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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 990 KB, 1371x771, 1691518401021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56394686 No.56394686 [Reply] [Original]

>Do NOT sexualize me, chud

>> No.56394756
File: 1.47 MB, 588x364, RinPenrose.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56395059

>when vtuber coombaits
>when vtuber doesn't coombait

>> No.56395108

She’s literally asexual faggot look at the fucking colour scheme

>> No.56395136

>made up internet bullshit "identity"
is that supposed to redeem her?

>> No.56395166

Wtf is with that attitude? She can just ignore it like everyone else who doesn't like it.

>> No.56395229

There are literally thousands of chuubas you can sexualise why are you so pressed about this

>> No.56395294

She has the best porn out of all the idol chicks, who cares what she thinks

>> No.56395357

Not a fan but it has been said before, unicorn anons don't actually want prudes or girls with good morals. They want loose sluts, but they just want them to be their own private slut. It's pretty contradictory because anyone that plays that role isn't going to be faithful.

>> No.56395374
File: 237 KB, 409x441, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you drop her, when you never watched her to begin with?

>> No.56395417 [DELETED] 

she has the right to want a coomer-free chat but she doesn't have to act superior, and there's no such thing as "asexual" unless it's a symptom of a mental illness or a side effect from medication

>> No.56395440

It's 10 times hotter when they're vocally against it

>> No.56395441

incel mentality at its finest

>> No.56395605

>unicorn anons don't actually want prudes or girls with good morals
Wtf am i then? Kys NTRphobe.

>> No.56395729

Shiori when she openly talked about anal sex.

>> No.56395769

Genuine question
Why do you make Idol anti threads like every single day?
I dont watch them and dont really care but what the fuck is the point?

>> No.56395813

So she has a mental illness? Got it.

>> No.56395829

Don't care about your 2nd rate Shiori

>> No.56395903

He craves the (You)s

>> No.56395909

Yes, they are incels.
You're an incel.

>> No.56395971

>using incel on 4chan
Wrong site, retards

>> No.56395992

I'm going to hire a SEA nigger to write messages about how he wants to rape your boy cunt all day everyday and see if you enjoy it

>> No.56396062

You made this thread yesterday

>> No.56396063


>> No.56396080

Anon please go talk to an actual woman or better get rope yourself, you miserable fucking faggot

>> No.56396159

I knew this bait seemed familiar fucking kek

>> No.56396163

people really use that word in a serious way? wtf I thought it was a meme word created by the Americans KEK

>> No.56396216

hes actually made it about 10 times now but I dont give nearly enough of a fuck to look for them
i dont even watch Idol but retards like this should just be perma'd

>> No.56396227

These "made you drop" threads don't work on a board where everybody knows nobody in the catalog watches streams

>> No.56396272

doesn't exist.

>> No.56396281

Yeah, that's why she liked Splatoon toddlercon art on main. She just got traumatized by rinraper.

>> No.56396348

The colour scheme is probably a coincidence, she designed herself to be blue but since another idol girl was already blue they made a last minute change.

>> No.56396431

Lizzy's a shit-tier normie gimmick streamer who loves putting asexual identifiers and ikea sharks into almost everything she does like it makes up for the forced "quirky" personality she brings to streaming. Why even bother giving that (or her) attention in the first place?

>> No.56396468

>/vt/ is one person
also there's a difference between not sexualizing yourself and being a bitch over others doing it

>> No.56396495

i see this as a perfect explanation on why you don't have a girlfriend, and likely never will.

>> No.56396529
File: 233 KB, 900x900, 1692277625407986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read that again until you understand it, eventually you'll get it

>> No.56396556

is there a full source for this holy shit

>> No.56396609

>thinking anyone has to follow your rules to fit in

>> No.56396637

It's a meme, but retarded normies use that unironically and thinks that automatically they won an argument

>> No.56396694

I mean its obviously Wataaamage's shitty "art"style

>> No.56396725

You didn't watch her before that point.

>> No.56396740

You would say that because you don't like hearing the truth. It's also paradoxical to think I'm the one with the problem, not you. I don't have weirdo beliefs and act like a creep and don't think about sex all the time. I'm also a woman, but don't like that trigger you. Go on, make the insults that will prove my point for me.

>> No.56396894

being asexual doesnt gives you the right to be a control freak over the sexuality of others

>> No.56397013

??? see >>56395813
She had to know what she was inviting by saying what she did
It is. Instant identifier of limousine liberals who are out of touch with reality.

>> No.56397102

She copied the powerpoint slide for slide from punkalopi, she even admitted it, who is an actual insufferable faggot

>> No.56397108

>in chat, while I'm streaming

>> No.56397161
File: 23 KB, 442x280, dont_talking_in_the_chat_please.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always remember don't talking in the chat please

>> No.56397214

It's just being respectful towards others. If it wasn't a character then it could even be classified as a form of harassment open to legal recourse. In fact, the company can still sue you because you're misrepresenting their IP. If you're ever in a position where your explanation or defense is based on technicalities or grey areas then you should assume that at the very least you're being a rude cunt towards somebody.

>> No.56397259

only tranny twitterfags watch this bitch.

>> No.56397399

Correction: only retarded shorts toddlers watch her.

>> No.56397496

Arent sea bros ever getting tired of making the same threads or do you get paid for this?

>> No.56397505

Really? It seems like she is heavily spamming the Youtube algorithm because he videos keep on popping up in completely unrelated vtuber searches. Not just a little either but sometimes 60% of the results are her completely unrelated videos and shorts.

>> No.56397540

Am I missing something or is this only chat room rules? This doesn't say anything about fanart. The passive aggressive tone on half of these rubs me the wrong way but it's saying "please don't type that you want to cum inside me during my streams"

>> No.56397613

I dont get what you were expecting to achieve with this post other than fellating corporate boot

>> No.56397729

Maybe that you have a moment of realization instead of being a scripted npc.

>> No.56397733

Coomers have burnt out their brains so they believe that women should be sexy. They seethe over the fact that some vtubers have no interest in playing the role of a sexy waifu.

>> No.56397785

said the NPC reciting asinine technicalities

>> No.56397831

The clarification here is actually necessary because half her coworkers are perfectly fine with their chat saying they want to cum in them.

>> No.56397847

that's a male

>> No.56397849

No, no, we've already established that you're actually not capable of understanding other people's perspectives because you're just running off a script.

>> No.56397862

why does every idol character look like a muppet baby

>> No.56397998

You know you would get banned from any of your bitch chuubas for posting here right? Please respect their wishes and fuck off

>> No.56398003

And that’s why most of idol’s chats are fucking awful coomer hellscapes. I’d rather watch a NijiEN stream than be exposed to the nasty little fucks in Yuko’s chat.

>> No.56398091

>say string of words
>membership money stolen
I WILL BAN FOR - dropped. You're called idols not divas. I don't care. I'm probably just watching you for the game you're playing.

>> No.56398116

Oh so you do understand that it's rude and antagonistic towards them? You were just pretending to be an idiot and an npc? Gotcha.

>> No.56398129

If you don't wanna be sexy you just won't be, bringing it to the table is retarded, just don't incetive that and it ends(mostly)

>> No.56398182

This bitch was a Tiktok/Tumblr transplant since day one. I'm so sick of retards on here ignoring the red flags and then sperging out when she's exactly what she says on the tin

>> No.56398202

Please follow the rules of the chat, bootlicker chama

>> No.56398256

>Don’t be a coomer in chat and don’t shit talk my family, coworkers, or company.
Oh my god how could she say such things and police her chat so harshly? Is this 1984?

>> No.56398268

yeah she abused the algorithm like if you search Gura one of this bitch shorts pops up in the search. Idol CEO also paid YouTube to shill her shorts

>> No.56398341

I don't even watch them, besides you're making up rules now to prove what? That you were actually stupid all along? If you can't understand the difference between something related to them personally and something unrelated you just made up then no wonder you're an incel.

>> No.56398371

> In fact, the company can still sue you because you're misrepresenting their IP.
Holy shit you people are retarded. What kind of dictatorial shit hole do you live in where fair use isn't a thing at least in a defacto sense when it comes to fan art?

>> No.56398395

>I don't even watch them
figured as much, people like you never put their money where their mouth is; hence why unicorns are where the money is

>> No.56398407

>What kind of dictatorial shit hole do you live in where fair use isn't a thing at least in a defacto sense when it comes to fan art?
That's pretty standard in the US and most of Europe.

>> No.56398481

>bye lol
The sexualization could be naive, sheltered girl autism and acceptable. This sort of dismissive ruthlessness, however, has only one home, and that's twitter.
Much more of a red flag than anything else.

>> No.56398507

And if she can manipulate you to pay pig all the same then more power to her. You're not going to use the money well yourself.

>> No.56398534

She was so based. I miss her, bros.

>> No.56398561

What defines shit talk though? Basically anything. You know these tumblr/twitter types will insinuate anything as negative because they're all schizophrenics if something is not completely and 100% towing whatever line they have insisted you tow that day.

Can we all agree to ignore this retard?

>> No.56398606

I get her stuff spammed in results for things like searching for "average vtuber age", "vtuber audition tips/videos", and "vtuber rigging tutorial."

>> No.56398617

Are you saying that the US and most of Europe does not have at minimum defacto fair use?

>> No.56398683

>You know these tumblr/twitter types will insinuate anything as negative because they're all schizophrenics
I always find it amazing how little self awareness the people who post here have

>> No.56398691

I got the same. I just eventually blocked her entire account.

>> No.56398715

miss penrose really was born to have chuds live rentfree in her head
she can't stop. bet she masturbates to them in secret like all proper leftist girls do

>> No.56398765

The difference being that 4chan has a self-regulating system with harassing people who break containment. Twitter/tumblr does not.

>> No.56398793

Fair use is a defense you have to argue in court. If they can show that you're misrepresenting their IP, brand, person, or trademarks, then it falls under other stuff like libel, in which case your fair use defense needs to also demonstrate that it is infact not damaging any of those things. Whether or not it goes to court and the result depends on the available resources and desire to pursue legal recourse.

>> No.56398804

Im saving the money for the inevitable succubus ASMR

>> No.56398805
File: 314 KB, 720x960, gin_penrose.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chuuba won't let me spam NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER and call her a whore

oh no anon, who ever will you watch now?

>> No.56398856

You never watched her if this surprised and angered you.

>> No.56398936

>self-regulating system
It really isn't. 4chan is collectively about as smart as the dumbest person in the thread at the time. It's about as well regulated as a bunch of guys pissing against the same ways and having it splatter back on all of them.

>> No.56398943
File: 4 KB, 200x198, Sin título.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56399074

That's just how it is, you got the answer to the question you asked. I'm sorry that information is too much for you to handle so now you need your memes to feel better.

>> No.56399125

>It's libel

No it isn't you retarded faggot. It would be libel if and only if somebody insisted that their version was official and true or somebody could reasonably believe it was official and true. If I draw fan art of Mario working the gas chambers at Auschwitz, there's jack shit Nintendo can do to label that as libel since I'm not pretending in anyway that this is Mario Canon or an official illustration. If I slapped the Nintendo logo on it and proclaimed that yes it was, then maybe.

>> No.56399169

Considering Yuko went all out for her Little sister BJ ASMR, you'd think it would be her

>> No.56399225

And yet 4chan isn't nearly as influential outside of 4chan as Twitter or tumblr is.

>> No.56399228

Yuko’s asmr is overrated as fuck. The new girl is way better.

>> No.56399234

You're talking about specific instances of damaging their image. I didn't say anything you actually disagree with.

>> No.56399286

I ONLY like sexualizing chuubas that don’t like to be sexualized. Shameless whores like Marine do nothing for me.

>> No.56399289

Yes I am. You're stating it could be libel. I am stating it is not libel.

>> No.56399302

Bro, i'll take Fuyo, the new girl, Yuko, Luto, Kana, Bijou, and any other shortie you wanna throw at me

>> No.56399303

She can keep her shorts watchers who never actually watch her streams kem

>> No.56399346

Yuko is good at the roleplay part, not so much the ASMR part.

>> No.56399354

What a bitch

>> No.56399382

I stated that some forms of misrepresentation can be argued to be libel or other forms of damage, which you would need to argue against in addition to fair use. I'm not claiming any specific situation is libel or that they would win. You don't disagree with that.

>> No.56399451

I don't need to argue shit. They're the ones bringing the charges, they're the ones who NEED to prove that it is NOT fair use.

>> No.56399452

>watching her to begin with
You deserved it.

>> No.56399471

You would need to actually coordinate to have influence. It's more self-imploding in that case. You can't get people to stop being idiots or stop misinterpreting each others posts in a thread. Obviously, you can't get them to coordinate their efforts outside of 4chan.

>> No.56399526

Nope. It's a legal defense, so if you refuse to defend then it's pretty cut and dry.

>> No.56399609

Is this a low-cost Shiori?

>> No.56399720

>bye lol

toxic as fuck, im glad i never bought into the idol shill - why are western women like that?
they should take lessons from botan on how to deal with haters

>> No.56399812

How is banning annoying coomers in chat a bad thing? No one cares if you're jerking off, keep it to yourself

>> No.56399851

female nature condensed in a 5 minute video

>> No.56399863

>types 69 in chat
>gets banned forever

>> No.56399953

I miss her, but I feel like the next update is either going to be about graduation, or she passed away. I rather her graduate and be alive, but I do hope she comes back.

>> No.56399977

>Guilty until proven innocent

>> No.56400057

4chan has coordinated regularly. People just don't like it because most people come here to achieve catharsis since the clown world is draining. But it's not cathartic to have a bunch of retards shitting up normal stuff. Twitter/Tumblr transplants don't understand how they make things worse for everyone when they break containment.

>> No.56400118

you never watched her. you're just a faggot who just lives on the catalog.

>> No.56400195

>nothing of value was lost

>> No.56400335

What an aseggot lmao

>> No.56400465

her fans got so butthurt over being made fun of for being cucks they split from the general and made their own thread
even worse she's doing another stream like this later on

>> No.56400467

You can look it up. You know that right? Whining platitudes doesn't change the legal system as it is now. I don't think the system is good, because it favors large corporations and the wealthy over poor individuals, but it is what it is. Rather than being delusional and saying you're innocent until proven guilty, it's more like you're coughing up cash until you actually win the case. If you refuse to make a defense or appearance then a company can get a default favorable ruling.

>> No.56400537

Idol is the corpo with the loli chuuba who drank her own piss right? How does she feel about that

>> No.56400565

Theyre literally best friends.

>> No.56400583

Considering people are still talking about it over a month later I'd say she's feeling pretty good.

>> No.56400652

That's a pretty nasty thing to be popular for but hey

>> No.56400690

hope you get raped hard enough to be hospitalized and the doctor asks you why you were dressing like such a slut if you didn't want to get raped.
And since I know you're too retarded to get it, I hope it happens again every year you're alive.

>> No.56400714

if you're a western chuuba and you mention liking NTR I'm dropping you simple as

>> No.56400832

>what the message says
"Chill out, it's a public chat. Don't be overly horny and weird when I'm trying to just play games and entertain an audience"
>what you schizophrenic retards imagined
"DO NOT feel horny at all, DO NOT have lewd thoughts about me ever, I FORBID YOU from being heterosexual, CUT OFF YOUR PENIS NOW"

>> No.56400855

moments when OP was dropped on his head by his mother

>> No.56400907
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>> No.56400908
File: 17 KB, 621x620, Rinrapper2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do NOT sexualize me, chud

>> No.56400960

amen sodomitae brother

>> No.56400982

>moden, self-confident british female
>doesnt like thirsty incel chuds/parasocials/unikeks who write her le EPIC SHOW BOOBS AND VAGANE MESSAGE

HOLY SHIT DUDE! What a fucking suprise

>> No.56400992

She was already known as the piss fetish girl. The only part about it that actually made her feel bad was getting a call from her parents afterwards. It was a "we'll love and support you no matter what" call.

>> No.56401070


>> No.56401187
File: 78 KB, 510x346, 1622010099248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would sexualize her but I don't know who she is and I don't care to know who she is.

>> No.56401223

Sounds based. Leave the childish sex jokes to companies like Vshojo

>> No.56401410

Pre-emptive banning her from accessing my channel. So she can bitch as *why* she was banned for no reason when precisely what she listed is the reason.

I think everyone should ban this Vtuber so she can't grow. Limit her interactions with others and see how fast she graduates. I'll laugh. What good is a Vtubing career if you can't grow and make money out of it. Just a soulless whore amongst thousands of souless whores out for virgins with loose wallets is all.

>> No.56401561

They can do it, she just doesn't want to see it in her chat.

>> No.56401575

Amen sodomitae to you too, brother.

>> No.56401610

>Bye lol
takes it from "okay, whatever, don't care about you to begin with" to "instant anti, tempted to make her life a living hell, kind of want to find her and cut off her nipples"

>> No.56401635

most sane 4chan user

>> No.56401648

I check their early life section.

>> No.56401676

You've got to find a way to stand out. Sometimes it's a random short that gains popularity, other times it's your actual content. And sometimes, it's because your model is unique.
The vtubing world is incredibly competitive right now, leaving no room for hesitation or pride. You can't say, 'I wouldn't stoop to that level,' unless you're backed by a big corporation. In that case, you can afford to just focus on zatsus or play whatever new title has been released.
For smaller corpos and indies, you basically have to put aside that pride and do something that no one else is doing.

>> No.56401692

Asexual = Chadsexual

>> No.56401725
File: 192 KB, 640x528, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56401734

That would teach her for real

>> No.56401771
File: 388 KB, 1440x933, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56401977

jokes on you anon I'm into this

>> No.56402753

I mean yes, that's based, and she's better off without you.

>> No.56403176

You aren't, the entire stream was about her chat, but OP is literally retarded and autistic so he failed to grasp that to such a level that he's been seething about it and spamming threads with his misunderstandings for weeks.

>> No.56403679

I dont give a fuck what a vtuber wants but in her case she needed to do this cause almost half of her company panders to pedos and coomers that cant behave like normal fucking human beings

>> No.56403901

It exists, but it's definitely a mental illness.
t. also asexual.

>> No.56403987

asexual just means ur a pussy that is literally scared of sex though

>> No.56404292

Least degenerate Londoner

>> No.56404460
File: 92 KB, 240x224, 1664467387314796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not even what it says, she just doesn't want people being horny in chat.

>> No.56404775
File: 770 KB, 918x625, genuine love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When they love the japs more than they love me...

>> No.56404991

What he doin'?

>> No.56405083

They are just like me forreal

>> No.56405252
File: 183 KB, 1048x921, 1677803284189406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh great, I have a picture for this.
Never watched her btw. Would rape though.

>> No.56405385

Wouldn't be the first time a vtuber went with a funny color scheme, not knowing that some group of freaks lays a claim to it.

Just ask the yabbit.

>> No.56407817

anon it doesn't work in Japanese

>> No.56408080

+10 updoots well meme'd brother!

>> No.56408119

>She’s literally asexual faggot
I love how much of an oxymoron that is."I'm not sexual! Never sexualize me! By the way my color scheme is ripped straight off of a flag made for people to display their sexual preferences lmao

Tolerating troons was a mistake, and I'm starting to think allowing people to be openly gay was a mistake too.

>> No.56410460


>> No.56414231

Oh no don't leave anon, make sure to leave a comment about how you're unsubscribing.

>> No.56420270


>> No.56421619

Not really. You’re just describing a monogamous relationship.
I guarantee you a lot of married men and married women want their wife or husband to be highly sexually active, but with them exclusively.
It’s not contradictory, it’s monogamy.

>> No.56422282

I like Rin but she reminds me a lot of my ex, which is unfortunate.

>> No.56422772

>Moments when you dropped a chuuba
i remember dropping Saki Ashizawa (RIOT MUSIC VSinger) months before her termination because she seemed like a bitch
found the post i made after that happened

>> No.56423367

yeah, hard pass

>> No.56423406

The whole Yuzu Eiffel Tower thing. Now months later she's streaming with a boyfriend.

>> No.56424406

The problem is that vtubers are not in a monogamous relationship with their viewers. It is inherently slutty for them to make that kind of content.

>> No.56425393

Do you know where you are?
And have you looked in a mirror recently?

>> No.56425440


>> No.56425734

>pickme personality towards unicorns
>self doubts self all the time
>reads shit from attentionfags
>fucks up schedules
>coomer bait
>cunny bait
>members content is just horny shit for touchless virgins
>shit at every game they play
>constantly draws attention to chat instead of being an idol
>doesn't read members or supas
>consistent technical issues like double audio and broken alerts
>is blue

>> No.56425909

Asexuals don't exist, this is a guy with a hormone problem and he doesn't even realize it.

>> No.56425935 [SPOILER] 
File: 231 KB, 1169x1168, 1665258971288779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56426451

>members content is just horny shit for touchless virgins
that's me. i will now buy her membership

>> No.56427630

>bye lol
oh no...

>> No.56430631

Rin Penrose has that policy? Thanks for letting me know, as a unicorn she is the dream chuuba! Go enjoy your coombait Twitch thots with an avatar.

>> No.56430721


>> No.56430801

If she's not attracted to anyone, what else is she gonna call it? Retard

>> No.56431099

Well, the fuck is it then if it's not a thing? It's way less mentally deranged than being a coomer shouting "rape correction needed". ffs lol

>> No.56431154

Tell 'em, sister. #cut4hex

>> No.56431222


>> No.56431312

cut your dick off

>> No.56431410

no that's transgenderism

>> No.56431441

>constantly draws attention to chat instead of being an idol
Idols don't interact with chat? Kinda turning me off the whole idol concept. I thought the whole reason to accept the low quality inherent to streaming was because at least they can interact with you directly.

>> No.56431660

imagine saying that to someone for simply saying he's not attracted to every girl alive. go have sex with some grannies or your cousins

>> No.56431985

She would be lying if she says she doesn't feel even a slight tingle after watching this.

>> No.56432217

She is collabing with males, mr. unicorn.

>> No.56432332

No sex, don't care.

>> No.56432389

"Asexual" people are either delusional, suffering from hormone imbalances, traumatized in some way or otherwise "broken" or performative faggots that want to play identarian politics. Biologically, we are machines designed to reproduce, it's a core function.

>> No.56432576

>delusional, suffering from hormone imbalances, traumatized in some way or otherwise "broken"
sounds like projection of someone insecure of their own sexuality. Label them whatever you want, but if folks aren't interested in it, who cares.

>> No.56433107


>> No.56433636

With all those ikea sharks, I thought for sure she was subtly hinting to us that she's going to troon out and became an FTM tranny like ellen page.

>> No.56433865

Aww thats cute. She think shes a content creator and entertaining without having to be sexualized.

>> No.56433931

Kind of a sad way of thinking.

>> No.56434065

>Biologically, we are machines designed to reproduce, it's a core function.
Regardless of how factual this is, this lowkey suggests that all unicorns are getting cucked by a chuuba's future lover anyway lol

>> No.56434156

Hakka's cocksleeve

>> No.56434328

she got raped

>> No.56434439

Honestly that whole stream felt like a teacher bitching out the entire class because one or two kids won't shut the fuck up with the added bonus of alphabet faggotry.

>> No.56434660

You can't just make assumptions based on color. By that logic Pippa Pipkin must be a tranny because she's pink and blue.

>> No.56434844

She doesn’t need to call it anything faggot. She can just say isn’t attracted to anyone. It doesn’t need to be a whole ass seperate orientation.

>> No.56434853

Inb4 the average response here: "but she is a tranny". kek

>> No.56434928

It can be fair to point out that she's annoying for stating that, but it can also be fair to point that you're annoying by being overly annoyed at her for stating that. Overall, culture wars are just cancer.

>> No.56435762

Accelerate. Enjoy the decline.

>> No.56436352

>alphabet faggotry
Wait, what? What happened?

>> No.56437055

Literally who?

>> No.56437115

Amazing how every single time i go to a random catalog thread there is the same 1 faggot constantly seething about Yuko

>> No.56437149

>their own private slut
So...a girlfriend?????

>> No.56437422
File: 244 KB, 586x566, 1675237488659338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be quiet and drink your lemonade.

>> No.56437546

>people hate it when someone builds their entire identity around being a whore or a lecture reading prude
Just give the occasional fan service and dont make a big deal out of it. How hard is it?

>> No.56438270

>>self doubts self
Can you self doubt... someone else?

>> No.56438397

Only a subsection which mostly resides on /vt/ wants that hypocrisy. You can have a couple of chuubas for that niche, but don't complain when a chuuba says 'I'm prude' or 'I'm horny' out of the gate and the expect to have your weird rants have an impact and somehow make you happy despite her obviously stating she's not your niche. I don't rant about Projekt Melody on a daily basis for being lewd - she has that target audience, and that's it.

>> No.56438635

I have a love/hate with Idol. Some chuubas I love, others I hate. Rin is on the hate list.

>> No.56438717

It can exist but there are usually reasons for it. For instance it can be caused by anti-depressants, hormone imbalances, and trauma.

>> No.56438819

gotta be those damn chemicals in the water that turn the frigging frogs gay *spergs out*

>> No.56438887

I banned her from showing up on my recommendations a long ass time ago

>> No.56438914

What about blue ghost?

>> No.56438929

Her shorts are kinda annoying but her streams are pretty good. The one with her mom was cute af

>> No.56438968
File: 154 KB, 282x252, ew britbongs[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fn8h7pj.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56439299

I tend to avoid vtubers who take a default adversarial stance with their audience or other vtubers. I don't mean the keyfabe of "I'm gonna beat you up chat!" or "My best friend is my rival!" I mean shut like "If you are my fan, you are submissive and breedable" or "This other vtuber who is like me is copying me and I'm the better choice!"
It shows that they are petty bitches not worth your attention.

I get what he means and it's not just a girlfriend.
A unicorn wants the chuuba to be a nymphomaniac with an insatiable sex drive and open mind regarding sex acts but ONLY for him. The unicorn doesn't really want a girlfriend. He wants his oshi to be his living onahole.

>> No.56439403

but she is a tranny

>> No.56439528

>A unicorn wants the chuuba to be a nymphomaniac with an insatiable sex drive and open mind regarding sex acts but ONLY for him.
That's the fakest and saddest thing I've ever heard.

>> No.56439996

I find someone better. Simple as.

>> No.56440103 [DELETED] 

who is this based chuuba?

>> No.56440224
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>> No.56440246
File: 993 KB, 728x410, You're a child[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fz29jqh.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the best.

>> No.56441238

All she has to do is be non sexual ON STREAM and ON SOCIAL MEDIA and not make any innuendos and people will read the room and follow along. Only the most autistic socially clueless people will make sex jokes in chat and they'd get banned anyway for being disruptive in other ways. Even as a direct instruction she could say something like "This makes me uncomfortable, please avoid it" and that would be fine too. Putting it up like this screenshot is an insult to her audience's intelligence.

>> No.56441329

>twitch tags
>rules: no bigotry
Those are easy ways to filter dramafags.

>> No.56441704

wasn't this also during asmr which was a donothon reward or something? i remember the context making it even worse

>> No.56441709

Fair, but that's pretty rich considering I get my intelligence insulted when chuubas pander to me as if I'm their love interest while actively acknowledging she's avoiding all the other males who are not me (I mean, aside from thousands of other males simultaneously watching) when some autist asks for no male acknowledgement, giving up the game and breaking kayfabe in the process. That gets me way worse.

>> No.56441805

so idolENfags all support "ze cause"?

>> No.56442503

It's called "playing pretend" anon. It's not all that different from what goes on in maid cafes and host clubs and when women write 300K word fanfics about their favorite characters having long drawn out angsty love affairs

>> No.56442828

That's a very specific niche though, a pretty sad one if I may add, and not something that will attract many folks outside of this certain demographic. When chuubas outwardly state their preferences, there will always be someone annoyed, but the niche described is frequent enough in VTubing that it should be understandable that there are chuubas who may not cater to /vt/, but are very much enjoyed by my family for example. I do think any kinds of 'lecturing' on either side should be brief, smooth, natural, and straight to the point though without any contempt.

>> No.56442923

isn't this basic chat moderation? holos also have chat guidelines

>> No.56443123
File: 383 KB, 310x268, yuko_little_girls[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fll9oku.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just watch her superior coworker.

>> No.56443240

This implies you watched and supported her before. Why? This person was garbage from the getgo.

>> No.56443321

Speak for yourself fag, this stream was kino

>> No.56443446

Not watching your Prince (she/her)

>> No.56443483

>Discount Gura
I'd rather watch the real deal

>> No.56443537
File: 1.67 MB, 1504x846, 1668168935577230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would Gura pee in a cup in response to donations from her viewers? Would Gura masturbate in member's streams? Would Gura be able to connect with her viewers on a deeper level (due to the difference in voice count)? Would Gura stream regularly?

I thought not. Support blue ghost.

>> No.56443576

Gura has peed on stream, so yes
Gura has also masturbated on stream and even given us a bj for Valentine's, so yes
Gura has connected to us multiple times in member streams, so yes
Gura is almost streaming TOO MUCH now, so yes

>> No.56443633

>peed on stream
Proof required. If it's the Outlast thing, it's a rrat.
>masturbated on stream and even given us a bj for Valentine's
Proof required. I've heard the Valentine's stream and it has no such thing.
>Gura has connected to us multiple times in member streams
Incorrect. Too many of you to properly connect.
>Gura is almost streaming TOO MUCH now, so yes
Enjoy it for the next week before she disappears again.

>> No.56443650

Make more shorts with the word Gura in it for views Yuko, this is just sad..

>> No.56443721
File: 22 KB, 112x112, 1683946698415589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56446359

Idol gen 3 will save you

>> No.56446471

>suffering from hormone imbalances
Actually asexual people are like that. Just like faggots who prefer same sex. Something is off with the brain wiring, but westoid consider the mind is more sacred than the body.

>> No.56448110

Nooooo, delete this!!

>> No.56448455

NPC detected >>56434853

>> No.56448611

>b-but she's asexual
>p-please stop anon

>> No.56451298

This but not in the ass cause poop is gross. It can still hurt (and bleed) if you go in the front hole, dry.

>> No.56451711

thread ended up going over 250
guess it's you that looks silly, huh?

>> No.56451888

the best part of these topics is always how much braindead corporate apologism floods in. THESE are the comedy topics i subsist on.

>> No.56452035

Why is it so hard for parasocials(?)/chuds(?) to accept that most people dont want them in the chat?
Just stop watching Rin. Do we really another 200+ post thread for this garbage?

Its like fucking arguing with people who never had any human interactions and dont know the very basic rules/forms.

>> No.56452121

yes, that's how the internet works lilzoom

>> No.56452123

>westoid consider the mind is more sacred than the body

>> No.56452157

Now make a Guro version of this where she dies. Make sure it's grisly.

>> No.56452162

I dont see the issue. Like you guys openly type "please blow me chubba-chan!?" or make dumb sexual inferences like "oh she LOVES sausage alright!" Cant you jack off without letting the world know?

>> No.56452396

we know you don't, otherwise you wouldn't associate the braindead shit you just said with what people are actually mad about from the op.

>> No.56452991

>hates coomers
BASED. I will now watch your chuuba and look past her br*ti*shness

>> No.56453372

when she was confirmed a "puzzle" diddler

>> No.56454410

Blacked company

>> No.56454877

Does the "a" stand for ass or anal?

>> No.56454890

Why are you snowflakes always so obsessed over words?

>> No.56454950

Okay, so instead of retard should we just call you "person whose brain doesn't work"?

>> No.56454998

I see nothing wrong with this.

>> No.56455134

Looking forward to a good 3D live, had the volume up real loud and had just SCed.
Sang with some dude.
She got me into vtubers aswell.
I haven't studied Japanese since.

>> No.56455140

Remember when people went to get their mental illnesses treated, instead of celebrating them? We really need to bring back the lobotomy.

>> No.56455249

Contain yourself, Rashid, there are parts of your rant that aren't very Halal.

>> No.56455381

Yeah, I agree, you should get your obsession with what other people do or don't do in their beds checked out.

>> No.56455475

>"check the colour scheme that i've studied, this system for people obsessed with telling people what they do or don't do in their beds"
>"you're obsessed with sex"

>> No.56455477

I guarantee you never regularly watched her

>> No.56455497

it's not that she's a prude, it's that she's telling the viewers what to do.

>> No.56455562

Imagine thinking being asexual isn't literally a mental illness. The only purposes of any living thing is to survive, reproduce, and protect your offspring.

>> No.56455582

>What are chat rules

>> No.56455636

You really think 80% of the Vtuber audience is having sex?

>> No.56455739


>> No.56455812

>Biologically, we are machines designed to reproduce, it's a core function.
yet you have never had sex, and won't ever have. A broken machine. A defect to be discarded.

>> No.56455827

Mate, I don't think 90% of the vtuber audience is having sex, but that doesn't negate my point.

>> No.56455830

The only who actively tells chat to cut back on the porn is Ina. Every other Holo either says their fine with it or ignores the topic entirely, which is the way it should be done. Don't ever try to tell chat what to do like an uppity bitch. They are your livelihood.

>> No.56455859

The real mental illness here is being so invested in the sexuality of a person that you don't know. Have you ever thought of putting that energy elsewhere? I don't know, maybe you could try
>to survive, reproduce, and protect your offspring.

>> No.56455892

how hard is it for mind broken twitter freaks to not see these phantoms possessing every windmill they come across?
there is nothing "chud" or "parasocial" about people freaking out about getting tard wrangled, you she/they (male) lunatic, it's just twitch faggots and tourists

>> No.56455914

She didnt mention porn at all though? She's telling Greyniggers to stop coming in to chat and cooming everywhere

>> No.56455945

I called asexuality a mental illness. You're the one who seems so invested to defend Rin's honour.

>> No.56456182

i dropped that twitch whore after first male collab.

>> No.56456444

People don't like being told what to do, more at 11.

All she had to do was keep being herself and ignore the coomers in chat and they'd wither away without the attention

>> No.56458357

You never watched her.

>> No.56459238

Rin and Juna are the only ones that give me a bad taste in my mouth but even Juna can be tolerable in small dosages, Rin is not.

>> No.56461145

twitch in terms of attitude, twitch mentality.

>> No.56463173

Why? She can't stop you from sexualizing and busting nuts to her.

>> No.56465047

please tell me there's more.
This is incredibly erotic.

>> No.56465166

Obviously she didn't mention porn, she's such a prude that she'd never utter the P word. She heavily implied that people should "calm down" on "that sort" of art.

>> No.56465611

This anon is factually correct, ignore the seething femanons and trannies in the replies

>> No.56465899

I've been wondering about this. Are Twitch tags selected by the streamer? Or are they automaticaly applied based on the stream content? Like could a streamer be playing some yuri VN game and get hit with the lgbt tag against their wishes?

>> No.56466151

there is, just search "@Wataaamage rin" on twitter, i think they are searched banned though so you'll have to dig into the account

>> No.56466335

HHHNNNNNGGGGG get filled with cum, you prude bitch!!

>> No.56466769

I dropped Nerissa when she said Kiara was not only her oshi, but also sperged out hardcore for 3 hours during their collab. It's so weird. Kiara isn't even good at anything. She can't dance, sing, game, talk, be funny, really anything. She's 2/10 in everything and this isn't even counting how she's a psychopath that would strangle puppies for views. Yet for some reason Nerissa likes her enough to cum on stream? No way. My rrat is that it was a numbers play. Nerissa saw Kobo collabed with Kiara and then became the #2 biggest Holo streamer essentially over night. So Nerissa wanted to do that. The difference here is that Kobo has a soul blessed by God, whereas Nerissa has a soul blessed by some dude behind a Denny's. Also, Nerissa didn't even know Ame has 4 pets. No fuckin way can she be a self proclaimed Kiara super fan and not know that.

>> No.56469089

I respect your opinion even if it's wrong.

>> No.56472246

her debut

>> No.56472441

that's your only purpose if you're livestock. you're no higher than a rat. an ameba.

>> No.56472511

She is not for (you), she does not make content for (you), she does not need (you), get over it.

>> No.56472630

not necessarily bad, no. it was just an explanation for this reaction.

>> No.56472760

>I want your money
>But I don't want to do the same the others do because reasons
kike company

>> No.56472766

what nijiyab did i miss?

>> No.56473166
File: 122 KB, 825x1419, 1669286351939868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really, its actually quite simple.
Think of a regular /vt/ anon, hornyposts all day yet doesnt get any irl.
So just like that, but female.

>> No.56473265

>unicorn doesn't really want a girlfriend. He wants his oshi to be his living onahole.
voices in your head told you so?

>> No.56473457

Most people who are asexual are probably just ugly/fat and use asexuality as a cope. Lol I didn’t want sex anyway. Which just reinforces my theory that Rin is fat as fuck. You can hear it in her laugh, she has a fat girl laugh.

>> No.56474388

Both extremes can be annoying, yes.
That aside it's really more an issue of talking down to her audience. If you treat your audience like children, don't be surprised when they act like it.

>> No.56474799

>we are machines designed to reproduce, it's a core function.
You must reproduce GOYIM or else

>> No.56475313


>> No.56475396

NTA, but thats what fitting in implies anon...

>> No.56477519

I'm asexual
A sexual deviant

>> No.56477880

How is black and purple meant to convey that? Those are goth colors and those bitches are secretly horny.

>> No.56478197

Retarded seanigger. She just told people to calm down when they were going crazy with back art. In that one specific instance. That's it. She never told people to cut back on porn in general.

oh, you're one of those discord fags, you always use this word when complaining about Ina and lying about her intentions.

>> No.56478573

Ikumi's new design is shit.
You know that South Park episode where Santa convinces Jesus to try out cocaine, that was how I viewed Ikumi's asmr, it wasn't horny at all it was just pure and relaxing.
Her previous design somewhat reflected that, I believe the outfit was a variant of the virgin killer sweater, which was sexy but still classy.
But then she swaps to a comeplete coomerbait design and I can't enjoy it anymore, the asmr hasn't changed, all I have to do it is not look at the screen but the thought of it causes an irrational feeling that makes me sick.
It's no longer pure cocaine.

>> No.56478963

I checked that stream and she removed/shadowbanned all comments which didn't agree with her.

>> No.56479241
File: 102 KB, 850x882, 1675871012679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know for a fact that you are wrong but in order to understand that, you have to be willing to meet people like me in person and since I never met people who didn't understand it...
Try talking to people in person. You'd be surprised.
