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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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55887036 No.55887036 [Reply] [Original]

>Streams during Gura's timeslot
>Gets mogged

What are they trying to prove?

>> No.55887118

They can build a fanbase without casual normalfaggots (chumkeks)
And thet did

>> No.55887198

Gura doesn't own a timeslot and even if she did she lost it when she decided to quit for a year.

>> No.55887259

>holo vs holo

>> No.55887599

you said this every week and yet she's not quitting sis

>> No.55887616

>muh gura timeslot
Brainlet take, 7-9EST is literally peak hours for American Wagies (the target audience). It has nothing to do with Gura and everything to do with maximizing profit.

>> No.55887749

if she wants to "own" her precious timeslot, then she has to fight for it constantly
takes me back to the days of shitflinging against irys for the same reason

>> No.55887750

Good, at least chumpedos stay away

>> No.55887780

They know it'll be theirs for the taking during Guras biannual 4 month hiatus

>> No.55887790


>> No.55887837

>Gura's timeslot
Although OP is a faggot, I just noticed that even within Myth Gura actually never had been overlapped. Ina streamed before her, Ame after, and other two are in different timezone.

>> No.55887847

go back

>> No.55887931

This is the path. Over the last year some small corpos started to grow into est primetime because there was often no heavy hitter there. But now even when gura dips again, Advent will have that time solid.

>> No.55888271

Exactly, primetime is now Hololive time.
NijiEN's plan of scheduling, assigning, and fighting over time slots causes resentment, infighting, and cliques.
Advent's plan of streaming when you want, even overlapping each other, is the best approach.

Anyways, Gura says she has renewed excitement and plans to stream as she did in 2020. Which she has shown. But still has projects to do, like the upcoming 3D Live. Now she can do without the guilt of creating a void. Same applies to others.

>> No.55888411

i want to threesome fuwamoco

>> No.55888446
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>What are they trying to prove?
That they will protect our smile.
Give it a month and Gura is back to no streaming.
Meanwhile FuwaMoco will
>keep on streaming
>keep being on time
>keep protecting our smile

But it is your choice, Anon. If you want to stick with Gura be my guest, I will keep on smiling and BAU BAUing.

>> No.55888502

They're expanding Holobox. Or maybe >>55887780 (the Fauna's way)

>> No.55888566

they are as casual as they come *spams bau bau like there's no tomorrow*

>> No.55888631

>What are they trying to prove?
nothing, they just don't want chumbuds watching them

>> No.55888657

showing dominance to nijikek despite overlap

>> No.55888656

I still remember when the narrative was that Gura's viewers watched only Gura (and nobody else), if that is true then wouldn't her overlapping have basically no effect?

>> No.55888670

>holo vs holo

>> No.55888700

40 something percent of the USA exists in EST and is often snubbed both by Holo talents and their management. Anybody who starts in EST around 6-8 PM can run a stream into 11-12 PM and still pick up viewers from PST. It's stupid to exclude it.

>> No.55888749

Why didn't Gura play with them? Didn't they all debut at the same time?

>> No.55888776

>casually forgets she was just gone for a year
enjoy the lazy whore, she'll be gone soon, again

>> No.55889128

>they made the "God" of EN bleed and threatened
chumkeks.. our shork is not invincible anymore

>> No.55889568

I don't understand why that's prime time. At 8 I'm tired as shit and I'm looking to go to bed soon.

>> No.55890624

gura wont stay streaming anyways, what does it matter?

>> No.55890695

It’s really true gura fans don’t watch anyone but her . That’s fair though

>> No.55890813

It's like when WoW got popular. Those people are WoW players, they aren't MMO fans and they won't try anything else, they just like and want to play WoW.

>> No.55890829

Honestly overlap is good, build up new audience instead of cannibalizing old ones. Also give viewers choices.

If the other holos are smart they should set up stream before prime time to act as waiting room or after to catch the funnel

Collab Ban

>> No.55890957

I mean sometimes Bijou, Fuwamoco and even Shiori have ended up ahead of Gura lately. It's all good for EN. How many threads are we going to need on this?

>> No.55891005

I think Calli has been doing that actually. She's had some of her best numbers in awhile since Advent started by starting streams after them

>> No.55891063

This was me but guild wars.
I actually tried WoW though and thought it was shit

>> No.55891128

Can all of you nijifags stop with the Holo vs Holo threads? NijiEN is in shambles and you're here shitposting? Fucking grim...

>> No.55891139

Bijou threw her power away as usual
there's not loli cunny power that's as smart as gura sadly
HoloX cunny became super bitch like mori
ID kobo followed mori leadership and died
Bae i love homos and died, dumb rat.
Bijou i love mori gonna die just like everyone else
why is Gura so powerful, simple she doesn't mix with mori that much

>> No.55891162

I think a lot of people are like that honestly, and there's nothing wrong with it. Plus, trying to juggle multiple MMOs at once is/was never a good thing. Slight bit easier with your viewing content, but I can see why others won't really want to watch anyone else.

>> No.55891193

>Bijou threw her power away as usual
How so?

>> No.55891671

they are afraid

>> No.55892101

just watch it unfold,
i prefer it not to but it'll be reality in a few months,
not wasting my time on dumb rock

>> No.55892172

>she threw it away
>just wait for it
okay, donny

>> No.55892295

Yeah but I think the problem with Chumbuds is that they want to feel a part of Hololive's community but still just watch Gura. This has nothing to do with her high sub count, it's just her fanbase won't budge and go to other channels. It's not like this with any other corpo but Hololive. People who like Idol or Phase at least acknowledge the other talents, whereas with Gura's fans they seem to be all but unaware Myth, Council and Advent exist and are (relatively) thriving. You can see this in /hlg/ by the way because during Gura's streams the few Chumbuds in the thread are talking to each other and no one else. It's weird.

>> No.55892662

Numbers go down when you stream same time as Gura it’s not a hidden secret.

>> No.55892708

>They watch everyone and shit up the chat
>They watch absolutely no one besides Gura
It’s always been 2 conflicting statements newfag

>> No.55895698

>they won't try anything else
Poor analogy. That's not how it worked, most WoW players would play every new FOTM WoW killer MMO that comes out, but then quit a few months in and go back to WoW.

>> No.55895799

>My oshi is the brand
Lmao drones

>> No.55896579

It's about the talents, numpty. Do you think they like being pitted against one another?

>> No.55896702

For back to your discord server, tranny.

>> No.55896999
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Getting mogged by Gura isn't a bad thing, its an honor, nothing to seethe about.

>> No.55897403

>Gura's timeslot
>thinks NA prime time, which has been used by broadcasting corporations for decades, somehow belongs to Gura
The time slot is popular due to the fact that 80% of the US population lives on the East/West coasts. This is the same reason why most major US sporting events start at a similar time. Stop being retarded.

>> No.55898588


>> No.55898902

FWMC mornings. Why in the world would you expect NA streamers to take an EU time slot when a vast majority of NA adults are either sleeping or at work/school during those hours?

>> No.55898996
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>> No.55899538

>eu don’t pay enough

>> No.55899618


>> No.55900073
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Why are always rent free in your heads? We just love our shark wife.

>> No.55900336

retarded nijitroon

>> No.55901081

>numbersisters still seething about gura and going NO IT'S NOT HER TIME SLOT IT DOESN'T BELONG TO HER WHY DID SHE COME BACK
Sorry your meme about her not streaming is dead.

>> No.55901970

You will never win, homobegging twitchfreak

>> No.55902743

People always claim Gura is hurting their numbers, but I havent seen any evidence. She hasn't streamed a day or two since their debut; surely you should be able to point to a marked increase in Advent numbers then?

>> No.55903168

>People always claim Gura is hurting their numbers, but I havent seen any evidence.
Are you retarded?

>> No.55904798

>She hasn't streamed a day or two since their debut; surely you should be able to point to a marked increase in Advent numbers then?

>> No.55905192
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>> No.55905322

>gura shitposter makes a thread to shitpost
>gets called out for being a retarded shitposter
>r-r-rent free! rent free! chumbuds win!

>> No.55905451

>Only good advent was Shiorin
Many such cases.

>> No.55905899

Go take a shower and ask yourself where youll be in 6 months.

>> No.55905913

>novelkeks are the new deadbeats
Yet another insufferable fanbase

>> No.55906237


>> No.55906282

europoor on buying merch
>waaögh why do the make me pay le 40euro for shipping around ze world for my rightfully mine kiara merch! Hmmmph!

amerilards on merch
>oh shit only 40 bucks shipping from literally on the other side of the world? Hell yeah gonna mix me a jack and pekola sheeeit
That or skill issue, promote ypur chuubas so they get big so Cover finds them appealing. Hell Rissa might stream EU hours since she liked Kiara so much

>> No.55906301

>t. ruffian

>> No.55906413

Myth are essentially daisenpai of EN, Gura being the main reason blew up in the first place. There’s a reason no one else dared to clash with her time slot, it’s actual number suicide.

>> No.55906478

>gura (15k)
>Advent (30k)
Seems like the age of chumpedos is over.

>> No.55906527

Yeah but 80% of the Japanese-American population lives in PST, and they are the true target audience. Easties are leastie.

>> No.55906595

To me it felt like she is passively feeding from Advent, council had the same thing happen to them. It’s an odd phenomenon.

>> No.55906666

oh you mean that vtweeter that sometimes streams? yeah I've heard of her

>> No.55906963

Anon doesn’t watch streams, she’s been mogging them on debuff games with minimal effort. Not a single advent karaoke even reached 40k CCV. It’s unironically just a brutal beating at this point.

>> No.55907018

I do get some of the controversy regarding Gura coming back for Advent, but Council? Gura was still 5+ streams a week all of 2021. She did not change her time or schedule for their debut weeks.

>> No.55907034


>> No.55907359

No, what I’m saying is she hardly ever even brought up advent and same with advent vice versa, the funnel of newer advent viewers watching Gura is strange.

If you look at how things have been panning out her average is actually increasing by alot and their average is decreasing drastically.

>> No.55907477

how is 50+ streams quitting, you BrownVTMs need to stop hallucinating...

>> No.55907729


>> No.55907886

>holo vs holo
go back

>> No.55911027

Gura will remain strong.

>> No.55911652

>HoloEN fans are so feral they're literally turning on THEIR OWN FUCKING TALENTS
I will NEVER understand this mindset. Don't come at me with this whole "it's 2023 tourists!" because you faggots were pushing "trinity > unity" since the first days

>> No.55911692


>> No.55911773
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I still wouldn't watch your shit tubers even if Gura wasn't streaming.

>> No.55912539

When was the last time gura got 40k?

>> No.55913033

Birthday stream.

>> No.55913100

nobody gets filtered by moetubers harder than a normalfag. you're projecting hard

>> No.55913294

My rrat is that Cover badly needs them to be a success so wants them to hit the primetime hours hard and with the expectation that Gura's schedule would continue to be hit or miss.
Gura didn't take kindly to this and is now busting out streams regularly, refusing to cede any of her popularity...for now. Its interesting dynamic as both camps are a bit of friendly rivals currently. Will have to see how long Gura can maintain this 'new normal' of hers.

>> No.55913447

You have no idea how Japanese companies work if you seriously think this happened. It's far more likely that Cover asked Gura to get off her lazy ass and stream again to have more eyes on Hololive when it came time for the Advent debut.

>> No.55913547

>Advent based enough to force shark to stream
If only it will last

>> No.55914487

>365 days in a year
>52 weeks in a year
>50 streams

>> No.55914830
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Who is getting mogged again?

>> No.55915364

>Gura time slot
You mean her non existent time slot?
