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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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56413824 No.56413824 [Reply] [Original]

>sex pest male
>ugh yuck get this fuck off my screen

>sex pest female

>> No.56414229
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>> No.56414829

I dont see anything wrong here

>> No.56414978

stop fucking spamming the exact same threads over and over again you subhuman faggot

>> No.56415010

>sex between girls: hot
>sex between men: cringe
I'm glad we understand each other.

>> No.56415032

This is the reason why LGBTQ+ is not supposed to coexist. Gays and lesbians, despite having similar dynamics, are disgusted with each other's behavior.

>> No.56415390

Do you think a lion cares if two females are playing together? But if it's a male he'll fight

>> No.56416049

> why womanon are too retarded to understand male normal and healthy behavior, the thread.

>> No.56417312

anon we want to jerk off

>> No.56418336

Most likely the reason they're gay, anon. Most gays I know it's less about sexual things and more about how they just fucking despise spending time with the opposite gender.
Which can you blame them with the current state of things?
The pendulum will swing back eventually, pretty sure it already is, but for now this is the norm on the internet.

>> No.56419690

Fuck off, femanon. Go watch your homos

>> No.56419829

Because girls aren't real people.

>> No.56419941

>>sex pest
What does this mean

>> No.56420095

this thread was made by someone with a vagina and is probably a pick me

>> No.56420632

The reality is that nobody actually gives a shit about "sex pests". If someone you like AND are attracted to you makes advances on you, you'll like it. If someone you don't like OR aren't attracted to makes those same advances, you won't like it, which would make them a "sex pest".
Sex pest has only become an increasingly common term because each gender has grown ever more hateful of the other gender as a whole, thus advances are taken less and less well, thus everyone kinda becomes a sex pest. Other than your own gender who you don't have a problem with, or the other gender if you hate your own gender.
Examples include extremely gay women who want nothing to do with men (Ex: Nerissa), gay guys who could just never tolerate women, straight men who would honestly rather interact with the homies in a faux gay way instead of even tolerate speaking to a woman, and straight women who just cannot for the life of them bring themselves to understand how to talk to men.

tl;dr Hatred of a large portion of humanity kinda just ruins social fabric and makes it nearly impossible to get along, even if the hatred may be deserved.

>> No.56420767

Men and women are different.

>> No.56420828

It's unironically okay when they do it.

>> No.56421644

That’s my position, yes. Now what?

>> No.56422578

It's just another word /vt/ hijacked and morphed into yet another "anyone I don't like" buzzword. You'd think this is twitter with how many people get falsely accused of being a sexual predator here

>> No.56422713

nerissa sadly moaning bau bau made my weener bigger, all is forgiven

>> No.56422880
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You guys shitpost so much I had to save this image to respond to this thread? Are you happy now?

>> No.56423868

Mashallah brother >>56422880

>> No.56426133

Based, imagine having your multiple muslim wives kissing and masturbating each other and denying any other males in their lives. This is the life allah want us to have

>> No.56427425

>multiple muslim wives kissing and masturbating each other
I don't think they're allowed to do that by Islam. Lesbianism is punished less severely than homosexuality because there's no penetration therefore no sex. If we're just thinking with our dicks, lesbian sex is the hottest form of sex and so if I see shitty bait threads like this again, I will keep posting the MemriTV meme.

>> No.56428148

her persona act gives me some messed up vibe don't fall for the witch craft!

>> No.56428550

It literally is twitter here though. Exact same dopamine searching outrage cycling.

>> No.56428617
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>> No.56428823

fi sabilillah

>> No.56428907

What’s the matter? You said you wanted EN marine!

>> No.56429200

why is she sexpest? i'm missing something?

>> No.56429614

>lesbian sex
>using toys
>1st wife rapes 2nd wife
all of these are not permitted. but, it still happens since it's not in public.

>> No.56429682

I'm glad you finally understand, touristbro. We love cute girls here.

>> No.56430172
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Does Nerissa have any personality besides yuri baiting? That's all I ever hear people talk about her when she's brought up.

>> No.56434035

She's based

>> No.56434238

Of course, when you actively reinforce it and even demand it. Some guys find validation and think she's just like them even if she's pretending or pandering. It will always be that way because men pay for that, but they don't pay for equality and being respected for their own views represented by themselves. It's all vicarious, so it will never be fair. If women wanted guys that were sex pests and actively enjoyed that, then they might pay for it too. Some do, but it's disproportionately a male tendency.

>> No.56434447

To you clearly they aren't

>> No.56434468

There are definitely sex pests, people that are verging on being sexual predators or that repeatedly make advances despite being shut down. Not everyone acts the same, and someone's who's advances are accepted isn't necessarily going to persist and make them uncomfortable had they been rebuffed.

>> No.56434535

>anons discover that people have inherit bias

>> No.56434582

Most in vt are sex pests honestly. The only thing they want their oshi for is sex only

>> No.56434613

Unless this is bait or falseflagging or whatever, I can't understand what people think when saying stuff like that.
We, the audience, are straight males in the vast majority. And straight men do not want to see men who heavily lean into the sexiness part.

>> No.56434771

So for parasocial freaks and unitards is ok for men to like girls but its bad for girls to like men. And yet these people want said girl to love them back who are mostly definetly men but she isn't suppose to like men since shes a lesbian so she would never date any of them anyway.. Anyone else see how stupid all this shizo/unicorn mentality sounds?

>> No.56434793

Besides that I think what makes even less sense in LGBT is that trannies attach themselves onto it. That's not a sexual orientation, that is something entirely different, choosing a supposedly different sex. I don't get it, is a MtF that's into women then part of the community because they're supposedly lesbian? Would that not mean that a MtF into men is not part of it because they would be straight with that logic? They just want to change their sex, I don't get how that makes them inherently associated with a bunch of people of various sexual attractions

>> No.56434852

Femanon please, your blood pressure

>> No.56434938

Because of historical reasons and it would be more likely to be the T or L, or L and T movement, except that gay men also decided they wanted respect.

>> No.56435008

No sister it's not bad for girls to like men. They should be straight. This is what women on this board apparently don't get, they should be generally straight but not towards any one tangible person in particular.
And Nerissa being lesbian is about as definite as Kiara being lesbian, they aren't. They are as straight as the typical club girls that make out with another when drunk, but are still straight otherwise.

>> No.56435024

unicorns are retards milked for their money, who knew

>> No.56435050

Wasn't the male gay movement existing in an organized way first?

>> No.56435083

What no Shiorin does to mf

>> No.56435152

The answer to this question is no, she doesn’t. She’s the least talked about Advent outside of collabs for a reason

>> No.56435188

Yes. Girls are nice. Men are dusgusting. Very simple.

>> No.56435219

this applies to literally any vtuber community

>> No.56435224

>>56435188 (me)

>> No.56435235

pls rape my oshi Nerissa

>> No.56435260
File: 1.68 MB, 1058x1200, 97496001_p0 捕縄術をくらってしまう女騎士.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she's a dyke you can always rape but if she's straight and had a boyfriend, you'll have to deal with used goods which is never good.

>> No.56435286
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It's complicated. At a certain point there were crackdowns and obviously proto-trans people and lesbians (usually butch dykes) stood out more visibly than just a bunch of meek guys in cardigans. Gay men were essentially hidden by default and just published self-loathing suicidal gay novels under pseudonyms. It's not like today where gay man has a strong performative component to the identity in popular culture. Think more along the lines of Alan Turing. His mistake was that he was going to press charges when his ex boyfriend robbed him or something.

>> No.56436717


>> No.56436748
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>menhera tv

>> No.56438490

they're anime girls, not real people
