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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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55882041 No.55882041 [Reply] [Original]

me newfag

>> No.55882102

/vt/ does what do your reps mean

>> No.55882121

Proceed with practicing your repetitions.

>> No.55882158

It means to do your reps newfag

>> No.55882217

It means do you reps nigger

>> No.55882233


>> No.55882236

means you have to repeat stroking your dick

>> No.55882301

Exercise you fat fuck

>> No.55882310

Depends on context.

>> No.55882349

way of saying do research
>"on what"
fuckall, newfag

>> No.55882658

It can mean any of the following:
>The answer can be found by searching the archives or lurking. If I tell you directly I will be banned.
>I don't know, but I want to look like I do.
>I know, but I want you to feel bad for not knowing.

>> No.55882846


>> No.55882860

All posts on /vt/ are just a copy of older posts. So posting a question is immediately a silly thing to do since lurking more and reading the archives would have gained you the same amount of knowledge as not posting at all.

>> No.55882913

The irony of making a thread to ask this

>> No.55883079

I don't believe you.

>> No.55883265

It was lifted from /fit/ where reps means repetitions (as part of a workout).

It was then used to represent any repetitive activity one does, whether for self-improvement or merely just the course of one's daily life, such as "doing your job reps."

All that aside, in your typical /vt/ thread, "do your reps" in response to a question means "do your own research."

>> No.55883308

Physical exercise such as weight training is normally done by repeating the same action multiple times.
This is known colloquially as "reps."

>> No.55883355

Do your reps

>> No.55883403

It means learn Japanese baka gaijin

>> No.55883734

Fuck off

>> No.55883888


>> No.55883919

next time i have a question should i just ask in hlgg or something

>> No.55883946

Go ask in /jp/ instead they will welcome you kindly unlike the tards from here ^^

>> No.55884316

Do your reps on /vt/ culture you faggot tourist

>> No.55884319

This but unironically

>> No.55884367

it means to do your DD

>> No.55884382

Reps are short for reparations.
Pay up, chud.

>> No.55886834

It means you should find the dox info you're looking for in the archive, because you're not talking a chad ban-evader who'll dump it for you.

>> No.55887089

I believe it comes from the fitness community, meaning to do your repetitive workouts to actually see results. In the context of vtubing it seems to most frequently refer to watching music videos to boost view counts, doing your part as a fan to help your oshi. In the context of vt it seems to mean to do your research, or really do anything to learn things and absorb information on your own other than writing whatever shitpost you're currently writing. Telling someone to do their reps in this context usually means you are mocking them for being uninformed about something, especially something that should be obvious to anyone with sufficient knowledge of the community.

>> No.55887692


Drink a glass of rape oil to improve your sexual power.

>> No.55887820

It means watch at least one stream. None of us watch the streams so we need one of you new bloods to go do it for us.

>> No.55887896
File: 315 KB, 398x498, 1679852200948793.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

review the past material thoroughly

>> No.55887980

Depends on context.
Could be someone asking for a translation of something simple in Japanese, and people respond with 'do you reps', literally do your repetitions in a rote memory program like Anki but figuratively "stop shitposting on /vt/ and put in some effort, even someone who could only pass N5 could understand this"

>> No.55888148

Its a Mondegreen of the phrase "do your rapes", and is reminding you to continue raping vtubers.

>> No.55889689

It's slang from the homosexual bath house scene.

>> No.55889892

Anon, your rep reps...

>> No.55890037
File: 4 KB, 524x124, reps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this context, the more specific origin is an old video about learning how to read and write moonrunes, which was widely circulated on 4chinz. I think it was a guy wearing shades, who repeatedly demands that the viewer "DO YOUR REPS" and "DRINK BEER" (holding up some jp beer.)

>> No.55890225

This is actually true, everyone is super ironic and sarcastic here, try /jp/

>> No.55890948

>If I tell you directly I will be banned.
Not always the case

>> No.55891034

lurk more for a year

>> No.55892297

It means "educate yourself".

>> No.55892463

What you're asking is basic shit that can be found out with a five minute google search.

>> No.55893056

>I know, but I want you to feel bad for not knowing.
this is the case 99% of the time

>> No.55893584

Usually it's more
>I don't have any more info because I just made up this rrat

>> No.55893823

no, it's
>my self worth is entirely centered around how much useless knowledge about japanese e-celebs and internet drama relating to them i have and how good i am at gatekeeping this knowledge from anyone who asks

>> No.55893846
File: 256 KB, 400x400, pain_peko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bring back "lurk for one year before posting"

>> No.55893994

Reps are something that most of /vt/ never does or ever did themselves
For just about everything, really

>> No.55894120

i checked google+urban dictionary and i couldn't find an answer

send me a screenshot of a google result that links to the answer to my question

>> No.55896250


>> No.55896466

I'm doing fitness reps to boost energy and dancing, vocal reps for singing and talking lots, and editing and art reps.

>> No.55896505


>> No.55896536


>> No.55897176

You know newfag but not do your reps? Stop fishing for insults anon.

>> No.55897214

Can also just mean watching/rewatching vods

>> No.55897372
File: 295 KB, 681x394, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like bumnumba1

>> No.55897602
File: 342 KB, 1887x1589, 2135235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even lift?

>> No.55897801
File: 200 KB, 680x673, 1691797695994608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know, but I want you to feel bad for not knowing.
