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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 980 KB, 1080x1080, gura racist 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5588973 No.5588973[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>HoloEN doing anime expo thing
>all funds go to "charity"
>some shitty blm charity that funds blocking anime and manga imports of sexual content
jesus fucking christ Cover wtf are you doing

"All proceeds will benefit the commUNITY Action Fund by Hate Is A Virus."

>> No.5589055

This is the real issue, not that vshoujo slut talk.

>> No.5589057

Holy shit Cover can you stop so retarded with the EN branch for like 10 seconds.....

>> No.5589071

Cover is using AX as a platform to market their chuubas expand their brand. They are not supporting whatever charity directly. Back to your Discord please.

>> No.5589163
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>> No.5589179

They are supporting BLM by being at a charity event that their fans will pay to watch that supports BLM you literal fucking retard.

>> No.5589208

They're marketing. This is just the reality with cons.

>> No.5589235

How did you get the idea that they censor anime and manga from the BLM thing?

>> No.5589246

Do your reps faggot.

>> No.5589274

No, tell me or seethe that I don't know.

>> No.5589284

Incredible source of seethe for this board, therefore fucking based.

>> No.5589319

Aren't SJW i BLM close to each other?

>> No.5589357
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>> No.5589373

Is that really all you're going off on here? Presumably the money for a BLM charity would be going towards BLM funding, not some fringe anti-anime group.

>> No.5589381

You clearly have no idea what the fuck either of those things actually is, stop embarassing yourself.

>> No.5589405 [DELETED] 
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>Incredible source of seethe for this board, therefore fucking based

>> No.5589437

What AX decides to spend their money on is of no concern to Cover. Hololive and Cover is supposed to be apolitical. To reject this easy opportunity for publicity due to political reasons is blatantly going against this.

>> No.5589440 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5589472


>> No.5589492

based kiara dabbing on racists and fucking black men

>> No.5589508 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 609x960, FB34748E-25CF-4F30-ADC4-D0351339EC21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This ass fucks niggers.

>> No.5589509

>Go to fundraiser to help abort babies
>raise money for the cause
>raise awareness for the cause


Dude you cant unironically be this much of a redditor can you?

>> No.5589536

>Hate Is A Virus is a nonprofit community of mobilizers and amplifiers to dismantle racism and hate.
>A movement started in 2020, Hate Is A Virus continues to amplify, educate and activate AAPI to stand for justice and equality in solidarity with other communities.
For fucks sake. Go ahead, educate me how to stand in solidarity with niggers...

>> No.5589575

abortion is bad now?

>> No.5589614

Stop sucking cocks so much and know that them being there is helping to fund these bullshit nigger causes that is destroying the west.

>> No.5589631

>Go ahead, educate me how to stand in solidarity with niggers...
just leave your car and home open you will show solidarity with your property when they take it

>> No.5589648
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>> No.5589659

This dumb niggas head

>> No.5589667

yes, when the baby is White

>> No.5589686

Its unfortunate but unless they are very stupidly running open question panels they aren't there to take LA's grotesque political bait. Really any interaction with the west funds its rot in someway, but wake me if they are forced to talk about some political issue by a kike otherwise its just price of business in LA.

>> No.5589705

You will not even be alive by the time the west falls you fucking retard. Stop throwing a tantrum over inconsequential bullshit.

>> No.5589712

Well I can't find anything on them trying to ban anime goods or fictional sexual content, I do however think this is going to serve as a money laundry for an organization that doesn't even get likes, they're pretty much unknown, they get like what? 6 likes on facebook and twitter? since it's AX my guess they share some members and they want to boost their little sjw project.
always has been, using a condom or abstinence are options yet certain group of people push more and more for abortions (murder) as a right but the real reason for their interest in the "issue" is to profit by selling cells and body parts for "studies".

>> No.5589730

It is, especially if you're a nigger. You shouldn't have had sex in the first place if you didn't want to get knocked up by some stranger who'll leave you! Better yet, you shouldn't expect my taxpayers money to go help kill the bastard that's growing in your womb because you're too poor or too chicken to do it yourself!

>> No.5589735
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I don't think it's good...

>> No.5589756

seen this many times and I really want to know the source of this one, anyone? thanks

>> No.5589783

I need the set anon. Please post more

>> No.5589820

Don't want child? Don't fuck or protect yourself.
In cases of rape, labor complications ect. is ok.

>> No.5589891

>big message of "Stop Asian hate"
>stand with BLM, an organization which constantly runs bail funds
It's just a roundabout way to get more Asians punched in the face so the first message can be repeated more.

>> No.5589956
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>> No.5589960

I'll never understand why we let /pol/ exist here. It's the same shit it was back /jp/. Please leave. Your kind aren't welcome here. Go post about the jews in your shitty containment board.

>> No.5589968

I'm guessing it was the #JOINUS pic with Tyrone?

>> No.5590042

Go back tourists

>> No.5590044

i'm not leaving niggerlover i was there before you

>> No.5590074
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>> No.5590082

condoms aren't 99% effective anon. People pushing for abortion already use contraception

>> No.5590155

48h pills

>> No.5590214

Fuck off back to r*dit, faggot.

>> No.5590229

with the amount of blacks getting aborted they clearly need to consider cutting their dick off then

>> No.5590268

Cover are the ones making this political......

>> No.5590295

Is it just me or does the fish look extremely sexual

>> No.5590318

What you gonna do, email them saying that you think opposing racism is wrong?

>> No.5590344
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This, the girls will stay apolitical, and contents are filtered properly.
Just wait for the torrent instead.

>> No.5590345

I mean no matter how you try to spin it , this is BAD and OP is right.
Cover could back off but of course they aren't.
Just imagine if it was BLM or some shit

>> No.5590382

Jesus fucking christ please return to reddit you literal mong.
This isnt about the political message its about getting involved in politics at all.

>> No.5590410

Tell them the organization wants to push for open borders in japan, that'll make them blink

>> No.5590435

half the newfags on the site come from /pol/ these days, so until the jannies start seriously enforcing the "no racism outside /pol/" rule, which they won't, it'll keep running rampant.

>> No.5590438

>You clearly have no idea what the fuck either of those things actually is, stop embarassing yourself.
why do trannies try to deflect away from the worst part of their base by saying people dont understand definitions? it doesnt work.

you can turn yourself into a pretzel by using no true scotsman all day long, it doesnt change that sjw is synonymous with BLM which is synonymous with anti-loli brigade.

>> No.5590457

they are, ignore the trannies damage controlling.

>> No.5590461

They're partnered with BLM.

>> No.5590467

we live in such a one-sided kosher political system that it's perceived as more of a political statement to not engage with anti-white, anti-male, anti-natalist etc. messaging than it's seen as political to participate

>> No.5590476

Why the fuck would they back off from a very easy way to promote their brand? Cover is running a business here. They don't care about "dabbing on lefties"

>> No.5590490

Notice that the /pol/nigger tourists only response is le reddit. This is the easiest way to spot a /vpol/ nigger in the wild.

>> No.5590496

There's a big difference between saying "SJWs and BLM supporters are the same people" and saying "this organization's funds are going directly towards censoring anime".

>> No.5590513

>what is ideology
you cant be this much of an NPC, lad

>> No.5590514

because they're associating their brand with an anti-white political movement, and as a direct result of that they will ultimately lose access to the entire White pool of potential customers as soon as a pro-white party rises to power.

>> No.5590523

>you literal mong

Sounds like something an underage Brit would consider an insult.

Nevertheless, what are you gonna do about it? Opposing racism is an extremely mainstream political opinion. 95% of the fanbase isn't gonna give a shit, just the shcizos here, and I'm personally loving watching you all seethe.

>> No.5590541

Their ideology is separate from the fact that if this money is going towards anything other than what they say it is their asses are getting sued.

>> No.5590556

damn, you guys legitimately cant get laid, huh?

>> No.5590555

>I'll never understand why we let /pol/ exist here.
/pol/ is welcome here. trannies like you arent.

>> No.5590579

They will piss and moan about it on irrelevant image boards of course!

>> No.5590590

fuck off fag you don't represent us

>> No.5590609

>opposing racism
BLM (which clearly focuses on giving preference to blacks which is racist in and of itself) is opposing racism

fucks sake, what happened to this board?

>> No.5590625


>everyone I don't like is a tranny.

Someone is projecting super hard. Just be honest with yourself, anon.

>> No.5590639

take the indie pill anons, I've been much happier and you don't have to deal with this bullshit unless you actively seek it out

>> No.5590646

Got laid many times.
That's why i know how things works and how not get girl pregnant.
But i fucked my GF, not some random chicks in club toilets.

>> No.5590647

exactly. I will never understand sjws or lefties saying "fight the system" when the whole system across the globe props them up and helps them

>> No.5590653

Hololive is pozzed shit now, just move on

>> No.5590658

there are other methods on top of just condoms, abortion it's not a contraceptive method, and it's not as the new wave feminists like to preach about, it's not their body, but it is their choice to commit the murder.
nice assumption

anyway this is getting too off-topic, mods should delete this thread to be honest, it doesn't really relate to vtubers

>> No.5590661
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>> No.5590673

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>opposing racism

>> No.5590677
File: 1.15 MB, 372x640, handinpants.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't expect her to have an ass like that.

>> No.5590684

>everyone I don't like is a tranny.
yes because I know what this site's culture is and it is clearly not mentally ill troons who suggest kids should cut their dicks off. back to plebbit.

>> No.5590686

it's okay when cover does it. they will whine and doompost for months on end about something happening but then when it actually happens they start to reconcile because cover can do no wrong. they'll bitch and complain but at the end of the day they're still going to give cover their 50%

>> No.5590700

But I was told this was my based and redpilled right wing board! Anyone who disagrees must be reddit! And its summer so I can call you slurs all day without having to go back to middle school!

>> No.5590732

Notice that the only reddit user response is STOP TELLING ME TO GO BACK IM NOT FROM REDDIT =*(

>> No.5590736


>> No.5590751

Faggots from Reddit think they're welcome here.

>> No.5590774

Motto, onegai.

>> No.5590781

Hololive exists on a platform run by a company that assists the platforms of BLM and LGBT orgs, this is literally the same shit. Google and Youtube do a lot in bostering these movements, is Cover political for involving themselves with them? No. Cover is advertising with an anime expo and will ignore everything political at every turn

>> No.5590786

>/vpol/ nigger gets upset
>y-you're tranny
>y-you're reddit
If you want to be a literal nigger shitting and chimping up other boards with doomposts at least do it on your home board faggot.

>> No.5590810

I genuinely don't understand why you people won't go back though?
There are so many places that cater to you. In fact, nearly the entire internet.

>> No.5590830

>vtuber post

>> No.5590840

And the underage newfags reveal themselves. Good job you double niggers.

>> No.5590874

>mods should delete this thread to be honest, it doesn't really relate to vtubers
EN branch going for an event which raises money to give to BLM tier organizations is off-topic?

is this where we are now?

you faggots said "nothing happens" when slippery slope anons predicted where EN would end up with mori and kiara.
After mori and kiara made trash taste collabs and vshojo, we have faye who has her twitter filled with BLM shit, now they're going to an event which supports BLM.

will you still keep saying its off-topic when rainbow flags & BLM is in their EN streams?

>> No.5590888

Every time they're called out they have to seethe by mass replying and samefagging

>> No.5590900

lmao you're not fooling anyone tourist

>> No.5590903

>talking about vtubers
Where? So far, it's just /pol/niggers REEEEEEEing at Cover again

>> No.5590906

I've been here for years. This place was never good, but I remember when it wasn't overrun by shitters like you and that's enough to keep me here forever whether I like it or not.
