156

>500 yuan into your bank account. thank you comrade

>> No.56527199

the advertiser doesn't care as long no ToS got violated and marketing can just say "the ads were served on a 70k+ stream"
As long is all by the rules no one cares

>> No.56527214

This doesn't prove what you think it proves

>> No.56527264

Atleast 3k people bothered clicking on the link in the chat to go watch the premiere

>> No.56527287
File: 71 KB, 768x768, pepe circuit board.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an open secret within big tech that every platform has massive botting and ad fraud problems. In some cases it's trivial to see even as an outside party, e.g. pay for the twitter firehose API, do hash matching, and you'll immediately find a ton of identical shill tweets. But here's how that process goes:

>New hire engineer discovers widespread botting
>"Hey guys, if we just do XYZ we can cut this fraud in half!"
>Department gets excited, makes proposal to do XYZ to their managers
>Proposal reaches the level of executives, who get paid based on daily active users
>Immediately dies

>> No.56527325
File: 72 KB, 350x350, 1672257831843727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those last two paragraphs are truly poetic kek
>numbers aren't important
>what matters to us is just a huge amount of visibility
which one is it retard?
and also
>send your hate towards this random scapegoat so we can safe face

>> No.56527356

>Buy an ad
>Buys an ad
>Why did you buy an ad?! :<

>> No.56527366

that's less than 5%, anon
either she is a shit vtuber or youtube is a lot better at detecting bots (which we know is true)

>> No.56527396

Aura first stream post debut in an hour, place your bets on how many of yesterday 70k will be watching

>> No.56527445

Based elon

>> No.56527496

3K "real" viewers for an non holo/niji debut is good you fucking retard.
You gotta get that fucking Holonumberot out of your fucking skull
In the small corpo vtuber scene only Idol can right now have a similar result

>> No.56527498

>which we know is true

>> No.56527582

I can't bet because I don't hold Yuan.

>> No.56527615

500 ccv, not more

>> No.56527650

Nah, even holoEN and holoID got way more viewers on debuts
Who? Buy an ad

>> No.56527671

Are you fucking brain damaged or what?

>> No.56527848

3k is preety good it's small corpo level for debut.

>> No.56527870

This argument is so stupid, I think you're just baiting...
But in case you're actually mentally incapable let me put this: Value of $/impression will plummet if advertisers aware that 95% of what they're paying for is served to the void. Which in turn will hurt everyone in the platform.
This is the same problem with fextralife embedding their stream on their website.

>> No.56527950

it was just embedded on the games page of the browser
I use opera gx and didn't see her debut

>> No.56528044
File: 130 KB, 463x453, 1691938660563291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turns out there were actually 60k real people watching
how would /#/ respond?

>> No.56528058

Wait, they embedded on their browser and only got 70k? KEK.

>> No.56528078

Read the text again. If you're logged into twitch, the embed counts as a viewer even if you're not watching actively.

>> No.56528151

you need to be logged and have the browser setted to have the useless gamer corner tab, most people turn it off

>> No.56528177

/#/ doesn't care about Twitch numbers. There is a numberfag does Twitch-only monthly ranking, but they talk about YT numbers most of the time

>> No.56528261

operaGX is a separate browser from just "Opera" to begin with
and Opera is not even close to be in competition with chrome, edge & firefox

>> No.56528532

VShojofags are melting down in this thread because the new Opera VTuber just dethroned Ironmouse from #1 EN VTuber on Twitch, aren't they?
Meanwhile Kiara already set up a collab with her. Goes to show that your life will become much better if you just stop caring about numbers

>> No.56528553

oh noooooo the horror!!!

>> No.56528574

>promotion is fine and necessary, inflating viewers is not.
Why not? Who is negatively affected? Is this a stupid moral code of "Shall not bot views"?

I am really reaaaaaaaaaaally failing to see how this shit is "BAD", because it didn't follow some integrity meter, feels more like you faggots are seething because this is not something other chuubas can have or pure /#/rot

>> No.56528646
File: 68 KB, 600x689, 1671140028473083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Kiara

>> No.56528713

no fucking shit, the girl behind Aura has been in Kiara DMs for over a year

>> No.56528753

>not even 5 seconds in and she's already leeching
I don't know whether to laugh or cry

>> No.56528823

/#/ doesn't give a fuck about twitch numbers.

>> No.56528834

I doubt Kiara is going to benefit at all from Aura.

>> No.56528846
File: 544 KB, 1422x805, 1692482644743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>numbers aren't important
said the nigga who buys followers

>> No.56529155

Ad refers to the ads on this specific board, since we're legitimately one of the biggest vtuber sites on the planet and it serves the dual purpose of helping the site stay up. Embedding links are definitely not ads, it's the same scummy shit FExtralife does.

Yeah, that would have been based. It would have been honest and there's no real comeback to that, this response on the other hand just looks like they're malding.

>> No.56529218

you are missing the point and I'm starting to think it's intentional
she went from 70k to 3k, that is not normal

>> No.56529239

do normal people really care about this?

>> No.56529310

Probably not, but the whole reason the world is such shit is because normal people don't care about things. Not a good point.

>> No.56529382

I don't think you even know wtf you're numberfagging about

>> No.56529464

What are you doing to make the world a better place?

>> No.56530092

70k for a brand backed vtuber debut is kinda low kek

Won't watch the girl anyway, both the brand and the girl accounts already are blocked...

>> No.56530152

>no my tribe is allowed to do it
>because they just are okay?!
Whatever you say, fanboy.
I don't care how they promote shit because I'm not 12.
Their use of their own product is 100% valid and you can cry about it all you want.

On that note - I'd sub to Ronald McDonald.

>> No.56530398

i kept using opera for years through all the shit but i jumped to vivaldi 2 months ago because of how fucking annoying opera is on twitter, fucking hell

>> No.56531593

>chink browser doing shady chink shit
no surprise there.

>> No.56531702

Pippa love

>> No.56531741

What the fuck, pandora has collabed with a holo? How did I not know this??

>> No.56531909

#1 is already bullshit cope because if you're using Opera and have a twitch account then your account is already logged into that browser. Same with 4. What a joke.

>> No.56531957

From Pippa and /vt/ Kiki to Kiara, that's a pretty eclectic range of collabs.

>> No.56532093
File: 226 KB, 463x453, 1600636543622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/vt/ Kiki
What really??
Was this early kiki or was it later massively calmed down kiki. How did she even learn about kiki wtf

>> No.56532572

Kiki was in Lumi's orbit (her alleged nudes are part of the CL drama) and tagged along for some collabs.
I don't really remember how Kiki behaved at that time and it looks like public VODs got nuked.

>> No.56532877
File: 1 KB, 194x52, 1683397437440790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, this is quite ok

>> No.56533296

Even without the "botting" she has more viewers than Pippa or Lumi ever had
Phasehsarts LOST

>> No.56533440
File: 39 KB, 1170x175, 1677164705927672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They don't embed
>second stream numbers

>> No.56533493

>we didn't do it
>and if we did do it, we didn't break any rules
>and if we did break any rules, other people do it so it's ok
>and if other people don't do it, we're just doing our best, ok? :)

>> No.56533597

Thanks but I’m sticking with Safari.

>> No.56533704


>> No.56533751

first you need to cure yourself of your eslness

>> No.56533778

>>Kek you will see them once Elon removes the blocking option
>Removing the blocking function because literally every mobile user is blocking the accounts they see a promoted tweet
Just how much money is Xelon bleeding with Xitter? This guy is really useless without government handouts
I'll have to stop using twitter on my phone to check my oshi's tweets because the ads are overkill

>> No.56533804

Damn, browsers used to hide the fact that they were botnets.

>> No.56533819

pretty good numbers for a new chuuba not affiliated with any chuuba agency

>> No.56533852


>> No.56533995

70k is the people who were actually watching. 1.4 million was the number that was inflated, but you could only see that using third party addons that showed the number of browsers that had the stream open, not the number of people actively in chat.

>> No.56534198

Are they still blocking random people like with Pippa?

>> No.56534560

Aww, they should just ignore the naysayers and embed all her streams just to see the meltdown.

>> No.56535299

>degredation of society
the Christian church already started that during the dark ages. Two fags kissing is nothing compared to the damage cathcucks did to society. Also they overwhelmingly rape children, just like Muslim slime.

>> No.56535768

2k is enough for meltdown

>> No.56535967

Don't care about Opera
Don't care about Aurora
Won't use Opera GX
Won't use Twitch
That being said, based
Anyone seething about this is a literal retard

>> No.56536004

Now this looks like a browser I can trust.

>> No.56536231

that's alot of words for someone who doesn't care

>> No.56537247

Hi /r/atheism

>> No.56537347

Holofags in shambles. There’s a new top dog in town.

>> No.56537996

why are holotrannies so anti china when their company was started and is run by chinese investors to this day?

>> No.56538355

>obnoxious zoomer pandering marketers dance in gray areas

>> No.56539470

Will Aurora have kissy gay sex with Kiara?

>> No.56540065

Thats quite batlant

>> No.56540074

if your society is so weak and fragile that it can be destroyed by two men kissing, them it deserves to be destroyed

>> No.56540818

Don't download this shit browser full of Chinese spyware.

>> No.56540954

Probably already has when Kiara went to Britbongistan.

>> No.56541117

Through Lumi, who was connected to Kiki through one of her own mods at the time.

>> No.56541182

She had pippas whole brigade of retards shitting on her because the company blocked Pippa on twitter.

>> No.56541240


>> No.56541316

Were you not here 2 weeks ago?

>> No.56541396

Where exactly did her brigade of retards harass and shit on her?

>> No.56541411

Phasefags on suicide watch

>> No.56541477

when Pippa made a shitty react blickbait stream about how the official OperaGX accounts blocked her

>> No.56541545

How hard is she going to leech off Kiara? She mentioned her like 5 times already in this stream

>> No.56541634

So you must be able to point me to the numerous death threats and harassment that Aura received as a result of that stream right? It must have been brutal, I’m anxious to see how terrible those pipiggers really are.

>> No.56541643

Surely you have evidence of the harassment? Yes?

>> No.56541667

They know each other PERSONALLY for quite some time already

>> No.56541725

They’re friends. It’s not leeching if they’re friends.

>> No.56541808

Twitch numbers are equal to 1/4 of a YouTube view

>> No.56541838

Kiara was at Aura place when she just went in Britshitland

>> No.56541960

No one said death threats retard.
All the tweets are probably deleted now but it was on there.
Now please you piptard take your shitty AR build and swallow a 5.56 round.

>> No.56541981
File: 14 KB, 227x222, 1662646272214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After reading this thread, I realized that zoomers will consume poison if is marketed enough on social media through memes.

Kinda sad, that companies and brands are becoming religions to some people.

>INB4 holobronies are company drones
Yeah I agree 100%, those people are subhumans that don't deserve any human rights

>> No.56542101


>> No.56542104
File: 24 KB, 500x320, shutterstock_678231535-e1532638055161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zoomers will consume poison if is marketed enough on social media through memes.
Nigga this already happened

>> No.56542115

>i-it was there i done seen it with my own two eyes, y-you’ve got to believe me!

>> No.56542301

That was meme'd as a joke by randoms for fun, I mean a real social media campaigns aimed directly at zoomers.

>> No.56542387

IIRC this was a long time ago, when Kiki had her old model and still talked with Pippa/Lumi, So the VODs are long gone at this point.

>> No.56542800

embed abuse is the reason twitch numbers and ads are worthless. that said, I have no problems with operaGX boosting the fuck out of their chuuba. Wouldn't you, in their place?

>> No.56543169

/#/ BTFO
A fucking browser > pekora

>> No.56543234

Yeah, it'll make grudgeposting better once everyone leaves. From 70k to 3-view in two weeks.

>> No.56543360

they're gonna keep embeding her, it costs them nothing to do it. she's gonna need an asterisk in the # threads

>> No.56543604

Depends. Im sure there are non ironic users of Opera that don’t appreciate some anime bimbo forced in their face.

>> No.56543644

what browser are you using

>> No.56543696

This but let's also get an asterisk for HoloJP account for the holobots.

>> No.56543783

They didn't for her second stream......
Imagine being so boring you lose 95% of the people that 'watched' your debut....

To be fair, who the fuck thinks euro truck simulator is interesting content for a second stream

>> No.56544284

I just hate the operagx Twitter account it's like an only fans girl replying under every popular tweet. it's exactly the type of annoying brand account that that "silence, brand" meme was made for hope the person running that account gets isekai'd into hell

>> No.56544475

super effective though because people are simping for these brand accounts for some reason. imagine being so easily pandered to that zoomer speak is all it takes to forget that they're representing billion dollar companies. i fucking hate social media

>> No.56544497

This nigga doesn't kiss his homies goodnight. Imagine.

>> No.56545974

if you haven't yet actually checked the Opera GX twitter (the main account, not the tuber), regardless of if you have a stance on this debut, please do yourself a favor and check out just how petulant and acerbic that account is, because it's comedy gold. these are people who did not grow up with enough chemicals under the sink.

>> No.56546111


>> No.56546822

>/vt/ acting like a woman
wow, the irony

>> No.56546875

>Filtered by the homies kissing

>> No.56548328

What the fuck does that mean? They didn't have house cleaning products?

>> No.56548498

You're a huge disingenuous faggot

>> No.56548614


>> No.56548802

same cringe twitter account that pretended to like cunny and then acted like they had no idea what cunny was like a month later?

>> No.56549175

Pedos should kys

>> No.56549667

Pandora is a SJW whore

>> No.56549794

I'd say the same to you but we both know the rope couldn't hold your obese ass lmao. Maybe try pills.

>> No.56551923

I have nothing against the person playing the character but I fucking hate the account and I fucking hate this viral marketing bullshit and it's so fucking obvious they are botting, replying to this just confirms it even more.

>> No.56552647


>> No.56554196

I mean it worked for them. Without this stunt she would had just faded into the lower 3view floor with the rest of the other mascot vtubers.

>> No.56554258
File: 31 KB, 498x457, 1651855100930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Entered the thread to see /#/tranny seething and I'm not disappointed.

>> No.56556267

Instead of talking shit here, you guys should try to get a community note on that tweet that explains exactly how they got those numbers, everyone will be able to see it and maybe even make the community manager of the account seethe at people knowing they are a lying paid shill for just not admiting the numers are inflated and thanking the people who were actually watching the stream.

>> No.56558605

Anon, the catholic church was protecting actual pedophiles, what is there to defend them for?

>> No.56558783

>Hey bro let's make a browser for gamers
What features is it gonna have?
>I don't know, make a sound when you open and close a tab or some shit, gamers love that

>> No.56558825

Does it matter? It's their vtuber, after all

>> No.56559299

They faking the numbers is not what is wrong, is they pretending they didn't fake the numbers and that it was a natural win.
They already admited to fake the numbers, there's no discussion left here, in any case this whole situation is just a great promo campaign for the girl, outrage marketing works the 100% of times.

>> No.56559979

I'm just waiting to grudgepost when the inevitable happens and she becomes a 2-view.

>> No.56565994

gays not welcome

>> No.56567273

The only reason that picture got popular is because it's shockingly weird and uncanny looking. Still is, despite decades of attempted normalization and gaslighting.

Twitteroids for the bit by thinking that account was supporting their faggotry instead of openly mocking them.

>> No.56567433

>>56567273 (Me)
*Fell for the bit

>> No.56567638

Another snowflake projecting KEK

>> No.56567732

Oh, there are defending the leftist tranny story hour?? Didn't know about that!

>> No.56568197

They were making fun of companies changing their logos to the rainbow flag during pride month pretending like it means anything
It's called satire anon

>> No.56568350

Was them pretending to not know what cunny meant satire as well? They sure are funny

>> No.56572205

They might as well release an entire 4+ person gen if they were going to go this hard

>> No.56573667

Nah anon you’re just gay but hating gays because they are gays is gayer

>> No.56577335

Who gives a shit, embed streamers have zero credibility, there's a fucking reason no one in twitch community gives a shit about Fextralife compared to people like fucking forsen

>> No.56577675
File: 71 KB, 1450x295, Natural Growth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice fucking legitimate views retard.

>> No.56577769

It feels surreal that a browser company that's been around for decades is tweeting like a teenager

>> No.56578382

Go back.

>> No.56578531

Keep crying Shitppa you snowflake, clutch those pearls tighter

>> No.56579609

Given her PLs she's going to be lucky to be a 2view.

>> No.56584515

Wait till you learn how prevalent it is in the secular education system and at a higher rate.

>> No.56585867

Number trannies neck yourself please.

>> No.56590282

What's the matter? Upset that your botting got exposed?

>> No.56591152

no, you don't understand. She said to not harass her even after doing a stream about it, so it's all okay now, Phase talents can never be at fault.
