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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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55831588 No.55831588 [Reply] [Original]

Is she going to collab with Tempus or not? I really want to oshi her already but i'm scared of getting Kronii'd.

>> No.55831683

Tempus is going to (((collab))) with her alright, expect shiorin~ to show up to stream exasperated and sweaty

>> No.55831781

yes she will, fuck off
no she wont, fuck off

>> No.55831851

wait for the 10 days vacation ( she gonna meet tempus IRL) after the collab ban drop.

>> No.55832880

don't worry, anon. after 10 days of nonstop tempus orgy, she'll be ready to settle down with you

>> No.55833037

You don't choose your oshi, it just happens. Your indecisiveness tells me she's not a good fit for you.

>> No.55833066

Didn't mention a single homo or even hinted at thier existence.. she only followed them on twitter, but most of the holo en girls follow them as well, so dunno what's with the Schizos over here are complaining about.

>> No.55833183 [DELETED] 

brown hands typed these btw, pay them no heed

>> No.55833212

You retards can’t enjoy anything without thinking about men. Just go watch male streamers already

>> No.55833214

>pattern recognition is schizophrenia

>> No.55833241

Holy triple dubs!
Just nimrods spinning the same narrative & unicorn bullshit that never sticks to whatever target these fools are aiming for.

>> No.55833275

We just don't know. Keep a safe distance and don't jump in dick first is the best advice I can give you. The state of her split and the amount of jilted Kronies that are going all in is a powder keg she could ignite at any point.
I actually feel bad for her 2view friend if he is the one she is referring to with the collab speech, he doesn't seem like a bad dude but he is going to be subject to a torrent of mental illness for no gain if she decides to bring him onto her stream. Surely she is smarter than that?

>> No.55833307

We didnt ignore your 110 threads spamming the same thing desperately wanting it to be true schizo

>> No.55833350

She ended her first stream with a weird admonishment of the audience for things that haven't yet happened.
Owning the the chudcels is very important to her.
You know what's gonna happen.

>> No.55833407

Your oshi will collab with homos, and you will like it.

>> No.55833490

Beggars have been proven to be a bunch of hypocrites, where's their 'GFE le bad' threads for criticizing Shitori?

>> No.55833663

If it matters that much to you, I'd wait until Magni and Vesper get back (assuming they don't graduate/get terminated) to see what happens.

>> No.55833913


>> No.55834141

Unlikely, she was talking about husbandos during the only up stream but stopped immediately after she saw how thirsty the chat was for her.

>> No.55834165


>> No.55834476

>All unicorns can think of is other men
I think they unironically get off to NTR

>> No.55835574

>Is she going to collab with Tempus or not?
If she does just don't watch it.

There, wasn't that easy? You can now safely oshi her.

>> No.55836344

It shouldn't matter. If you're a unicorn, you should've already dropped her over the constant NTR fetishism/shitposting, and the "once it's black, it can't go back" remark. Male collabs are the least of your worries with this whore.

>> No.55836864

This shit is so stupid, anons in /hgg2d/ post about NTR every day do you think they are having sex?
If degenerate fetishes are an indicator of anything real let the cunnychad cast the first stone.

>> No.55836945

Imagine being this guy and getting mad for a simple joke like you never said things worse before faggot

>> No.55836977

it's a guarantee

>> No.55836987

Take your meds. It literally doesn't matter if she does.

>> No.55837153


>> No.55837908 [DELETED] 

First of all, I don't joke about that shit, because it's degenerate, and those types of jokes imply niggers are sexually superior to white men, predicated on a debunked myth, and I have self-respect, and I refuse to contribute to the growing ubiquity of it.
Second, I don't care if she was "just joking". It still shows that things like infidelity, black worship, and race traitorism is so normalized in her mind that she can casually reference it while streaming in front of thousands of people like it's no big deal.
This is a woman that has been tainted by whatever disgusting, degenerate media she has consumed in order to end up like this.
How would you feel if your IRL GF was constantly making jokes about cuckolding, BBC, and "once you go black, you can never go back"? Are you telling me that wouldn't get under your skin? Fuck that.

>> No.55838127


>> No.55838167

>Stop nooooticing!

>> No.55838320

nigga, calm down. it's an anime girl. no need to get this obnoxious, i promise you that it is not that deep.

>> No.55838337

The main reason I still watch male streamers is they're the only ones who regularly play the kind of games I actually enjoy.

>> No.55838454

>It's not that deep bro! Just bury your head in the sand!
And you wonder why the west has fallen.

>> No.55838498

They're going to take turns collabing with her all night long.

>> No.55838645

Look all I am saying is just because she made like 4 NTR related tweets over a years long career doesn't mean she is a whore NTR'ing dudes irl and the dumb fucking once you go black you can't go back joke is the kind of thing that might pop into your mind if you spent any time on the internet, it was an edgy joke nothing more. Treating it like a statement that she loves black dicks is fucking insane.

>> No.55838737

Book a flight to Iran and stay there.

>> No.55838800


>> No.55838910

this desu senpai

>> No.55838955

Even if collab happens you’ll be safe, no bbc in tempiss

>> No.55839018

>Taking it personally this badly
I usually don't go for this, as it's a woman's insult, but I'm 99% sure you're overcompensating for a micro dick, or some other inadequacy.

>> No.55839107

I don't think you're getting my point. The "once you go black, you never go back" phrase may have become a common joke, but the meaning behind it is very explicilty "black dick is better than white dick".
If you're a woman on the internet who is constantly being exposed to these types of jokes, eventually you're gonna internalize that and start to think there's some truth to it.
Even if it's not a deliberate psyop to turn women into race traitors, the effect is the same. Shiori repeating this joke not only demonstrates that she's been subject to this exposure, it also demonstrates that it's been so normalized to her that she isn't offended by it and she considers it non-offensive enough to reference openly outside of anonymous internet spaces.
Why would any self-respecting white or asian man want anything to do with a woman like that?

>> No.55839129

schizophrenia is not pattern recognition

>> No.55839208

>Refusing to be a literal cuck = radical muslim fundamentalist

>> No.55839342

Go ahead and leave, that just means more Shiori for me.

>> No.55839425

yeah this nigga is trolling, it's pretty evident now. i'm dumb for falling for bait.

>> No.55839700

Your wife will be a coal burner confirmed

>> No.55839736

>eventually you're gonna internalize that and start to think there's some truth to it.
That's where you lose me. Yeah that is the meaning behind the phrase but acting like any fucker who makes a joke referencing it is some kind of true believer is crazy. It's okay if you didn't like the joke or thought it was unseemly for a holo to go there (I kind of agree) But all she needs to do is remember where she is and filter herself a little better.

>> No.55839896

>That's where you lose me.
Why? People are propogandized all the time. Repeating something until people believe it's true is an effective strategy. Especially on women. How would this be any different?

>> No.55839988

Wait another 2.5 weeks and find out.

>> No.55840109

If that's the case we should've rangebanned SEA ages ago yet here we are

>> No.55840145

She's not going to collab with Tempus since honestly I feel like Magni and Vesper are probably who she'd be most interested in collabing with. She IS however going to collab with a male indie

>> No.55840176

you sound just like those twitter faggots that wanna "cancel" everyone over petty jokes they didn't even understand.

>> No.55840293

Yeah, I do. And guess what? Those twitter faggots control our culture, have subverted every American institution, and are propogandizing our children as we speak. So maybe we should take a page out of their playbook.

>> No.55840367

>But all she needs to do is remember where she is and filter herself a little better.
No, she needs to do a naked dogeza apology stream with her QOH and BWC Only tattoos in plain view.

>> No.55840464


>> No.55840879

Have some self-confidence, laugh it off because you know your worth, and move on. She's an internet personality who will never interact with you in a real-life setting, minus if you go to one of the convention events. If you don't like her, or her humor, watch someone else.

>> No.55840927

go fight your fights there then you fucking retard this is a funny anime streamer board.

>> No.55840996

I doubt it since Cover probably doesn't see any money in it. When was the last time Kronii collaborated with Tempus? What's happened to her CCV and general engagement since she started collabing with Tempus? Hololive isn't a Passion Project like Indie Vtubing, it's a job because it's a corporation and it needs to actually make money in order to function properly. If it's as poisonous to viewership and revenue as the #fags and unicornfags claim it to be then Cover simply won't let Shiori do it no matter how much of a "shameless whore" or whatever she is behind the scenes.

>> No.55841197

I would if it were that simple, but my fear is that Shiori is not just an individual, but represents a growing pattern of women who are desensitized to race traitorism and act just like her. If I keep laughing it off and moving on, eventually I will run out of good, untainted women, both IRL and in VTubing. Women won't change their behavior unless there are consequences, which is why women like Shiori should be subject to rabid anti campaigns.

>> No.55841292

You already won, she's the runt of the generation and her fans are considered so toxic no one sympathizes with them. What's the point of continuing this campaign?

>> No.55841494

Meds. Now.

>> No.55841502
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>she's the runt of the generation

>> No.55841639

No, it is that simple. For every girl that makes a joke that you don't like, there are more that fit your ideal. Who gives a single fuck if people have a mindset you don't agree with? It's as easy as just not paying attention and moving on. Antis help no one.

>> No.55841724

But the kids, anon, the kids! Pretend you give a shit about the burgers's culture war for a second!

>> No.55841727

She will completely ignore Tempus. She will collab with 2 view male indie vtubers no-one knows instead. That's what respecting her collab choices means

>> No.55841788

Anon there are something like 48 other girls in Hololive. I'm sure you can find one with a large enough archive to melt your brain on.
I recommend Noel. I think you'd like her, and she just celebrated 4 years so you know you got a lotta catching up to do.

>> No.55841811

At least we have a culture *war*. The only reason you europoors don't is because you're so thoroughly cucked that there is no opposition to speak of.

>> No.55841865

>Recommending Noel of all people to a unicorn.
You are truly evil anon.

>> No.55841876

Go shoot up a school or something. Also vtubers?

>> No.55841887

You're right, my bad. I can't wait for that anon to have an absolute meltdown if someone who isn't white or asian gets into HoloEN.

>> No.55841993
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>> No.55842110

Why would I care if hololive hired a niggeress? Nothing against em.

>> No.55842399

even if she did I would simply not be phased because only lames care about what women do. You aren't a lame, are you?
you're right but making up scenarios and getting angry at them as if they were real is

>> No.55842592
File: 1023 KB, 1208x2006, IMG_1542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she still chatting in prechat?

>> No.55842667

She's a Chink. That alone should be enough for people to not watch her.

>> No.55842736

Wait I never did my reps why is that anon evil? I thought Noel was a good one

>> No.55842896

Noel's an open ntr fetishist

>> No.55842978

Oh my god that's great

>> No.55843005

No she isn't you retard.

>> No.55843052
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don't care, I watch her because the streams are fun.

>> No.55843320

Idk if that's true or not, but it's not what I was referring to.
Just do em. They're probably the easiest reps out there that you could do. Not even sure if I'd call em reps.

>> No.55847852


>> No.55848152

Now let's take a look at sub numbers...

>> No.55848437
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have you considered therapy, jacking off, going on a walk, or perhaps reconnecting with your parents?

>> No.55849819

kek /pol/tards and there uncontrollable urge to discuss nigger dick unprompted

OP you should never go balls deep when it hasnt even been long enough to show her true colors. not saying you should drop her just saying dont get too invested so soon
im incline to beleive the rrat that she'll be more likely to collab with male indies from her PL than any of the homos. i trust in jap trying to heal EN

>> No.55855427

>Is she going to collab with Tempus or not?
Why would she want to nerf her income like that?

>> No.55858936

i don't care what /vt/ thinks her voice makes me fall asleep
