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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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56244761 No.56244761 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you watch ID? You realize they're basically EN at this point, yes?

>> No.56244929

>Holo vs Holo
the sad state of Nijifags.

>> No.56244940

they do?

>> No.56244959

Yeah. The bad part of EN

>> No.56244998

I do watch ID, I just pretend they have speech impediments and enjoy myself just fine

>> No.56245157

Because Risu, Moona, and Iofi collabed with someone in NijiEN, the company who sent its fans to harass Mano Aloe into graduation.

>> No.56245218

Not to mention Reine even appearing in the totsumachi of that person's birthday stream along with Moona and Iofi.

>> No.56245632


>> No.56245711

hey tourist nijifaggot

>> No.56245886

Who said I don't watch ID?
I tune in to Keala streams instead of going to the therapist.

>> No.56245964

Kill yourself Aloe harasser

>> No.56246045

I like Ollie. Tried watching Reine a bit but she is too boring.
Watching Vestia's Hitman series which is slowly becoming good.

>> No.56246168

I do watch Zeta because she streams at EU time.

>> No.56246260

But I watch Reine and Kaela, the only ID that are worth a damn.

>> No.56247324

I do. I think they sound hot. They remind me of hentai where a guy gets shipwrecked and washes up on a beach where brown island girls pass him around.

>> No.56247392

Sometimes they speak SEAspeak.
Risu's rrrrrrrrrrroled r's are cute tho.

>> No.56247404

You know every time I hear this and go watch them they are maybe going to talk in English for like ten seconds and then go over to the Jabba the Hutt language for like a minute straight. I don't ble them for speaking it, it's what the branch was directly made to do - it's just I happen to not be Indonesian. The IDs like many countries around the world commonly have a passing familiarity with Western culture and media (and usually Japanese too for chuuba fans) but the reverse isn't true and it feels awkward to sit there and politely wait it out. Granted some of them are a ton more EN-like than others but most of them kind of alternate back and forth at least as my impression.

>> No.56247509

Even if you dislike the language, Risu, Ollie and Kaela speak it in a very attractive way.

>> No.56247550

that guy is me

>> No.56247668

Globohomo trash is the most boring thing today. I only watch them when they are collabing with a jp member.

>> No.56247715

Because I'm EOP so it's hard to follow a girl switching between English, Japanese and Indonesian.

Zeta really does sound hot though.

>> No.56247813

Maybe they were in the pass but especially Risu is ID only way too many streams for me. One of reason I stoped supporting her. So no, I will stick with EN for now but thanks for offert.

>> No.56247904

God those ID rolled R's man. Ollie did it prolonged once. I wish I had a clip.

>> No.56247952

Someone post the incredibly based Ollie rant, I have a boner just thinking about it

>> No.56247968

>You realize they're basically EN at this point, yes?
>every time I tune in they're speaking indo

>> No.56248008


>> No.56248429

I assume you're jerking off now

>> No.56249018

>english for a minute
>goes on a 20 minute tangent speaking indog
No thanks I can't stand that language.

>> No.56249193
File: 440 KB, 1051x813, 01eab1afd5879dadb12a2bc31bab59bab3748319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do when they overlap Mori just so she gets mogged.

>> No.56250145

The accents filter me, same reason I don't watch the chicken, even though I like her game choices.

>> No.56250303

>at this point

>> No.56250711
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I don't like foreign accents.

>> No.56250789
File: 416 KB, 2048x2048, 20230731_063637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like kaela

>> No.56251119

I watch a lot of Zeta and Kaela. I’m concerned that they are giving me unrealistically high expectations of Indonesian women.

>> No.56251261

I like Kaela and leave her stream on at times. I want her to step on me.

>> No.56253536

Kaela is the only ID I can watch.
Ollie spits and shits on everything I value about hololive, Iofi is too artsy, Risu frequently collabs with dudes, Moona has an extremely weird lack of self-confidence to the point where she won't collab with her friends because of a handful of people calling her a leech, the list goes on.
Kobo associating with Regis is also an instant no, red flags. Anya's model is an insane debuff, Zeta associating with Axel is an equal red flag. Reine doesn't interest me.

>> No.56253623
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I watched ID all the time (except for Kobo and Ollie) until EN3 came along. Kaela is still my kamioshi.

>> No.56253642

kaela is the only ID can bear to watch

>> No.56253691

>Why don't you watch ID?
Because Kaela is officially EN at this point.

>> No.56253808

I don't know man, I wanted to watch one of the ID once, don't remember who,and she started speaking this disgusting language, I just couldn't watch it. But I should give Kaela a try she seems really cute...I meant to say cool!

>> No.56253864

>"hey why don't you guys check out some of the other cute girls in hololive?"
You can't even make a friendly recommendation for vtubers people here have been watching for nearly half a decade.
Discourse is dead on /vt/.

>> No.56254054

They're on at 6AM, get off my back Risu

>> No.56254115

Not until she does. :^)

>> No.56254449

I do sometimes. They're pretty good

>> No.56256486

Male collabs

>> No.56258097

i don't understand the irrational hatred people have with male collabs
i'm by no means a homobeggar, but if the collab is entertaining and they're having fun, what's the problem with them deciding to collab with whoever they want to

>> No.56259127

>If the collab is entertaining
That's usually the main problem. If the collab were entertaining I suspect fewer people would complain.
I maintain that the only good homo collab was boomer vs zoomer, that stream was genuinely excellent and could not have been done with different people.

>> No.56259204

I do already and infact I watch ID more than both JP and EN combined.
Risu I just never seem to catch live though.

>> No.56260146

What about when magni and vesper played monopoly?

>> No.56260261

fuck ubisoft

>> No.56260271

i did. i had fun watching anya's outer wilds playthrough.

>> No.56260578

Ollie, Reine, Anya and Zeta have little to no accent

>> No.56260624

I got traumatized by random Indogs e-celeb when I randomly clicked Kobo's stream. Never again.

>> No.56260710

Monopoly is a shit game and the Ubisoft version is even worse

>> No.56260794

That's why the collab with kronii and mori was fucking hilarious

>> No.56261531

this is what i feel mostly
used to watch all ID3 but dropped kobo and zeta for that reason
ollie already toned down her fleshstreamer collab fiesta and the whole "i will break hololive rules" bullshit (surprisingly the latter is not what catalog uses to shit on her kek) but i don't see her improves much as a vtuber so i'm still dropping her

>> No.56261734
File: 32 KB, 498x356, donniet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'mma keep it real with you senpai, i really do like moona, iofi, risu, zeta and kaela, but when i hear them speak indonesian the urge to close the stream overpowers me.
i cannot listen to their language, it is absolutely atrocious.
i feel like i'm listening to this nigga

>> No.56261752

>at this point
They always have been. I watched Risu long before EN even existed. She just had more of an accent but you could understand her if you werent a retard.

>> No.56262283
File: 101 KB, 712x643, Olliesmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Ollie's purple tongue in and around my mouth

>> No.56262402

I watch Kaela regularly, nijinog

>> No.56264884

I know she was harassed but the Nijisanji part sounds like fake news.

>> No.56264921

I don't watch tempiss cocksleeves sorry.

>> No.56264925

Shut up and kill yourself Aloe Harasser

>> No.56265335

>You realize they're basically EN
Is that supposed to be a good thing?

>> No.56268358
File: 182 KB, 500x500, Pavolia oh nyo[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fv8hqsq.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watch Reine

>> No.56270425


>> No.56271041

NTA but I hate male collabs not because they're males, but because they're super boring, I have that viewer of big streamer mentality, boring collab partner = leech. Well as long it's teetee I can handle boring partner, but teetee from male and female collab is impossible

>> No.56271933

>likes ollie
>thinks reine is boring
fucking adhd zoomer

>> No.56272081

I very much doubt Ollie, Reine and Zeta are native Indonesians due to them lacking accents when speaking English.

>> No.56272117

>shuba playing p5r beating shork in #
i love the duck so much

>> No.56273164

NTA but majority of Ollie fans are in their 30s
Source: poll in a member stream

>> No.56274272

>Why don't you watch ID? You realize they're basically EN at this point, yes?
It was funny this morning watching Iofi, Moona, Risu and Ollie, with a combined ~4 million subs, streaming "Sea of Thieves" with a total of maybe 2,500 viewers. Last night I watched Pipkin Pippa stream "Huniepop" to around 3,500 viewers by herself.

ID Gen 3 isn't far behind the low end of EN, but ID Gen 1&2 is pretty much dead.

>> No.56275925

Reine used to be EN. Nowadays she speaks like an indo peasant, sounds awful.
