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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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55748835 No.55748835 [Reply] [Original]

They feels out of place honestly, they way they behave on stream just strange for western audiences. It doesn't really work.

>> No.55748882


>> No.55748896
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>> No.55748970


>> No.55748988

Not seething, just giving some constructive criticism. If you got that defensive over that then it means I said something right.

>> No.55749090

Clearly the one out of place is you, so fuck off to watch something more akin to your mundane yet revolting tastes, drone

>> No.55749209

probably need a JP address to apply. also last JP debuts were in 2021 with no new announcements in sight

>> No.55749351

>it doesn’t work in the west
>they are literally the most popular ones in their gen
Your constructive criticism is incorrect and moronic

>> No.55749413

I'm glad they're in EN to show people what vtubers are supposed to be like.

>> No.55749441

they don't speak fluent japanese

>> No.55749504

Because I love them

>> No.55749511

if you want that generic twitch thot experience just watch literally anyone else? BAU BAU

>> No.55749557

>Don’t live in Japan
>Don’t speak fluent Japanese

>> No.55749922

JPbegging faggot

>> No.55750461

>I remember seeing a group and seeing a guy on stage
>I remember thinking that was weird
>why is there a guy on stage?
>I mean, it's an idol group
So fucking based

>> No.55750521

>I said something so profoundly retarded that you got angry so my retardation must be true!

>> No.55750749

They don't speak fluent English either

We used to laugh at Kiara and her accent, but her English godtier compared to these two.

>> No.55750881

>her English godtier
Nice ESL, faggot
And anyone who actually knows who these two are know they are 100% fluent in English. I'm watching an old stream of theirs right now and it is native level

>> No.55750978

stop replying to catalog bait

>> No.55751030

Yes, yes, I forgot to type "is" in my haste. However, my point still stands.

>> No.55751199

These twins are at such a high otaku powerlevel that people actually say shit like this despite them being white canadians
They have ascended to a level that we can only dream of

>> No.55751441

>white canadians
If that's true then they deserve an award or something. Because to me they sound like JP tubers with barely passable English.

>> No.55751749

>"doesn't work"
>most popular
nijifag falseflagger, you still seething?

>> No.55752015

Hololive's Salome

>> No.55752036 [DELETED] 

What is he is an ESL? Do you honestly think that's a flaw or something? Lmao, let me teach you something, you deluded anglophone, English is a joke as language.

>> No.55752097

What if he is an ESL? Do you honestly think that's a flaw or something? Lmao, let me teach you something, you deluded anglophone, English is a joke as language.

>> No.55752346

You're literally defending someone who is shitting on people's accents you stupid fucking idiot

>> No.55752633

I love them, I hope theor success means the next EN gen will entirely be girls who play into their role as hardcore as they do

>> No.55752767

The way they behave on stream is strange for any audience it's not a JP vs EN thing their retarded "fans" want you to believe.

>> No.55753002

you mean why is everyone else in EN when they can't emulate the JP branch

>> No.55753046

And hopefully they can get someone with actual acting skill next time. Doesn't matter how hardcore you are when you're as bad at it as the doggos are. They're like almost "Mori trying to be cute" level of fake. Even in their own gen the rock girl is a mile ahead.

>> No.55753321
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>> No.55754062

They are great at acting like real life moeblobs, the next gen should all be exactly like them like real interactive girls from a CGDCT anime. Something cute like all maid cafe coworkers.

>> No.55754169

Indog subhuman.

>> No.55754274

>doesn't work
>100k more subs than their genmates
Imagine if it worked

>> No.55754308

They're here to save EN, and they're doing it.

>> No.55754330

>for western audience
No, it's just for your retarded ass.

>> No.55754384
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>> No.55754551
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>> No.55754597
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You don't belong in this hobby. Leave, twitter tranny.

>> No.55754654

>They feels out of place

If you want to pretend to know what western audiences want at least fix your English you subhuman ESL faggot

>> No.55754961

They are appealing to the original audience of vtubers, the anime watchers, who have since eclipsed the tourists from reddit as they moved on to new things.

>> No.55758285

>they are literally the most popular ones in their gen
Another Kronii situation, I see.

>> No.55758417

Ever since the 2Dlive straightjacketing, a vtuber's only talent that sets themselves apart from the rest is their voice.

>> No.55759007
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I don't know why OP, maybe because EN needs someone to be a better branch between EN and JP?

>> No.55761805

You are the one out of place if you don't like them, they are litteraly how every other holoEN should be. Leave now BAU BAU.

>> No.55763124

Diversity is the strength of EN, if every EN girl were like them it would be a really boring branch.

>> No.55763192


>> No.55763527

"It doesn't really work" is not constructive criticism, it's just inane babbling.

>> No.55767666

HoloJP doesn't need three Mikos

>> No.55768023
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>If that's true then they deserve an award or something
Yeah they do

>> No.55770730

Truth, they weebed so hard they became Japanese

>> No.55772377

Yes like diversity in timezone anon, isn't it? please make arguemnt that make sence next time.

>> No.55773327

Because, they're white. It doesn't matter if they've become ESL after living in Japan for so long.

>> No.55773334

Fuck JPbeggars

>> No.55773566

Can't wait for them to cater to western audiences

>> No.55773782


>> No.55774021

They're the most popular thing in EN right now. How is it not working?

>> No.55774066

I don't even like the doggos that much, but anyone who seriously can't understand them or say they can't speak native english is ESL or a retard

>> No.55774184

Becoming Japanese now seems possible

>> No.55774260

Shondo maybe

>> No.55774635

Luna is worse than Miko. I'd gladly take 3 Mikos over 1 Luna

>> No.55774745

It's carefully practiced kayfabe on their part. They know people find things like Miko Elite English cute so channel that as chars, they are on another level really.

Although really I think the inspiration at least for Mococo is Karen from Kiniro Mosaic who has incredibly cute Engrish but notably, Mococo sounds very similar to Nao Toyama, Karen's seiyuu. I think that is what she is really channeling. Fuwawa I dunno what her inspiration was.

>> No.55774883

Wow it's almost as if an entire genre of entertainment based around looking like anime girls attracts people who like to watch anime or something.

>> No.55775151

Why are they so dedicated to pretending to be ESL? They held the accents pretty well in the debut but they're constantly slipping now
