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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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56437464 No.56437464 [Reply] [Original]

>Donkey Kong Country
>Sakura Wars
>Ocarina of Time
>70s and 80s karaoke songs
Why didn't anyone told me they where hags pretending to be teens.
They are basically EN Marine and Polka.

>> No.56437485

It would take them 8 days to service every Ruffian.

>> No.56437516


>> No.56437550

Im prety sure all of advent are hags or at best 28-29

>> No.56437557

They just became 300% more SEX in my eyes

>> No.56437632

at worst*

>> No.56437665

Nah nerissas gotta be above 30 which just makes it better.

>> No.56437668

Wtf bro now I need a new pair of pants

>> No.56437685

>Sakura Wars
>70s and 80s karaoke songs
Or perhaps their boomers parents raised them well.

>> No.56437995
File: 23 KB, 201x201, yes and.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These dogs are hags

Better to have grateful hags than entitled cunts like the clockbitch.

>> No.56438261

Ina used to be the oldest, but yea....Nerissa grew up watching the 80's version of My Little Pony
>Grew up

>> No.56438288

that's the point. they aren't "at best 28-29", they are "at worst 28-29", because being younger than 30 is worse

>> No.56438367

>Original MLP was broadcast from 86 to 87
>For her to "grow up" watching it, she would have had to at least be 6 or 7
>Logically, she was popped out at around 1980
This bitch is older than Fox Mom, Nina Kosaka

>> No.56438392

>Why didn't anyone told me
we did tho

>> No.56438445
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>They are basically EN Marine and Polka.
>Mio, Korone, and Botan

>> No.56438462

They said it now multiple times. Their Mother played Ocarine of Time when they couldn't even hold the controller, the most they remember is the music and the time shared with their mother. It's called grooming and lots of parents do it. I did it also to my niece, the world needs more gamer girls.

>> No.56438470

They're such a specific niche, makes sense why I'm not really getting into them

>> No.56438523

it's moreso they won't dial down the kayfabe voice. I get it for Bijou, Shiori is already cranking down, but the dogs sound like they heard Korone once and decided to mix in some Risu squeaks for added effect

>> No.56438646

I would wager the youngest EN girl is probably 26 by now? and considering we had a 32~ odd year old with Myth back in debut days.....

>> No.56438692
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>> No.56438740

I don't care about the high-pitched voice, I just want them to be intelligible ENs

>> No.56438751

>He who is lacking in the information that is of the critical variety

>> No.56438858

nah baes a legit zoomer and this is assuming they hired her at 18 and not younger

>> No.56438911

have you done your fucking reps?

>> No.56438962

Don't forget that they are going to play Ocarina of time on original hardware!

>> No.56438993

When did they pretend to be teens?

>> No.56439028

fuck thats so awesome.

>> No.56439135


>> No.56439148
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Because you got worked, brother

>> No.56439233
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>Advent has the potential to be the best gen
>All the girls are hags
I, for one, am shocked at this revelation and I am sure there is no correlation between the two whatsoever.

>> No.56439270

Western women might as well be hobbits. Fat, stupid, refuse to try to do anything interesting, and they don't even start maturing as humans until their 30s

>> No.56439459

but uwu is cute! If they really are who everyone here claimes they are i wish they would drop the bau accent.

>> No.56439520


>> No.56439559

I fucking hate you haggots so goddamn much
>they like le old game so theyre old too!
people played and watched media with their family growing up, people had older technology. I am 22 and I played Donkey Kong Country on my gameboy sp

>> No.56439597

>I am 22
shut up zoomer

>> No.56439617

I will now watch your elderly dogs for at least a little while

>> No.56439710

I mean they are but none of the reasons you gave are why. Zoomers can still like 70s and 80s music, especially with the shit they're stuck with now

>> No.56439757


>> No.56439999

there is no way ina is older than kronii, her anime and game references are not THAT old. she's definitely at least in her late 20s, but i've never seen a KH and Fate fan who's over the age of 30.
maybe i just need to do my reps though.

>> No.56440018

I was born in the early 90's but I grew up reading comics from the 70's because my uncle's childhood comic collection was at my grandpa's house. This shit doesn't really tell you that much.

The original broadcast date is only the beginning of the possible timeframe. Re-runs and VHS tapes/DVDs extend the timeframe.

>> No.56440118

I can quote you line for line the entirety of The Rescuers from 1977. I was born in 1996. The only reason is because my family was kind of poor and we only had like 4 VHS tapes and that's all I watched on repeat until I got internet when I was 13.
Simply being able to remember watching something as a kid doesn't mean you were there watching it on release.

>> No.56440122
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they aired the original old MLP in the 90s too ya know. I was born late 80s and my older sister watched MLP sometimes - she had the ponies and I specifically recall her watching it (along with carebears) and this was definitely early-mid 90s. my sister also had polly pockets and such as well so I would put Nerissa at between mid to late 80s. I'd actually more likely hedge on late 80s .. maybe even early 90s, because Nerissa likes like, Avatar and Teen Titans and shit and my sister had to my knowledge mostly stopped caring about cartoons by when those were airing, but it was only by a few years (she definitely liked the early 00s Cartoon Network shows etc).

>> No.56440181

>I want them to sound like the rest of the boring normie girls in EN!
No thanks

>> No.56440199

Are you retard? FSN and KH was released when K was in high school. And KH was popular among the gamer in class.

>> No.56440213

This does not have to be the case. I also grew up with 80s shows like TMNT, Full House, etc and I am 30. They used to re-run popular shows in the 90s, though for MLP there existed a new show in the 90s.

>> No.56440229

Not K, I.

>> No.56440253 [DELETED] 


>> No.56440255

Nerissa is pretending to be older.

>> No.56440263

I have friends who are mid 30s who were big into Fate in the late 00s, it was not a rare or obscure thing even when it was just the F/SN VN and the fucking DEEN anime as what it was knonw for. actually for many I'd wager it was babby's first VN (that and Higurashi). I'm sure of that actually because uh, it was mine.

>> No.56440280
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This. People here have zero critical thinking skills
>They watched the Addam's family growing up that means they were born in the 60s

>> No.56440396
File: 502 KB, 2491x1887, 1691529447460301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiori and the dogs are probably the oldest members in HoloEN.

Rissa is a zoomer. Anyone who actually grew up in the 90s can smell that from miles away.

>> No.56440428

that word has lost all meanings because of shitters nowadays. The same shitters that go "OH SHE PLAYED SNES GAMES AS A KID? HAG!"
Most americans are so into the consumerism of media that they cannot fathom the possibility of someone having older cousins that played these things on release and then passed them up to their relatives. I'm a genX but due to this for some people here I might as well be a 50 yo

>> No.56440446

>broadcast from 86 to 87
A child of the 90's would've been well exposed to these older shows. Re-runs, older siblling's VHS collections etc. It's only by the very late 90's that you start to have a complete
>what's that?
reaction to these 80's shows. By the new millennium they are well and truly vintage mentally.

>> No.56440451
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For me it was Bible Black (and then Tsukihime)

>> No.56440669

They're also better than Marine and Polka in just about every way.

>> No.56440755

Have you ever seen any of their streams? If you combine the two you get the perfect chuuba. Entertaining, good at games and extremely talented in singing and dancing

>> No.56440917

There are a couple easy tells where people could ask her and we'd be able to tell. she'd have to had specifically have thought ahead of time and been taught what the answers were to successfully bluff her way through someone who actually-was a 90s kid. some easy tells:

>what was your first pokemon game
the correct answers are red, blue, green or yellow, on a gameboy pocket or gameboy color (a lot of kids got a gameboy just for pokemon so it was a pocket, although some had the older brick-sized one already).

Since she's a girl it's very possible she had or liked Beanie Babies and may have had or wanted a Furby. Also there are things zoomers may not necessarily intuit or realize where they'd reveal themselves as not having been there, like if they ever claimed they had broadband in the 90s (this was extremely unlikely for home users, it was a 56k world - actually a lot of households did not even have a PC, much less one with internet access). or if they had a phone as a kid, in the 90s those were strictly important for business and couldn't really do anything else besides call anyway (or play Snake). A zoomer probably doesn't know how a landline works, like what would you do for a party line, what does *69 do, did your family have an answering machine and so on. the more she talks the more clear it'll be or not.

>> No.56441021

They used to air old cartoons for ages on TV. I was born in 88 and I grew up watching stuff like Inspector Gadget thinking it was something new in the 90s, but it ended in 86. I guess with streaming now kids don't really watch old stuff like kids used to, well when they even watch stuff that isn't YT that is.

>> No.56441079

You're making the mistake of assuming that "growing up with" something means that someone was part of the targeted age demographic at the time said thing released. If you did the same for Bijou that would put her in her early 30s(based on some older MMOs she played) when in reality she's in her early 20s(this is strongly backed up by a certain show she watched as a kid which did not start airing until the 2010s.)

>> No.56441198

they even had toys for inspector gadget at like, burger king in the 90s as if it was a current thing. I would know because I had one from some kid's meal or something. it is rather weird actually.

transformers also was ubiquitously still popular right up 'til when beast wars started airing as actually-new transformers. 80s culture was really strong right up to like mid 90s really, the way we break up decades in neat chunks doesn't always work out vs how the world/culture is. early 90s very much still looks/feels like just late 80s, like if there was a "super 80s" the early 90s wouldn't look that different. mid 90s however things really came into their own with 90s cartoons becoming the actual meta among kids of the time, as a very-little kid people were into OG transformers, my little pony etc but by mid 90s everyone was into like rugrats, aah real monsters, doug etc. spongebob was instantly huge in the late 90s (deservedly so I might add) and has never gone away since.

>> No.56441273

>only now finding out they are hags
Dude, most Holos are above Christmas cake age.

>> No.56441274

They also play the retro games on their original hardware, and made a comment about hoping their Ocarina of time cartridge held up.

>> No.56441398

The FOMO mentality wasn't that strong back then. Reruns were strong for a long time.

>> No.56441607

why are people trying to make most logical wild guesses when there are actual facts available out there?

>> No.56441636

wrong board anon. as a matter of fact wrong site.

>> No.56441839

Maybe better than Polka in a lot of ways. But Marine is better at games, better at zatsudans and better at collabs. Though Fuwamoco are only starting out and haven't actually had any proper zatsudans or collabs yet. Going to give it several months before I can judge how good they are at those.

>> No.56441979

OK zoomer

>> No.56442008

>i've never seen a KH and Fate fan who's over the age of 30.
LOL, do you know when FSN was released?

>> No.56443669


>> No.56444113

they desperately want her to be their dommy mommy instead of just some regular gen z girl its really funny. My sister was watching VHS tapes of 80s MLP when she was a kid and shes in her 20's.

>> No.56445569

the whole mommy thing is weird. i'd be unsurprised if it were one girl, but they seem to want to try it on every girl. who are these people? reddit?

>> No.56446360

It's just a yet another case of zoomers being utterly fucked in the head

>> No.56446488

permanent mommy issues from poor parenting or too much coddling from their mother and now there is a desperate need to fill that void.

>> No.56446526

how tho? It'll look like shit. The N64 don't even support S-video or component let alone HDMI unless it is a modded N64. Using composite just look terrible on anything that isn't a CTR screen.

>> No.56446704

Ren and Stimpy is far superior to Spongebob

>> No.56446726

They don't, their pretend age is 20 something.

>> No.56446753

if they work out the proper filters it'll be ok, but i'd be surprised if they did.

>> No.56446757

Do your reps

>> No.56446816

You can get svideo out for N64 uses the same cable as SNES and GameCube

>> No.56446838

It's not about "FOMO mentality" but the fact that there just weren't that many productions.

>> No.56447037

>still seething

>> No.56447266

>The N64 don't even support S-video or componen
Yes it does. I've got one.

>> No.56447944

I wanna see this man when he learns that the majority is 30+ and a few are closer to 40

>> No.56448253

Faggot, we told you day 1.

>> No.56449543

but Haachama is 21
