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56490795 No.56490795 [Reply] [Original]

She won

>> No.56491230

The true Holo killer

>> No.56491332


>> No.56491414


>> No.56491495


>> No.56491565

>50% cut
how does it feel being more jewish than the jews?

>> No.56491576


>> No.56491669


>> No.56491674

Whoa no need to project there, Holofag. That's higher than the 10% your whores get.

>> No.56491751

Holy based

>> No.56491796


>> No.56491842

Is this the more powerful version of gura killer?

>> No.56491867

I mean her delicious ass will always best me. I want her to sit on my face.

>> No.56491891


>> No.56492013

She gets to fuck managers and still be considered GFE by her fans so she beats Holos collabing with males by still being "seiso"

>> No.56492064

>50% of 1000 vs 10% of 1000000
and that's only if you are nene

>> No.56492237

The absolute seethee in this thread

>> No.56492376

Theres some fag randomly posting
>She won
>She lost
with various chuubas..
Completely out of context so the bait is open to many interpretations.
I think Nene is streaming right now so its time for her bait thread.

>> No.56492439

it's schizoposting

>> No.56492532

>fuck managers
Furi chan and Kaolin Kawaii's girl managers? That's hot

>> No.56492587

Nene doing her usual antics of baiting retarded schizos claimsher contract is better and gets a better cut.
reminder they axed a whole gen to rush a concert in the US
I guess the jew CEO{s post hit meat over at kawaii

>> No.56492643

Redpill me about Furi chan

>> No.56492647

she gets to dress up as a whore in conventions and the "real fans" just accept it

>> No.56492711


>> No.56493137

>they axed a whole gen to rush a concert
is this how far the rrat has progressed? impressive.
how about this, concert would have happened regardless and it was planned before gen 3.
no one was axed btw. there was no firing. gen 3 walked out citing "burnout" and many other things that didnt make sense because 2 of them barely streamed.
they also didnt want ro be included into the idol project because that would mean singing and dancing lessons.

>> No.56493551

People that hate Kawaii:
>Anti GFE sisters and trannies
>Anti idol fags
>People who think a single graduated talent means that they are a "black" company
>"Yassss Queen slay fuck all corpos" indie shitters that wete probably willing to suck a dick to get into holo or niji like 2 years ago when all corpos didnt all of a sudden become BAD

>> No.56493600

Holos get 40-50% lol.

>> No.56493663

none of the gen3 talents made a statement because of their NDAs
they didn't even have a graduation stream
all you know about the graduation is what management relayed to the other girls
>a single graduated talent

>> No.56494052
File: 37 KB, 585x623, 1688508071859629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up bitch? Did you achieve your goals this week?

>> No.56494059

>a single graduated talent
Thats because everyone else got fired

>> No.56494729

2 girls left after being in kawaii for a very short period of time. no one was mad at aruru or hana. neena was fired for wanting to funnel her paypigs into her indie account AND poach Nia from prism, all while still in kawaii.
Oceane got fired after multiple warnings from the management and also for having doxxers in her discord.
She inclined fast so I guess she thought she can do whatever she wants and they will still keep her.

Neena now shows pictures with her nipples showing as dono rewards. Thank god they fired that e-thot slampig. She also had the nerve to shit talk Kawaii even after everything that she did. Abd of course the Brown Vtuber memes posted it on his twitter during the kawaii drama, so retards fell for it.

>> No.56494864

Read this, catalog vait reader. Or provide proof for your claims >>56494729

>> No.56495024

Yes from superchat after YouTube cut talent get around 40% confirmed by Matsuri??? Honestly forgot the one that said that
And 50% from merchandise confirmed weirdly by coco

They are other stuff like voice pack, collaboration, and other but probably not that different

>> No.56496716

>Someone comes into Kawaiis general yesterday seething and saying how everyone hates us
>New catalog bait thread gets created with the goal of potentially pissing even more people off and turning them against kawaii
No Kawaii fan would make this thread. Keep going schizos.

>> No.56498373
File: 368 KB, 887x861, 298374593847529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56498519

For a minute I thought this was a discord raid, but no it's just one retard. Second post needs to be banned for replying to himself on cooldown at least 6 times.

>> No.56499167

I don't see the (me)s

>> No.56500891

a lot of samefagging here meidos, clean it up

>> No.56506670

all me

>> No.56506925

I'm not sure what this is all about, but I think that Nene is cute.

>> No.56507036

>40 posts
>18 IPs
>something something "holo killer"
what's going on? who the fuck is this?

>> No.56507496
File: 214 KB, 1000x764, 25654678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new 3D model
>beats the weekly goal and it's already half way there for her next goal
>solo live incoming
She truly won, how can the traitors live with themselves?

>> No.56507788

She raises the standard too high so the sisters hate her. The standard is actually caring and being dedicated to her fan btw.

>> No.56508642

that explains literally nothing.

>> No.56508731

So that's all the girls who left? Doesn't sound too bad

>> No.56509022

Didn't they leave precisely because Nene is the only relevant one? They're still seething about it, but this kind of domination of a single talent only makes the decision to leave easier.

>> No.56510740

Kawaii lost

>> No.56510954


>> No.56511085
File: 16 KB, 649x96, 21615A23-1824-4BB2-93F0-F898A7998ABD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok? How did she won?

>> No.56513166

whats her prize?

>> No.56513236

Listen I admittedly have not watch very much of her. So does she do ear licks in her ASMR or is it just vanilla shit?

>> No.56513517

get these gay ass niggas out of here

>> No.56513794

She gets to be the big fish in a small black pond. Probably not for long though; Kawaii recently sold out to a larger company.

>> No.56514260

I'm so happy the arrogant pricks who worship this shit black corpo are going to get theirs when the parent company shutters Kawaii for being a money sink. Kawaii only survived because the autist who founded it refused to let it die even at his own expense. The business ojisans won't be so charitable.

>> No.56514636

it's easy to be the only relevant one with the dumb points system the company uses

>> No.56515185

>meritocracy is LE BAD

>> No.56515901

>meritocracy is LE BAD
In an ideal world, it isn't. But in a situation like this it can be. Take, for instance, outfit reveals. Those bring in a lot of fresh eyes. If only one member is regularly getting those kinds of promotions, it makes sense she's gonna continue being the biggest. She snowballs while the rest are left behind. Which makes everyone else feel like shit. So they continue to perform worse; unhappy cows aren't producing the best milk. Look at it from another perspective. If the company isn't adequately promoting ALL of their talents, what are they being paid for? The weaker members may as well be indies; except they are taking a ~50% cut on earnings which goes to a corp that would rather support someone else than them. That's on top of having to deal with JP perms autism. It's not a great look.
It also opens up the possibility for the successful one to throw her weight around behind the scenes. Not claiming she does, can't prove that either way, but women are gonna be women and it's not outside the realm of possibility.

>> No.56516132

Over focusing on meritocracy is how you turn a company into Anycolor (black).

>> No.56516793

Hypothetical case
Let's say that Nene brings 80% of the revenue for the company and the company decides to redistribute it evenly between the current 7 girls, that's around 15% for each girl of the total 100%. that system you guys propose penalizes Nene for putting effort into it, eventually she would get demotivated or in the worst case leave... and then what happens when the company loses it's flagship? The point system is fair because what you can't get with charisma you can earn it with hard work while still not setting back your hard hitters. If kawaii had the same revenue as hololive then yeah, who the fuck cares about meritocracy while they have millions upon millions to burn, but this is not the case, they are still small, from my perspective the system is good.

>> No.56517296

The problem is you aren't gonna get more heavy hitters that way. If only one gets support, and the rest are left to flounder, you end up with entire generations walking out. Yes, the rich should be taxed to support the poor. Otherwise the poor will never have a chance to make it big in the first place. You cannot count on everybody being a breakout viral success story. If you chase away everyone else, then you are going to have 1~2 chuubas surrounded by a whole lot of corpses. And that's not a good look for anyone.

>> No.56517685

>If only one gets support and the rest are left to flounder,
All of them get support, at different speed

>Yes, the rich should be taxed to support the poor.
And she is taxed, under that system she would be taxed way more than half of what she deserves in the hypothetical case above, what kind of cope would she have to go through to put up the same level of work if it only means that she will lose more that way?

>> No.56518146

Sounds like communism. Isn't it great?

>> No.56518397

Sorry nene but I prefer aletta

>> No.56518461

Ah wait a minute, I think I was misunderstood and it's probably my fault for using a dumb tax metaphor. Let me be clear, I'm not suggesting they give her a worse cut of her earnings. That would absolutely be retarded. I'm suggesting that more of Kawaii's cut, which is mostly from her earnings, should be reinvested into the other talents. Close the gap in support between her and the rest a bit.
Let's be real here. Outfits are not THAT expensive. They can afford to toss 3~5k at people for an outfit every now and then. If they can't... then honestly they shouldn't hire more people than they can afford to support. It would be better to stay with a smaller roster and grow them before trying to hire on more people and spread yourself thin. A strong foundation before you reach for the sky.

>> No.56520112

good games
