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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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56002335 No.56002335 [Reply] [Original]

OH FUCK DUDE! Literally all the heavy hitters. ITS QUEEN TIME#

>> No.56002516


>> No.56002841

Sehr cool, anon-kun.

>> No.56002881

The opinions of faggots are discarded.

>> No.56002910

Take out Ina and Chloe and put in Suisei and Pekora and you might have a point. Though i think you would also need to replace Aqua with Miko.

>> No.56003044

It' going to be absolute shit like all the other songs by umisea.

>> No.56003080

The song was decent, but I don't get why the EN members are always separated from JP in some way, like having them in the background in the MV. There aren't really any points where any of the EN girls are taking the lead in singing either like Marine was the entire time.

>> No.56003356


>> No.56003428

no thanks.

>> No.56003461

the couch potato of vtubing

>> No.56003482

>Seething KFPcucks
lmao Kiara will always be garbage

>> No.56003525


>> No.56003542

Not a single one of the Umisea song was ever relevant and it certainly won't start with this one. Better than the rest, though.

>> No.56004014

I can't take this soulless, forced corpo shillgroup seriously.

>> No.56004052

>Not a single one of the Umisea song was ever relevant
Wrong. There is the one where gura says cunny and your sentence sounds ESL, so your opinion doesn't matter

>> No.56004103

Gura and Ina are kind of secondary UMISEA members, they're not part of everything the group did so far.

>> No.56004191

I swear they only created Chloe so they could add another JP to this shill group and kick the EN's because cross-branch events are too much effort to organize for them.

>> No.56004204

It's actually good this time, I'm surprised

>> No.56004277

They didn't create Chloe for UMISEA, but you're right about why she was added.

>> No.56004434

Marine had the idea for UMISEA (and she's also mostly responsible for its activities, not some marketing guy at Cover) and is its most relevant member, so she's the leader. That it makes sense for her to be the leader of the group if you frame them as a ship crew is a symptom and not a cause.

>> No.56004506

>heavy hitters
What did OP mean by this?

>> No.56004585

Which sucks because the group was originally just Marine's excuse to interact with Gura and Ina more often which everyone loved
The first week when the unit was launched had a lot of problems but at least it had a lot of love behind it from every member and it wasn't just them coming together once a year to launch a mediocre song

They keep debuting birds to add them to holotori, why wouldn't they do the same with a sea creature?

>> No.56004666


>> No.56004942

Holotori wasn't an official unit when its members were added, just another collab group like Bakatare or SMOK. The only one you could make that argument for is Nerissa, who is explicitly not going to take part in the official Holotori unit activities.

>> No.56007063

Give me a holodeath song already.

>> No.56007103
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They really put EN in the back lol

>> No.56007159

Nether of them have anything to do with the ocean.
It's called UmaSEA for a reason.

>> No.56008058

I love all of them, but why as a group they just sing basic K-ON like music...

>> No.56008202

She managed to sell out her merch in Comiket too so eat a dick faggot

>> No.56008468

Ja Anon ist sehr kühl.
Handle mit es!

>> No.56008556

This song was so good it actually worked as an apology for their first one.

>> No.56009247

I don't understand why they are keeping Gura and Ina in there.

>> No.56009457

>Marine always makes the best lives, she knows how to work in collabs, she always has the best songs.
>COVER interferes
>Everything rots

every fucking time

>> No.56009557

With Gura and Marine on the roster it surprising they can't make a decent song. It's always way too much every song.

>> No.56010490

take out the 2 myth and Chloe and put in micomet and pekora

>> No.56010640

0/3 so far on good songs with a group of talented singers, this one's preview sounds just as generic as the last one
Honestly impressively mediocre at this point

>> No.56010836

They need to fire whoever writes the songs for this group, an AI could do a better job at this point

>> No.56010952

t. google translate

>> No.56011050

>He doesn't know
Why are ichimitrannies like this?

>> No.56011078

Kannst wohl kein Zangendeutsch, lauer meer Bernd

>> No.56011098

They all like horse?

>> No.56011271

What does this mean?

>> No.56011313

I don't see anypoint of umisea when you have Ina, the talentless singer, not that she has any personality to begin with among umisea members

>> No.56011314

Das wäre "Komm damit klar" nicht "Handle mit es"
r/ich_iel und dessen Konsequenzen sind ein Desaster für die Deutsche Kultur

>> No.56011421

Just give them a cool song instead of this kids bop shit, I'm begging you.

>> No.56011506

Krautchan gab es Jahre vor diesem r/ich_iel scheiß. Reddit ist sowieso krebs und deutscher Reddit umso mehr. Fick dich, du Neuschwuchtel.

>> No.56011551

Pekora can not sing for shit

>> No.56011671

Blame Gura. It was her n million wish to be in a unit with Aqua. Cover made it happen.

>> No.56011779

It's like they're trying to take Aqua's very "safe" J-pop style and push it onto a full group. It lacks the personality of Marine's normal songs, it doesn't utilize things like Chloe's low voice (from P.E.T.), and it locks Gura into the uwu voice shit that prevents her from actually singing

>> No.56011855

Künstliche wort für wort übersetzungen aus dem englischen ins deutsche sind scheißdreck egal wer es erfunden hat

>> No.56012163

go backen to redditten

>> No.56012186

With units of this size, there's basically no way to make a good, cohesive song that matches everyone's voice. You need to default to generic stuff a la Kirameki/SSS to make it even sound decent. Honestly that's why songs like Suspect, Blue Clapper, Wicked/Capsule, and Onikemodance are so impressive, they actually pull it off

>> No.56012373

Gura's been locked into the uwu voice since she Q and Reflect is the only song where she actually belts including covers. We're never going to get anything like that again

>> No.56012511


>> No.56012807

Put the comment through translation, fag

>> No.56012855

Nah, ina's well below shit-tier voice acting is one of the pillars of umisea.

>> No.56013522

I mean in a recent stream she kind of self reflected on her absence and goals, etc. I have hope she can pull through with songs that utilize her strengths, but given the past year it’s hard to say with 100% certainty that she’s going to commit so we will have to just wait and see.

If she wants things she’s going to have to realize it’s not going to be handed to you, be assertive and push for what you want. She also lets her management tell her what’s the best for her and that never goes well.

>> No.56015124

which stream?

>> No.56015785

sc chat in her holocure and her jp quiz streams

>> No.56016060

You say it as if the default number of idol groups is not 5 or more people. It's COVER that doesn't know how to (or even try to) make decent and not boring songs. Hololive's good songs are always by the members.

>> No.56016125

>1 overweight tako buys everything
>This is a good thing

>> No.56016150

:>heavy hitters
And Ina and Chloe

>> No.56016567

>all the heavy hitters
Are Ina and Chloe placeholders for Pekora and Watame?

>> No.56016624

right where they belong

>> No.56016792

Wort für wort Übersetzungen sind basiert und du hast dich endgültig als unironische Neuschwuchtel enttarnt. Scheißepfostieren auf diese Art ist Grundstein der deutschen Bilderbrettkultur. Spreng dich weg.

>> No.56016843

I cannot explain to you how much I don't care. Umisea music bores me to death

>> No.56016999
File: 154 KB, 1999x1430, __ninomae_ina_nis_and_ninomae_ina_nis_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_potato_illust__0192e6b1f409d1a48ad423d5fd4f8ca2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

commit suicide loser

>> No.56017100

>four of the Holos I want to fuck the most
>also Aqua
Eh, didnt noticed that Umisea was made up of the ones I coomed too the most.

>> No.56017970

kill yourself.
kill yourself in a even more painful way
Surprisingly not. 4th time was the charm i guess. Though the first 2 being without exaggeration amongst the worst songs every released by cover is a heavy weight.

>> No.56018083

This feels like some rrat. Marine wouldn't allow the first 3 songs to be released in that state and would make the release happen in collabs and 3D lives (reminder that EN has been recently in japan multiple times)

>> No.56021357


>> No.56022314

None of you niggers seething at anon have made one point defending Ina. Her only appeal is her design and your lack of an argument proves it. Ina should have been someone else. You people would actually be happier.

>> No.56023718

>Marine had the idea for UMISEA
No she fucking didn't. It was always management pushing that shit onto her.

>> No.56025463

Management needs to gtfo

it's amazing how they can destroy the fun of literally the best talents.

>> No.56026070

What are these official holotori activities

>> No.56029768

>why aren’t you constructing a counter argument to this?!?!?
Maybe anon should put more effort in if he actually wants people to debate instead of just mocking him.
