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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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56375644 No.56375644 [Reply] [Original]

All i want is a vtuber waifu who is a RTS fag preferably a Total War or SupCom autist. I cant find them...

>> No.56376015

where are our /gsg/ waifus at?

>> No.56376093

i want a chuuba to play Hearts of Iron 4

>> No.56376221

There is ClioAite. On twitch. No idea if she's worth watching, though. Pops up in my recommendations sometimes.

>> No.56376267

you can find some over in /vrt/

>> No.56376365

I think I remember seeing a male and female chuuba playing Hoi4 separately a year or so before. If I'm not mistaken, one of them was playing OWB and Kaiserreich.

>> No.56377156
File: 42 KB, 463x451, 1691292213287777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy based

this just gave me the fantasy of a whole holo or niji gen all collectively playing hoi4 mp and being awful at it

>> No.56377538

Have I got someone for you

be prepared to eat and poop from the same orifice

>> No.56377905

Will check them out. Thanks.

>> No.56377958
File: 512 KB, 1921x1378, Kaneko Lumi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vtuber waifu
>RTS fag

>> No.56378228

ClioAite. Fag & Hag.

>> No.56381338

>Total War
I wish your ideal waifu tries Shogun 2, the last good Total War in the franchise

>> No.56381603
File: 54 KB, 640x360, thumb0-640x360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yellow Woman from Phase Connect

>> No.56381712
File: 237 KB, 1280x720, FPyib0VVIAY2g1N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

google is telling me this one. And I know she played quake not to long ago and tried to learn how to strafe jump

>> No.56381851
File: 1.59 MB, 1341x751, image (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're not very good at looking if you can't find them

>> No.56381946

>Total War: Warhammer
I got tired of it despite owning only the first game, so I didn't bother buying Warhammer 2 and 3. I mostly play Shogun 2.

>> No.56381954

Also forgot to say that "/vrt/ Retro Game Tubers" is a thread that's almost always up

>> No.56382271

AND she has to be in Hololive

>> No.56382341

Why always this warhammer crap. Why not Three Kingdoms. And I want Empire 2 already

>> No.56382512

Moona's been playing the Starcraft remaster recently if you want to check it out. Some of them have played TABS if you want to count that

>> No.56383376

not gonna give a proxy support to blizzard after all the shit they've recently done.

>> No.56383708


>> No.56385828

Three Kingdoms disappointed me with the lack of naval battles. It's why I stick to Shogun 2

>> No.56385959

Lumi just plays the games, if you ask her for lore or autistic details she will laugh away to hide her ineptitude
She herself admited she never beat factorio(vanilla(easy(half a days worth)))

>> No.56386540

You do not actually want to watch a woman play supcom. You think you do, but you really don’t.

t. Supcom autist

>> No.56386786
File: 515 KB, 712x568, clio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clio Aite on Twitch
Plays EU4, Total War, has played AoE2/4, CK3, Vicky 3, AoW4 and Civ VI. Will be playing HoI4 in the future. She is decent at Total War (plays on very hard) and one of the top players for EU4. She is doing a Knights run on Very Hard in EU4 that she uploads to youtube if you hate twitch

>> No.56387661


>> No.56390891

Monkey paw, he gets his RTS chuuba but she's a massive roastie whore with a 3 digits bodycount

>> No.56393862

You sound like a tourist.

>> No.56393904

>Clio is a whore
QRD? I thought she was just some teacher hag

>> No.56394027

how do you beat factorio? just launch the rocket, right?

>> No.56394751

Well the first game is just bad in comparison to the other games. I'm a bit bias, but I prefer 2 over 3. Like 3 has a lot of interesting ideas, but they fall flat most of the time.

>> No.56395404

She fucked a couple fraternities back in college, she called it a slut phase

>> No.56395500

Yeah, to put it in scope there's an in game achievement for doing it in under 2hrs

>> No.56395689

>commander under attack
>drooling noises
I support OP's cause

>> No.56396476

Absolute horseshit. Not a fucking shred of evidence to this nonsense

>> No.56397089

She's not going to mention it every stream now that she got bigger but anons deserve to be warned before they watch her
Unicorns stay away, roast beef status

>> No.56397140

>Vtubers playing Diplomacy

>> No.56397226

Sorry for doubting you anon. Thanks for the warning. I won't waste my time. Maybe there is another Chuuba who likes history out there

>> No.56397608

would you care if they played supreme commander 2 a lot?

>> No.56397826

>SupCom fan
Almost certainly true
