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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 249 KB, 539x404, pippaL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55726811 No.55726811 [Reply] [Original]

Pippa gets mad and calls superchat "Racist"

>> No.55726868

retarded OP is made of stupid

>> No.55726893

Don't watch her but if you actually think the ironic SCREAMING twitch whore might be based or redpilled you are braindead.

>> No.55726937

I mean was the superchat racist? Should I even bother asking what they said?

>> No.55727007

remember when pippa collabed with rita for a mental health charity and pippa fags ruined the whole thing by sending "nigger" superchats

>> No.55727027


>> No.55727052

I swear to god Pippa is even worse than Mori and that’s saying way too much

>> No.55727069

I want Pippa to...

>> No.55727081

If it were would it be bad? Isn't racism good?

>> No.55727096

post the clip or fuck off

>> No.55727150

Maybe if you donate another 1000$ after she suicide baits she will feel better?

>> No.55727152

I know she's a fickle grifter so if this is true it's not surprising but for fucks sake post the clip OP

>> No.55727161


>> No.55727201

I hate kiwifags and election refugees so much its unreal

>> No.55727277

george takai will forever be known being jealous of William Shatner and nothing more.

>> No.55727361

No, hot take here but racism is actually bad

>> No.55727447

Didn't he get accused of doing similar things like Kevin Spacey?

>> No.55727601

The accuser later admitted to lying about it. Other than that? Takei is a stand-up dude and he would break Shatner's neck at a Waffle House parking lot were it not for the laws of this land.

>> No.55727687


>> No.55727793

Why use a gay democrat in your shitty redpill meme lmao

>> No.55728216

Looking at the sorts of people who think racism is bad and the sorts who think it's good, I'm inclined to say that racism is good actually. You should try it.

>> No.55728779

The hallowed halls of 4channel dot org is no place for racism.

>> No.55728868

I hate gamergate leddit infiltrators more

>> No.55729021

Grift for /pol/, pay the toll.

>> No.55729108

le based and redpilled 4chan chuuba

>> No.55729541

If you are implying being pro GG is Reddit behaviour you are a newfag and should do your reps.
That's a huge part of chan culture and why 8chn exists

>> No.55729701
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>> No.55729745

Was chat in Greggs?

>> No.55729759

george did on howard stern and he just laughed about it.

>> No.55729789

Patrician take: Racism is neither good or bad since it is inherent human nature.

>> No.55729890
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been here since 2004, this is your culture and the fact you stayed left wing for your female relatives approval will not be understood or forgiven by your male peers under any circumstances at any point during your human life. bro we are well over 30, forgiveness nor cultural victory will be yours, you guys quietly failed for good like 3 or 4 years ago if anything.

>> No.55729953

Imagine thinking the subhumans posting on /pol/ are good...

>> No.55729966


>> No.55730134

I am inclined to agree, while anti-racists might find an illusion of comfort due to sociological pressures many suffer from intrapersonal guilt due to their natural prejudice dispositions.

>> No.55730136

>You guys quietly failed for good like 3 or 4 years ago
Not that bad considering you have been a failure for at least 2 decades, kek

>> No.55730174

>I use big words this makes me smart

>> No.55730191 [DELETED] 

>SEA monkey can't understand words beyonds 8 letters

>> No.55730242

Okay uhh, no racism people say good and smile but I don't like monkey, no feel good inside.

>> No.55730256 [DELETED] 

Lmao the fact that you came to that conclusion about my post proves that you are what I hate. Leddit trash that poured in here during that time.
Looks like you're also a shitskinseanigger who can't think straight either. Disgusting. Don't fucking @ me again fag.

>> No.55730315 [DELETED] 

But SEAmonkeys are the ones who are the most racist on this site though...

>> No.55730570

I have never made a single post on plebbit, not even for trolling purposes.
I'm a white European and you should stop projecting.
But good bait at the end

>> No.55730583
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That's impossible because I'm on this site.

>> No.55730600

Anti racists are always incredibly racist.

>> No.55730655
File: 148 KB, 534x250, 1578784994813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the hell did 8, become leddit. You people are insane. 8 was always the better of the two largest imageboards. The variety of threads and boards on that site were several degrees above any height this place will ever achieve. Even if dead today 8 went out with a bang no regrets other than no backup site.

>> No.55731218

It's good until it targets me. Racists can't handle their own medicine

>> No.55731914

takei is to gay and old to snap anything.

>> No.55732013

>you guys quietly failed for good like 3 or 4 years ago
try 10 at the absolute minimum

>> No.55732416

Tagay likes to snap little boys because he takes it out on them on not being as successful as captain kirk. Such is the fate as all gay people not being goood successful as straight people.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJYb0Yom5UQ&ab_channel=cocheusadoooo

>> No.55732618

46 replies and not one person posts the SC.

>> No.55733038

her audience is composed overwhelmingly of brown skinned south east asians, it makes sense that she would publicly denounce racism

>> No.55733198

most of my bans come from calling seamonkeys slurs doe so they can't take the hit themselves

>> No.55733927

You are an irony racist so you do not count

>> No.55736059

maybe because she nuke the VOD having a tantrum calling her fanbase biggots

>> No.55736273

Exactly, she wears the mask of redpill, but underneath it she cries about anxiety and retracts every word she says these days bc she's so scared of the troons

>> No.55736582

What was the name or topic of the stream? Youtube or Twitch?

>> No.55736653

God homosexual men are so disgusting, is this what all men are without women inhibiting their desires

>> No.55736925

Look we’re all created in G-d’s image. Racism is just sad magat nonsense

>> No.55737250

Told y'all she's gonna pull off a Nyanners.

>> No.55737545


>> No.55738242

>It's good until it targets me. Racists can't handle their own medicine
Racist jokes are funny, even when they're about my race. I'd just prefer no actual discrimination against my race, and am willing to accept not discriminating against other races to get it.

>> No.55738374

This but unironically

>> No.55738786

Still no proof?

>> No.55738849

Racism is just another tool the (((elites))) use to pit us against one another

>> No.55739192
File: 230 KB, 704x685, 42AE0F02-C1D4-44B1-946B-4AB5E8728A94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa is a real American freedom lover.
Never has been racist, to stand against the racism of the liberals or the “conservatives” (rightwing liberals). She’s bo friend of the controlling types. Hate bullies. The cops are tools of the establishment that YOU nazis love so much.

That meme came from the Matrix for crying out loud. It’s about waking up and getting out of a controlled environment and going FREE.


>> No.55739455

Look at the phase cuck seethe.

>> No.55739882

>What was the name or topic of the stream?
Not (me), but she had a "Madlibs" stream Wed. on YouTube with Tenma and Rie and there's no VOD, so I'm guessing that one.

>> No.55740135

she has plenty of woman moment takes and shit takes but they call her le based for beign a literal autistic retard for no reason, she has more shit takes than actual based takes, this people mention her as le based vtuber that doesnt go corpo at all but forget she said she failed holo audition lmao

>> No.55740290

Assuming that was the stream, and archive has been uploaded: https://youtu.be/Abup78ZWuRM
Kind of annoying that there's no chat to easily skim through and find any Super Chats, but there it is.
So now that I've posted a link to the archive, care to point out what you're talking about?

>> No.55741153

Who would have thought the reddit rabbit would backstab you once she saw some glimpse of success... Niggers shilled her left and right for like a year and as soon as she hit 4views now is like... 4chan? Never heard of it. lmao

>> No.55741324

>Bait thread with no link
Kill yourself. Remake the thread when you have an actual link for me to get mad at retard.

>> No.55741349

If it’s real, it would be very funny. Pippa said that she would rather die than end up like Idubbz. It would be great to see her fall on her sword.

>> No.55741446

skimmed through the whole thing (not infallible) and found jackshit

>> No.55741563

We all hate people who don't look like our tribe, guman nature.

>> No.55741766

It would be funny, but shitting on a single superchatter isn't the same as idubbbz turning his back on his entire audience in a self-flagelation ritual.

>> No.55741897
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do i care, faggot

>> No.55742625

All you retards on the internet use racist wrong 99% percent of the time anyways. Go read some books for once in your life and you'll find everyones just a retarded BIGOT.

>> No.55744506


>> No.55746410

link or it didn't happen

>> No.55751014

Have you forgot what site are you on?

>> No.55755163

This is why fighting against it is stupid. Embrace tribalism and be at ease with oneself, not at odds.

>> No.55755291

okay anti-racist reddit is that way

>> No.55755350 [DELETED] 

PL Pippa supported BLM.

>> No.55755394

What are your pronouns?

>> No.55755466

but to prove it, you would have to eat a 3day, which makes this a curious way of you getting to say something that's unverifiable to make someone look bad
prove it. you won't.

>> No.55755570 [DELETED] 

>subhumans posting on /pol/
fucked up to call SEA people "subhuman"

>> No.55755899

I won't and you can choose to believe it or not, nigger.

>> No.55755952

of course you won't, which was the point of my callout.
unverifiable = ignorable

>> No.55755953 [DELETED] 

>still no clip or timestamp
OP is a faggot, fuck phaseniggers

>> No.55756554

Is this just some weird publicity psyop? attempt to get /vt/ to go search for the source of a fake controversy to drive up views?

>> No.55756802

always is

>> No.55757777

I do not believe in "transitioning"
They would call me a "TERF"

>> No.55758112

I have no need for pronouns for no one ever speaks to me or about me.

>> No.55758253

So... are you gonna post the superchat or what?

>> No.55758406 [DELETED] 

that's the case with Phaseniggers, they want to turn this board into a Phaseboard rather than a Holoboard, it's the reason why they falseflag so hard or create false yab bait threads like this one. It's hilarious that Pippa and Lumi are the only talents they can use for this bait, it's even more hilarious when you realize how much their redemption bait for their "wonton girl" is ignored

>> No.55758488

honestly phase posting is so infrequent and tame the only people that end up looking petulant or posters like you that turn molehills into mountains
you care too much.

>> No.55759479
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>> No.55759611

I fucking hate Pippa fans so God damn much as they will never fucking shut up how based and red pilled she is
She gets shilled on like fucking three websites now

>> No.55759612

this bitch was a shittier nyanners

>> No.55760195

>three websites
I only know here but wouldn't Pippa be called out on the rest of the internet knowing how much she grifts towards "LE BASED" right wing fans?

>> No.55760947

Kiwifarms and the offshoot of their vtuber thread the virtual asylum

>> No.55763387

You don't know what the word means

>NoooooOOOoooo don't TELL people how good you are!
>Why are her fans so DEVOTED to her?? STOPPPPPPPPiPiPiPiPi
>This isn't how it WORKKKSSSSSSS

>> No.55764089

>They would call me a "TERF"
So you're a "Radical Feminist"? Cringe.

>> No.55764116

Pippa acts like someone who has nigger family members. Because she gets really defensive about any nigger jokes.I'm guessing it's either a cousin or a niece/nephew.

>> No.55764274
File: 98 KB, 428x428, 1673810268157239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look another Pippa thread, you guys sure do think about her a lot.

>> No.55764300

You wouldn't be saying that if you heard her childhood stories.

>> No.55764352

Only human nature if you’re an asshole who needs someone to get mad at

>> No.55764424

What did the super chat say?

>> No.55764732

Yeah, but when it starts leads to materially harming others that's bad.

>> No.55764897

I don't even watch nor like pippa, but the catalog seethe always makes me laugh.

>> No.55765020

>white trash with lots of siblings
>sister 'meets a guy'
>her sister is now a single mom
Roru probably lol.

>> No.55765091

>another one of those "white woman from an all-white farm area who is an annoying commie"
Cool, how about we deport her back to hillbillyville then. Shiki from prism nigger project is like that too. Sounds like their daddies didn't beat them enough.

>> No.55765170

Nah, I'm pretty sure her sister is hardcore racist from the way she talks about her.

>> No.55765838 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 602x339, monkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have nigger family members too. I dont give a shit that my sister has three little niglets. I still call them niggers to her face.

My family members also used to freely express their hatred of niggers. After all the shit they did to us. But that was before my sister got pregnant. But now they're the biggest fucking nigger simps on the planet. I haven't changed. And neither have they. They still hate niggers, but cant show it for fear of offending my sister and her little niggers. The cognitive dissonance is killing them. I see it on their faces. Every time the monkeys chimp out and they cant correct their behavior.

My other nieces and nephews hate their nigger cousins. Because the monkeys are always stealing their stuff. Shit always goes missing when they come over. And the monkeys are always starting fights and hitting their human cousins and getting away with it, because their grandparents and aunts and uncles, give the monkeys too much leeway. Because my family is afraid of offending them.

I'm the only uncle my true nieces and nephews actually like, but they're not allowed to talk to me. Because supposedly I'm a bad influence. And yet I'm the only one who understands and stands up for them.

Btw my sister has no husband. She doesn't even know who the fathers are for two of her little niglets. The one she does know aint pay her child support, ever.

>> No.55766045

No, the way she talked about her and in her pl discord dm's her sister is just qanon white trash tier.

>> No.55766148

Jesus Christ buddy see a shrink.

>> No.55766261 [DELETED] 

My bitch sister married a nigger too. Luckily the nog's impotent, so no mutt nephews to get worried about. My parents are secretly happy about it too.

>> No.55766263

having undisciplined children family members suck

>> No.55766280

Isn't there a way you can white-fy them? Organ transplants of a white people's liver? Stem cell treatment with white genes? Or is your sister preventing you from even trying?

>> No.55766487 [DELETED] 

Be nice to the niglets in your family, you psycho faggot. Treat them well or they are going to get worse. If you guys let them chimp out, it's your fault too for not watching them. If you're bitter about white erasure, you should be trying to become chad and outbreed the niggers, and you should be working towards normalizing ethnostates for the benefit of all races and tribes.

>> No.55766641
File: 2.88 MB, 498x280, lamanger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the FUCK are you all even arguing about? It has been fifteen hours and you gave a barren OP a hundred replies already, what the fuck
Is this containment for something?

>> No.55766777

>all my family disowned me for being a racist asshole
>but actually they secretly love me the most!!!

>> No.55766857

>Treat them well or they are going to get worse
Letting them do what they want and abuse their cousins clearly isn't working

>> No.55766870

So a nazi then.

>> No.55766964

Kek. Based anon.

Your advice is "be nice to the methhead in your family or else he'll get worse".

>> No.55767022

lol what hole did you crawl out of

>> No.55767065

Change your approach.
Stop being an asshole to them, treat them kindly and have them look up to you as a man. They need a fatherly role model, they don't have one, and that's the biggest issue leading to their bad behavior.

>> No.55767433

There are more whites right now than there has ever been at any point in history. Whites will never disappear like some retards think. The real issue are the shitskin invasion lowering the quality of life across the board. You go visit Japan and then you come back to America and you want to kill yourself. You instantly realize that a homogeneous society and a cohesive culture shared among people is actually a good thing. The melting pot and diversity is a lie. America as an open border toilet country is doomed to fail. Worst of all is it can't be fixed anymore. The damage has already been done. The most you can do is create small communities here and there like the chinks do with their China Towns.

>> No.55767852 [DELETED] 

You try living being around niggers for more than a few minutes. Their entire existence is repulsive to any sane man. Their sound, their smell, even their very presence is offensive to me.

How long until she cheats on him and gets pregnant with another nigger's spawn anyway? My sister was engaged to a White guy when she had her first niggerbaby. My family was so devastated because we all actually liked the guy. We all knew of my sisters niggerloving ways and had hoped that by marrying a White man it was all out of her system. But no she had to go cheat on a stellar guy with some stupid hoodrat nigger.

White kids dont need much discipline. You tell them once or twice and they understand. It's the niggers who constantly require a reminder not to misbehave. That is unless you beat the shit out of them. No wonder so many nigger parents beat their kids bloody. My sister refuses to correct her niglets at all.

No. Once a nigger, always a nigger.

I refuse to have anything to do with the monkeys. I noticed their niggerish ways form at a very, very young age. When I was watching the one year old niglet. He attacked my mom's senior cat for no reason. He took his bottle and slammed it on the cat's head for no reason and laughed. Literally walked up to it as it was sleeping in my lap and attacked it. Another time when he was about three, I was watching him and a younger 2 year old at my parent's place. The little nigger went over to his cousin and bit him. When I asked him why he did it. He said that he felt like it. I couldn't even reason with him. He could not understand that it was wrong to cause harm to others. Niggers are worse than animals, because animals kill to survive. Sadly my family babies the niggers and punishes the White kids instead. I had to call an ambulance for my White human niece when her nigger cousin scratched up her face. Why did she do it? Because she's a white bitch. Personally I believe it's because the nigress realized that she was ugly and that her human cousin was prettier than her.

>> No.55767871

I don't think it's beyond saving. I think things need to get so bad that we all agree to implement Ethnostates.
The template is already there, we already utilize ethnostates in the US for preserving Native American tribes and cultures.

It just needs to be scaled up and the tribes have to maintain friendly contact with eachother without integrating completely, as soon as the white hatred stops (Jewish project) the sooner we can all move forward.

>> No.55768645

You have confirmation bias man, I promise. Try doing what I said for a year or two before you let that bitterness destroy you and your family for the rest of your life. Many, many white kids are like this too. I know from experience.
Either way, your frustration should be more directed at the state of things that encouraged this to occur, rather than those kids that never asked to be borne into this situation.

>> No.55768959

Is this the psyop thread

>> No.55769125

So is anyone gonna post the superchat/timestamp or is everyone just working themselves up over a potential hypothetical?

>> No.55769262

> t. White trash

>> No.55769952

>she said she failed holo audition lmao
She didn't. She applied like a hundred times but obviously nobody replied her back. She "failed" in the same way the vast majority of Vtubers have failed, in that she never got a response.

>> No.55770055

Anon gets mindbroken by experiencing too many different cultures at once

Get better brain idiot

>> No.55770245
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>There are more whites right now than there has ever been at any point in history
No anon, every state in the united states has a white reproduction rate below replacement level, same for europe. White people already peaked like a decade ago, so no there aren't more, there are rapidly becoming less.

>> No.55770449

Malcolm X wanted to appeal to the UN to get the black equivalent of israel established in america so that blacks could go their own way instead of this forced integration meme that we find ourselves in, but he got killed.

>> No.55770614
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>> No.55770971

Kanye is a perfect replacement I think. It's Whites that are too pussy these days to go full race realist anymore. A movement with someone like Kanye and a White equivalent teamed up at the helm could get things moving.

The most important thing is that Ethnostates are established and that Jews return to Israel m, and are disqualified from holding majority positions of government and corporate power outside of their own Nation.

>> No.55770984

So a baby show that doesn’t accurately represent the world convinces anons to pretend they live in a world where real issues don’t exist and everyone who pretends they do are the enemy? This is literal schizo shit

>> No.55771336

>There are more whites right now than there has ever been at any point in history.
theres more PEOPLE right now than at any point in history retard
that doesnt change the fact caucasions are a tiny global minority

>> No.55771366

It's not Phase doing the shilling, it's antis. There are genuine schizo antis who dislike Phase, and want to see it burn to the ground.

>> No.55771392
File: 563 KB, 800x450, 1687028979629825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With western media as ubiquitously nihilist and grotesque as it is, it's not surprising that seeing something depict an actually idyllic world makes people realize that this view of everything being terminally shit is really just functionally propaganda at this point.

You can't have a depiction of a nice place in any media nowadays without the the writers and directors depicting it as "actually this utopia is actually le evil and white". It just doesn't happen.

>> No.55771499

Wasn't she previously BLM and boys in blue supporting vtweeter?

>> No.55771941

Sure it’s nice to have some escapism but nothing’s going to change if we pretend that our problems don’t exist, that’s why more serious shows aimed at adults acknowledge them. If you want media with a world as described in this post then watch mickey mouse clubhouse or something, there’s certainly options.

Also no one likes big mouth I don’t know how it gained any popularity at all, it’s ridiculous that it’s gone on for this long.

>> No.55771983 [DELETED] 

Nog defenders are like pitbull defenders, eternally delutional.

>> No.55772137

You can't even attempt at improving the world if you can't conceive of such a thing even happening.

>. If you want media with a world as described in this post then watch mickey mouse clubhouse or something,
How is that in any way more of a realistic depiction of a functional reality than an anime taking place in the human world?

>Also no one likes big mouth I don’t know how it gained any popularity at all, it’s ridiculous that it’s gone on for this long.
Every normie saw big mouth. You're out of touch with the reality here, come on dude.

>> No.55772436

Can’t improve the world if you can’t even acknowledge the ways the world needs to be improved

>> No.55772619
File: 804 KB, 1076x988, 1688400548814119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you even trying to say? Jewish nihilism= good?

>> No.55772957

You can have a balance of realism and optimism, depict a world that has problems but has people that want to fix them, and show things improving. Many shows do this, even anime. Doesn’t excuse weird ugly character design tho any show worth it’s shit knows that.

>> No.55773141

Sorry but I've given up on modern hollwood anon.

>> No.55773614

Fair. It turns out representing real problems well and also making a satisfying story is difficult and often done badly. Cute slice of life is good and fun all I’m saying is it doesn’t justify building a whole worldview off of. Which is probably obvious.

>> No.55773672


>> No.55773872

She's loves niggers now

>> No.55774020
File: 1.35 MB, 1200x860, 1682801254159429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're missing the point. It isn't "building a whole worldview off of". It's the missing piece that makes everything make more sense. There is basically no modern western media out there that takes the "actually life can be so much better" angle. It dominates the psyche. Not everything has to be ugly, beauty as an ideal never went away.

>> No.55774552
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>> No.55774667
File: 54 KB, 1081x285, 1673527393108512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What changed

>> No.55774742

kek this
grifter whore

>> No.55774861

Is she tho?
People say that all the time but I don't see her doing so?

>> No.55774984

basically /vt/ was made and presented a giant untapped market for a small corpo vtuber to appeal to using dogwhistles and blatant pandering
who knew people's views can change so fast when there's money to be made

>> No.55775025
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I doubt it.

>> No.55775180

idk anon, there are so many memes and deeplore things she knows that just go so deep that you'd need a doctorate in 4chanology to know if you weren't someone that was terminally online here for like a decade.

>> No.55775419


>> No.55775453


>> No.55775542

The last post on that is too real

>> No.55775653

Good thing I've been on this site since cracky-chan and all the camwhores on /b/ that are now in their mid 30s/40s (including pomu) pandered to this giant edgelord 'secret club' to make a following.
This girl is just Nyanners 2.0

>> No.55775739

Ancientfags don't exist.

>> No.55776042

I think you're mixing up pandering with attention whoring. Pandering implies you have no connection and you put on a mask for attention. Attention whoring is more like everyone you described, but it isn't as bad as pandering.

>> No.55776254

Doesn't prove anything

>> No.55780706

I don’t give a shit about Reddit rabbit

>> No.55781015

thank you for bumping this retarded thread off page 10 you fucking moron.

>> No.55781557

Why do virtual anime girls think anybody gives a shit about their milquetoast political opinons? Are none of these people self-aware enough to understand that the vast majority of the vtubing audience with money (straight men, aged 25-40) just want an escape from society and politics?

>> No.55781938

>Why do virtual anime girls think anybody gives a shit about their milquetoast political opinons? Are none of these people self-aware enough to understand that the vast majority of the vtubing audience with money (straight men, aged 25-40) just want an escape from society and politics?
Virtue signalling is a hell of a drug
doesn't help that vtubing is a sanitized as fuck safe space for vtubers

>> No.55782071

I just cannot fathom the lack of self-awareness it takes of ones (so called) profession to make such retarded mistakes. You never see the JP girls doing this, so it's not because they're women.

>> No.55782087

>Malcolm X wanted to appeal to the UN to get the black equivalent of israel established in america
Isn't that what Liberia was for?

>> No.55782308

Liberia didn't have any resources behind it and it was in africa. I imagine the plan was to put it somewhere in the deep south with a high black population. If you had an issue with whites you could easily leave and have free citizenship in this place like how all jews have right of return to israel.

>> No.55782507

Funnily the movie zootopia has a setup like that, where the animals from the different zones all had their own places to live, but could mix together in the central city area if they wanted to, but didn't have to.

>> No.55782838

even funnier, if they did, I wouldn't give a shit because I know nothing of japanese politics from this century besides the funny make babies man meme. It can't hurt me. I know nothing.
Is there a JP Pippa?

>> No.55783026

Nah, we outright know from studies that regardless of your upbringing, education, linguistic background, economic background, poltical allegiance or any other external factors, everyone is inherently racist provided they are not literally blind. The most SJW liberal arts study blue haired professor when their brain is hooked up to be monitored will still reveal increased amygdala activity when show pictures of people who are of another race.

It is absolutely human nature and it makes perfect sense since humans who didn't have this capability to fear others who were different got murdered by other tribes of humans or different homo-species. We believe that Neanderthalls didn't have as heightened amygadala responses to humans, hence why homosapien homosapien won out despite being the newcomer to most areas in Europe.

>> No.55783104

But Fascism is built on ideas of Eternal Struggle. It gloryfies war, militarism, patriotism and the beautiful ideas which kill.

>> No.55783317

>nazism = facism

no it doesn't.

>> No.55783752

Where did you pick up that one dimensional understanding, holocaust class?

>> No.55783858

>nigger can't even define fascism and thinks patriotism = nationalism

I hate you retards.

>> No.55784009

Futurist manifesto?

>> No.55784072

So? Where's the clip? Or are you faggots going to /pol/ post endlessly?

>> No.55784326

Anon it was a lie.

>> No.55784392
File: 239 KB, 1600x1494, Filippo-Tommaso-Marinetti-1915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marinetti is tired of your bullshit.

>> No.55784434

Thank you you saved me from engaging more than one post in this retarded thread

>> No.55784540

Futurism is futurism, not Nazism, not even Gabriele D'Annunzio was fascist, read more books

>> No.55784836

It's possible to depict a world that's too idealized though. Women are never gonna look like real life anime girls, it's physically impossible, and viewing that as the epitome of beauty. Life can be better, but it can never be that, it can never be perfect.

Of course, it's easy to say beauty is an ideal when you're not the one being asked to work on your beauty. Wonder if that's why cgdct is so popular with you guys, it shows you a higher standard to put others to but never confronts you with a higher standard to hold yourself to i.e males appearing in this media. If they ever do they're either snotty stupid little brothers who obviously aren't something to look up to, or loser guys who creeping on the female cast and being cowardly are their only character traits

>> No.55784888

Who brought up nazism?
But there too struggle is essential:
"Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live."
Hell, what was the title of the founding scripture of National Socialism, again?

>> No.55785154

>It's possible to depict a world that's too idealized though
See that's where you're wrong. There's nothing wrong about having ideals. You're speaking like a redditor as if having an ideal image of beauty is a bad thing.

>Of course, it's easy to say beauty is an ideal when you're not the one being asked to work on your beauty.
Dude... men have to work more on their looks than women do by a longshot. Women don't even really have to do anything to be good enough for a guy, where on the other hand women see 80% of guys as ugly by default so men have to struggler their way to reach higher aesthetics.

Everything you've been saying is so off the mark I'm wondering if you're actually a woman.

>> No.55785694

>Anon asks who brought up nazism
>then quotes fucking hitler

8/10 good bait

>> No.55786467

Just because I can imagine an ideal world where ice cream falls from the sky and every woman wants to fuck me as a default doesn't mean it's a reasonable ideal to hold, ideals are great but you've gotta be realistic too.

>men have to work more on their looks than women
Are you stupid? Women putting on facepaint to look pretty is so standard it's basically a necessity, eating disorders desiring to be impossibly skinny are a massive thing, this isn't little known information this is common knowledge.

>women don't have to do anything to be good enough for a guy
>normal ass looking woman is unacceptably ugly

>> No.55787147
File: 216 KB, 456x410, 1672263568672932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you stupid? Women putting on facepaint to look pretty is so standard it's basically a necessity,
Anon all women need to do is buy basic makeup, it's so simple and easily commodified that men are even doing it now to look like women. Men have to actually hit the gym and lose weight. Women don't even need to lose weight there are infinite men out there who actually like fat women, where it isn't the same the other way around.

>eating disorders desiring to be impossibly skinny are a massive thing
No. No it is not a massive thing.
The myth of prevalent anorexia everywhere was pushed in the 2000's onto an entire generation of girls when it was fundamentally ultra rare, and it has contributed heavily to the obesity epidemic of today.
There are 100 obese people for every anorexic person, and that number is actually a low one, because anorexic numbers are based on if anyone *ever* was anorexic, while most people who are obese are obese for life and it's based on current numbers.

You keep talking about what it means to being realistic, but this entire thread has showed that you're really really out of touch with the actual world. I don't know if you're young, or a woman, or what, but your view of things is very one sided and not backed by any kind of numbers or data, it's not realistic.

>> No.55787272

it's more realistic than having anime girls as my ideal for real life

>> No.55787428

If you think creating a peaceful world where cute girls can smile and be happy is unrealistic than you might as well off yourself, like why live at that point if you think it isn't possible.

>> No.55787519

Are you perchance retarded and/or brown? I quoted him to show that despite what he says struggle WAS essential in nazism. Neither nazis nor fascist would approve of painting lifeless, devoid of struggle lifestyle as ideal.

>> No.55787677

I'm fat and I get laid.

>> No.55787774

Do those girls ever lose loved ones? Do they grow up? Do they get old and die? Do natural disasters happen there? Do wars? Is childbirth still painfull?
There are girls who are happy right now. But you can't make all of them happy forever.

>> No.55787889

If any guys are two of more of either too short, autistic, ugly, etc they have to work out, it's like a law.

>> No.55788018

That's obviously not what I meant retard I meant comparing anime gacha game aloy to in-game aloy who just looks like a normal woman. They aren't gonna smile and be happy if you can't accept the existence of the latter, at least not around you.

>> No.55788037
File: 104 KB, 1024x972, 1677390824559223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Childbirth isn't very painful. Women who get migraines and have given birth rate child birth as an 8 in terms of pain and migraines a 9 on average.

That being said we already have drugs that make childbirth next to painless, as well as get rid of most migraines, so in the future, yeah it won't be a problem. You're so dumb just stop.

>> No.55788062

They can still be funny. It's actually not hard at all to get some tail if you are willing to put any work in it.

>> No.55788248

We already have drugs that make you happy all the time. Is this what you want? Humanity as eternaly intoxicated vegetables taken care by nannybots?

>> No.55788254

Anon autistic was listed in there. Being autistic when it comes to women makes everything you say generate immediate ick factor.

>> No.55788428

Happiness comes from friends and family and living a satisfying life in a peaceful world. No one claims that wasting away while having a dopaminergic responses popping off in your brain is happiness.

Why are you bringing up this strawman?

>> No.55788606
File: 716 KB, 690x911, grfi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open thread
>it isnt even vtuber discussion

>> No.55788842

The op post was a lie to begin with.

>> No.55789045

>peaceful world
What a load of bull. If we didn't like conflict and violence we wouldn't fill the world with it. We can't live without it. Without it we grow restless and lash out at random.

>> No.55789092

>"based & redpilled vtuber"
>is actually just a degenerate fursuiter whore that loves niggers and trannies
pippa has an unbearable personality that consists entirely of acting like a screeching child and her fans have a collective IQ of 50

>> No.55789133


>> No.55789426

People only fight because when it's perceived that there is more to gain from fighting than negotiating.

>> No.55789445

Your idea of "based and redpilled" is centered around shouting obscenities, jerking off to hentai and obsessing over trannies. You aren't God's strongest warrior, you have fucking Tourettes.

>> No.55789597

You are a fucking saturday morning cartoon given flesh.

>> No.55789813
File: 39 KB, 500x572, CDA93774-46A7-4778-9F58-15D1E7E06226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In her cat cafe stream, someone typed in chat that pit bulls were the n-words of dogs so I’m betting that’s what ticked her

>> No.55789928

holy shit an actual answer
I fucking kneel

>> No.55790290
File: 151 KB, 512x512, 1691468638581633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this entire thread?
why is everyone rambling and arguing about the most autistic retarded bullshit ive ever seen on a board for virtual youtubers?

>> No.55790379

>the sorts who think it's good
So the most dysgenic and revolting looking people in the world?

>> No.55790511


>In her cat cafe stream, someone typed in chat that pit bulls were the n-words of dogs so I’m betting that’s what ticked her
Yeah, except the cat cafe stream was today, and this thread was started yesterday.

>> No.55790519

what did u expect from catalog bait anon?

>> No.55791074

phasebros dont watch vtubers they watch pippa to project their /pol/ lunacy on

>> No.55791623

I'm pretty sure that's a quote form alpha centauri

>> No.55791724

i don't remember that because i only watch hololive

>> No.55792158

you're wrong. you probably only think it's bad because you were born with the wrong kind of skin color

>> No.55793683

Well they're not wrong. Shitbulls should be banned worldwide.

>> No.55793703

Bitching about pippa is the easiest bait on this board, maybe even easier than unicorn/homobeggar bait

>> No.55793943

>Why do virtual anime girls think anybody gives a shit about their milquetoast political opinons?
Do you know where you are?

>> No.55794248

>someone sends a nigger superchat
>pippa understandably has to shut it down
>she's not our heckin le based and redpilled rabbit oooooh
/vt/ is fucking retarded but I don't know what I expect from manlets.

>> No.55794459

If she didn't shut it down people would probably be bitching that shes pandering to her evil alt right fanbase anyways

>> No.55795179

Fuck off, manchild. You'll never get a woman because you're stunted and can't accept they have opinions.

>> No.55795391

Why does Pippa look like some dime a dozen zoomer roastie here?

>> No.55795797

>hangs out with sleepy
>calls others racists
Does she know..?

>> No.55796069

>someone sends a nigger superchat
What superchat? OP is MIA on what was actually said, despite there being an archive of every actual recent YouTube stream that he could easily timestamp or clip.

>> No.55797296

I also don't care what male influencers and streamers have to say about politics

>> No.55798023

0/10 make bait less obvious

>> No.55798926

>You go visit Japan and then you come back to America and you want to kill yourself. You instantly realize that a homogeneous society and a cohesive culture shared among people is actually a good thing.
Can confirm this is true.

>> No.55800431

>Intentionally cultivate le meme schizo personality
>Actd shocked and appalled when her audience is made of schizos

Women truly are God's least intelligent creation.

>> No.55801370

So the anti-racists? Have you seen your kind?

>> No.55801722

Why are people here so twitterbrained?

>> No.55801996

Racism has been 4chanbrained from the outset.

>> No.55805861

>Pippa gets mad and calls superchat "Racist"
What happens after that?

>> No.55808294

Culture warrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsssssss

>> No.55808371

She's your typical twitch woman then. Stop using an avatar at that point.

>> No.55808691

that's what not being a racist means, anon

>> No.55808928

This had to be a bit of ironic shitposting.

>> No.55809005

>Liberia didn't have any resources behind it and it was in africa.
Yeah, it was poor like the rest of Africa, and it's in West Africa, which is where a majority of slaves in the later days of the African to America slave trade originated. It gets blacks who want to go back to how they would have been had their ancestors not been traded to America by African warlords. Win-win.

>> No.55809254

Still doesn't make up for 200 years of separation and enslavement. No recompense either. Awfully convenient for the whites to just toss their human tools away when they no longer want them.

>> No.55809847
File: 281 KB, 884x1823, q5tntq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She has girl fans
>The girl fans

>> No.55810112

Shut up Pippa. You're not gonna convince us to hate you.

>> No.55810116

why are goslings like this?

>> No.55810320

>Still doesn't make up for 200 years of separation and enslavement.
Nobody alive today was enslaved for even a day, let alone 200 years. You don't get to inherit your ancestor's grievances, otherwise literally everyone would be born with grievances.

>> No.55810532
File: 3.98 MB, 400x400, 1652507607911.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The retard calling me a newfag for just liking pink cat, was actually her.

>> No.55811772

I'm talking about 17th to mid 19th century of US slavery. You had generations of American/colonial born Blacks totally foreign to their Motherland.

>> No.55812571

The local archiver its her official archiver, he doesnt uploads things that he, Pippa or Sakana not deem worth.

>> No.55815594


>> No.55818212

>The local archiver its her official archiver, he doesnt uploads things that he, Pippa or Sakana not deem worth.
OP never even said what stream it was from. If that's (you), then please enlighten me.

>> No.55818357

>I'm talking about 17th to mid 19th century of US slavery.
Every single one of those slaves is dead.

>> No.55820505

Stupid fucker. The response was to Liberia being a place to send emancipated slaves. I made no mention of modern times.
