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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 52 KB, 640x480, Nerissa Godish Thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56496395 No.56496395 [Reply] [Original]

Had my little sister listen to Nerissa's singing in her God-ish cover and she said it's obviously autotuned.
Is she right?

(I'm not knowledgeable about music and shit btw, just like shit if it sounds good enough to me.)

>> No.56496634

Educate yourself

>> No.56498795

thanks, gonna watch this in a bit

>> No.56499603

Hate to break it to you but your sister sounds like a jealous roastie, don’t worry though I can fix her.

>> No.56499691

every properly mixed cover is pitch corrected. doesn't matter who, doesn't matter the song. the vocals are always tuned.

>> No.56499935

post her feet and i'll agree with her

>> No.56500161

Every now and then you get a performance that truly doesn't need it, like David Draiman doing the sound of silence

>> No.56500244

How "little" is your "little sister"? TuT

Asking for a friend....

>> No.56500252

Is your sister named Enna?

>> No.56500360

go to sleep enna

>> No.56500382

As the other anon said, that's just part of mixing. If you want to listen to her without correction, check out her karaoke. Just don't get too depressed when you realize the truth. The people who can truly sound "professional" in karaoke are extremely rare. The music industry builds up unrealistic expectations, just like every other industry.

>> No.56500384

>listen to women's opinion
Unironically neck yourself

>> No.56501443

we're talking about chuubas so the standards are lower but in general i think some people forget what actual raw vocals sound like. of course there are more talented singers than others but raw human voices just don't sound perfectly edited like studio versions do and that's okay.

>> No.56501596

Nerissa doesn’t sing as good live.

>> No.56501688

Who cares? Only thing that matters is if it sounds good.

>> No.56502583

Yeah, her singing isn't great. The mixing, or tuning of her vocals, occurs in almost every music video you've seen. Nowadays, technology is good enough that most mixers auto tune without it sounding like what you would imagine auto tune is like. However, that's mostly reliant on the program and how well the mixer edits the vocals into the music. Nerissa is hard carried by her mixer.

This is a good thing by the way, her music sounds great but let's not pretend Nerissa is a God tier singer. She's above average at best.

>> No.56502734

gee I wonder why

>> No.56503138
File: 76 KB, 922x889, Sound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56503546

Every single studio recording that's even remotely trying to be industry-level quality is going to have autotune, doesn't matter if the singer needs it or not, doesn't matter if the singer is excellent live or if they sing it even better live. At this point it's part of the absolute basic music production pipeline, because the studio recording is meant to be the "perfect take".

>> No.56503585
File: 24 KB, 415x494, ennasmug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here comes the chumpedos, shouldn't you watch your oshi's stream? oh wait, she doesn't stream lmao

>> No.56504107

I usally dislike the singing after all the supposed “fixing”. I noticed Gura sounds worse to me after all that alteration. Oddly though, Nerissa sounded worse in a live setting. They were like opposites in that regard.

>> No.56505396

Let's just say, the fact there hasn't been a second karaoke already says a lot about either her confidence level or her skill level. An above average singer can nail a song after multiple takes but that's much harder to do in one live setting.

>> No.56505472

Have you listened to her karaoke? She needs the help.

>> No.56505513

sapling hands scrawled this post into existence.

>> No.56505567

Gotta update your bait sister, the queen is back.

>> No.56505665

wait until advent reclines she will go mia again

>> No.56505695

bah her PL is a great singer,
seethe sister.
no amount of mixing can make shit sound good, case in point recent mori's dogshit songs.

>> No.56505826

>kronii: range limited
>bae: range decent
>nerissa: range big

What did you smoke to come to this conclusion?
Rissa herself said her range is not that great and she can't go low.

>> No.56505896

she purposefully tried to lower people expectations on her karaokes and actually did it

>> No.56505918

I know you'll have a hard time believing considering your own defensive seethe, but I was the first person (besides /jidf/) that brought up her PL as a possibility of being in hololive in /#/ due to her PL's numbers.

I heard all the songs, all the EN covers and they're all mixed to shit. Her next karaoke will either definitively debunk the "Demon of Song" branding that she has or they'll prove me wrong that the nerves impacted her singing that much.

>> No.56505930

Isn't autotune... automatic?

I'd assume they'd do manual pitch correction in software during mixing since they have the time to do so. I mean they applied all sorts of effects to the vocals anyways so might as well.

>> No.56506056


>> No.56506121

i mean grabage like mori (supposed singer) kronii (supposed mixer) got in
who knows~

>> No.56506190

Mori and Nerissa are both good singers. Kronii isn't, she's below average. None are god tier.

>> No.56506204

yes, yes you are

>> No.56506297

Published music is rarely autotuned unless a girl is particularly lazy, it's been manually tuned by a producer - this isn't a secret it's even in the description:
> Mix: Hess

>> No.56506348

Okay sister.

>> No.56506452

Most music is autotuned granpa-sama
>but but that's fake!

Everything is. Including your life.

>> No.56506624

Yeah and that's Live. Its not comparable.

>> No.56506750

There'll be a second karaoke, she's just busy. She just debuted, she got to do her gaming reps first.

>> No.56506774

Manually tuning everything is tedious and time consuming. Most mixers use the autotune feature in their mixing software, and then they go over the autotuning to smooth it out manually. If the pitch isn't great or the mixer isn't experience, then no amount of manual tinkering will help, which results in what that classic autotune sounds like.

>> No.56506792

isn't she doing a second one tomorrow?
advent farming karaoke this soon this often is weird.

>> No.56506923

Pulled the "no u" card, you got em real good there sister.

>> No.56506966

Bro she's gonna do a karaoke tomorrow?

>> No.56506993

another seething chumpedo

>> No.56506997

That's a better summary. Generally I don't care so long as the music sounds good (I don't particularly rate any of Advent as singers).

>> No.56507029

So what evidence did she give something was auto-tuned?
Were there any parts she specifically said that was autotuned, or was it just "I can just tell" vague bullshit?

>> No.56507039
File: 1.18 MB, 4096x2663, F3a_prcW0AAymxQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right.

I'm ready to be disappointed again! I sincerely hope she exceeds my expectations.

>> No.56507129

That's probably most Holo covers, sorry.
People just don't understand how much you can tune someone voice without being noticeable at first listen.

>> No.56507214

Lui's tuning is godlike.

>> No.56507222

I'm too lazy to sperg out properly and I haven't even listened to that cover but every song ever is "autotuned" (not actually, pitch correction is usually done manually for the most part) so yes, absolutely, and you can assume doubly yes for vocaloid covers specifically. It's absolutely necessary a lot of the time though, a singer's pitch could be 99% perfect but 1) in general there's no reason not to get the extra one percent if you can and 2) for a vocaloid song produced mainly digitally with perfectly tuned artificial instruments, your vocals HAVE to also be perfectly tuned or they will stand out awkwardly as opposed to music recorded with real instruments which are also virtually impossible to have completely in tune
a fuckton more goes into mixing than just tuning

>> No.56507320

Ah.. Now I understand why I find most of the live karaokes disappointing.

>> No.56507409

yes pitch correction. singing the lines over and over and to find the best pitch and implement it to the part.

>> No.56507504

Extremely ironic you're baiting them with that nickname and posting that thing as an image

>> No.56507726

kek, she's a somewhat good songwriter to some extent but she can't sing for shit.

>> No.56507837

She's been through a whole rant about this autotune misunderstanding

>> No.56507909

>she's a somewhat good songwriter to some extent but she can't sing for shit.
>yo check it out

>> No.56507927

I don't doubt Nerissa can do it considering her experience, but God-ish sounds artificial as hell and sounds like its layered with effects anyways so it's hard to tell.

>> No.56507936

>this soon
if anything i think nerissa did a second one a tad too late, especially since she's the supposed singer of advent

>> No.56508125

didn't ask because I wouldn't even know if she was bullshitting or actually knows what she's talking about.

>> No.56508331 [DELETED] 

least delusional sapling

>> No.56508364

most hololive songs are, sorry you had to find out this way

>> No.56508628

It's a vocaloid song, and the amount of shift and hold is obviously intentional in a number of places.

>> No.56509093

i mean in karaokes, not covers. she could have capitalized her debut buff by doing it earlier instead of getting herself overlapped or play debuff games, especially since she was marketed to be the singer
obviously she is grinding in terms of covers (already had a third one coming soon) but she also need to establish herself to the live viewers as well

>> No.56509424

her PL songs were actually mixed pretty badly, yes. her singing is great, though.

>> No.56509526

you do wanna put in a lot of production value (and of course consume time) if you wanna come up with a good product. for some, that would include hand-crafting every second of the audio track. it's not that difficult, you just need to get over yourself, have some coffee, and give yourself a few days. a song is like 3 mins long.

>> No.56509673

People who use vague criticism is full of shit.

>> No.56509866

yea it's layered with effects. she isn't a bad singer though.

>> No.56510339

When the chuuba out-pedos the cumbuds

>> No.56513036

Im getting educated thanks to your link

>> No.56514553

gura will forever an ever be the true singer of hololive, so much so her karaoke songs are significantly better than her any of her originals or lives

>> No.56516192

Kronii technically has decent range, but outside of a narrow band she has no power or stability.
Bae I don't know.
Nerissa can't go very low but she can go very high so her range isn't bad and unlike Kronii she's got power for all of it.

>> No.56517137

She really should stop addressing every minor grievance people have with her otherwise she's gonna start getting on one guy's harder than Mysta.

>> No.56517312

every song media u heard on YouTube, Spotify, itunes, etc are mixed and autotuned in such degree. the only thing i can think of not using auto tuned are stellar stellar suisei on first take channel.

>> No.56517421

autotune didn't make ur voice become goddesses and make u suddenly can sing. if u born with tone deaf, autotune can't help u.

>> No.56517694

Was she sitting on your lap and listening?

>> No.56517820

I don't understand the thread.
If you're showing off the song, why not Ado?
If you're showing off Nerissa, why not the english songs?

>> No.56518089

Yeah, probably why her covers are good yet her live isn't as good. And probably why she doesn't really belt on live, well she did but it sounded really off. A better singer than my oshi

>> No.56518111

>Ina: range - limited
the girl has a range of over 2.5 octaves.

>> No.56518260

It's also quite possible she's just not very experienced at Karaoke, it's a different type of singing.
She's got room to get better at them.

>> No.56518392

range isn't an issue on singing. Being in tune and harmony does it. You can still sing with limited range and sound good. And it's subjectively better than having a huge range with no control or stability.

>> No.56518554

Saplings in the running for worst fanbase on the board.

>> No.56518616

anon said she has a limited range.
she does not have a limited range.

>> No.56518704

A mixer almost never tunes vocals in real professional work dumbass. Timing, tuning, mixing, etc is done by seperate people that specialize in it
Also what this dude wrote >>56506774

>> No.56518748

>worst fanbase
>literally the best fanbase
>calling someone using a react image a member of the fanbase
Whatever fanbase you're part of, is not an intelligent one.

>> No.56518849

All music is autotuned you fucking idiot.
The only time it's not is over a damn campfire irl with a guitar.
You know nothing about the music industry.
It's just not silly t pain iPhone autotune.

>> No.56518893

anon this is bait
captcha: ASSG0

>> No.56518924

Don't reply to my post you faggot

>> No.56519559

Anon, I'm not talking about Ina. I'm talking about singing in general.

>> No.56520661

>Is she right?

>> No.56520770

You should fuck your sister

>> No.56520871

teach your sister some manners, sexually

>> No.56521095

maybe? All I know is that it's better than enna's

>> No.56521149

>can't sing
>somewhat good songwriter

>> No.56521266

Mori is actually fairly decent at singing, yeah.

>> No.56521612

uh, no, she's not
she's a decent rapper maybe

>> No.56521684


>> No.56522457

That was beautiful

>> No.56523999

This just convinced me that girls who can sing, and I mean really sing in karaoke form while maintaining a great pitch, are extremely rare. Girls like Gura, Roca, and Beryl should be treasured and protected.

Well, Gura's kinda the outlier due to her wealth and popularity, but Roca and Beryl also need to be protected.
