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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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56363082 No.56363082 [Reply] [Original]

hiromoot gives you complete control of /vt/, what would you do to improve this board?
>hard mode: you can't rangeban SEA

>> No.56363171

>>hard mode: you can't rangeban SEA
Still picking the easy choice

>> No.56363172

Rangeban Latinx

>> No.56363215

turn it into vtg and send the catalog baiters to their contaiment zone

>> No.56363248
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You have to submit monthly verification for which vtuber(s) you watch, based on some criteria like membership, watch hours, etc, and you get a publicly visible flair based on those vtubers. You can then only post in threads related to that vtuber or their company if you have the appropriate flair.

>> No.56363270

make the captcha kanji

>> No.56363299

Split into /vt/ and /vtg/

>> No.56363305

Ban USA and Canada, problem solved.

>> No.56363312

Ban all discussion of english vtubers

>> No.56363324

I think I saw this before...

>> No.56363358

Permaban all homobeggars on sight because they're nothing but trolls and Hololive-hating trannies who exist solely to disrupt /vt/. Also rangeban SEA.

>> No.56363364

split into:
/vtr/ - Rrats and Shitposting (Red board)
/vtg/ - Vtuber Generals
/vth/ - Hololive

Rangeban SEA except on /vtr/

>> No.56363373

If I can't rangeban SEA then i'll implement mandatory English tests per IP before being allowed to post.

>> No.56363426

Bring back/ag/ /become/ /meat/ and /ringo/

>> No.56363439

I would rangeban SEA.

>> No.56363450

get rid of /#/ and ban all talk of numbers

>> No.56363491

dedicating an entire board to a corporation would be weird.
can we just do /vtg/ and /vtr/ and ban any tribalfaggotry or cross-thread shitposting in /vtg/?

>> No.56363544

rangeban every mutt and import Philippines

>> No.56363574

>display flags and IP
>option to hide posts based on IP and country
>anyone who bake bait threads gets their IP permabanned

>> No.56363589

Just use 5ch then dumbass

>> No.56363603

I will delete it. Nothing good has ever happened on this board and it has zero value.

>> No.56363622

Literally the only bad SEA country here is Philippines so just rangebanned that country and leaves us peaceful non-shitposting SEA alone

>> No.56363666

There are no peaceful, non-shitposting SEA countries.

>> No.56363677

Suddenly half the board vanishes without a trace.

>> No.56363688

malaysians seem chill and they have a couple good vtubers.

>> No.56363697

Indonesia and Singapore never shitposted and numberfags like Philipinos

>> No.56363698

Create /vtg/, ban any and all mention of pl, rm, and actually enforce post 1 with month long bans.

>> No.56363758


>> No.56363765

Allow making fun of SEA "people"

>> No.56363818

Kill the tranny jannies and perma ban any doxxfag, anything else is already rooted on vtuber culture itself, like numberfags won't go anywhere since they exist on abundance even on /jp/ and 5ch

>> No.56363850

i ban all luxiem fans

>> No.56363898

only pass users can post
might as well make money from you fags

>> No.56363956

There are shitposters and schizos from those countries too. SEA has some of the highest concentrations of schizophrenia in the world, particularly Indonesia.

>> No.56363964

mandatory physiognomy tests

>> No.56364005

Futaba has a dedicated Hololive board so there's precedent.

>> No.56364437


>> No.56364474

Yeah, because we don't delude ourself that tranny is normal and not counted as mental disorder like in the west, tard.

>> No.56364506

ban latin america
ban secret identity butthurt

>> No.56364569

ban all niggers

>> No.56364633

If I can't rangeban sea, I can at least brand them. Flag implementation, but only for sea.

>> No.56364639

reveal country flags and also IDs for every poster

>> No.56364710

we should all push for this regardless

>> No.56364717


>> No.56364737

ban /#/
it will accomplish the same thing as the rangeban

>> No.56364798

create /vtg/
ban all discussion of CCV, subcounts, etc outside of /#/

>> No.56364858

Every thread derails into country vs country, every post will be attacking the anons nationality
Do nothing. Retards will samefag or hop ips as they usually do
>Split into general board
/vt/ is now 100% shitposts, bait and anti threads and has no reason to exist anymore
>Ban /#/
Its a cointainment thread for a reason. You ban that and they will spill into the rest of the board and do their shit there
>Ban SEA
Too much collateral. You cant ban hundreds of posters because 3 people shit up the board

>> No.56364955

Ban /#/ and /#/fags
Ban trolling
Ban doxxfags
Ban antis
Ban (You)
Ban AI threads
Allow nsfw I like
Ban nsfw I don't like
Rule with an ironfist
Post IDs on every post
Create a 'See all posts in current thread from this ID' feature

>> No.56364990

no because I will just filter every monkeyland meme flag I come across and not acknowledge them at all

>> No.56365119

fire all the mods

wild west /vt/ when the mods aren't around is the funniest shit

>> No.56365164

the reason why SEA becomes a strawman in the first place is because most bait posts back in /jp/ came from indonesia. flips took over once there are more fliptubers but both countries have a problem with schizos.
literally too small to make any kind of presence here

>> No.56365195
File: 136 KB, 463x453, oggey sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cross dimensions into the aether and change the timeline to the best one, where:
>40 year old 2hu fags never kicked us out so /hlgg/,/2324/, and other jp vtuber threads fully stay on /jp/
>/v/ finally convinced hiromoot and western vtubers are posted in the newly formed internet celebrity board AKA /incel/
>90% of the SEA and femanon epidemic will dissapear, since they'll get filtered by the overwelming amount of /v/ hated youtuber and XQC threads.

>> No.56365209

>every post will be attacking the anons nationality
There will be no attacking or arguing, you could just hide and not engage with every post made under sea flags. This board will finally havd peace.

>> No.56365559

>/vt/ is now 100% shitposts, bait and anti threads and has no reason to exist anymore
have you seen the current state of the catalog? 100% of threads that aren't a general are just low effort bait or anti-holo/niji spam. even if you attempt to make a positive thread it gets derailed by holo/niji console wars and numberfaggotry. at least /vtg/ would give some of us a clean environment to discuss vtubers while the chimps fling shit at eachother on /vt/. pretty much exactly what happened to /v/ when /vg/ was made.

>> No.56365657

And that solution worked amazingly well for both /v/ and /vg/ right? The former only talks about videogames and and the latter is a perfectly peaceful and organized community of smaller discussion communities, where everyone's friends with each other.

>> No.56365736
File: 117 KB, 353x346, 1692141954805873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/v/ is now just a dump for tourist to repost the latest twitter/reddit post of the day
>/vg/ turned generals into even bigger discord cliques with constant infighting and bitching over actually talking about the general subject
Yeah that worked out well anon,what a great idea...

>> No.56365786

Should've known its a phasefag getting uppity he cant spam his anti threads anymore

>> No.56365798

I mean, /v/ is a containment board so no one ever intended for it to be on topic. /vg/ generated so much actual video game discussion it split off into a bunch of sub-boards like /vrpg/ and /vmg/ and pretty much all of them are fairly successful. /vrpg/ is one of the best boards on the entire site because the shitposters just stay on /v/ where they can farm more (you)'s from bots.

seems fairly obvious the solution to rampant shitposting is splitting off into a board for people who want to actually discuss vtubers of a particular group and a separate board for those who want to fling shit at various tribes. if you were somehow able to see the IP's of the average /hlgg/ or /nijien/ poster i'd guess less than 10% of them participate in the catalog tribalfag threads, because they simply have no interest in the other tribe.

>> No.56365797

Nailed it on flags, stupidest idea on a website like this.
It becomes the only thing people talk about.

>> No.56365866

>rename to /vtg/
>show flags
>enable emojis
>enable post IDs

>> No.56365905

I smell fear on you, SEA shitter.

>> No.56366127
File: 957 KB, 3400x2880, schizophrenia-prevalence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SEA has some of the highest concentrations of schizophrenia in the world, particularly Indonesia.
Outdated information from 2004

>> No.56366222

Anon... we can see the SEA region being a different color...

>> No.56366670

Ban every thread that isn't a general
Enable flags
Enable IDs
Add word filters for all numbers
Make sure everyone ritual posts before they say anything else
Ban negative comments
Replace captcha with proof of membership
Give mod powers to at least one shill of each vtuber
Move the board to reddit

>> No.56367096

Find the IP address of all hags and visit their houses to give them children myself

>> No.56367382

>Rangeban SEA except on /vtr/
That would kill /vth/.

>> No.56367417

Yeah but it's not the darkest colour.

>> No.56367452

enable flags and IDs. replace the moderation staff with people who won't ban posters for simply mentioning certain regions

>> No.56367808

t. American schizo dreaming up weird conspiracies in his head that will eat at him for weeks to come.

>> No.56367955

t. SEA resident

>> No.56367980

>easy mode is rangebanning SEA
It really is that simple.

>> No.56368032

>rangeban sea
>rangeban latinx
>rangeban id
>rangeban unikeks/nijis

There we could a board of full of civil holokings discussing important topics with each other.

>> No.56368184
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>> No.56368194

1 day ban for replying to bait. One of the few instance where I agree to the improve yourself comment.

Overmoderation is not healthy, especially if you base your judgement from the catalog like a catalogshitter.

>> No.56368473

>You ban that and they will spill into the rest of the board and do their shit there
This already happens. /#/ orchestrates raids on a variety of generals every day.
You can't even call it containment when numberfaggotry outside of /#/ isn't hit with an immediate ban. What this board needs most is for /#/ to get GR15'd.

>> No.56368589

NijiEN general needs moderation that isn't biased. Get a dox of talent? Nothing happens. Someone shares a fat lean loving rapper, entire post history is purged

>> No.56368799

>dedicating an entire board to a corporation would be weird.

>> No.56368806

NijiEN general does get moderated. I once remember Enna getting doxxed by her ex-coworker and there was a picture of her chinese boyfriend and another picture where she was kissing a kid on the lips.

>> No.56369444

NijiEN general only gets moderation when someone posts mori doxx or offends southeast asia. That thread gets tourists spamming garbage all the time.

>> No.56370353

best move

>> No.56370443

You must really like Mori since you bring her up so much.

>> No.56370459

I don't think I've typed her name in months, are you schizophrenic by any chance?

>> No.56370732

You typed her name out in the post I replied to. Are you retarded.

>> No.56370743

Ban all discussion of corpo vtubers. This place will be entirely about indies and a good hub for resources for aspiring vtubers.

>> No.56370846

crashing this board.

