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56370025 No.56370025 [Reply] [Original]

7M views anti video "hololive is dead" in bilibili has been deleted. Reuploading by other users is also prohibited.

>> No.56370096
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>> No.56370116

holy shit they really are cumming back
did the ccp buy cover shares?

>> No.56370212
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get fucked

>> No.56370231 [DELETED] 
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>> No.56370248

The lockdowns are over. Everyone is back to work.

>> No.56370267

Trust the process anon holo world domination is not just a dream

>> No.56370270

What did the video say?

>> No.56370296

Is that Bijou in Bili Bili?

>> No.56370339

How did a biboo clip get into bilibili?

>> No.56370387

iirc there are still some mandarin clippers of hololive on bilibili. Won't check as I have that shit blacklisted

>> No.56370417

Advent really is healing hololive...

>> No.56370421

China loves HoloEN, there are lots of EN clips on bilibili.

>> No.56370490

Are they gonna sperg out again when someone mention Taiwan on stream or what? Have they learned anything?

>> No.56370491

Thanks but poor fuckers being chinese holofans their social score must be fucked

>> No.56370553

Might be from Hongkong or Macau as there is some different rules still there compared to the mainland. But those exceptions are disappearing...

>> No.56370605

> hololive members "betray" their Chinese viewers by welcoming kiryu coco after her suspension.
>Cover abandon Chinese market to cater to western market, because they didn't graduate kiryu coco at once.
>Chinese market helped hololive a lot, and hololive are disgusting traitors.
>Now we Chinese fans boycott hololive as a unity, so hololive will die out from now

>> No.56370666

Hololive only grow stronger since then kek
how much is he seething seeing hololive now?

>> No.56370670
File: 221 KB, 447x496, cope_fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, that's some fucking coping from the "chines". To bad Taiwan is the real Republic of China.

>> No.56370738

Is honh kong still independant i thougt the ccp aligned police took it by force some time ago?

>> No.56370741

coping hard by at least they can't play Chinese gacha games and livestream on bilibili

>> No.56370752

No matter how much time passes it will never be not funny to me how bad the zhang base fucked up. They literally had the entire JP vtuber market catering to them, how do you fuck up so bad.

>> No.56370790
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They still have some rights. But the ccp been cracking down hard the last years.

>> No.56370798

Oh that's it? I already knew all that but I thought it was something more to it. Still feel bad about the single Chinese Holomem who wasn't part of the harassment. Anyone know if she's doing fine now?

>> No.56370822



>> No.56370839

nene and flare og design was basically a tribute to them and they fucked it up
aqua was their gura and they fucked with her too

>> No.56370888

cool, but that is not a good news.

>> No.56370904


>> No.56370922

Why do they still care when they have niji?

>> No.56370925

calm down kiara

>> No.56370951

Idk about the whole jp market but regarding hololive they brought more drama than revenue also had the ch branch talents run anti campaigns against coco and hachama and have them infight cause 2 of em were from taiwan

>> No.56370957

who? As far as I know, notEcho does pretty well. Others are struggling.

>> No.56370978

i think it's true... the ccp surrender to yagoo's dick...

>> No.56370988

Uh anon.... have you seen the state of Niji?

>> No.56371012

Some guy started making AI song covers of her and getting higher numbers than the real girl so she had a meltdown iirc

>> No.56371022


>> No.56371030

>imagine thinking it's a good thing
IF they go back to bugland, literally the same timeloop will happen

>> No.56371035


>> No.56371044

wasn't yoghurt being bullied by the bitch Art-[*vomits]-ia too?

>> No.56371060

i think ID will have mihoyo perms in near future...

>> No.56371104

That's what COVID was all about.
Big distraction just as international support was building for Hong Kong.
Things just got a little out of hand, that's all.

>> No.56371118

i swear u fking idiots don't actually know that alot of China investors are in hololive board.
they are rich weebs for a reason

>> No.56371127

True apricot kernels (Holofans) don't hope for the apricot to return."
So that the fabled based chainaman?

>> No.56371133

based if true
genshin sponsorship for everyone

>> No.56371145
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The strategy of abandoning bilibili was the right call. Nice work Mr. Yagoo.

>> No.56371150
File: 70 KB, 400x388, FBBN2s_VkAcaEcw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hachama MIA
Coco left
who won?

>> No.56371190

It's stuff like this why I'm anti AI generated content even though I know it's futile

>> No.56371252

China still likes HoloEN funny enough. Theirs a gif or webm out there where the HoloEN Ochame Kinou video that was uploaded to B2 CRASHED their app because too many comments were placed on Gura's section of the song.

>> No.56371258

Just wait until Tencent start buying more hololive shares. Shiori already had to censor calling Chinese made products shit. Things will only get worse from here.

>> No.56371283

Blue Archive Big gacha collab would be more appreciated

>> No.56371293

i blame mori for all of this.

>> No.56371324
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this is the first time I think it might be truly over

>> No.56371366
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maybe not the entirety of the fanbase but seriously almost all fans in billibilli were in some sort of giga sting operation, even the cn talents and their fanbase discords were involved.
i'm inclined to think it was a planned movement meant to chain hololive to billi

>> No.56371378
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Back in the olden days that would have been an option. But they can still stream some Yostar published games, as they are based in hongkong

>> No.56371396

They were trying to do one of two things, make Cover forever subservient to China or if that didn’t work out, run them out of the market in order to prop up Asoul

>> No.56371415
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>be me
>see picture of artia
>have a vitriolic response
>refuse to read text
>post "kys-artia.gif"

>> No.56371419

my rat is the original CH hololive "talents" are all corp nepo hires of the funders worthless daughters.,who wanted to play E-celebrity
we all know the types, and as expected we full meltdown of the entitled rich bitch behavior

>> No.56371476

As much as i fear it the likely hood of it happening is going doing with how much china is burning bridges with the rest of the world

>> No.56371497

>can't play Chinese gacha games and livestream on bilibili

>> No.56371588

if tencent funds hololive and we get better stuff. I'm ok with burying the hatchet and milking them.

>> No.56371603

Whatever until Holo stream the chinese games.

>> No.56371656

Artia bros... we fucking won

>> No.56371686

What investor didnt yoga man kick them out when hololive left china for good?

>> No.56371765

It was an intentional problem the CIA created by giving money to Coco

>> No.56371837


Meaqua is back. It is like we are back to 2019.

>> No.56371960

you can't be that stupid right? u think yoga man has rich backers to buyout them?
just like how mega corps are still in russia after that "sanctions" or how banning China goods only for them china business men to open factories in mexico/vietnam and selling them the same fking thing.

>> No.56372061
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*sigh* I don't mind the restoration of relations as long as they promise to behave, we lost Coco and an entire branch for such a stupid thing, it shouldn't have happened

>> No.56372091

That's probably still a very long way off. Bilibili can slap it's dick on the table and tell antis to fuck off if it wants to. Chinks don't have any choice but to put up with it. The same can't be said for game devs/publishers. Antis can totally boycott those all they want. It's up to publishers to decide whether the "free" worldwide advertising is worth the potential loss of revenue at home. Personally, I think the exposure is worth it for small/mid-size games. Hololive played a large role in MuseDash's success, for instance. Definitely not worth it for shit like Genshin; which is known worldwide already though. Nobody is going to see/hear about Genshin for the first time through Hololive.

>> No.56372103

I JUST WANT AZUR LANE SEASON 2. Ngl the chinese memes and copypastas are top tier.

>> No.56372137

The coco fans might complain but there's no real reason why we can't have peace. Hololive will simply be stronger with their perms and fans.

>> No.56372195

If cover revives HoloCN, i'm going to nuke this board with funposting for months

>> No.56372216

They can't behave. Being the center of the universe is a core part of the Chinese cultural identity.

>> No.56372250

Said no self respecting person ever. This whole thread smells of bugmen or their affiliates

>> No.56372264
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>as long as they promise to behave

>> No.56372268

>Hololive will simply be stronger with their perms and fans
How can you say that after looking at what the Chinese fanbase has done to NijiEN. Their top earners are either graduating or on suicide watch because of how tired they are of their own fucking fans. Wait, nevermind. This was sarcasm wasn't it? Yeah okay, you got me.

>> No.56372334

i know right? it's weird.

>> No.56372339

You coco nutters prolly expect all of hololive to bear a grudge to CN for eternity because ur waifu provoked them and got canned. This is entertainment biz, we move on.
Cos we aren't reliant on CN anymore. Holo has a global audience. We simply permit the bugs and west taiwanese to come back to the table if they bring money and perms.

>> No.56372346

To sell products/services again to the chines market Cover have to adhere to many terms and conditions. And won't be just "fans behaving" that's needed.

>> No.56372486

> We simply permit the bugs and west taiwanese to come back to the table if they bring money and perms.
Spoken like a true zhang, truly the big noses of Asia. Nijisanji is down a few blocks if all you care about is money.

>> No.56372490

It's inevitable that another Coco-like situation will come up if Hololive caters to the Chinese again. They need to stay out.

>> No.56372504

I'm done with Hololive if they're gonna wag their tails for China

>> No.56372587

Why do u think there will be another coco? The current holos are smart enough not to say taiwan. Its not a high minimum bar to clear too.

>> No.56372602

I might actually watch Hololive again if they really are going to return to China.

>> No.56372610
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It will be fine, trust me, nothing will happen.

>> No.56372631
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mainlanders must be kept out of japanese/international vtubing at all costs

>> No.56372683

Post hands, I want to confirm if there’s carapace of you’re just retarded.

>> No.56372693

There's no way the west Taiwanese will behave. They should not be given even an ounce of trust.

>> No.56372788

Unless u have a grudge as a coco fan. There's nothing to be gained by casting them out. Just don't be retarded and provoke them. Its a baseline standard that many entertainment companies have managed to adhere to.
Holos are the best of the best. They pass the audition. They're smart enough to know from what happened during the Coco incident not to do the same thing.

>> No.56372797

California KSon OUT!
Chinese IN!

>> No.56372868

Oh look, a bugman.

>> No.56372882
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>Stay away from CCP
>Embrace Taiwan as the real china
>Stay away from Blackrock INC

>> No.56372939

Ah, it was my mistake for assuming. You’re not a retard, or a bug. You’re a retarded bug.

>> No.56372987


动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.56372996

That's clearly a larper. Pretending to be a retarded bug.

>> No.56373048

Ah brings back good memories. If peace is made we can bring this pasta back too.

>> No.56373067

If they want to act like one, they’re no different from one in my books.

>> No.56373131

>Choco tibet question aftermath of hate comments plastered over her tags
>Pekoras twitter filled with dead rabbits due to delusion chinks literally made that she promised exclusive stream
>Coco overall spamming shit
>Fubuki spamming and threats made by her bili handlers
>Weaponization of Aqua backed by their delusions
the list goes on

>> No.56373167 [DELETED] 

>baseline standard
That's the problem you fucking disgusting bug. Chinks have so fucking many shit that could set those bugs off easily.

>> No.56373200

And other hilarious things the chinese tell to themselves
Why do they love rewriting history so much?

>> No.56373214

it's their culture

>> No.56373225

We love China here
Always remember to thank China for kicking the reddit "idol culture bad" dragon out of Hololive

>> No.56373239

That's the thing though. They can't

>> No.56373255

Fuck off american dog, you stupid copypasta dont work in china

>> No.56373262

What the fuck is this false flag operation.
The only compromise I'm willing to make is for all chinks to kill themselves and in return I won't actively vote for my government to nuke their shithole mainland

>> No.56373316

You do realize that the natjonalistic chinese are a minority? Most of us were defending hololive

>> No.56373318

Take the clip with azki and ollie for example, where they accidentally showed a remnant of old imp japan bunker in indonesia. If it's in chink azki would've been coco'd as well by now.

>> No.56373333


>> No.56373348

>we can work together if you do as we say!
You're not the one dictating the conditions here, bug.

>> No.56373372

Kill yourself chinks

>> No.56373377

>ksonfags still seething
no one cares about your 3dpd whore, go cry in /vshojo/ or something

>> No.56373378
File: 1.80 MB, 3070x1792, 8f52140a85a5fb2fd3fa7bba90c9490cb60d2995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will only allow the return to china if it means they're actually saving her...

>> No.56373410

Next Shiori and Biboo will get them Chinese gacha perms.

>> No.56373418

Isnt she doing fine though?

>> No.56373429 [DELETED] 

ching chong dont care

keep eating your batsoup and fuck off

>> No.56373439

Well, good luck holobros, you will need it.

>> No.56373468

and yet you couldnt do shit to stop that minority. So fuck off

>> No.56373474

Bro, she's been gone for like 6 months...

>> No.56373479

Saver her by creating Hololive TW

>> No.56373480


>> No.56373487

What's hilarious is hololive only grew stronger :3 after Cover left China.

>> No.56373516

Actually, the vtuber scene in bilibili has been on a downward spiral. It's only a matter of time before they discuss the terms for holos to stream there.

>> No.56373547

Nothing happened to other corps.

>> No.56373561

China cope list
>We made hololive popular
>Covid made hololive popular
>Reddit made hololive popular
Alternate every thread with cope

>> No.56373585

There will be no peace until south east asia sea is returned to their rightful owners. ASEAN way or the highway!

>> No.56373615

Reminder that they are still harassing Fubuki for no other reason than choosing to still associate with Coco during the "yab" and even after she left hololive.

>> No.56373648

No she reincarnated twice and the companies she was with went down twice. She's been gone since the second time

>> No.56373668

behave is the one thing they can literally never be expected to do though
the fact that a good amount of holo cn's actual chuubas were nationalistic traitors is enough for me to doubt that

>> No.56373704

>Just don't be retarded and provoke them.
>Its a baseline standard that many entertainment companies have managed to adhere to.

>> No.56373710
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Unironically Holo has a much healthier fanbase in China compared to current Nijisisters, I'd finally be able to see Holokeks and Nijiniggers calling each other slurs and numberfagging in the Bilibili comment sections all over again. It truly feels like 2019.

>> No.56373725

bugmen will never live down the fact that shilling to the west was a better choice than shilling to them and it cracks me up everyday

>> No.56373780

I'll only give the ccp on thing. I learned about hololives existence do to the Azur Lane collab. But though they where just some Kizuna AI rip-off or some other shit back then. Only started to watch them do to EN clippers showing up on youtube post game collab.
And this video + Matsuri bandaids

>> No.56373821
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That's true, unless hololive gets a special treatment, history will be doomed to repeat itself, it's just that I can stop putting myself on their shoes, I would be fucking mad if I lost Aqua because something the sisters or nijis did, it may have been most of them but not everyone was in on that situation, is for those that I feel bad about

>> No.56373857

More like they're changing strategies because the boycott and harassment campaign were a double-edged sword. Just like their country's wolf warrior foreign diplomacy.

>> No.56373867

>sabotage your career
>languish in irrelevance
Thanks for the advice, reddit dragon.

>> No.56373871

Looks at niji fanbase full of chinks doxxers harrasers faggs. Yeah nothing, i guess to be something they have to graduate somone

If hololive ever comes back to that hellhole atleast
now they know that they dont need china to be succesful so if those dog eating chinks try to pull anything weird against holomembers again they can leave without second thought

>> No.56373876 [DELETED] 

>Fubuki spamming and threats made by her bili handlers
>by her bili handlers
lel, those bugs really can't help themselves. They'll always screech out whenever they think someone hurt their feefees.

>> No.56373879

kson sisters.. how do we stop this!?

>> No.56373942

why should I stop enemy from making mistake?

>> No.56373940

Rent free

>> No.56373992

>going back to walking on eggshells because chinks are sensitive little bitches
Fuck no.

>> No.56373993

>got doxxed and teased for being butt fugly by her own countrymen and fans
>got terminated from asoul due to poor performance
>was so broke had to sell sex for an iphone
>tried to scam other chinese women with a fake vtuber recruitment add
>tried to scam her remaining simps with nft
>nobody bit her scams and shes now banned from twitch
Did you guys really win? Or are you just another larper because artiafags are about as rare as a quality chinese product nowadays

>> No.56374013

>he says as she is live on a yakuza stream hanging out with the game devs

>> No.56374020

Aqua... my poor aqua..

>> No.56374054

I'm an empathetic guy and all so I understand you, 9 out of 10 times if I find a fly near a window I let it out instead of killing it or just put spiders out the door.
Some of them being decent or even good does not make up for how cataclysmically bad so many of them are, nobody should stoop to that level of satisfying a group of insecure nationalist at every minor hiccup. It sucks for them but hey, at least we're not Chinese.

>> No.56374076

most sane kson bro btw

>> No.56374097

>haachama MIA
listen just because she is literally, physically dead (she whole body died) doesn't mean she won't be coming back

>> No.56374100

The chinks will do it themselves , if holo comesback, expect them to do something moronic that will force leave again.

Its in their dog eating blood, chinks will always be butthurt about their trash land

>> No.56374160

And Yagoo will tell them that the terms are "fuck off and let me watch your platform die, no second chances"

>> No.56374167

go back to your cave, sis
the japanese people have spoken and you lost the culture war

>> No.56374174

its not all at once anon its an ongoing process.

>> No.56374187

Culture. It's the same reason why Chinese tourists are by far the most hated worldwide. It's the same reason they have a collective meltdown whenever a company doesn't cater to their whims.

For example the Honkai Impact Global 3rd anniversary was a complete shitshow. Why? Because in the promotional video the characters were put in bunny suits. The Chinese lost their fucking minds because they felt "their women" were being paraded as sluts for a foreign market. Note that they didn't actually have a problem with the bunny suits in general, it was just the fact that they weren't also getting the event despite the fact they had their own 3rd anniversary event. The anniversary was effectively cancelled and the Chinese playerbase received more compensation than the Global players did for an event they had already finished. This is the Chinese mindset. They expect special treatment and throw a tantrum when they don't get it.

>> No.56374191

1.4billion crew back on the table, we are so back bros.

>> No.56374247

Jeezus fucking shit man someone get the goddam bugspray theres an NGA weibo raid of roaches in this board

>> No.56374260

I think the chinks attacked hololive because the CN govt wanted to use hololive as a whipping boy. This time if the CN govt wants them to be nice to hololive, things will be diferent.

>> No.56374266

All the freedom fighters basically got arrested or fled the country. The prominent figures are wanted criminals and majority of the pro democracy or what we call the "yellow" population have migrated to england, canada, australia etc.

>> No.56374310

And remember. haachama was just a child still during the beginning.

>> No.56374320

UNCONTESTED HOLOLIVE VICTORY Can Nijisanji at least put up a fight?

>> No.56374359
File: 849 KB, 989x423, 1664581541255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, I can finally use again old images from chinkwar

>> No.56374383

But Hakos Baelz is fine.
Dammit I can't find the image anymore...

>> No.56374385

cope and seethe hahahaha!
bzzzt bzzzt i'm flying and shitting on your head

>> No.56374521
File: 119 KB, 562x403, IMG_20220104_231754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese typical Tsundere, anon

>> No.56374552

Lmao rip tia

>> No.56374603

The japanese wants artia dead too dumbfuck

>> No.56374615

CCP bros i fucking kneel

>> No.56374627


>> No.56374628

Riot game = china
Valorant,= Riot game

>> No.56374664

Saying Taiwan isn't the only way to hurt the feelings of the Chinese And I'm sure China will keep inventing new things to get offended about

>> No.56374687

a single schizo china man is worth at least 10 of your n99 ass btw

>> No.56374707

You ruined it with the low quality larp
Or is the larp such low quality coz you’re an actual chink? Lol

>> No.56374716

Well. Saying most things can offend a "chinese" as freedom of speech isn't a thing there.

>> No.56374719

I'm in favor because of things like this, it is hilarious so get fucked

>> No.56374756

At least im not a gutter oil drinking bugman lmao

>> No.56374814

you sound upset! Lol

>> No.56374842

They dont really get offended as per say they get offended on command by their ccp overlords with the promise of social credit. This would explain the irrationality and the lack of logic to get offended over literally everything

>> No.56374845


>> No.56374857

this person doesn't actually keep up with hk news.

>> No.56374927

You really think chinks have access to actual non propaganda driven news?

>> No.56374972

Kill yourself you chinese faggot.

>> No.56374976

You must be human to and over 18 to post here buddy

>> No.56374998
File: 268 KB, 868x1920, 7PM2}45$FJTVS1XGQ5_RQXC_tmb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rrat translation:
1. Akai Haato will graduate before Holo returns, without a graduation stream (slightly better than the Rushia condition which is straightly up fired). Haato didn't stop streaming due to sickness, and she does not own the account, if you know you know. All the accounts will receive Rushia treatment which is a complete deletion.
2. Momosuzu Nene will reuse her old model.
3. Take Over on Aqua's account will be deleted before Holo's comeback (save it when you need it), this song had too much of an impact (note: politically) and might assert a larger impact while returning.
4. Holo CN is coming back, but it will start from gen 1, so the old members will be forgotten.
5. The first member returning will be Aqua, then Matsuri, then Fubuki, then Pekora, then Suisei, after those there's a mixed bunch, they will continue the Bilibili exclusive streams.
6. Those gen 6, ID, and EN who did not have official accounts will create the accounts recently.
7. The Fansub system will continue. (note: the notorious fansub groups, which are the people who turned to spam Coco in the first place during the incident. They literally started this mess and still stream as pirate groups in Bilibil shamelessly)
8. Bilibili has a protocol with COVER, every month every single member must come to Bilibili to stream twice, those lazy asses must be shitting rn lmao.

This whole part might be a giant schizo rrat made up by the vice-sub owner but it's actually funny if it's real

>> No.56375062

>can't even type properly
absolutely seething kek
take the L, kson sister

>> No.56375099
File: 163 KB, 460x215, 71c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my opinion on ccp shills
pic rel

>> No.56375125

the level of audacity and entitlement is honestly amazing, who do they think they are?

>> No.56375129

Is that Airandou?

>> No.56375133

It's almost sad how sensitive chinese fans are. If Hololive ever went into business with China again all the talents would have to walk on eggshells to not trigger a spergout for something completely innocent

>> No.56375140

That's not realistic. You need to make better rrats. Things are different now, hololive is in a better bargaining position.

>> No.56375176

>obvious holes on made up rrats
>thinking china still has power to make demands
Man china is really just populated with retards arent they lol

>> No.56375181

All this says to me is that they're still bitter that Cover chose to leave China instead of pandering to them, so now they're dosing themselves high on copium

>> No.56375183
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>> No.56375189

if you think there is any chance at all that this is real you need a brain examination

>> No.56375195
File: 389 KB, 1295x1080, 97bbfb405567edc30acdda54d0f61a5b2d3bf8ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want them to start fresh with a new CN, bring back my chowder and that is all I want. I don't want some new fake sanitized dumb bitches that I know nothing about and probably came from some failed company full of cunts who bullied each other behind each other's backs, I want to return her smile.

>> No.56375233

Bilibili needs hololive more than hololive needs china so this rrat is bullshit

>> No.56375238

I think if we ever go again to holoCN, the original girls will have a chance to return to their old models. Hold out hope fellow fan.

>> No.56375246

>Artia is jobless and in debt while my oshi is winning and a main character on rgg
Whatever you say so roachy lol

>> No.56375299

I'm sorry, anonchama, but after CN and two of the corpos she got in collapsed, she went menhera when an AI cover got a lot of views and quit.

>> No.56375324

Lol there's no way that's gonna happen with all the drama around the girls engaging in harassment towards Coco

>> No.56375339

>bilibili now requires you doxx yourself and give your full address and info before you can stream
Yea not gonna happen lmao

>> No.56375367

The only ones that's against this are the Ksonfags that can't let go of the past.
It's been years, sisters. Get over it.
Your oshi is happy being a flesh streamer so you have to move on too.

>> No.56375396

Well guess if the official bilibili acc for jp6, en and id gets created then this is gonna be true.

>> No.56375408

why's she crying???

>> No.56375424

You can't memoryhole Fubuki, Choco, Aqua, Haato, and everyone else they harassed

>> No.56375437

is this about yugourt of scoop reverberation?

>> No.56375447

Are they gonna seethe again for this copium in 2 years of nothing happening? Kek

>> No.56375461

Nah ichimi here and i dont want those filthy parasites back

>> No.56375477

Only Echo and Artia that deserve to be called back. The other whores can fuck off to the nearest dumpster, especially Civia and Rosalyn

>> No.56375480

chestnut, yes

>> No.56375490

Coco isn't the only one who got harassed, roach

>> No.56375492

while i agree with you in spirit i wouldn't call her a main character, seems more like she's an equivalent to reina
cope chigger

>> No.56375522

Shit I mean Yogiri, not that judas whore Artia.

>> No.56375527

China has no leverage, but still pretends they can make Cover kneel. It's like an ex demanding you get back together with them. If it was any other situation I would pity them.

>> No.56375554

Yea no after the shit the pulled with pekora even before they fucked with cocofags i want then erased from existence myself

>> No.56375561
File: 858 KB, 1728x1117, doing-a-mlk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, was close to doing an mlk on you for a second.

>> No.56375587

>all these ksonfags hiding behind holos
Why are they copying the chinese strategy?
They hate Cover more than the chinese anyway

>> No.56375616

There is zero benefit in trusting china https://youtu.be/hicC53AhZ6Y?si=id-yNTvFWIrESmgV

>> No.56375671
File: 59 KB, 440x355, garp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk what you're on about. But I'm a holofag and still like kson. She did nothing wrong.

>> No.56375686

>Chinks accusing anyone of copying
LOL LMAO even you guys really have the self awareness of a brick

>> No.56375743

>8. Bilibili has a protocol with COVER, every month every single member must come to Bilibili to stream twice, those lazy asses must be shitting rn lmao.
Didn't even make the effort to at least make it believable

>> No.56375761

The question to really wonder is, how much of that is pretty much only spread around western fan circles like discords, and here? If I'm to believe an old stream Doris did after her second return a year after the iphone fiasco, Cover in Japan pretty much had cut all contact with them before they had even suspended Coco, leaving them to deal with the situation by themselves and led to some of them lashing out. I doubt many Japanese fans know, and Yagoo absolutely didn't given he still left a sad quote tweet remorseful about Civia's graduation when it happened. And given the only real proof anyone had was a few shared names on Artia's discord, I feel like Cover would take the girls' side in the situation at the end of the day anyway if it were to come up

>> No.56375775

I'll be absolutely serious here. Coco fans have to accept she's gone. You can't expect hololive to fight your battles or to give any semblence of justice.
Its innocent until proven guilty for holoCN and outside an extreme minority, no one really believes there was clear proof.
Move on to vshoujo and kson views. Peace is coming.
You guys love to call everyone that doesn't back coco up a chink or a bug. Guess what the reality is coco just wasn't that well loved after the stunt she pulled. No one's going to be complaining about how "they didn't stand up for coco" etc.
Hololive is an entertainment company. They aren't there to fight political battles. Yagoo let everything burn so he didn't have to fire Coco. He wasn't going to fight her battle for her. She found out no one was going to do it for her. She got more and more isolated. And eventually quit.
People may say nice things during the graduation. But look at how few holos chose to put their own careers on the line and stand up to her. She just wasn't that popular for what she did. The average holo only knew that she caused them suffering.
Its time to accept every holo aside from coco didn't love her to the point they didn't resent what she did. That's the same for fans too. You don't need to be a chink to realise that aqua could have sang at worlds, gura could have had muse dash, FBK didn't have to be humiliated and have her sponsor pulled minutes before a stream.
Sure call us all bugs. You're just not willing to accept Coco had blame as well as the chinks. For as long as you think she's blameless, you'll always wonder why there are so many "bugs" out there who are actually just hololive fans.

>> No.56375788

I don't think they would understand your analogy, bricks are foreign concept to them.

>> No.56375828
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>> No.56375842

Artia bros... we're coming home!
While Kson sisters are stuck in vshojo!
We're on the right timeline

>> No.56375863

Taiwan is a country and im not reading your 10 page essay

>> No.56375908
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>> No.56375919

Thats ok its for my own amusement. Bugs in general dont understand anything but follow winnie the poo’s orders

>> No.56375959

Reminder that both Yogiri and Echo didn't support the harassment especially echo who they found out to be a granddaughter of a high ranking official on CCP

>> No.56376009

This but unironically.

>> No.56376017

>who they found out to be a granddaughter of a high ranking official on CCP
I feel like this wouldn't be the first mention of that if that was true. just kind of seems like a "Lamy is a yakuza boss daughter" type of thing to explain why she is somehow so popular and able to do so much

>> No.56376042

>You're just not willing to accept Coco had blame
She did nothing wrong though.

>> No.56376083

and that's why scoop reverberation and yugourt are not normally hated /here/.

>> No.56376088
File: 6 KB, 277x208, hgm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

judging by his essay, she hurt his feefees

>> No.56376098

Kson fags can't move on huh?
They're like women or something...
Hololive broke up with your oshi years ago, it's time to let go and let the JP and CN make up.

>> No.56376160

Chinafags can't move on huh?
They're like women or something...
Hololive broke up with your country years ago, it's time to let go and watch A soul instead.

>> No.56376178

Why give someone up if you still respect them?
I respect kson and old coco. But I don't respect the CCP.

>> No.56376184

Echo is just smart, she's not the granddaughter of a CCP guy. She knew that if she gave in and went along with the harassment campaign, it'd sour her relationship with Kagura Nana and the two wouldn't work together again. Instead she kept quiet, ducked out when the writing was on the wall and spent her time building up to Taffy's debut, which paid off super well for her compared to how Civia and Artia did.

>> No.56376192

>Sure we raped you and your friends, but had one of your friends not insult our fragile nationalism by reading Youtube statistics all those wouldn't have happened
Fucking Chinks, I hope your fusion reactor experiment goes wrong and implode the entire nation.

>> No.56376246

Blame the bugs but coco shares some of it. Holding on to the position coco is blameless is why you cocofags look so delusional.

>> No.56376261

>Hololive broke up with your countr-

>> No.56376334

>Coco had blame
Blame for what? Streaming on a platform that considers Taiwan separate from China? Why didn't you dogpile Youtube for that instead?
Or was it blame for the fact that she had a large chink fanbase that VPN'd to Taiwan to watch her streams? Because that's unironically what caused Taiwan to appear so high in her analytics in the first place.
Why don't you neck yourself for slighting your own government by breaching your great firewall?

>> No.56376341

i wish she did it intentionally but she's too nice to do stuff like that

>> No.56376345
File: 329 KB, 580x1275, 6fbcac3eb80e7becda61ffd0692eb9389a506b83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chinks saying hololive gonna be managed by the same corp that manages virtualreal, anyone knows whats up?

>> No.56376393

Its all made up shit pulled out of their as as usual

>> No.56376409

it's still a rrat but if real...man Niji and Holo will actually be a big family (China only)

>> No.56376413

Obviously would never happen.

>> No.56376445

All you got buddy? Yea no china is dead and its never comin back

>> No.56376452

is fantasy genre popular in bugland? they seem to excel at it

>> No.56376465

They aren't as skilled in rrat making in chinkland. They need more xp. We are far better than them.

>> No.56376496

This thread proves that Ksonfags are unhinged like the chinese.
Literally no better than the so called "bugs"
Watch how they anti your Hololive oshi once Cover revives CN

>> No.56376537

rent free

>> No.56376560

All of their rrats read like delusional coep to people that aren't Chinese.

>> No.56376563
File: 159 KB, 480x480, 404-no-drama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most normal people will anti cover if they come crawling back to the fake china

>> No.56376566

Ok bugman

>> No.56376571

nmsl artiafag

>> No.56376588

Sana could have lived to see this. She could have played chink games.

>> No.56376594

LMAO. Like what even would be managed?
HoloCN is dead and will not come back.

>> No.56376616

They're making justification already
I want it to happen just to see them turn into something they hate

>> No.56376624

Your mom is taiwanese

>> No.56376641

Even if she wasn't blameless ( she is), she got her punishment, she apologized and was suspended for two weeks. If you bugs weren't so disingenuous you would have accepted that and we all could have moved on. CN could have been in holofes, collabed with EN and we could have all held hands and danced like fucking hippies. But no, you sperged out like spoiled children, harassed and spammed like the filth you are and in the end got thrown out like the trash you are. Fuck off you cunts and never pretend to be a decent and reasonable person again because we all know that you're not.

>> No.56376680

>you have to be a ksonfag to hate the Zhang's.
I'm just a principled human being

>> No.56376688
File: 47 KB, 488x488, 1286436795239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this another Holo vs Holo attempt by bugs? Oh no no bros its like they are opening another front.

>> No.56376697
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>> No.56376702

guess its the same as you have to be a bug to blame kson eh?

>> No.56376727

Popular? Yes. They suck at it though, which the rrats should prove. I've only ever seen one good fantasy story from China, and the publisher banned it because they were concerned the anti-authoritarian themes would get the CCP breathing down their neck.

>> No.56376729

Didn't the ID start playing genshit? Maybe the rrats are real.

>> No.56376747

Everybody ITT are now cursed to have negative rates in favorite gachashits.

>> No.56376746

Kson is not a Holo, vshojo sis

>> No.56376751

New China famine when?

>> No.56376758
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>> No.56376774

Just a reminder that even twitchfags hate bugs, mainly because some of their favorite chuubas have also suffered because of them.

>> No.56376791
File: 190 KB, 519x416, bro_what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're making justification already
that the current fans of Hololive and kson don't want cover to return back to the fake china? That's nothing new. We like the current direction and integrations with the Republic of China, aka Taiwan

>> No.56376838

this ksonfag glows

>> No.56376847

the chinks are getting uppity
know your place, insects

>> No.56376870

If they will really revive HoloCN then that means Azur Lane will have another collab

>> No.56376887

Pipboy doing God's work o7
Also holy based Dragon! Didn't know she played Fallout

>> No.56376891
File: 316 KB, 561x551, 1648531885403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

migo Holomeet in Taiwan make them seethe holy shit

>> No.56376929
File: 72 KB, 711x664, kizuna-retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to tell you retard. But not everyone that hates the ccp is a kson-shill

>> No.56376949

China is slowly sliding into economic collapse. No advanced semiconductor access. Tofu dregs construction getting swept away by floods. Thousands of undocumented deaths in the same floods. Hundreds of acres of crops ruined just before harvest. Imports and exports declining rapidly. Inflation transitioning to deflation. Real estate developers collapsing and millions of people holding mortgages they can't afford for housing projects that never get built. Young people embracing "lie flat" and "let it rot". Pretty soon they'll be begging for foreign investment including Hololive.

>> No.56376955

Reminder that kson was on national jpn TV today and was front center on a SEGA rgg stream. This entire thread is a poorly made larp by pissed off schizos. Try not to bite to much OBVIOUS bait guys.
taiwan number one

>> No.56376960
File: 875 KB, 353x293, 1692365335152566.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be Hololive
Embrace the Talent Freedom

>> No.56376959

Remember when the big chink hololive clip channels made a big community post about how their oshi is the chinese community and not the talents in hololive? And then they deleted all their videos shortly after. Anyone got a screencap of that whole thing?

>> No.56376964
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fuk fuk fuk...

>> No.56376998
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>> No.56377024

They have been playing it off stream for a long time. It's nothing new, even vshojo got sponsored to play the new game.

>> No.56377052

Was called hololive moments or something. They had a meltdown on reddit and has actual hostage demands over their clips. they got laughed out of the room

>> No.56377066

Based KsonGOD!
Holo sisters.. we truly are the whores all along

>> No.56377082

On paper yes. In practice no. The "national security" bill passed after the 2019 protests means that now anyone can be arrested for any reason. All dissenting newspapers have been shut down. HK freedom and rule of law is gone and anyone who can get out is getting out.

>> No.56377101

they are not allowed to talk about chinese games though
source : Kiara 1st or 2nd week on hololive when she talked about her genshin perms being revoked

>> No.56377102

That's Marine

>> No.56377103

Yes, it's what they call documentary.

>> No.56377104

i was there, it wasn't even funny, it was hysterical, good times

>> No.56377144

Holy chink.

>> No.56377146

uhh.. holobronies what the fuck is this!??
i thought vshojo are the prostitues???

>> No.56377153

9. Haato will graduate before taiwan annexs west taiwan

>> No.56377190

>hololive makes a swimsuit sex video
>vshojo has an idol concert
how the turn tables

>> No.56377208

I saw a clip of Kobo and Altare doing genshin impressions early on, is tweeting and talking about chink games okay as long as they're not streaming?

>> No.56377233
File: 1.10 MB, 325x293, 1692365714722492.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we could've had this on Hololive instead of Marine's half assed cgi shit

>> No.56377234

That's marine and she loves porn and have always done. (you) might have missed it because youtube is banned in fake china.

>> No.56377263
File: 24 KB, 445x638, 1684060258892783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it wouldnt be an issue if my governemnt wasnt the most autisitic corrupt bunch of pedos on the planet

>> No.56377266

Have you seen them talk abt chink games ever until recently? I haven't.

>> No.56377289

That was also three years ago. My thought is that there has been enough time that's passed where these companies are letting hololive play their games as the backlash won't be nearly as large like it would be in 2020 or 2021.

>> No.56377331

Could this be why they are getting permissions back like mgs all of a sudden???

>> No.56377345

the thing is they were allowed to talk about it off and on stream (even with stars) but they were never allowed to post any hoyo game screenshots on their twitter account, let alone any stream if i'm not wrong.

>> No.56377360
File: 812 KB, 856x548, 1604234581290e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off china. never again.

>> No.56377407

Can china pls attack taiwan already and start a world war? So i have reason to beat up chinks i see on the street for fun

>> No.56377420

imagine being so sad you spend a whole year posting the same gifs of an outfit nobody outside of your thread has cared about for a year because you sperged out at an anime girl 3 years ago for having the kanji for taiwan on screen

>> No.56377436

Hmm was sure they did before. Might not remember correctly.

>> No.56377474

All I know is that leaving China and Coco graduating is the greatest thing that came out of that entire controversy.
California and CCP needs to fuck off from Hololive.

>> No.56377476

the chinky winkys make every community they are part of much worse

>> No.56377484

This guy is a famous shitposter btw.

.t mainland holobug.

>> No.56377507

>niji gold
>numberkeks cope by continuing to drive an ancient unfunny joke into the ground
sad to see

>> No.56377513

Kobo talk about the chink games like 1 month into her debut. I feels like the only restriction only applies to streaming it.

>> No.56377525

imagine not projecting

>> No.56377535

Lets look at it from the other way.
What can CN bring to the table in a negotiation to convince yagoo to open to door to them?

>> No.56377565

>only bugs can hate kson
Nice try, Vshill intern. How's that August 9 trailer for your "idol" concert featuring a (sweet) mushroom cloud?

>> No.56377578

streams have stricter rules than twitter

>> No.56377579

KYS zhang!
Kson worked really hard for that!

>> No.56377582

so what is your prediction, holobug anon?
is it really possible for bilibili to reconcile with cover? on your perspective.

>> No.56377612

they can revive the 3D suisei

>> No.56377646

>have to give full given name and info about chuubas for bilibili
yeah I dont think so. Specially Kiara since she is currently under GDPR in Europe.

>> No.56377653
File: 69 KB, 532x638, FyUuV0DakAASQOK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but bigger question mr mainlander...
Do the true apricot kernels hope for them to never return?

>> No.56377668

why are 14 year olds on this website? go back

>> No.56377709

>n-no u
have more "witty" replies?

>> No.56377710

I doubt you are mainland bug, but how is life nowadays in the hive?

>> No.56377716

Daily reminder for the pro-China posters: we got a glimpse of Cover's financials around the time that Cover pulled out of China which revealed that the Chinese market only accounted for 9% of Cover's revenue (Zhangs got incredibly butthurt when that came out but I digress). Do bear in mind that this was pre-EN before Hololive truly blew up worldwide. Cover brings in SUBSTANTIALLY more revenue now, and none of it comes from China.

Cover getting back into the Chinese market exposes them to significant (proven) risk for almost no financial gain. It just isn't worth it. Especially with the Chinese economy in flux at the moment (not saying it's going to collapse or anything, just saying they're going through a slowdown at the moment. It happens).

>> No.56377738

I wonder why 4chan/4channel is still allowed in china...

>> No.56377743

talking about them is a-ok i guess, because they don't really show anything on the screen and just talk. showing screenshots however is rather in the grey area.
i have not see any holomembers posting any chink game screenshot both on their social account and stream (tencent not included).

>> No.56377753

I do believe they might be coming back but just for game perms and collab. May be they will allow people to restream holo there and that's it. I am okay with them not coming back.

>> No.56377778

that's neither "no u" nor wit. i am telling you that i can tell that you're underage. you're annoying. please go back to vtuber facebook groups with people who speak your native language so we don't have to read your dumb posts anymore.

>> No.56377787

Finally a good post.

>> No.56377817

with whomstve? mihoyo? yostar? do they even want hololive again?

>> No.56377824

And then they wonder why even their own NijiCN organs hate them

>> No.56377851

Probably no since we just watch on youtube or some people will restream on their private channel. Another azur lane collab or other collabs would be nice though.

>> No.56377855

is gura willing to sell her sould for musedash?

>> No.56377872


>> No.56377891

It's a case where they're all permabanned but they can look at 4chan/4channel this happened during the m00t Era to shut down Chinese spambots.

>> No.56377945

let me once again emphasize that you belong with people who speak your native language, so we don't have to read embarrassing posts such as this one. if will be better for all of us. you'll fit in better there.

>> No.56377948

You looking this from wrong perspective.
It's not a deal. It's a capitulation.
Cover won't bring back HoloCN or special streams on bilibili. That ship has sailed.

>> No.56377950

Time has passed since the pullout. You have to look at how CN supported niji and made vox a superstar to see the potential. You can't just compared a multiyear old figure with a current figure out of context. That's just sus.

>> No.56377960

Bugmen are infinitely worse than unicorns with how sensitive they are, anyone thinking they can be reintegrated into the fandom is just trying to destroy Hololive like what is happening to Nijien.

>> No.56377990

As the characters are still in azur lane and have not been removed from the Yostart version. There is a super low chance in the future. Remember they did remove Kagas original VA from the Chines version because of her stand on Taiwan. Global still have both the original and new VA.

>> No.56377992

Never doesn't exist in entertainment. If its profitable it'll be explored.

>> No.56378031
File: 162 KB, 1080x2400, 7b8a91529822720ee1494dcb3dcb0a46f31fabfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was posted 3 days ago, marine's fansub group is suddenly active agian.

>> No.56378033

true but risk-reward in this case makes no sense to crawl back.

>> No.56378043

i highly doubt it.

>> No.56378083

>vshojo fags still seething
Don't you have a Super 3D Live? Don't waste your time on Hololive's problem, your oshi is and will never be a part of it and thank the CCP for that.

>> No.56378092

Remember how they threatened Fubuki and she just ignored them? Now you do. Pure gold.

>> No.56378102

I offer my ass to mihoyo execs just so my wife Gura can play muse dash on stream

>> No.56378134


>> No.56378141

>So the correct way to stop a bug man is this?

This appears to be very common throughout this thread.

>> No.56378204

Wouldn't surprise if vshills and bugs teamed up against holo, running falseflags when one is accused and pretending to be the other.

>> No.56378213

let's say they are coming back for those chinese money, would they include starsEN?

>> No.56378263

your oshi will never be Hololive

>> No.56378266

So you be saying StarsCN?

>> No.56378328

>made vox a superstar
>"gais, susan happened, pls, muh numbers"

>> No.56378337

>CN supported niji and made vox a superstar to see the potential
They also turned on him and left him with nothing. Again, the risk just isn't worth it.

>> No.56378336

If you give me enough (You)
Write a paragraph now

>> No.56378341

to think the most realistic way to make yagoo's dream of a successful male talent is starsCN....

>> No.56378357
File: 25 KB, 640x242, 18_57_22_ezgif-3-3bceecf6d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holos return to b2 will be as low profile and slow as possible. What cover want is to reduce the negative anti china image they have and what b2 wants is jp vtuber's clout, beneficial to each other. Cover's vtubers will not come here, clips and vods will be allowed, no restream. B2 management will handle some holo merch and sponsorship. Official holo groups are not allowed. Translations will be handled by fans and pirate groups.
>there will be star rail and punishing gray raven sponsorship.

Better leaks from chinks including marineclipper.

>> No.56378362

your jokes will never be funny
your english will never be native level
your hobby will never be anything more than an embarrassing waste of time

>> No.56378380

Their main goal is holojp streaming in b2 again

>> No.56378409

Too short! Write more!
I want to feel the rage from your post!

>> No.56378413
File: 32 KB, 414x383, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're worse than I thought. They actually went out of their way to copyright strike other videos

>> No.56378434

Like this?

>> No.56378450

again, bilis new rules dicate you doxx the vtuber
I dont think this is healthy for anyone.

>> No.56378507

niji gold lol

>> No.56378512
File: 50 KB, 1483x372, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are aware this stuff is public information, right?
Spot the Chinese investors (hint: one of them is in disguise!)

>> No.56378514

>copyright strike
What the actual fuck.

>> No.56378594
File: 632 KB, 919x719, mine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yakuzer 3 reference!?!?!

>> No.56378605

Ah yes bilibili the american corporation
Isnt this just money laundering?

>> No.56378656

It's about time CN comes back.
Now that California Kson is out of the way and whoring herself out, this proves that her leaving was the best decision next to leaving China temporarily ofc.

>> No.56378662
File: 316 KB, 797x666, 2%.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what, they have a higher chare then nijis gets paid?!

>> No.56378712

why don't they add up to 100%?

>> No.56378755

this is unironically a chinese shill

>> No.56378763

There are a lot more investors than 10 anon

>> No.56378788

why arent (you) on this list anon, do you not love your holos?

>> No.56378825

How do i become a shareholder? Is it freely traded? I don't want to buy niji tho.

>> No.56378827

a succulent chinese meal?

>> No.56378912
File: 29 KB, 758x432, 2023-08-18 161449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56378925

calling random things "california" is something foreign shills do to try to start trouble because they have seen facebook boomers bitching about that state

>> No.56378938

This makes so much sense.
How do I refute this, Ksonbros?

>> No.56378988

what do they mean when they mention "california"?

>> No.56379055

Post THAT Aqua doujin

>> No.56379058

I think coco was from california? not sure. I think poltards like to use it as an insult too.

>> No.56379085

idk, to somehow make burgers angry. I'm a euro so don't understand how that's a "sick burn" on someone.

>> No.56379134

Also Mea collabing with aqua again.

>> No.56379154
File: 6 KB, 500x500, 1664826808479904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56379161

Why is this significant? Is mea CN? I was sure she's a JP.

>> No.56379190

she is from georgia

>> No.56379232

mea have been streaming a lot on chinese platform no?

>> No.56379253

Kson is from Georgia anon.

>> No.56379262

>our analysts have seen americans get mad at california
>we want americans to not like this thing
>let's just call it "california"
that's the logic behind it. they don't know what it actually means.

>> No.56379265

had a lot of fun baiting, take care anons

>> No.56379291
File: 766 KB, 2480x3508, aqua-hate-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't remember any doujins. But I do remember this image
with one of the gravestons saying: "tskknmsl"

>> No.56379308

>pretty soon they'll be begging
I feel like they already are, considering the most likely winner in Argentina's next elections basically shitted all over them and said he wouldn't work with commies, and their response was basically saying he could go and see how safe and free their people actually are, and how great their economy is and how stable it'll be in the long run

>> No.56379357

If anything that's proof that poltards are wumao.

>> No.56379401

I love that faqqing cat. I hope aqua sings at worlds. She's always been a league fan.

>> No.56379440

ksonfags are so easy
let's do this again sometime soon

>> No.56379454

lol mea got dropped by china long long ago

>> No.56379474

Any final words before this thread get's archived? Personally I want to again say: Taiwan is the real Republic of China, and I'm happy my country is slowly cutting ties with the fake "china".

>> No.56379500


>> No.56379555

More than 50%
I thought Riku's circle owned majority. Did they sell?

>> No.56379565

I blame both CN and Coco. I like TW and have hated both CN and Coco since the incident(tm).

>> No.56379704

It's a good thing that Hololive are now apart from chinese market but not being able to play chinese game is kinda unfortunate.
Hololive and gatcha game would have made a good collab.
And Genshin would make a good number too. Certain members seem to make a really good genshin streams, especially who have chill vibes like Okayu or Watame

>> No.56379708

please... i just want to see ksonfags seeth

>> No.56379762

you know, with how openly Advent talked about chink gacha, I'm not even surprise if it's true that they are going back to the CN market

>> No.56379788

>niji gold
>kekson did this

>> No.56379836

The only good thing to come out of the whole hololive-china debacle was that no hololive member ever wasted hundreds of streams on genshin impact

>> No.56379889

Roberu onahole?

>> No.56379890

I agree, even though I like the game, the community that comes with it is utter shit

>> No.56379966
File: 2.30 MB, 518x220, 1599356336950.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56380030

>hachama MIA
>Coco left
>who won?
Will depend on whether Haachama returns or if Cover announces her graduation. Hololive getting accepted back on bilibili after those 2 talents graduate would be very suspicious.

>> No.56380035
File: 372 KB, 467x569, AI-Elul-ku-zinn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rest in pain you fucking bitch

>> No.56380075

keksonfags piss and shits their panties when they see this autistic woman

>> No.56380122

Reminder that Mysta got cancelled by Genshin fanatics

>> No.56380125

you okay anon? you seem to see ksonfags everywhere

>> No.56380138
File: 6 KB, 186x221, 1622376616714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*teleports behind you*

>> No.56380185

Explains it all, really. Coco saved Hololive by forcing them to pull out of China. Thank you Coco.

>> No.56380204

you mean you do when you see who got gold today kek

>> No.56380226
File: 33 KB, 821x461, resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't escape me

>> No.56380233

who got gold today kek?

>> No.56380264


>> No.56380291
File: 807 KB, 498x498, artia-petartia.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kills himself

>> No.56380353
File: 39 KB, 480x480, EjXocbBU8AAs4bm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leave nijisanji to me

>> No.56380361

chowa.. please be fine

>> No.56380413
File: 107 KB, 918x936, Schermafbeelding-2021-06-08-om-16.40.37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea of little fatih

>> No.56380659


>> No.56380692
File: 2.48 MB, 1394x1342, coco death.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56381129

I just want muse dash perms bros

>> No.56381458

Very unlikely, Mush Dash publisher burned the bridge with Cover.

>> No.56381540

the Fubuki song is still in the game

>> No.56381563

If they come back and grant permissions. Cover will accept it. This is business, they won't hold out for ideological reasons.

>> No.56381621

There are a lot that have like 0.1%

>> No.56381676


>> No.56381681

>This is business, they won't hold out for ideological reasons
remind me the reason for this whole debacle again?

>> No.56381858

eeeeehhhmmm....Orange woman bad?

>> No.56381974

Is Mine the main financier behind Holostars? Who knows.
Keep asking questions.

>> No.56382047

This is democracy made manifest!

>> No.56382068

Is it? Know for a fact they removed it from the game when the devs started the drama. Unsure if it's back or not.

>> No.56382152

I'm pretty sure it is, but let me check

>> No.56382381

They did

>> No.56382407

Please do. Might be back now, but knew it wasn't there before.

>> No.56382416

>Taiwan No country.
>Google metrics showed it not Coco
