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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 17 KB, 1920x544, Hololive_Production.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56451237 No.56451237 [Reply] [Original]

Usually people would praise and value others who are very socially active.

But with the whole v-truber culture, people are praising the social rejects of society, the weirdos, the girls no guy wanted to dance with.

>> No.56451317

Why do normalfags always want to ruin anything nice ?

>> No.56451799

Sound like you're underage or lived in a fairy tale world your whole life.

>> No.56452096

So you are saying we only can fucking praise the extrovert? What kind of mindset is this? Are you mentally ill?

>> No.56452186


>> No.56452196

You're a retard

>> No.56452206

>naive child stumbles upon thing he does not understand
A tale as old as time.

>> No.56452389
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>> No.56452621

Shut up femcel. You will NEVER be Stacy. You will NEVER be a popular mean girl.

>> No.56452691

Because they are like us, or at least act like it.
Just because society thinks something is good doesn't mean it actually is and you are retarded if you think it is

>> No.56452705

Isn’t that the opposite of toxic? Where normalfags are left to the dust while the misfits that never really had a chance in life managed to become stars in their own right?

>> No.56452835
File: 227 KB, 510x508, 1651525706215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry normie, these dumb bitches are going to make three times your wage by making cute noises at a camera, your age is over

>> No.56452884

It's toxic as fuck! Leave now and save yourself!

>> No.56453030

>Extravert normies devastated when the people they called weirdos go to hang out with each other instead

>> No.56453445

you just haven't seen the kpop culture..

>> No.56454105

>uplifting those who need it over those who don't
Sounds like the complete opposite of toxicity to me

>> No.56454118

and? that's your reasoning? are you fucking retarded?

>> No.56454295

Seems like you are projecting your insecurities onto others

>> No.56454420

I mean you, speak the harsh truth and most of fragile fanboys here are going to ignore you but you are right.

A man who spends 45+ hours a week sweating out blood gets little respect these days compared to a streamer who does a 2 hour stream every 2 days and gets his monthly salary.

It's not only Hololive been like this since the rise of Pokimane on Twitch.

>> No.56454634

Well tell the man to get a camera and start streaming, crying about entertainers being more liked then regular people is beyond retarded this isn't a new thing it's just a reskin of things that were happening a decade or two ago.

>> No.56454980

That's why Tempus exists. We will burn the toxicity of the idol audience

>> No.56455002

>he believes these women are the social rejects of society
the koolaids gone wild

>> No.56455035

I don't think a man who spends 45+ hours a week sweating out blood have a time to be socially active anon.

Please understand the post before you comment something so utterly
Stupid it's doesn't make any connection to the actual post

>> No.56455150
File: 82 KB, 310x334, 1681088287241792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even if they were losers or social rejects you would hate them all the same if they tried to support anyone with a dick, even if there was no sexual reason for it.

>> No.56455166

What you are saying isn’t something unprecedented. You may as well include the fact that some guy who kicks a ball really well gets millions a year compared to a doctor who actively saves lives only getting a small portion of that.

>> No.56455263

VTubers are socially active within the sub-society of the lonely weebs who will die without having a taste of a woman's touch and the permanently brainfucked zoomers who follow online trends unflinchingly and with fanatical zeal. They're the temple prostitutes of the digital era, turning unfulfilled basic desire into a cult-like business.

>> No.56455358
File: 2.39 MB, 498x498, 1677435146105847.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking based.

>> No.56455414

because they or the contents they make are entertaining while the dude who spend 45+ hrs a week arent?

>> No.56455447

Why do you hate us?

>> No.56455611

Doctors may not be sportsball player rich but they are still rich as fuck, bad comparison Anon.

>> No.56455628

yeah, because all vtubers watchers are lonely weebs who will die without having a taste of a woman's touch and the permanently brainfucked zoomers who follow online trends unflinchingly and with fanatical zeal. all of them

>> No.56455946

>They're the temple prostitutes of the digital era
lol, pretty based take. I don't think it's so bad though. Simply supply and demand.

>> No.56456127
File: 1.96 MB, 1081x1849, fau women[sound=https2F2Fqj3280.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so true sister

>> No.56456281

why are 陽キャ like this

>> No.56456382
File: 1.33 MB, 1247x692, based nene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based nekko

>> No.56456645

you are not cute, while they are. you are not entertaining, while they are. it's really that easy anon, you're the problem here, not these cute girls.

>> No.56458218

What kind of fantasy are you living in to think about stuff like this in 2023?

>> No.56458375

Nice bait

>> No.56458510

Why are you even on this website?

>> No.56458707

Because they don't get it and are mad other people can enjoy things they can't.

>> No.56458743

It's toxic because it doesn't have weekly rape accusations like twitch

>> No.56458789

>Usually people would praise and value others who are very socially active.
what kind of universe are you living in? Nobody likes chatty fucks, or an "outgoing person". They tolerate them only because of two things, money and clout. If you're a girl, then swap money to sexual favors.
It's that easy.

>> No.56458819

Now ask yourself, WHY is the streamer that puts in so little time able to make so much money? It's almost as if they're fulfilling a demand that no one else is.

>> No.56458896

It's more cringe than toxic

>> No.56459190

>isn't blabla very toxic
rope now

>> No.56459302
File: 57 KB, 707x567, ame distort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit spacing

>> No.56460220

>me get bant asking for bobs and vegene, me angy >:(


>> No.56460284

ESL femcel

>> No.56460352

Holy shit, op is a seething manchild

>> No.56460563

>A man who spends 45+ hours a week sweating out blood gets little respect these days compared to a streamer who does a 2 hour stream every 2 days and gets his monthly salary.

Anon I'm one of those men who who work 50+ hours in the blazing heat, freezing cold mud etc and I have ZERO I'll will tward those girls making more money then I do.

They make cute noises play games and be dorks and it makes me smile. All is well in the world friend.

>> No.56463718

go back

>> No.56464349
File: 892 KB, 1366x1080, 1608116993822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to believe you're anything but a woman, fag, or underage. Regardless, get out and stay out

>> No.56464353

based teacuck shits up the thread

>> No.56467387

>the social rejects of society, the weirdos, the girls no guy wanted to dance with
I *wish* this was an accurate depiction of most VTubers.
But most are normie-lite with just enough of a surface level interest in games and anime to grift lonely men who are desperate for attention from women who share their interests. And meanwhile they're clubbing it up, doing drugs, and getting trains run on them behind the scenes just like every other common whore.

>> No.56467622

retard you are on 4chan complaining about toxicity

>> No.56468416

so let me get this straight
>normies go into introverted space
>the same faggots who have been being toxic and making them commit sudoku for the past 50+ years
>normies dont like the fact they are getting it back
>normies now start talking about "toxicity" meanwhile still the numbers rise because introverts dont want to live with u fucks
ive not been on here long, but fuck off tourist, and pick the rope up on the way out

>> No.56468765

Why are you even here broski?

>> No.56469388
File: 6 KB, 602x387, 1692118241557540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need to go back

>> No.56469872

Why do you sound like you got cucked by an introvert?
