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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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55647883 No.55647883 [Reply] [Original]

This is going to be epic.

>> No.55648085

Nice Kiara could use the boost after the entire EN fanbase gets angry at her for throwing the upcoming pokemon tourney.

>> No.55648165

EN has no chance at this tourney anyway. I'm rooting for ID.

>> No.55648207

>interviewing 5 people at once
What a mess

>> No.55648333

its the same braindead questions every time

>> No.55648372

Too many people on stream at the same time is never a good thing.

>> No.55648405

if UE time the ccv will be 3k

>> No.55648551

It will be epic just like ID2, Council and ID3 holotalks. Kiara is truly a pillar and not a grifting leech

>> No.55648725
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Cera chan....

>> No.55648814


>> No.55648833

it's going to be a dumpster fire because kiara will try to ask spicy questions of what she thinks is a mere kfp employee, when nerissa is a coworker in EN.
expect a segment asking about nopan life, and how long nerissa has been a fan of kiara, and how many collabs will be planned for the future with just the two of them (on kiara's channel OF COURSE), and how such a great singer nerissa is and how SHE MUST join kiara in a duet cover, and oh yeah the other girls are here.

>> No.55648868

Wait, 1 month collab ban ended already?

>> No.55648928

Who the fuck is this and why are we supposed to care?

>> No.55648929

watch streams

>> No.55648933

i'm honestly shocked she didn't do them one at a time (twins exception) to space them out as long as possible, It's also weird her doing EN branch I thought the point of Holotalk was to use her linguistics to bridge JP talent and EN viewers.

But i'll be somewhat fair and give Kiara some credit for supporting the kouhai

>> No.55648962

I hope kiara confronts shiori if she will collab with tempus.

>> No.55648966


>> No.55649006

>supporting the kouhai
she's trying to leech off them

>> No.55649016

It'll be kino. The twins will bau bau and Bijou will be extra cute. The real question is Shiori - can Kiara's Austrian autism match Shiori's unhingedness?

>> No.55649019

Isn't this a collab?

>> No.55649030


>> No.55649047

Stfu kiara, ugly bitch. Listen to fauna next time when you ask her for help.

>> No.55649074

she's being predatory and trying to lock nerissa into orbiting around her.

>> No.55649112

duh, after being left out when council debuted she wanted to be everyone's 1st collab cause she's a ME ME ME retard who looks like golem with a wig

>> No.55649116

Nah, gotta give her credit lil anti, she's hosting them with her best content and will probably be translating in hopes JP viewer will pick up the 3 that aren't as fluent, find legit shit to hate Kiara on

>> No.55649120

>promoting a new gen is "leeching"

Remember, this post is a post of the enemy. The disgusting NijiPIG. Remember to chase them away! BAU BAU!!

>> No.55649147

Shiori will ruin it. Why couldn't her break happen sooner?

>> No.55649151

I hope they don't take her advice too seriously

>> No.55649153

No one is falling for your shit, Nijichink.

>> No.55649157

will shiori be able to talk over kiara

>> No.55649193


>> No.55649210

they've had time to watch kiara implode for the past couple years, so hopefully they're smart enough to not take her advice without a ton a salt.

>> No.55649266

Anon, please umderstand - senpais take precedence. There's a lot of other members Kiara has not gotten to. Let us not forget that Kiara is still upset that she never got to interview Rushia for Holotalk.

>> No.55649350

>Kiara mega leeching

>> No.55649460

>shiori and kiara whip out their giant girl penises
>fight a duel of legends with them while the others watch
>end of video

>> No.55649505

This guy FANTASIZES about seething holy shit kek

>> No.55649543

>Promoting anything
Maybe when Gura collabs with the new girls that will be promoting

>> No.55649598

This thread reeks of Nijichinks

>> No.55649612

Bro they are already more popular then Kiara. That's why it's leeching, they are the ones promoting Kiara but it won't work like always

>> No.55649625

I don't like kiara. It used to be just because her voice actively damages hearing. Then as time went on I learned that regardless of her voice she's just a terrible person. A psychopath and a leech. The kind of person who would break a puppies legs and throw it in a river so she can then take her phone out and "rescue" a puppy from a river for clout. I unsubbed from Ravenclouse because she said Kiara was her favorite. Madness.

>> No.55649633

So it's been a fetish all this time?

>> No.55649639

I'm pretty sure only the Nijisanji fanbase gets angry at people being good or bad at videogames

>> No.55649671

Dollar store orcschizo, from the looks of it

>> No.55649680

new holo gens don't need it desu

>> No.55649710

They are not sending their best

>> No.55649720

So the thing is I'm not going to watch Kiara. I know, ugh I KNOW, I'm just not gonna watch her is all

>> No.55649778


>> No.55649864


>> No.55649881

You should wash yourself kid.

>> No.55649906

That's what Advent needs, Kiara giving them more exposure to about 2,000 diehard KFPs

>> No.55649908
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oh nyo

>> No.55649923

>Advent need Kiara to "promote" them
The delusion. They all have bigger fanbases than Kiara a week in.

>> No.55649948

You don't know SHIT about Nerissa

>> No.55650024

Lmao you baubaited the samefag

>> No.55650123

At this rate it will be Kiara orbiting Nerissa

>> No.55650134

>"err EN don't collab"
>*they do a collab*
>NOOOO fucking leach! you are not supposed to interact

>> No.55650135

> can't stop using the sexist slur

obsessed and rent free

>> No.55650178
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Hololive won.

>> No.55650220
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>> No.55651106

the only interesting thing about these is pantsu color. I'll watch the clip of that.

>> No.55652711

tbf, nobody featured in holotalk ever received visible growth

>> No.55652861

>tbf, nobody featured in a same-company collab ever received visible growth

>> No.55652928

is not about beign bad is the effort put into it, they had to rpessure this moron to even read her skills properly while ID and JP is actually training hardcore, is a friendly competition but cm on throwing is the shittiest thing you can do at least try to put a bit of a fight for the viewers, remember mk tournament, everyone expected ina to be in the tops yet it was gura training her ass off for this event offstream and it surprised everyone

>> No.55653033

her irl streamer persona is the same, bitchy about everything and everyone is at fault for her shortcomings

>> No.55653130

so mad

>> No.55653178

>4 years of non-stop seething

>> No.55653215

it will be as shit as all talk shows. and kiara's talk show is shitty, shit questions. best part is when holomems emerge from under the table

>> No.55653406

Altare got boosted from Kobo collabs
Shion and Okayu got boosted during their Gura arc

>> No.55653451

>Woman upset and obsessed about nothing
Huh, who would have guessed?

>> No.55653840

Was really hoping for one on one (or two) when I saw the Holotalk logo on the Twins schedule. I wanted them to autism out about old underground idol groups together like she has done on collabs with Nene, Lui, and the other two corpo girls.

>> No.55655138

Wait, its a collab instead of a 1 on 1? I can safely skip it then.

>> No.55658882

Nah, I'm good

>> No.55658939

This is going to be shit and stupid

>> No.55659078

Imagine getting mad at pokemon unite of all things

>> No.55659105

Guess EN management still makes some dumb decisions, there's a reason why HoloJP stuck to the same collab ban and didn't cut it short. You can just look at the homos or niji to see what happens if you are gonna let them collab this soon. I mean Kiara probably wont take much but some of the others be better at absorbing those viewers as well as making the new gen feel like sidekicks instead of being able to stand on their own.

>> No.55659739

I mean it is Pokemon and a MOBA, so it is obviously going to attract whiny manchildren

>> No.55659902

Didn't Narissa already do that with the KFP/Kiara gushing she did in her first solo-stream? You think she woulda learned from Kiara with her Pekora obsession in the early days and the general reception of it. Yes, both girls were truly into their Oshis prior to joining.

>> No.55660069

Didn't Kiryu Coco also feature some newcomers on her Asacoco show before their bans ended?

>> No.55660887

Guess they're just going to get it over with all at once for Advent members to figure out why Kiara is a shitty collab partner. Might actually be funny to see Shiori either outcunt or possibly tardwrangle kiara though while tall bitch just watches in silence.

>> No.55661391

the worst thing is that she still doesn't pay any rent

>> No.55661837

Can't wait for the menhera breakdown when the dogs surpass Kiara in sub count

>> No.55661883

In times like this i really wish Kiara had the most subs for the sole reason no one could call her a leech anymore. She earned to be nr1 in myth anyways.
I only watch Bijou btw.

>> No.55661890

I guess hate-watching is something real for some people.

>> No.55661943

they're literally her nepohires though

>> No.55661964
File: 521 KB, 853x1000, Gigachad in the mirror.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay based, king

>> No.55661992

You have to divide their sub number with two, which means they are dead last, Bijou domination

>> No.55661999

Very low expectations for this, it's probably Kiara shrieking over everyone for 2 hours and making it all about her while the others struggle to get a word in edgeways.

>> No.55662053
File: 327 KB, 691x345, Kiwawa smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More reasons to love the chimken then

>> No.55662066

Nope. They've applied in the past multiple times. I think the general occasional love thread they'd get here and the decent incline when people realized they existed post grad announcement really pushed them up though.

>> No.55662217


>> No.55662376

well, it doesn't exactly hurt that the twins and kiara knew each other IRL before hololive, but this could be a surprise for kiara too if I'm wrong abt the nepohire thing

>> No.55662557

Very small elbow bumping, nothing substatial.

>> No.55662839

Shes a woman what do you expect?

>> No.55663777

>Shit was said three times
Imagine seething this much...

>> No.55664784

Complete headcanon

>> No.55665002

kiara's seagulls are some of the toughest, persistent and shizo antis around. Truly one of the top 3 antis of any chuuba.

>> No.55665264

I'm sure it'll be entertaining at least. I'll be listening.

>> No.55665369

>This is going to be epic.
This didn’t need another thread

>> No.55665379

Wrong. Shion's EN fanbase is abysmally small. Always has been; then and now.
Shion, however, gets very good live stream numbers and covers even before the Gura arc despite the sub count

>> No.55665809

>I'm not Kiwawa, I'm Fuwawa!
Looking forward to the inevitable intro variant

>> No.55667329

its going to be kiara and shiori yapping away for 40 minutes of the 1 hour runtime

>> No.55667441

Yes it did

>> No.55668023

>Kiara interacts with anyone
>"Leech Leech Leech Leech!!!"

>> No.55668740

It's going to be Kiara asking a Shiori a question and Shiori spends the rest of the stream talking about something else

>> No.55669723


I'll watch it anyways.

>> No.55671919 [DELETED] 

Let's see how that changes after the nearly 2 week break where she enjoys a lovely summer getaway with her boyfriend after getting all that holo money.

>> No.55672375

i hate hohotalks but the guaranteed awkward kino this will result in is gonna make me tune in

>> No.55672561

Shion, anon, Shion, not Shiori. Unless Shion is on break too? But she has holobux for a long time...

>> No.55675188

looking forward to it

>> No.55675259

Oh look, she's trying to capitalize on Advent.


>> No.55675542

I can see that happen. Neither of them can shut up.

>> No.55675711

>gap between the chicken and Ina widened to 60k

Also she didn't MEMEME the new Holocure update and pink woman got it instead kek

>> No.55675816


>> No.55675876

I don't like Kiara or watch her content, but I will watch this to see how Kiara handles Shiori's autistic rambling

>> No.55675966

she will manage. she is a professional retard whisperer. which is why all her fans are retards

>> No.55676249

Everyone has the holocure perms retard.
