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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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55720829 No.55720829 [Reply] [Original]

You don’t want your oshi collabing with males because you’re insecure. I don’t want her collabing with males because males vtubers only hurt her financially. We are not the same

>> No.55720904

What if I don’t want my oshi to collab with males because male vtubers are good-for-nothing dramaniggers?

>> No.55720908
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So you're implying that the allegedly "insecure" people are the ones with the means to financially support the chubas?

>> No.55721010

I was a vestie and even I don't want males with my twins. The dynamic would just be gross.

>> No.55721102
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Yes, the insecure people will spend money on a woman they've never met as long as they can imagine they are in a relationship with her. I don't think this is the own you think it is.

>> No.55721205
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I'm pretty sure having enough disposable income to casually drop SCs and buy merch is already an own in itself. Since when is being a poorfag a "win"?

>> No.55721247

Yes, due to your insecurity you have no choice but to support them financially you have no other ways of interacting with her in your delusional world in simple terms if they stay away from the homos they can gain more unicorns splurging on them thus gaining more money the fact other vtubers fail to see this simple trick shows how stupid women are

>> No.55721259

I watched JPs doing variety shows with 3D male hosts and I felt nothing, but I do hate the "male collabs" with another other vtubers/streamers

>> No.55721320

If it hurts her financially, then you just have to donate as much money as you can to make up for it! Paying to watch a girl you like hang out with another man - the true cuck experience.

>> No.55721346

>word vomit

So in other words, unicorns are the financial pillars of Hololive? Can we agree on this?

>> No.55721404

They are literally eating cheap ramen for one meal a day nigga

>> No.55721451

That would be cuck shit that’s why as soon as I saw kronii have a male on her schedule I unsubscribed I have no need to support someone who won’t meet me halfway

>> No.55721470

And how exactly did you come by this information? Was it revealed to you through a dream?

>> No.55721520

doesn't matter the reason in the eyes of the normies you are a fucking incel

>> No.55721543

Anyone who believes otherwise is lying to themselves

>> No.55721568
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Sisters once again proving that they don't put their money where their mouth is. Why do you keep outing yourselves like this?

>> No.55721588
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This isn't a matter of disposable income as much as it is a matter of being a hopeless loser who gets his dopamine hit from paying money to an entertainer online, just so he can lose himself in delusions of being romantically involved with said entertainer. You are not winning. You are paying an online courtesan money and showing it off as some badge of honor.

>> No.55721620

Perhaps. But I keep seeing arguments on unicorns being a double digit minority, so I was trying to seek clarification.

>> No.55721657

i doubt unicorns even constitute 10% of the earnings, unless unicorns went from strictly superchats and subs, to also buying every piece of merch like a scalper

>> No.55721748
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So people who could afford to throw money at whatever or whoever they wish, and still live comfortably, are somehow "losers"? In what world is this true? You seem genuinely angry and jealous at people for having a substantial amount of money. Why?

>> No.55721788

>So in other words, unicorns are the financial pillars of Hololive
Not really
Considering some of the highest SC holo have either collabed with men currently or have done so in the past
The majority of Holo's income comes from ad revenue, sponsorships, and merchandising
And the vast majority of self-proclaimed ""unicorns"" on this board are just shitposters who found a method of board sanctioned shitposting that the meidos won't ban them for, who often don't even watch streams much less buy merch

>> No.55721791

>glances at suisei and towa's merch sales

>> No.55721796

If that were the case then would be far more popular by now they simply downplay the power of the unicorn to win their arguments don’t listen to the homobeggars

>> No.55721867

>admitting that unicucks and numberniggers are two sides of the same coim

>> No.55721871

Okay, so those room reviews that show multiple copies of the same merchandise being stacked together are from casual fans? Merch being sold out within minutes is also a casuals' phenomenon?

>> No.55721886

Do NOT use fuwamoco images for your bait threads you filthy mud hut third worlders

>> No.55721915

Not at all like vtuber fan boards, right?

>> No.55721916

I don’t want my oshi collabing with males because they are shit content. Male vtubers should not exist: it is flamboyantly gay.

>> No.55721922

What makes you think the only way of being a hardcore fan is by being a unicorn?

>> No.55721976

Literally like 99% of shitposters on /vt/ are also numberfaggots
Because the majority of all shitposting that occurs here is just a retard trying to push an agenda/narrative and using really skewed stats to help "back-up" whatever schizobable they want to push

>> No.55722014

Why would someone buy the merch if they weren’t a unicorn

Why would a regular fan buy a product a chubba was shilling when they probably don’t care for it

To discredit unibros with these arguments is frankly ridiculous

>> No.55722061

>Considering some of the highest SC holo have either collabed with men currently or have done so in the past

Yes, in the past. And they're not the ones spamming intergender collabs for the sake of owning le haterz, though. We're just splitting hair, here.

>The majority of Holo's income comes from ad revenue, sponsorships, and merchandising

How much of the ad revenue and sponsorships come from unicorn-friendly talents, and vice versa? And who are the ones buying multiple copies of merchandise?

>And the vast majority of self-proclaimed ""unicorns"" on this board are just shitposters who found a method of board sanctioned shitposting that the meidos won't ban them for, who often don't even watch streams much less buy merch

Well, we can at least agree on this one.

>> No.55722068

EN will be a mistake if this happened. We will complain for EN4.

>> No.55722069

I don't want my oshi to collab with anyone because its usually with someone I just don't care for.
We are not the same.

>> No.55722071

I would never use her greatness for something so pathetic

>> No.55722107

>glances at Pekora's, Marine's, Lamy's merch sales

Y-you're right.

>> No.55722145

I actually don't care about who she collabs with. It's about making promises and not breaking them. The homostar collab one is such an easy thing to stick to so some of them still go and say they won't do it, only to do it eventually.

>> No.55722179

so we all agree that being unicorn friendly or not means fuck all when it comes to income, right? especially considering suisei alone consistently sells much more than the rest.

>> No.55722186

Because why else would they spend so much money without some sort of strong feelings to encourage them to do so? I wouldn't use a dollar bill to wipe my ass with, even if I could afford to do so.

>> No.55722195

Why do you think it isn't?

>> No.55722302

>not wasting your money is being a poorfag
this is unironically a poorfag mentality

>> No.55722309

>you're insecure
Am I insecure if I don't want some other guy to creampie my girlfriend?

>> No.55722324
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>Why would someone buy the merch if they weren’t a unicorn
Is this a real question or are you trying to make unicorns look retarded? Of all the things you picked to make an argument you picked merch?
Because it looks good (clothes, accessories, stands, tapestry), because it's cute (plushies, figurines), because it's useful (bags, cups), like I would absolutely buy merch from chuubas I don't even care for all that much.

In what world does that "strong feeling" exclusively entail romantic feeling created by an illusion of purity from not interacting with the opposite sex? Is the concept of buying merch of musicians, artists or even other content creators a completely alien concept to you or something?

>> No.55722386

Is that how we should interpret it? Because Suisei is a JP anomaly as much as Gura is among EN. She powered through with her singing and charisma, instead of stuff like GFE. And even if we were to factor in her intergender collabs, they were strictly professional and not flirty enough to scare off the unicorns. I guess it all depends on how one would define a "unicorn" then?

>> No.55722442

>using your disposable income for things and people you like makes you a loser

This is, unironically, a poorfag mentality.

>> No.55722454

you'll have to do some serious convincing to make me believe a unicorn is anything but a dude who would drop their oshi at the first male interaction. falseflagging or not, unicorns have called even the music focused chuubas (azki, sora, suisei) a whore for talking to males in whatever context, so you tell me.

>> No.55722585

>Is the concept of buying merch of musicians, artists or even other content creators

These are whole new territories you're bringing into the discussion. By that logic, are we going to compare bieber or pewdiepie fans to fans of interactive anime girl avatars? What about Stephen King's and J.K.Rowling's? That seems ridiculous.

>> No.55722615 [DELETED] 

We can go a little further. If you don't take a dick in you're ass is because you are insecure. lmao

>> No.55722672

We can go a little further. If you don't take a dick in your ass is because you're insecure. lmao

>> No.55722725

yes anon, believe it or not a lot of people watch vtubers not only because of the anime girl novelty but also because they think the ones they watch are genuinely entertaining content creators and thus they want to support them financially. unicorns and "traditional" hardcore fans can and do coexist.

>> No.55722763

Conversely, you'll have to convince me that a statistically significant sample of anons /here/ actually called those chubas "whores" AND they identify as "unicorns". Shitposting and falseflagging are a hourly occurrences on this board. Azki is rumoured to be married and even anons find that hot. Sora is still highly respected as the "daisenpai" and Suisei simply wows everybody with her musical output.

>> No.55722792

did you seriously bring up bieber who had some of the most infamously obsessive fanbases ever?

>> No.55722849
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I don't want my oshi collabing with males because it's not what I signed up to watch. Same reason I don't want fucking WNBA players in my NBA games. This cope that it's all "incels worried someone is going to fuck their egirlfriend" is retarded. Also the Stars are decidedly fucking lackluster and shit.

>> No.55722892

genuine question but logically who else but unicorns would call a chuuba a whore for interacting with males and mean it (assuming no shitposting)? i can't imagine (real) idolfags nor gachikois doing that let alone those who are none of the above.

>> No.55722899

>unicorns and "traditional" hardcore fans can and do coexist.

So what are we even arguing for, then? When I mentioned "financial pillars", I meant those who form the bulk of Hololive's sources of revenue. A casual fan might buy a trinket or two ; unicorns and "hardcore" fans tend to overlap, and they're the ones who literally cover their entire room with merchandise and throw rainbow SCs.

>> No.55722983

i said nothing about being a loser. are you projecting, anon?
i just think casually dropping akasupas or buying expensive merch is monetarily irresponsible and people should budget better. and i see these kinds of behaviours most often from poorfags who feel like they have to prove they aren't poor. like niggers buying expensive shoes.

>> No.55722996

I was pointing out the fact that different fandoms have different types of fans. Just because chart-topping singers like rihanna or bieber depend on mainstream fans/normies, doesn't mean it's the same for the vtubing industry.

>> No.55723035

>So what are we even arguing for, then?
That this:
>unicorns and "hardcore" fans tend to overlap
Is exaggerated at best and straight up false at worst. You've practically been arguing that the only way to be a hardcore fan is by being a unicorn and even fucking Mori has a bunch of people covering their entire room with her merch.

>> No.55723089

Pretty sure shitposters do. Again, it depends on how you would define the term. I use "unicorn" and "gachikoi" interchangeably, and think that they have similar attributes. Some define "unicorn" as some kind of maniac who would kill a woman if she didn't wear a burqa. I can't say I agree with that.

>> No.55723114

The definition of "unicorn" stretches anytime it either would leave the retards of this board out or includes behavior they don't want to be associated with.

>> No.55723131
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somewhat based

>> No.55723191

>I use "unicorn" and "gachikoi" interchangeably, and think that they have similar attributes.
i was under the impression they're completely different things despite the overlap. from my understanding unicorns are the ones who advocate against male collabs and usually drop a chuuba if they do one, while gachikois are basically goslings. i cannot imagine suisei's gachikois (of which she has plenty) being unicorns.

>> No.55723218

The point is that they might not be living comfortably. Poor people spend way too much money on stupid shit if they feel empty inside.

>> No.55723241
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Im not sure how you came to the conclusion I was angry. I guess being delusional enough to imagine a relationship with an e-girl also leads to just assuming what people think and immediately believing it's true.

>> No.55723249

You know. Burgers have this mentality ingrained in them called spending money they don't have on things they (most likely) don't need. Even if you have disposable income to dop supas it's still better saving it. You never know if one day you'll be struggling

>> No.55723294

See >>55721102,>>55721588. If you're not this lobotomized monkey, then I stand corrected for the misfire. And I disagree with the notion that doing those things make for "irresponsible" monetary habits. Some people blow tens of thousands of dollars on pimping their rides, some spend just as much on casinos, others might spend on designer clothes with questionable aesthetics. It's not the activity that is the problem, it is the individual.

>> No.55723381

Supporting things you enjoy is fine. If you’re overspending then that’s on you

>> No.55723412

Unicorn actually means someone that will only oshi a virgin but the ENfags of this board forced that to change because they know their EN oshis are not virgins.

>> No.55723462

That's all fine and good that her gachikois are not "unicorns" by your definition of the word. But if we're going to single out mori as an example of "unicorns'" alleged financial insignificance, we should not overlook the fact that the majority of Hololive, JP in particular, are unicorn-friendly. And they are among the top SC earners, as well as having their merch sold out in minutes.

>> No.55723497

i'm not that nousagi falseflagger retard, no worries
>Some people blow tens of thousands of dollars on pimping their rides, some spend just as much on casinos, others might spend on designer clothes with questionable aesthetics. It's not the activity that is the problem, it is the individual.
i agree actually. i just think a sizable portion of people who donate to chuubas (especially through SCs) do so because they feel like they have to prove themselves. usually the SCs that have cringey "ironic weeb" jokes and such. but i get buying merch or membership for supporting a chuuba you like, i do that as well.

>> No.55723511
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I want my oshi to have children, we are not the same.

>> No.55723568

I want to have children with your oshi

>> No.55723670
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don't care who my oshi collabs with. Only want the stream to be entertaining

>> No.55723676

Don’t worry I’m already on it I just have to convince her to stop pleading for facials

>> No.55723695

> who advocate against male collabs and usually drop a chuuba if they do one

From this perspective (and I won't summarily dismiss it), then yes, there is a distinction between the two. I see "unicorns" as fans who are absolutely obsessed with their oshi and are extremely attracted to them, particularly due to the feminine voice + live anime girl avatars combo. Based on this view, Suisei, while having filtered out the actual freaks with her firm but polite stance on never dating a fan, still retains people who are captivated by her for being a pretty anime songstress.

>> No.55723738

You're assuming that only poor people throw SCs and buy merch. That's a terrible assumption to make, mate. There is a reason why it's called "disposable income".

>> No.55723828

if the majority of jp is unicorn friendly then it doesn't matter if the top earners are unicorn friendly or not because that wouldn't give us any information, but even then, as it stands the top earners DO include non unicorn friendly chuubas (like suisei and towa previously mentioned, and laplus too iirc), suisei in particular who consistently tops merch sales (her friends with u plushie has sold like 2 or 3 times more than the next best plushie seller, for instance).
i concede on SCs because i believe they're pretty much entirely powered by people with romantic feelings for a chuuba (because they're literally worthless otherwise), but if we're talking about the context of what brings the most money to cover, as far as i know SCs are not very relevant there.
thanks for being polite by the way. this is legitimately the first time i've heard such a definition of unicorn but if that's yours then i see why there's a disagreement over whether unicorns are one of the pillars of cover's income.

>> No.55723870

>I buy dakis because they're useful!
Uh huh.

>> No.55723899

>Dakis are the only merch they ever sell!
>Dakis are not cute!
Uh huh.

>> No.55723909
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Ah, the lobotomized monkey is back. I guess having an IQ that is only enough to make strawman arguments and trying to present them as facts made you possess a false sense of superiority. My condolences.

>> No.55723919

maybe you didn't think this through very well anon.

>> No.55723921

I buy dakis to cum on them

>> No.55723933

>I buy dakis because they're cute
This level of cope should be illegal

>> No.55723954

>Avoiding the other point
Good job on realizing you're retarded

>> No.55723977

He clearly doesn’t have any actual points to make

>> No.55724005

i mean, yeah? that's pretty important. i wouldn't buy an ugly daki.

>> No.55724010

>You don’t want your oshi collabing with males because you’re insecure.
Incorrect. I don't want my oshi collabing with males because Hololive is about CGDCT and males don't belong anywhere near it. Luckily my oshi agrees.
>males vtubers only hurt her financially
Correct. At least you're half right.

>> No.55724024

It's all on the individual. It's a bit disingenuous to assume people dropping supas or buying merch are doing it at the expense of healthy financial habits. Not all who go to casinos are gambling addicts, nor should those who drink regularly be considered alcoholic.

>> No.55724031

What other point? Nobody fills their room with overpriced acrylic stands of vtubers unless they have an infatuation with them and thats hard fact

>> No.55724053

And how does that mean it's only unicorns that do that?

>> No.55724336
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My point is fairly simple. Giving money to an e-whore isn't something to be proud of. You are a pathetic simp and nothing else. The fact that you extoll this characterflaw as a virtue makes your delusion seem all the more sad and hopeless.

>> No.55724473

fiscal conservatism is insecurity

>> No.55725071

Nah, I dont want my oshi collabing with males because I am the only male I want her to be with.

>> No.55725118

the last paragraph couldn't be truer. you never see these fags posting about their oshi or even a specific stream, they only doompost to fuck the board over and fill it with bait threads which don't even make sense for the most of the time. a unicorn is usually someone who does not support nor care about the males, so he doesn't watch them and skips collabs. people just spamming clips or complaining about collabs which happened months ago don't even make sense in this category.

i don't know why the jannies love useless bait so much, but i guess that i can't really blame them due to the policies of this board. i'm not the one moderating after all.

>> No.55725159

>Considering some of the highest SC holo have either collabed with men currently
The highest earning Holos are Marine, Pekora, Lamy, Aqua and Gura, none of which have done homo collabs

>> No.55725161

>nohomos control the industry
ight den

>> No.55725283

You don't just get to love the goalpost from males to holostars only after going on about male collabs for years.

>> No.55725345

>He fell for the nijisister LARPing as unicorns gay ops
Retard. Nobody gets upset at holos interacting with male cashiers.

>> No.55725489

>ZUN/beatmario/seiyuus are a male cashiers
Retarded deflection attempt

>> No.55725577

Not a single person got upset at any of those interactions. If they were in the Holo discord? Yeah tthat's something to be upset about but despite the chink sisters insistence "AHHHH male on screen!" has never, ever been a thing.

Male vtubers are some of the most cancerous clout chasing leeches on the planet so it makes perfect sense to stay away from them. Especially if they're in the same company. I don't care if Sugita talks to Fubuki because Sugita is based and isn't up in her DMs trying to groom her like the Homofucks try to.

>> No.55725863

You calling them male cashiers is dishonest.
If Kanata or Lamy did that they would get shit for it because they promised to not do ANYTHING like that.
How do you not understand this?

>> No.55726929

>don’t want her collabing with males because males vtubers only hurt her financially
THIS unironically. Why are westerner so anti-business, I will never know

>> No.55726994

>If Kanata or Lamy did that they would get shit for it because they promised to not do ANYTHING like that.
Lamy literally made a members post that she'd do promotional streams with male MCs on a case by case basis retardchama. Nobody cares. It's male vtubers and male streamers like Koefficient that are the cancer people want nowhere near their oshi.

>> No.55727038

No, it's just because I don't have any interest in watching males.
Nice projection by the way. You sound insecure.

>> No.55727921

Financial stability and insecurity are not mutually exclusive. This is a non-argument and you're retarded for even thinking to imply they are.

>> No.55727963

Funny how the "secure" people end up getting cucked so much
>Yeah I let my wife go out and party with Chad and Tyrone on weekends because I'm not an insecure person like you

>> No.55728060

>I don't want my oshi collabing with males because it's not what I signed up to watch. Same reason I don't want fucking WNBA players in my NBA games.
This is fallacious. WNBA mixing with the NBA would be a fucking slaughter and statistics back this up hard. This scenario is not remotely comparable to a male collaborating with a female on stream.

Tell me how, objectively, a male playing with your oshi in Minecraft is going to alter the experience compared to a female doing so. Note that I said objectively so "b-b-but I don't want to see males" doesn't cut it. You're the one who used the WNBA/NBA comparison so back it up objectively or concede and admit that it's purely due to your own insecurity.

>> No.55728145

>, objectively, a male playing with your oshi in Minecraft is going to alter the experience compared to a female doing so.
"How will a male change your Cute Girls Doing Cute Things experience"

You can't possibly be this retarded. Even if male vtubers didn't exist and it was purely hypothetical it would be fucking stupid. Ina world where Uki exists and is absolute fucking hypercancer who single handedly ruins NijiEN by forcing himself into every girls thing he can it's outright absurd.

>> No.55728192

The cute girl is still present. The cute girl is still doing cute girl things. Not only did you fall flat on your face with this, you took the subjective angle when I specified objectivity to back up an argument that can be proven fallacious on an objective level.

Concession accepted, thank you for admitting you're just insecure.

>> No.55728226

>I don’t want her collabing with males because you don't want to
This is literally what you meant

>> No.55728417

>The cute girl is still present. The cute girl is still doing cute girl things
Except it's no longer Cute Girls plural doing cute things anymore is it? The introduction of a male fundamentally changes the dynamic.

>> No.55728448

>She didn't refuse Uki being giga cancer
Concession accepted chink sister. How is NijiEN imploding due to man whores going for you?
