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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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55845134 No.55845134 [Reply] [Original]

>They're all pretty good individually
>But they have 0 chemistry as a group and collabs range from lame to cringe
how do you call this curse

>> No.55845210

so just like myth and council? myth's collabs are still cringe 3 years later

>> No.55845231

go watch Myths and Councils first collabs and then try making that claim again

>> No.55845300
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Units exist and can be used as an alternative to gens. Shit gen dynamic are no longer an excuse anymore

>> No.55845834
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Should they get a bunch of people that were already friends like NijiEN?

>> No.55845887

Councils boring individually and good in collabs

>> No.55845926

This, even inside the same gen, Diamond Dogs are better than full Advance or whatever the fuck the gen is called.

>> No.55845938


>> No.55845949

You don't watch streams retard

>> No.55845999

You're posting in a catalog thread, no one watches streams here

>> No.55846098

...what? Myth and Council only got comfortable doing gen-wide collabs after like a year of streaming. It takes a while for everyone to figure out their role and getting the flow down for a stream with so many members. I just wish Ame spoke a bit more...

>> No.55846417

prove me wrong retard
I've watched EVERY COLLAB dumb nigger
Nerissa is kind but too shy, Shiori is too autistic and blunt, and it's hard to talk with the dogs for obvious reasons
Only Bijou had a decent collab with every member (decent I mean average) because she tries really hard to get along with their friends and understand their autism

>> No.55848179
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>> No.55851997

Myth never got comfortable doing full gen collabs. Myth collabs are just Takamori collabs with Ina, Gura, and Ame's models also being on the screen for some reason. Meanwhile, Council had pretty good chemistry from the very beginning.

>> No.55852773
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>Meanwhile, Council had pretty good chemistry from the very beginning.

>> No.55852991

Fuck you op, biboo drags these girls kicking and screaming into unity. Her and Shiori are both top-tier gen-unity autists

>> No.55853006

NTA but they did, discord lag from aussies made things difficult but they riffed off each other well.

>> No.55853086

>Council had pretty good chemistry from the very beginning

>> No.55853146

>>But they have 0 chemistry as a group
Especially Fuwawa and Mococo. Those two are shit together.

>> No.55853455

bau bau faggot

>> No.55853467

Are you looking in a mirror? I genuinely used to think that Myth's chemistry was fine until Council debuted and I saw what real gen chemistry looked like. They had decent chemistry from the beginning and only got better.

>> No.55853681
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You two don't actually watch streams if you believe that. I will concede that it was better than Myth's, but no more. The chemistry was still not good at all at first, even if we agree that it's magnitudes better now it used to be total shit.

>> No.55853847

Council early days was such a wreck in collabs that anons here stopped bitching about it and started honest to god concern posting. They were terrible. They've come actual leaps and bounds.

>> No.55854159

Advent mogs the 'early days' unity of Council and Advent is still awkward as fuck. Early days Council was downright painful, you could never hear Mumei, Bae talked fast and was ignored, Fauna played peacekeeper, nobody could understand Sana because of her voice and her mic. Am I forgetting one? That's because she was a sullen fun police

>> No.55854237

It's basicaly the same for every hololive new gen. The chemistry during the first few colab are terrible. Because they are still in debut phase, they also don't know each other that much, and they don't know what dynamic they want to develop with each others. (another reason fuwamoco demark themselves since they are more than used to be with each other from morning to morning)

>> No.55854263

Bibo-doggos was fucking hilarious. Maybe they should go with 1-1 type collabs between the channels before doing a big gen wide one, let the audience get used to their relationship and all that

>> No.55854313

That's okay, in the long run their solo content will be all that matters anyway

>> No.55854560

Removing Mori instantly solves that problem. Ame and Gura actually talk when she's gone. See the pop tart collab and Kiara/Ame collabs.
I think they legit don't like her. They haven't one on one collabed with her in more than 18 months.

>> No.55854598

>Doesn’t watch JP or ID
Which is fair it’s like 90% whore for those branches but only holox had “bad chemistry.” And that was because koyori and lui used to not get along

>> No.55854694

No that’s you not liking Mori but you are right about collabs being better without her

>> No.55854887

Early day council:
>mumei says something unhinged
>awkward silence
>bae yells WHAT
>Fauna tries to make sense of it
>Sana tries to add an additional unhinged comment on top of it, but fails
>Kronii never unmutes
>awkward silence
>rinse, lather, repeat

>> No.55854990

mori's party really fucked things up

>> No.55855518

That’s not true because their small collabs work fine so chemistry isn’t the problem. The problem is being in a big group which makes the dynamics different especially for introverts. Their chemistry is still better than myth and council.
Council was Sana saying something weird kronii and mumei either silent or messing with each other with fauna trying to force a ship with mumei. All with Bae being forgotten
Myth will never work on a functional level because their streamer personalities don’t mesh.

>> No.55855661

This is accurate. I think people forget that for months the only bonding 'joke' Council had was repeating the word "flower" ad nauseum like retards. It was pretty rough.

>> No.55855666

Someone who was actually there. I thought newfags born in the last few months were the only ones left

>> No.55855701

This group is micomet + 3 secondary characters (last one forced into it later)

>> No.55856064

>fox sex

>> No.55856163

The "they debuted two weeks ago, calm your tits" curse

>> No.55856293

They've been really fun so far in this EDF stream though

>> No.55856591

Mori’s party? What’s the deal with that?

>> No.55856792

I watched some clips Mumei and Kronii fighting in minecraft, was it a real fight?

>> No.55856867

>bae yells WHAT
kek she still does this though
>Kronii never unmutes
I can remember at least once where one of the girls asked "what do you think Kronii?" and it took her ten seconds for her to even unmute or acknowledge it, and then she just said, "I mean..." and trail off anyways.

>> No.55856995 [DELETED] 
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>*fingering mococo*
>moco-chan, you're missing
>keep moving moco-chan
>*feeling up her flat chest*
>look moco-chan, they're shooting at us
>why aren't you hitting anything?
>*having mococo lick her fingers*
>an item moco-chan, should we take it?

>> No.55857369

I don’t know I only care to watch shiori as a (numberfag thread that got deleted pointed out). But I watch fuwa and nerissa every now and then. Their chemistry isn’t there yet and I never liked full collabs much anyway

>> No.55857409

The group is too. Diamond Dogs are fine so is whatever ShioriNerissa is called.

>> No.55857552

I don't think so, Mumei did have bad minecraft etiquette but Kronii's anger seemed like mostly kayfabe from what I remember

>> No.55857922

So just like pretty much every other gen aside from Gen5?

>> No.55858268

Curse of having dumb shark streaming over their streams each fucking day. Kinda big debuff to morale, if you ask me.

Council was also terrible in their first collabs. I barely got the taste of Sana's cringe-inducing jokes out of my mouth when watched them back in the days.

>> No.55863600


>> No.55865878

Units > gens

>> No.55866051

Bijou gets along well with everyone but the group as a whole doesn't mesh for anything.

>> No.55868972
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Calli's sister threw a rager in her shared bnb with Gura and people saw it as endangering Gura and her privacy.

>> No.55869300
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> nooo gura senpai bullying us by stealing our numbers

>> No.55874778

they have better chemistry than meth at the beginning and all their off collabs

>> No.55874845

and council without IRyS

>> No.55875861

ah yes, the 4 lesbians and the 1 straight girl group.

>> No.55875947

Oh my lord I want to impregnate Flare so badly.

>> No.55876404
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I fixed it

>> No.55878741


>> No.55878914

Man they really nailed the psycho bitch eyes on shiori.

>> No.55878953

Don't blame them, I would want to be forced to hang out with a wigger either.

>> No.55879350

After watching their EDF collab it's pretty easy to understand their role and chemistry now.

Bijou is the Gamer Pro and the actual Leader that everyone respects knows what she's doing and for the most part she does know what she's doing, until she decides she doesn't either because something goes wrong or she decides to fuck with the team for the lulz.

Shiori is the "Leader" who is really more of the side kick, she's a smart learner in a game and good at adapting but ultimately all her attempts at leading just have Bijou taking over. She tries to do her tangents only to get most of the party either quipping at her or ignoring her, though if you listen you can tell she's doing it on purpose for comedic relief,

Rissa is the Big Girl and really the supporting character of the group collabs she's there to partly be the stream surrogate who reacts to everyone else's antics with her own comments and words of emotional support. She's the Team Girl.

And Fuwamoco, well really Moco are the comic relief characters, the Scooby Doo and Shaggy of Advent who are bumbling comic relief that will at times get dangerous and competent when they aren't chasing their own tails.

>> No.55880407

Morifags like to downplay it but Gura is fucking terrified of strangers. Now imagine having to lock up in your room because your retarded coworker sister brings in about two dozen unwanted niggers to party in your bnb?

>> No.55880770

Myth's first collab was cringe.
Everyone talked like they were trapped in a walk-in freezer.

And don't even get me started on their country road song

>> No.55880995

I watched a lot of cringe collabs but I must admit that the worst one was by far the kson/Melody one on chaturbate, shit was unreal

>> No.55881378

You have to keep in mind they hadn't met each other IRL at that point
IIRC they even talked about it on stream how meeting each other for the first time in person helped a ton

There is a reason Cover makes sure the talents met atleast once before debut now

>> No.55881686

Did adopting IRyS help fix Council's chemistry? She always seems to liven things up when they do things as a group

>> No.55881738

It's pretty clear that they actually stuck Advent in a kind of idol Boot Camp if their backstory is saying anything.

Like looks like they forced them to live together for awhile in order so they'd bond.

>> No.55882355

I'm pretty sure Nerissa, Bijou and Fuwamoco just met at AX this year (they haven't met Shiori yet)

>> No.55882993

>koyori and lui used to not get along

>> No.55883234

God I love Biboo so much bros.
I cant decide if I like the Diamond Dogs or Loli-Onee goose stream more

>> No.55883329


I need more sauce on this rrat

>> No.55883332

painfully true but theyre alot better now

>> No.55883371

unironically yes she fits better with council

>> No.55883382
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Take this crown, King.

>> No.55883733

>Be Poru
>Start a little minecraft Duet with your friend Flare, have fun times
>Miko joins, you're now a threesome, still fun times
>Miko convinces Flare to let her """""Business friend""""" that she's totally not gay for join the group, it now feels like the Micomet show with you and Flare the OG's reduced to side characters. But it's ok, you two can still bro around and have fun
>Flare brings in her Amazon snu-snu wife. You are now the 5th wheel in a group you founded
Polka didn't deserve this.

>> No.55883852

I don't care about collabs in the first place so I don't care, they are all good for me individually and this is the first EN gen I can say that for. Well, I haven't watched any Nerissa stream but she seems fine.

>> No.55883991
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seethe more, she's here to stay

>> No.55884015
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I enjoy them, and the collabs

>> No.55884023
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>> No.55884029

Nah Shiori and Nerissa had some chemistry. The dogs are like aliens, but Bijou seems to just get along with everyone.

>> No.55884235
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i'm sorry, using "cringe" as an adjective automatically discards your opinion

>> No.55884292

how fucking new are you, jesus christ

>> No.55884358

the edf5 collab was pretty good, better than the l4d2 collab i'd say. they're warming up

>> No.55884418


>> No.55884419

this is old, but basically Mori's sister threw a surprise home coming in the states and Gura was unaware there was a party.

>> No.55884468

wish they do more of it. EDF is easily the best collab game next to minecraft

>> No.55884591

dumb phoneposter

>> No.55885116

I hate that fat wigger cunt so much, it's unreal.

>> No.55885361

I don't like Mori one bit but I don't recall her being happy about the party, she was in full damage control

>> No.55885650

It's not that they hate Mori, but in every collab Mori's involved in, she just clutters the air with followup comments and praises to whomever acts as the collab host and since Gura and Ame have difficulties with making themselves active in collabs, as soon as Mori starts her antics, they just shut down. Mori should learn to be more sparse and have more valuable inputs and the introvert group should apply themselves more since it's been close to three years since they've started, there's no excuse for any of them. Kiara is a good role model for how to behave in a collab, everyone in Myth should learn from her.

>> No.55886405

Gura got (willingly) raped by a Texan with a fat beer belly that might or might not have been Mori herself. She was intoxicated so she doesn't remember the details.

>> No.55888118

The twins have the best chemistry among any other group in Hololive, and that's what matters.

>> No.55888304

>Kiara is a good role model for how to behave in a collab, everyone in Myth should learn from her.

>Kiara, maybe you should read your skills
>>No I don't read
>Kiara, it will help you play the game
>>No, that's not good content

>> No.55888942

Fuwawa maybe, in the EDF stream she was constantly talking to Mococo only. To me that's not a problem or for some reason a reason to hate her, but I can just see how it might be hard for her in collabs

>> No.55890521

Chemistry takes time to develop.

>> No.55890991

Micomet + PolFlare era was the best, the collabs were just cute double dates

>> No.55891091

t.EOP clipnigger

>> No.55891147

>shioricuck forgot about the upcoming 2 week break

>> No.55891183

This is just bullshit they have plenty of chemistry. Another shit catalog thread

>> No.55891289

The entire months leading up to the GOI Trials, IRyS wasnt even in anyones minds until the very end where she still didnt have a clear role
Then she joined the GOI Trials as "SakuRyS" and just about stole the show, she made things so much more entertaining and helped liven up Mumei a lot while she was doing poorly in-game

>> No.55893028


>> No.55893516

Mori sister threw surprise party, Mori decided to open a stream, people ask about Gura, she says "She having fun on the other room"

After that Gura never being the same with Mori for exposing the Shark gangbang rape kink
