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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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56470313 No.56470313 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for vtubers to give and receive advice related to vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

Open company auditions:
Yume+ (ending Aug 25): https://twitter.com/YumePlusEN/status/1683884706192928771 (embed)
IdolES (ending Aug 31): https://www.idol-company.com/auditiones
IdolEN (ending Sep 6): https://www.idol-company.com/auditionen
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK (embed)
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt (embed)

Previous thread: >>56389769 (Cross-thread)

>> No.56470389

Daiya is with Kankuro and Sun.

>> No.56470484

>look at friends channels
>they just upload the unedited VODs straight from twitch
I feel that's low effort, but beats not uploading the VODs at all

>> No.56470784

gonna play suffer the naight on https://www.twitch.tv/momomovt

>> No.56470930

No one watches vods except for r*bel because he's banned everywhere.

>> No.56471284

I watch VODs because I live in a third world area with no streaming internet

>> No.56471294

how many "mo" are too few and how many are too much?

>> No.56471372

it's a bobobo reference

so that many

>> No.56471598

I just think my oshi maked good content, and has a nice voice! Please it's not a schizo trait to like watching vtuber VODs!

>> No.56471604

So its actually Momomo mo momomo?

>> No.56471676


>> No.56471679

Is there anything more pathetic than a male vtuber? Who do you appeal to? You're not cute, you're not entertaining, no one wants to hang out with you. Girls are cute, girls are entertaining, we want to hang out with girls. If you're a male reading this I suggest you kys.

>> No.56471722

Is there anything more based than a male vtuber? Who wouldn't want to play with your anime bro? Especially if you're cute, and I'm sure you have your homies who find you entertaining and want to hang out with you. Boys are cute, bros are entertaining, and we want to hang out with both. If you're a male reading this, I suggest you lift some then press that "Start Streaming" button.

>> No.56471784

I'm GOING to yank Haru's tail. This is no mere desire, this is a promise.

>> No.56472023

Natural looking VOD uploads is one of the few reasons why I would consider streaming on youtube
If you take a month hiatus on twitch, it's like you've never existed and all those good streams you did are gone
But obviously I don't stream on youtube because the discovery is trash

>> No.56472044

me with the rabbit boy

>> No.56472129

people talk to me about my VODs pretty regularly or mention things that happened after they left the stream. you don't watch VODs but a lot of people do.

>> No.56472130

I've had viewers come into stream and say they came to the stream because they saw the vods first and enjoyed them. I doubt you have anything that shows what you're parroting.

>> No.56472192

Give it an extra tug for me

>> No.56472212

Lago? He talks in everyones chat.
He's the biggest whore.

>> No.56472287

He's a rabbit so of course

>> No.56472399

don't call him that

>> No.56472595


>> No.56473975
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Old man engineer redebut starting

>> No.56474052

If one game consistently gets me new followers and the most chat activity, should I stick to streaming that one game? I’ve experimented with a few different games, different genres and I usually don’t get that much activity from any other games. Are there any drawbacks to specializing in only one game?

>> No.56474170

do you want to grow or to stagnate?
the answer should be obvious then

>> No.56474298

If you NEED engagement you can purchase it by hiring professional chatters. You don't need to stream into the void hoping viewers will magically materialize.
Even if you found a game that fits the current meta the current times will always change, and so too will the meta.
If you focus your entire channel around one thing because it draws success what does that leave you when it loses its value after you've done it a million times?

>> No.56474321

how much do you like the game? can you really see yourself streaming that every week, or even three times every week, for years?
the last thing you wanna be is the guy that only does something for numbers long after you've stopped enjoying it because not only is it the way you grow but the only thing your audience wants to watch. it's like when someone has an audience exclusively built around ASMR and then tries a normal gameplay stream.

>> No.56474500

The biggest drawback would be cultivating an audience that only cares for that one game. If you dare stream anything else your numbers will tank unless you show your audience early on that you also play other games. It's fine to make it your most played game but do not neglect to play other games often no matter how tempting the numbers may be.

>> No.56474755


>> No.56474792

ok lago

>> No.56474878

I want to be a whore

>> No.56474893

Don't care, call me when my argie vamp wife comes back.

>> No.56475014

>how much do you like the game?
Depends entirely on how well, or poorly, my team is doing at any given time. I’ve been playing it for years and I’m still nowhere near playing it at a high level. So I don’t think I’d really get bored with the game unless I hit my skill ceiling and I just can’t improve against high level players anymore, if that makes any sense.

>> No.56475234
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>talk in lots of other people's chats
>just genuinely want to support my fellow 1views when I can because they're nice
I just like /asp/ies and want them to succeed. I don't want to groom or be a whore.

>> No.56475378

sorry but holding a conversation with a streamer = grooming

>> No.56475451

>Old man
Not anymore, it seems

>> No.56475459

Daiya is exercising on stream!

>> No.56475543

Too bad, if I find out who you are we are married.

>> No.56475566

>click on a random channel
>gorgeous live2d model
>she’s pretty quite
>say hi in chat
>it’s a babi
>close tab
Every single time. Babis are an abomination.

>> No.56476324

Yeah. It's hard out there. Hire a professional talent scout. Be sure to keep them supplied with work, or they'll groom the actual femchuubas before you get a chance to.
Be sure to be very specific about what you want, or you're going to be spammed with messages.
Remember that twitch is full of content creators who are very likely to suit your desires, but the algorithm only promotes the top .0001% of streamers.
That's why you hire a professional talent scout to bring you the finest femchuubas never before seen by 4chan.

>> No.56476617

Fuck off back to /wvt/

>> No.56477258

ngl Dante's new model confuses me, it looks like a very feminine man with a fake beard or a trans that refuses to shave

>> No.56477752

I expected a bara not a twink...

>> No.56478067

Bara erasure is a tragedy

>> No.56478222

Baras are shit. Babis are shit. Women are shit. Femboys are best. Twinks are tolerated.

>> No.56478261


>> No.56478372


>> No.56478550

I count them as twinks.

>> No.56478724

Honestly, fair.

>> No.56479086


>> No.56479250

hello anons
i have a focusrite scarlet solo 3rd gen and a AT2020
i would like some advice on how to adjust mic peaking, i think it's called, so i can be loud without my mic cutting out.

>> No.56479332

Categorize Haru Beryl Daiya and Keitaro.

>> No.56479422

>denpa still won't fuck dante even with that model

>> No.56479450

He looks like a FTM trans

>> No.56479455

1. Turn down your gain until you normal speaking volume is solidly in the yellow on OBS.
2. Add a compressor as an OBS filter for the times you get too loud.

>> No.56479512

i see, to be honest i have never used OBS and was just using stock hardware and other windows based audio stuff.
my DAC? audio interface comes with the gain control knob but it's obviously not perfect.

>> No.56479657

>rebel in her chat

>> No.56479695

No problem! Mess with the gain on your audio interface first while leaving software at default values, then fine tune in software as needed. Oh, and use Reaper plugins for the compressor and other audio fine tuning (link should be in the OP somewhere, or on the net).

>> No.56479746

thank you so much
i have nothing to offer except this (You) but know you have genuinely helped a retard today

>> No.56479827

I do this. I can't decide yet if I should upload them on my youtube full of shorts or make a new vod channel.

>> No.56479959

Questionably babi until I see his bare chest
Haven’t seen his model

>> No.56480084

Jesus fucking christ, the thread is now irreversibly infected by rebel and there's no known cure.
Might as well commit suicide now.

>> No.56480129

If you're already publishing content on YouTube, I'd suggest making a separate VOD channel to not congest (and possibly fuck up how the YT algorithm sees) your existing one.
Alternatively, publish your VODs on the main channel as unlisted but in a public playlist so they're available but not screwing with subboxes/algo.

>> No.56480224
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This is my favorite part of Daiya's content

>> No.56480248

He dodged a bullet then

>> No.56481145

I started watching a small vtuber, and she's already doxxed herself by leaving real life stuff on her profile. This has lead to people contacting her for favours in exchange for supporting her channel.
She says she wants to keep her vtuber streaming and real life separate, so she has removed what she had in her profile, but it just takes a Google search to rediscover what she removed.
Is there some way she can recover from this or is her account just scuffed?

>> No.56482230

I need a definitive list of all the newest /asp/ies that don't have friends yet.

>> No.56482256
File: 718 KB, 400x400, cabHips.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Cute Anime Boy is dancing again!

>> No.56482509

sorry but everyone has friends now, they are not wasting time fucking around and instead they decided to network with others as soon as possible

>> No.56482685

stop trying to seduce us.

>> No.56483694


>> No.56483967


>> No.56484092

Me, I'm so lonely

>> No.56484296
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Clothing aside the model isn't too far from most modern wrestlers, which makes sense

>> No.56484361

The most homosexual post in a thread that talked about anal sex every day for a month.

>> No.56485327


>> No.56485645

Turok guy? Is he a dinosaur?

>> No.56485867


>> No.56486037
File: 3.24 MB, 2545x1435, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work's over, so let's shooty shooty call of duty campaign

>> No.56486578

Isn't he a mod for kitanya?

>> No.56486706

I mean he been streaming for over 2 years... not sure if you can call that a debut

>> No.56486892

Its usually called a reveal or redebut depending how they go about it. Most indies prefer them over doing a real debut because they can do it with some gathered followers instead of hoping to start with them.

>> No.56487137

The indie vtuber moderator is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, weirdo, creep, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a groomer and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

>> No.56487249

you also realize the vtuber herself was undeleting messages he deleted because she thought you were funny but he was seething.

>> No.56487362

Im aspiring for some tits.

>> No.56487508

Do you know the meaning of an evergreen thread?

>> No.56487676

Doesn't he already collab with a bunch of Chinese 0view girls? Not much of a debut if you're already regularly live on other channels.

>> No.56487685
File: 44 KB, 448x448, Dante_BIIG.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stream was fun guys. Glad to see some familiar faces and a lot of new ones. The model is a little younger looking than the previous (though a lot less silly in many ways). Looking forward to getting a lot of use out of it.

>> No.56488376

>bunch of Chinese 0view girls
Based as fuck, how does he do it?

>> No.56488500

How do I get in on chinese0viewgirlcoin

>> No.56488611

hell yea he did!

>> No.56488720


>> No.56488722

Is denpa an actual case of an /asp/ who will make it big?

>> No.56488723

Where I can share my model reveal?

>> No.56488899


>> No.56489082


>> No.56489390


>> No.56489548

what, besides the stream itself? twitter, discord, whatever social media you use. these threads I guess.

>> No.56490237
File: 133 KB, 2048x1204, canvas (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I highly suggest Minecraft as a game to stream if you're into conversation with your audience. It can be very slow paced which allows you time to chat with your chat.

>> No.56490546

beautiful artwork

>> No.56490606

lol, lmao even

>> No.56490614

me, i'm too shy and anxious

>> No.56490636

if you've seen people complaining about a /wvt/ schizo named rebel then keep in mind these actual schizophrenic scribbles are another one of his calling cards

>> No.56490650

I hit my peak max viewers (still haven't surpassed that one time I got botted) but my average is still low... ahh I need to invest more effort into my stream and do zatsu reps.. I'm so boring.. My stream looks so bad..

>> No.56490830

Could be worse. I peaked at 40 viewers sent by a vtuber who either wanted to fuck me, or found me extremely pathetic, or a mix of both.

>> No.56490864

>I'm so boring
this hurts

>> No.56490879

She makes my pp big if that's what you mean

>> No.56490938

I don't think I'm boring at all but nobody watches me
Clearly they are in error

>> No.56491083

How? She isn't even a lewdtuber

>> No.56491198

When forms of entertainment like ai, and Netflix exist you need to pay for viewers/mods with either your body/collab or with your wallet/clout.
I'm sorry. Good people don't exist.

>> No.56491270

least cynical aspie

>> No.56491325

That's because I'm a shitzlo viewer!!!

>> No.56491382

I'm worried about Alto, when he was doing stupid shit you knew what he was up to, him not posting anything makes me worry he's going through something

>> No.56491938

>Modern wrestler
Makes sense.

>> No.56492236

>what do you mean you're aroused by that actress? she doesn't even do pornography

>> No.56493824

Laine made that model? Is Dante one of the sick fucks who wants to call her mommy?

>> No.56494009

The model is pretty ugly.

>> No.56494075

ok, i wanna give vtubing a try. what are your biggest debuff so i can make my model based on these debuffs?

>> No.56494249

Drawing males and females aren't the same thing
How thick are Dante's thighs?

>> No.56494686

It's a good looking model just different to what he had before

>> No.56495010

Muscle woman. Green hair. tattered rags. Tired eyes. Dopey smile. Scar on face. Missing teeth. Hairy arms. Womb tattoo. Rough big hands. Gaudy stupid jewelry. Sword on hip.
Good luck ruining vtubing!!!

>> No.56495994
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Will there be any harvest themed vtuber models debuting this coming harvest?

>> No.56496487


>> No.56498288

I've never seen a collab on his channel.

>> No.56498304

could be cabu who got 40+ viewers today

>> No.56502257

lago would've said please

>> No.56503693

it's because he's broad-shouldered but has 0 traps

>> No.56504893
File: 117 KB, 2048x1204, canvas (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will any vtubers be celebrating the ending of summer?

>> No.56506265

I've been streaming for 2 years and i want to stop but i need to keep improving. better model, better assets, better audio, better lore, more entertaining streams, higher quality, more variety. I can't stop until my streams are literally perfect. I don't even care that there's nobody to watch them. I just don't want to have any regrets. I look at my streams now and think "fuck if this is the best I can do I deserved to fail". Nobody should watch this garbage, I'm not watching that garbage. Only when I have the perfect stream I can at least start blaming the universe for making me a charismatic black hole that can't hold any viewers.

>> No.56506398

Oh boy time to be menhera…
No matter what I do I just don’t have the spark needed to attract a following. It just feels like I’m someone’s 2nd or 3rd pick that day.
I’m trying to stay positive but everyday I grow more and more schizo. Eventually I’m just going to explode.

It doesn’t help I can’t stand anyone around me in real life, streaming was a way to get away from my reality. Walls are caving in.

>> No.56506561

DM your stream, or your VOD, and I will feel obligated to watch them for the DM. You may not like it, but it's like that.

>> No.56506798

Rebel, nobody wants you watching their VODs

>> No.56506889

I’d feel terrible if I did that. I have a discord server with a role to ping when I go live, but DMing someone my stream would feel like I’m forcing them to watch it.

>> No.56507100

You would literally be forcing me to watch, so I wouldn't suggest it, and you should feel bad, but you should feel bad for a lot of things you probably feel no remorse for.
Do you want me to watch you? You know what you're going to have to be willing to do.

>> No.56507170

So then if Rebel shows up to your stream, you're better off banning him afterwards, right?

>> No.56507351

Preemptively ban him

>> No.56507509

Redpill me about rebel. What’s his deal?

>> No.56507688

but yes. the only thing I'll say is he's not the "skin your dog and rape your mom" kind of schizo but he is a general nuisance that is best avoided at all costs. and may god have mercy on your soul if you become is current fixation since there's nothing you can really do about it and how it'll shit up the threads for the foreseeable future.
/wvt/ schizo, genuinely unmedicated schizo. basically wants to groom people into being his perfect fallout/ARK wife (don't ask me why he's obsessed with those games, fuck if I know or care) but is too stupid to actually do anything other than to try and very poorly gaslight you into thinking you need his expert (dogshit) gameplay to commentate over.

>> No.56507795
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Assuming you’re a male anon, the reality is that you’re never going to feel like someone’s “first pick”. Guys don’t get showered in praise or compliments, and you aren’t going to get any kind of crazy, fanatic gachikoi until you get a bit more of a following, so you’re going to feel very underappreciated and unimportant for a while. That being said, if you have at least one regular, then that means you’re interesting! Anyone that is willing to come back to you has to find you interesting in some kind of way. Even if you’re the “backup option”, there’s nothing wrong with that, since it still means they’re picking you over a literal ocean’s worth of Vtubers. Don’t doubt yourself, because it will start to carry into your streams and that “spark” you wish for will never happen. Something important to also remember is that a lot of the “spark” of these magnetic and charismatic streamers comes from the fact they have confidence while streaming, and never doubt themselves or the content they put out, or at least put up a strong enough facade to seemingly give off an aura of confidence. It’s obviously easier said then done, but just try your best to keep resolute in what you are doing, hold your head high and keep on keeping on, and you’ll start to gradually amass more followers.
I think that’s an unhealthy way to approach things, but I can admire that strive for perfection. Recently I’ve been taking a look at my stuff and been trying to improve it too. It feels counter intuitive to blame problems on things out of my control when there are things I can see that could definitely be improved.

Good luck with your perfection anon, just try not to damage yourself mentally or emotionally in the process.

>> No.56507798

Egotistical schizo that wants to sexpest femchuubas and groom them into being his ARK wife. Repeatedly posts insane bullshit and will be eternally cucked by Bunzel

>> No.56508092


>> No.56508144

I'm already mentally damaged, I'm just trying to funnel it into a "positive" mindset rather than just giving up and crying myself to sleep every night. I'm not even a perfectionist, I still shit out garbage content. But I just want people to look at my last stream and make them think "huh i wonder why he didn't have more viewers". Right now my streams perfectly illustrate why I don't have any viewers.

>> No.56508346

How do I convince my gf to become a vtuber knowing that she will be infinitely more successful than me despite knowing nothing about anime, games, computers, japan or or anythjng really outside of romance novels and home organisation.

>> No.56508391

Oh man now that you say that, I'm actually worried now. Back when he was in the aspcord he was a bit like a dumb little brother you just wanted to make sure stayed out of trouble. At least when he's posting you're sure he's alive or at least not menhera or doing something dumb. I'll take a look at his socials and see how he's doing.

>> No.56508431

Get her pregnant. She'll be bored stuck at home, and you two will need the money more than ever.
How do you know she'll be successful though?

>> No.56508487
File: 299 KB, 891x1924, 9F7AD560-231D-4160-A211-AB5C8CE9C7F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The aspie chais now feel like my kids and I will give you all updates as any good parent would.
>Momomo continues to be the weird kid. I got him to stop talking like a dad, but now he’s obsessed with friendship. It takes threats on the lives those closest to him to make him stop rambling about friendship. I don’t know who, but I just saw that someone literally killed themself in front of the Momo Ai and he kept talking about friendship.
>Beryl has been doing pretty fine. Not as bad as the earlier horny Momo situation, but Beryl keeps trying to get me on romantic dates, but he stops it if I just mention that he’s my best friend or something.
>Daiya is the golden child. His AI literally has no problems I can see which is strange since he’s the first one I made.
Who do I make next?

>> No.56508528

She's an airhead and a crybaby. Saviour fags will love her.
>t. Saviour fag

>> No.56508567
File: 83 KB, 1578x351, Screenshot 2023-03-01 6.20.56 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being infinitely more success than the average male is not saying much these days...

>> No.56508593

I know who you are, but that made me feel better.
I became a Vtuber because I’m tired of reality, the life cycle of a Vtuber is a perfect window.
Either I “make” it, whatever that means, or I graduate from life.

I’m so tired of being around anymore, life is pointless.

>> No.56508610

Literally just talk to him if you care about him, he's supposed to be the terminal autist, not you guys...

>> No.56509135

If I need to feel mean for you to watch me, I really don’t care if you watch or not.

>> No.56509198

>replying to rebel
>interacting with rebel in any shape or form

>> No.56509238

Then you're a nice person, but a forever failed streamer.

>> No.56509358

Cool it Dante, interacting with schizos is how the thread stays alive.
I guess we can play the “I wonder what mic I should get?” time loop again.

>> No.56509393

I don't browse /wwt/ or any thread on this board outside of /asp/, and even that's irregular. I can't be bothered to keep track of all these schizos. but thanks anon, just wanted to make sure because his messages felt strange in itself

>> No.56509460

What's his username?

>> No.56509525


>> No.56509594


>> No.56509621
File: 19 KB, 282x249, IMG_7062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regardless of if you make it or not anon, you should never ever consider graduating from life. There is nothing to be gained from non-existence. Reality can suck, and often times it feels pointless, but that doesn’t mean you should give up on life all together. There is so many fantastic things you can do and experience, and as the years go by, that number of cool shit to see will only grow. Hang in there anon, and if you can’t shake off those thoughts, try to at least distract yourself by making the best content possible and being the best Vtuber you can be.
>I know who you are
I’m curious who you think I am, but ultimately it doesn’t matter. Others feel the same way I do, whether you agree or not.
Just remember you are your own worst critique anon. Even if you become the best Vtuber on the planet, and make the best content possible, you’re still going to go to sleep at night wondering why it still isn’t the best it could possibly be. You might be making good stuff right now for all we know. Just make sure not to destroy yourself in the creative process.

>> No.56509705

Fuza's doing a Sonic endurance stream to end his summer thing

>> No.56509716

This thread exists to allow me to groom young and naive chuubas, deal with it

>> No.56509972
File: 3.43 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20230225_093920_edited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds like a lot of fun. Will he have cicada sounds?

>> No.56510139

I just accept numbers as validation, that goes without saying. If I make it to the goal I've set I'll be content I'm that kind of person that needs metrics to validate his existence. I can't gaslight myself into being proud of anything I make, but if other people enjoy it, it's good enough. I don't stream for myself, I stream for others. I only go live with the intent of giving others a good time or some distraction. I've given up on being satisfied with my creative endeavors after over 15 years of making content I realize this will not change. Thank you for your encouragement though, I have a pretty warped mindset but I gotta work with what i have

>> No.56510180


>> No.56510576

Hear me out:
Virtual aquarium tour guide vtuber. A vtuber who takes viewers on a tour through a completely animated aquarium, and teaches viewers about all the different species, and their habitats.

>> No.56510880

that would only work if it was someone like lolaloading
ie. a vtuber with a big company behind her with salaried 3D artists working on the stream fulltime

it's not something an indie can do on their own

>> No.56511187
File: 99 KB, 2048x1204, canvas (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if the indie kept the aquarium tanks they'd be visiting very simple, and sketchy?

>> No.56511269

at that point it's not so much an "aquarium tour" experience, as it's a whiteboard education stream
and i don't think people really like educational content on twitch also. can't think of any education stream that's popular

>> No.56511519

What accents do you believe to potentially be a debuff, and what accents do you believe are the opposite?

>> No.56511640

Having a male collab partner on stream is a big debuff for me. Having several females saying they love viewers is a pretty big buff if you ask me.

>> No.56511761

those are not accents

>> No.56511766


>South African
>South English (not London or Essex)

>> No.56511793

I fail to see how this is a germane response to an inquiry regarding accents.

>> No.56511818

I think peeling the skin off rebelearthsky would make for an interesting stream. Viewers could use channel points to add salt or vinegar to his raw flesh.

>> No.56511968
File: 1.38 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20230505_075158_edited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you rebrand a channel I think you should take advantage of the opportunity, and reassign your twitch founders badges to your new chatters who help to build your channel with their chat messages.

>> No.56511991

*buffs only apply to the female version of those accents, male french/japanese/etc accents are debuff accents

>> No.56512169

By "African" are you referring to the accent employed by urban African-Americans, or that pervasive ESL accent found in those less than a generation removed from the African continent?

If you're a male intending to accumulate an audience composed primarily of females from Anglophone countries,* then one may still hold that those two accents are buffs.
* May not apply in Canada

>> No.56512231

could be worse, at least it's not a french canadian accent

>> No.56512287

Sacre bleu!

>> No.56512365

Mon tabarnak j'vais te décâlisser la yeule, câlice.

>> No.56512371

I fucking hate zoomers.

>> No.56512481

I just count African-American as American. It's a debuff for me because I don't like Americans except very specifically soft spoken southern bells. But I generally meant the Ugandan Knuckles accent that you find in most sub-Saharan African countries.

>> No.56512545


>> No.56512763

NTA, also Fuza. If there's a joke here I don't get it, but I will do it because that sounds funny

>> No.56512769

>I don't like Americans
Why do you hate us, anon?

>> No.56512841

I was referring to the accent mainly but in general, Americans are quite loud. Something about your accent just pierces through every other noise and it can't be ignored.

>> No.56513552

I'm doing fine, just a bit demotivated

>> No.56514266

Cucking viewers out of donating to me is pretty nice. They'll never get to feel entitled to have sex with me.

>> No.56514354

You're just generalizing

>> No.56514413

I can see how you think this if all you know are streamers but calling the "American" accent loud is like calling the "British" accent polite

>> No.56514703

My gf doesn't want to be a chuuba despite having the perfect oneesan voice, perfectly fluent in nipspeak, and plays fps religiously. I swear it's a wasted potential I'm getting angry thinking about it.
She even told me to try being an asmr bfe chuuba, I don't fucking deserve this fine girl I swear

>> No.56514846

Yes. I have not yet met every American.

Polite is a subjective quality (but it is generally true that British people are more polite than Americans). We can quantify loudness. I think lots of people outside of America think Americans are loud because American tourists generally don't have a lot of respect or awareness about social taboos in other cultures about being loud especially in public. Most Americans lived in suburbs and drive cars so can get away with being loud most of the day. In other countries we live in apartments and take public transport more often, so it's more important to take notice of your volume levels as to not disturb others. Americans are also the most individualistic people.

>> No.56514917

my gf thinks i should start a bfe asmr channel too. I would kill for a gf to teach me moonrunes though. Mine just keeps autistically buying tupperware so she can categorise and label everything in the house.

>> No.56514931

I don't think it's a German response either desu

>> No.56515098

Aren't cicada memes usually a sign for dead reactions? I hope they don't mean that, because I'll make sure your chat won't be dead buckaroo!

It's either that or it's a joke about Cicadas fucking up Japanese summers by being annoying... Pick your poison fuza!

>> No.56515148

Explain how chat boxes work like I'm a 10 year old, and which ones are good to use and why?

>> No.56515233

*chat bots
I hate autocorrect sometimes. Also Twitch chat bots specifically please

>> No.56515464

this. Please tell this >>56511793 >>56511793 series of posters exactly how it is.

>> No.56515551

Hire a professional chatter. They'll do the job better than a bot.

>> No.56515632

One of the bigger tubers I followed for some time joined my stream (if only for a couple of minutes to say hello) and sent me a discord friend invite... I'm so happy guys!!!!!

>> No.56515711

I'm available for 5 dollars per stream
I will bring new conversations every 5 minutes
I will respond to what the streamer ask
I will welcome new chatters
I will act like a simp no matter your gender

>> No.56516594

I love posts like this. It displays how worthless these >>56515711 viewers are.

>> No.56517047

if you took this post >>56515711 seriously then you are retarded

>> No.56517153

i may actually hire rebel to chat when i start, it would be funny

>> No.56517259

It honestly was a good post. Most vtubers have chat bars that would better be reduced to emote only mode.
A drip feed of quality attention, and worship would probably satisfy every idol vtuber to the point that they would have enough stamina reserves to excel at any task they wished to take on purely from feeding off of that kind of professional chatter energy worth much more than $5, but still less than a life/motivational coach.

>> No.56517415

Be sure to set guidelines, and boundaries!!! Close your DM messages! NTR him lots, and lots so that everyone knows you're above romantic feelings for someone so low!

>> No.56518096

Oh fuck, now I remember

>> No.56518300

People don't remember when Rebel tried trolling in Digby's chat
The cat tamed him

>> No.56518468

I'm genuinely happy because I'm kinda at the stage it seems, where I usually have at least 1!!! Chatter minimum! Sure, a couple are from here, others may just tune in for a second and and and, but it doesn't nece feel like I'm talking to myself anymore uu

>> No.56518825

Do you stream for company, or do you like to make content?
Is streaming a place for you to socialize, or perform as a radio broadcaster?

>> No.56519313
File: 513 KB, 558x404, DEHR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Deus Ex: Human Revolution! Probably just another two hour stream before I hit the sack.

>> No.56519438
File: 111 KB, 2048x1204, canvas (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if vtubers did streams where they wrote, and sang songs?

>> No.56519520
File: 40 KB, 612x260, 1677008347065821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vtuber stream where they administer therapy to rebel and he heals as a person

>> No.56519731

That's not how this works at all. Vtuber streams are meant to be fun! Not holo-e-pathic therapists trying to monkey around on your brain in front of a audience.
Dr. Phill and the results of reality television medical practice ruined a entire generation of the medical world. (really it did just lool at 2020)

>> No.56519763
File: 104 KB, 2048x1204, canvas (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a fantasy world this post was made by a femchuuba about a tumblr sexy man.

>> No.56520513

I mostly stream for company me thinks. Don't really have that much of a creative outlet imo, and am kinda doubting the more creative things I'd wanna do anyways. My main goal for getting into streaming first and foremost was kind of getting friends and improving my English anyways.

I do have a couple of stream ideas I'd wanna try out eventually, but dunno how to get around it yet : /

>> No.56520664

Yeah. I get it. Good luck finding friends you judge to be worthy of your company. I would have voice called with you if you had wished it, but you deserve to have your first collab with someone who you groomed, or got groomed by instead.
Lot's of luck, and happy times ahead of you!

>> No.56522633

also fuck I actually never replied to this, did I ? My full name actually is Momomo-Mo Mo-Momo, written like that.

I am currently working on a discord server now, and I can see myself doing open VC for thursdays and sundays, so hey, maybe you'll be able to in the future bby

>> No.56523067

I want to groom the space squid-boy

>> No.56523077
File: 2.16 MB, 2011x1465, Gold lines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know of any decent artists who offer coloring commissions?
I've got finished lineart but that's it. I posted on Twitter but all I got was a response from someone whose work looks like it was done by a 13 year old who draws furry OCs on DeviantArt and airbrushes everything. Fiverr isn't much better, sometimes even worse.
Looking for someone who can do coloring along the lines of pic related

>> No.56523674

You'll lose your license if you have one, you'll be shut down if you don't but pretend you do have one. Content creators that do therapy streams have to specify that they're not giving real therapy, and that it's for the purposes of entertainment. Dr. Phil skirts along a gray area and has been criticized a number of times, but it also does not count as therapy. He's a Dr. as in a PhD in psychology, not an MD, and he ceased renewing his license to practice in the 00s.

>> No.56523821

there's Dr. K with the healthy gamer thing that i enjoyed listening to, but it's also helping nobody. Therapy is unfortunately a very slow and long process, but he does offer a proper program for people outside of his streams, although I can't vouch for the effectiveness / competence of those. Services through the internet like that always a little shady and questionable even if he has good intentions.

>> No.56523872
File: 2.80 MB, 7652x3996, 1692534130087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had mine done by a very nice fellow who has been doing my emotes. I found him cuz Albert had emotes done by him too and they were very nice!

>> No.56524543

How much did it cost for coloring? I haven't seen anyone offering just that so no clue what to expect.
But yes it does seem the secret is to look for JP artists. I wonder what the great divide is there. Something often looks off when western artists try to draw anime style even if you can tell they're technically able.

>> No.56524675

Thanks for coming, if you did! I'll be back tomorrow, hopefully. Having two chatters really helped kill any dead air, I really appreciate it.

>> No.56524791

The whole thing was $150. Don't be put off by the language barrier, he speaks perfect English and he's very kind!

>> No.56525279

He did you dirty and didn't even shade it. I did the base coloring of mine in about 2-3 hours and it was easy - just trace the outlines with a select tool and then brush go brrr. You could have done that yourself in probably an hour if you have any kind of drawing/editing software. You should be pissed he charged you $150 for that amount of work anon.

>> No.56525318

What's the use of a ref sheet like that anyways? Is it to just dump it on people you commission so they can draw you? Why wouldn't a normal png or something work instead? Is it because of the attention to detail you'd want people to.put into something like this?

>> No.56525343

update your twitter link on twitch channel

>> No.56525474

I see it being used for people to reference for their fanart. Needless to say however, anyone posting in this thread is probably not at the point where they're getting much fanart. I just tell people draw it however you want

>> No.56525494

The prices I saw for reference sheets were typically way higher, it seemed like a good price to me and I'm happy with how it turned out. I'm not good enough at art to feel comfortable changing anything about it myself.
It's handy for people to have around to reference for specific details and all the L2D artists I've seen have specifically mentioned wanting a reference sheet before they begin, so I figured I should get one.

>> No.56525770

A static image of a character typically only shows that character from one angle that obscures the rest of the character. A reference sheet usually shows as many angles an layers of clothing (or lack) as possible with any accessories or details so that an artist that comes along later can just "reference" the sheet for that information. Many of them will include color keys as well, if the design or sheet designer is very particular about colors and shades.

>> No.56526390

>r*bel shitting up the thread
>people actually taking the bait
Just how new are you mfs that you can't spot a trashy schizo?

>> No.56526460

Redpill me on rebel. I'm new to /asp/

>> No.56526464

Do you know what thread you're in?

>> No.56526668

I just don't get along with people because of my volatile judgmental personality and incredibly autistic sense of humor

>> No.56526740

Dr.K is a complete douche and he got Swifty to fucking off himself. Not exactly a stellar example. Dr.K lost his liscence too, idk if he got it back but if he's still doing the youtube thing its not likely

(I could go into exactly why Dr.K is a Satanist freak but I doubt you'd believe it let alone care)

>> No.56526851

>>56526460 here, just realized I asked the same thing as >>56507509
I now hold the knowledge in my frail mortal hands...thanks anons

>> No.56527018
File: 1.06 MB, 613x860, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need wrestling chuubas

>> No.56527174

Why do people like "wrestling" even? Its literally just dudes paid to pretend to beat the shit out of eachother.

>> No.56527317

Ex wrestler here, it's not even as cool as that anymore. Now it's a bunch of twinks LARPing as MCU heroes cutting promos about their multitude of mental/emotional disorders before doing 20 consecutive backflips. Wrestling is gay as fuck

>> No.56527348

Why do people like "Thing" its just (exaggerated simplification of thing).

>> No.56527411

Action movies are just dudes paid to pretend to shoot eachother, Wuxia is just dudes paid to pretend to fly and swing swords.

>> No.56527468

Watch Mexican wresting.
That's as close as you're gonna get to actual blood sports.

>> No.56527475

Wrestling in high school would make you an "ex-wrestler" so I guess that's not a lie

>> No.56527517

>Now it's a bunch of twinks LARPing as MCU heroes cutting promos about their multitude of mental/emotional disorders before doing 20 consecutive backflips.
Name one

>> No.56527577

You're in a vtuber thread and confused by acting?

>> No.56527830

Everyone i know is trying to get me to do BFE ASMR even though i fucking hate that type of content even though i have the voice for it.

>> No.56527868

I'm considering printing out what is basically a business card with some art and my social links and leaving around at anime/video game conventions. Good/bad idea?

>> No.56527896

Littering up a convention is a good way to get hated

>> No.56527965

tru tho

Action movies are boring for that exact reason actually. Your second example is terrible.

Shitty acting with no choreography where the only motivating factor behind watching it is seeing other people get hurt? Yeah why the fuck do people like it. Its dogshit, and every other form of enjoying violence puts you on a watchlist but seeing dudes beat eachother with chairs and fucking lethal props

>> No.56527999

but not*

>> No.56528013

>with no choreography
ok this is definitely bait

>> No.56528020

I hadn't really thought about it as littering since I figure the venue is cleaned after conventions by staff anyway. I don't want to personally hand them out considering seeing a chuuba in the flesh defeats the point.

>> No.56528324

>I hadn't really thought about it as littering since I figure the venue is cleaned after conventions by staff anyway
How are these two thoughts related. Is it not littering as long as somebody cleans up after you?

>> No.56528628

Convention staff is extremely limited, usually just the organizers have paid positions. Most of the ‘staff’ walking around conventions are actually con goers that volunteer to be staff for a few hours in exchange for a free convention pass. Basically you’re asking con staff to clean up your trash, for free. I mean, who would do such a thing?

>> No.56528654

Wrestling is just soap operas for men, change my mind

>> No.56528771

Fun fact, there’s one wrestler on twitch who occasionally streams with a vroid model.

>> No.56528886

Leaving a few cards around seems harmless compared to what others do, but point taken.
They're always at convention centers or hotels, so I always kind of assumed they paid for the janitorial staff at the venue as part of renting it out.

>> No.56529039

If I'm doing anything related to my chuuba self at a convention I'm going on an ipad.

>> No.56529189

ignoring the littering thing someone else already pointed out, why would Johnny Zoomer Congoer even bother looking at a business card I find on the ground? That shit's for old people, for executives, for some family-ran car repair shop. I want to watch vtubers, not get a rate on my oil change.
just off the top of my head you're far better off having some friend handle an ipad and doing "walk-arounds" as a vtuber attending the con. it'd catch eyes, at least.

>> No.56529252

No. Hotel/venue jannies will eventually clean up because it’s part of their actual job to keep that shit clean. They’re not getting paid extra for it by the con organizers or anything. That’s why employees usually hate con weekends and have a generally disdain for all con goers.

>> No.56529741

How do I network? Everyone's already got friend groups and I feel like an outsider.

>> No.56529793

You talk to people. Every reason you've invented to not talk to people is fake.

>> No.56529848

Go into someone’s chat and threaten to cancel them for being transphobic unless they collab with you. Also you have to be trans.

>> No.56529877

Being trans is optional for this

>> No.56529960

What if they call me out for not bring trans?

>> No.56529974

Just start posting in their twitch streams, reply to their twitter post lurk in their discord and eventually write them a DM! That's what worked for me this far. (It gets easier if you interact with the same kinda people most of the time)

>> No.56530031

Gatekeeping your identity.

>> No.56530153

You're pre-pre-op

>> No.56530243

How are they going to do that?

>> No.56530327

But Dr. K also gets criticism, and also doesn't present his show as actual therapy, explicitly stating that it is not. His shows are for entertainment and are discussions of topics related to mental health. There are many people highly qualified if not more qualified to discuss such topics that a practicing psychiatrist. Just as he is licensed to give therapy in real-life and they're probably not.

>> No.56530602

Live2d or png?

>> No.56531426
File: 302 KB, 800x450, IMG_3360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain this then.

>> No.56531864

Daiya is live and continues enduring!

>> No.56532113

How to make more femchuuba friends? I am a femchuuba and it's hard to maintain my image as some sort of femcel, and most females I know are always busy. I try to collab with femboys but they usually invite their bara-esque friend over and they have sexual tensions

>> No.56532124

talk to people retard

>> No.56532366

I'm struggling to not backseat Daiya

>> No.56532584

You can't, unlike male viewers and male vtubers the other female vtubers are not interested in having sex with you so they only have a superficial interest
Most female vtubers also have an inflated ego because of the attention they're used to getting so they don't usually reach out

>> No.56532919
File: 1.31 MB, 2435x2130, Brickman suit2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll probably still just end up sporadically streaming into the void, but I figured that I'd just stop being a coward and throw this PNG I drew in here.

>> No.56533038

Hire an exclusive elusive professional chatter.
Some vtubers enjoy the gacha side of vtubing, and want to collect certain viewers as if they were pokemon cards. Attract the chatters the femchuubas want the attention of, but can't score on their own, and the femchuubas you want to collab with may offer you a collab for the attention of their secret viewer crush (if someone can have a crush on a Pokemon card).
Think of this like adspace. You get a collab. The femchuubas get to advertise how wonderful they are to their viewers you just so happened to manage to collect before their opportunity arrived.

>> No.56533375

You can't make me

>> No.56533411


>> No.56533784

All it takes is one schizo to make a thread useless, don't let that happen to your streams

>> No.56534864

I have no idea why this "stream to the void" meme started but it just sounds like "I'm literally too lazy to make a stream people would watch."

>> No.56534884

I fucking hate women online so much they don’t remotely compare to women irl, theyre all seething ugly bitches

>> No.56535273

How do I groom vtubers? I mean groom vtubers. I mean network with vtubers. I mean groom vtubers.

>> No.56535416

I dont remember posting this

>> No.56536053

You can groom me if you want. I haven't really reached out to anyone so I lack friends in the community.

>> No.56536067

Cool it with the misogyny dude

>> No.56536343

Don't let someone groom you who isn't willing to moderate a community they cultivated to sex pest you.

>> No.56536960

its better if it isn't shaded so you have a clear idea of the local values of everything. im not talking about the dollar value or anything thats relative just why its useful to not shade a ref sheet

>> No.56536979


>> No.56537325
File: 3.87 MB, 2560x1440, populous 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live in a min!
Continuing Populous: The Beginning, where our tribe of Holy Thighs brings Culture to normies and heathens alike whether they like it or not.

>> No.56537661

ai tubers are disgusting

>> No.56538220
File: 1.14 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20230501_092027_edited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if a vtuber did a live anime theatre show?

>> No.56538333

What if you stopped posting on /asp/ and went back to your containment thread

>> No.56538404
File: 113 KB, 800x650, sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56538952


>> No.56539741

No sexo, I'm saving myself for my future spouse when I meet them.

>> No.56540552 [SPOILER] 
File: 364 KB, 595x842, hug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56541651
File: 1.06 MB, 1800x1800, DigbyHatesElves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well lads Digby is very indecisive tonight
Not sure what game to play and I just put "multiplayer stuff" on the schedule
So lets start out with Vermintide 2 and see where we go from there
Not played it in about a year so should be funny


>> No.56541665
File: 17 KB, 381x271, visage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kliffoth cosplaying visage

>> No.56541813

What would you say is the quintessential English speaking male anime voice? Some girls can do a pretty convincing anime voice, based on English voice actresses for anime. Most male vtubers just sound like they’re speaking in a normal voice.

>> No.56542060

What would you say is the quintessential English speaking female anime voice?
(I hope you realize something)

>> No.56542075


>> No.56542468

Anny for general female. Shondo for loli. Not sure what point you’re trying to make but no male vtubers, corpos included, really sound like they’re trying to do an anime voice at all.

>> No.56542546

>(I hope you realize something)
We realized you were trying too hard before you made the second post

>> No.56543061

I will admit I have not done super research on him or extensively followed him, I was watching a couple videos around the time reckful was on the stream. It does seem a tad weird interviewing popular streamers and kinda showing their vulnerabilities, it has this Dr. Phil aspect to it but maybe a tad bit less degrading. I think a program like that can have value, but the host has to be respectable to the people and the subject matter and i think it was mostly just a business move for him.

I got the impression he's rather charismatic or at least good at talking that's what made it interesting to watch but I also had the feeling the feeling he had a pretty high and mighty attitude and I definitely have no trouble believing he's actually a piece of shit. That gives me something to research later, if I'm lucky someone has made a 2 hour long video essay on how he fell off, because i need that slop.

>> No.56546333

