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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 626 KB, 1323x617, rin penrose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55581062 No.55581062 [Reply] [Original]

>Will ban you for anything remotely sexual
>"I'm actually asexual"
THIS is the top jewcorp vtuber?!

>> No.55581146

She's from a conservative family, being inappropriate won't fly.

>> No.55581147 [DELETED] 

buy an ad

>> No.55581150

It's really obvious if you've ever watched her. There's being prudish and theirs being autistically sexless and Rin is clearly the second. Something like 30% of all spergs are disgusted by sex

>> No.55581162

So why chimp out there?

>> No.55581173

>literally conserving anything at all

>> No.55581245

It's jewover

>> No.55581267


>> No.55581275

Sexy girly tomboy prince (female) with comical singing voice.

>> No.55581332

She fell off awhile ago, no reason to drudge up this coozed up gypsy in drama that no one will even partake in

>> No.55581385

nothing more conservative than divorce

>> No.55581420

WDYM? They conserve their genes by the means of inbreeding.

>> No.55581423

>/vt/ hates whores
>/vt/ hates pure royal virgins
Sorry she isn't in your slut comfort zone OP

>> No.55581432

They do conserve spam, and beans.

>> No.55581489

Total coomer death

>> No.55581683

>Will ban you for anything remotely sexual
>"I'm actually asexual"
>flirts with male vtubers on stream

>> No.55581716
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They literally won

>> No.55581762


>> No.55581782
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>> No.55581839

>"Rishi Sunak"
Tell me again how the Brits won or conserve anything ever

>> No.55581843

Asexuality is not a thing, it's likely just a smart way of avoiding coomer retards while she gets railed by the Brown British Cock behind the scenes.

>> No.55581845


>> No.55581887


>> No.55581914

Not surprised, she has the vibe.

>> No.55581928

Honestly, I absolutely hate streamers who look down on the mindset of their viewers. “Oh no, he said I’m hot. What a disgusting man pig!”

>> No.55582037

based asexual vtuber holy shit

>> No.55582073

Rin is a zoomer-tuber on the opposite end of the zoomer spectrum from Filian. She's basically the embodiment of current day tumblr culture and gets a pass from vt because there's not a lot of zoomers on here, she doesn't screech or scream constantly like the other zoomers (Filian, Bae) and she actually creates innovative content and tries new stream ideas. Nobody /here/ will ever work up the energy to anti her because her audience is so far removed from the overlap of this board

>> No.55582145

we conserved a bunch of shit from other countries.
They call it looting or stealing but if they didn't want it to be conserved then they should of protected it better

>> No.55582159

Asexuality is a completely confirmed thing in diagnosed autists. It's literally a symptom of autism

>> No.55582445

Asexual, not aromantic

>> No.55582463

Based. The sub-humans trying to anti her must be messed up individuals.

>> No.55582502

her entire personality is a symptom of autism and I love her for it

>> No.55582513

Subversive as usual for the tribe.

>> No.55582637
File: 172 KB, 1400x571, rin penrose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a sexual

>> No.55582821

They conserve the history of other cultures. Those Greek cravings would’ve been destroyed if they hadn’t stepped in.

>> No.55582924

>The excuse every (usually taken) girl uses
Ah, desu ne.
It's called being good at her job.

>> No.55583166

Cringe but w/e. Tardwrangle your chat however you want. It's of no consequence to me since I don't watch her.

>> No.55583571

More like ass sexual

>> No.55583761

Women are asexual/lesbian for men for everyone who isn't Chad.

>> No.55583833

>go in vtuber's chat
>hey girl I want to fuck you so bad
>get banned

>> No.55584199 [SPOILER] 
File: 331 KB, 1048x921, ref.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55584291

Funniest part is her saying you'll get banned if you bully/harass her, only to go on to say that bullying her is allowed if it's funny or whatever. I'll just go ahead and never chat again since apparently anything might trigger this absolute snowflake. What a tool.

>> No.55584860


>> No.55585177

>"I'm asexual!"
>Talks about her male "best friend" that she "does everything with"
She's either lying or that boy is getting the run around bad.

>> No.55585214

Its like 4chan and racism.

>> No.55585245

Rip him

>> No.55585326

literally who

>> No.55585574

>anything sexually suggestive is banned
>makes a darkie dick joke on day one
ban yourself whore

>> No.55585590

trannies dont like sex

>> No.55585663

this explains why aviel said that they won't debut any male characters, but that any gender is allowed to audition for the female characters. that distinction is what allows rin to be a streamer for them. interesting.

>> No.55585839

>prude killjoy homobeggar is still the top of her corpo
Damn, mentioning gura in shorts is some powerful stuff

>> No.55586022

Anytime at all you have to do a warning/threat like this you fucked up.
If you're doing your job properly you can control your fanbase without this

>> No.55586806

lmao and youtube retards will believe this too

>> No.55586819

What if he's a fag too?

>> No.55586899

>I'll just go ahead and never chat again
But you never watched her anyway?

>> No.55586975

SIR!!! You're being racist against every Indian Pakistani and Arab rapist!

>> No.55587009

in ccv of children, yes
in revenue, no

>> No.55587038

I don't like whoretubers or mommy milky types either but being a sexless castrati weirdo is equally bad.

>> No.55587049


>> No.55587113

>Talking about the old british empire over a whole ass century ago

>> No.55587212

I've never seen you in chat so how could you possibly know that?

>> No.55587344

Anglo hate is nothing more than poorly disguised latinx jealousy

>> No.55587867

who tf uses latinx, that sounds like some Lgbtqisaaaxgkeoj)&?17+++ bullshit.
Anyways acting like modern britain goes around collecting treasures from the orient like indiana jones is really stupid.

>> No.55587874

Funny part is idol probably commissioned these themselves

>> No.55588008

So rape it is

>> No.55588221

based for tardwrangling horny creeps
unbased for thinking asexuality is anything other than a fucking meme

>> No.55588275

>modern generation is so porn brained that they interpret not wanting sex 24/7 100% of the time as it's own sexuality and not just normal behavior

>> No.55588303

explain how you can have romantic attraction without sexual attraction

>> No.55588382

>virtual women

Sexuality requires physical contact. Its could that she sents a clear massage towards all the creepy incels.

>> No.55588535

Isn't this just like the JaidenAnimations thing but with a vtuber instead?

>> No.55588576

I don’t get it, isn’t an asexual just an eunuch?

>> No.55588660

That was somehow even dumber, didn’t she want like any porn of her fictional character period? Even when it wasn’t shoved in her face?

>> No.55588739

You can tard wrangle with a single sentence. Most Vtubers do just that, one time, and that's it.

This bitch made a power point and dedicated the stream to it. She's basically announcing she's insanely weak to antis and will heap attention on anyone that's negative to her.
Not that suprising, since she already dedicated a whole stream to people who made mean youtube commends at her.

>> No.55588823

Didn't Jaiden's IRL face got leaked after that?

>> No.55588960

Asexual means you never want sex retard

>> No.55588969

What this anon said + >>55587072

This shit should be in the Rules part of your channel and you just let your mods deal with it.

>> No.55589200

You have internet brainworms fr fr

>> No.55589379

The thing, anon, is that it is
But since Rin's chat is all retarded children they don't read it
So she saw Punkalopi doing a similar stream after being annoyed by her shorts audience and decided to do something similar
It will have no effect at all on those children because they're really fucking retarded, but now she has leverage to ban them

>> No.55589541

>trannies dont like sex
wrong, trannies are the biggest coomers of them all.

>> No.55589542

As long as she doesn't use her asexuality to virtue signal. If she does, I'm dropping her.

>> No.55589546

>but now she has leverage to ban them
she always had it
all she did was make unpleasant stream
she didn't achieve ANYTHING aside from wasting time of her fans

>> No.55589585

>but now she has leverage to ban them
SHE ALREADY HAD. She was already in full control over that relationship and she could have fucking fixed her own problem by just letting her mods do their job.
She's just advertising to the world what and how to behave in order to annoy her.
Unless this is some 3d chess move to farm pity later she is braindead

>> No.55589591

What if I bring up the Balfour Agreement?

>> No.55589721
File: 101 KB, 1094x135, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She already have because that the reason for this

>> No.55589772

Even more leverage, that is. At this point she made the rules so obvious that no retard in the world can just go "sorry I didn't see them" if they get banned and she made it painfully clear that there will be no more tolerance for that shit.
I don't see a reason to pretend to be annoyed unless you didn't watch her in first place or you're one of the spammers.

>> No.55589917
File: 86 KB, 1125x1056, E861_gKWUAA3_rf.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my brother (sister) from another corpo

>> No.55589918

>I don't see a reason to pretend to be annoyed
see >>55587072
Unless it's your weird fetish nobody likes being lectured. Being lectured by something you didn't do, that will have zero impact on the actual issue and it will attract schizos from all over the fucking internet to make it worse is even worse.

>> No.55590039

I dropped her on debut when she said she was a prince. Get that tranny shit out of here.

>> No.55590084

What leverage it’s her chat and her channel? This isn’t a democracy she doesn’t need probable cause you retards this is for attention.

>> No.55590145

You are a sad and lonely person

>> No.55590248

>oh no I'm so offended by something that doesn't affect me one bit
wah wah
grow a fucking spine if you're feeling offended by a lecture that was dedicated to 549.999 of her followers, sure you're the 1 who behaves perfectly in her chat but too fucking bad bitch stop being a sensitive woman

>> No.55590266

nothing new for her really. A good majority of her streams are just a really long joke that she extends for an hour or 2 then ends.
She's a comedian with only 1 joke and that's herself.

>> No.55590359

I'd have to ask my asexual friend

>> No.55590525

woman is an ADHD ridden lunatic are you suprised

>> No.55590588

>At this point she made the rules so obvious that no retard in the world can just go "sorry I didn't see them" if they get banned and she made it painfully clear that there will be no more tolerance for that shit.
you're fucking retarded
people aren't obligated to watch all streams
most new viewers will just ignore that stream because they have no way of knowing it would concern them

That entire stream is a self-wank of powertripping whore and absolutely nothing else.

>> No.55590610

>She's either lying or that boy is getting the run around bad.
most intelligent east anglian woman

>> No.55590678

And then they'll immediately get banned
And if they come crying to someone on discord they'll be told to watch this stream
And that's it
Rin's only mistake was not doing this earlier

>> No.55590727

Or they could be told to read the rules which are in the description of every video.

>> No.55590745

Oh it's that alphabet meme for people who want to be part of the special social club but can't even asked to put the work in to pretend they have some of the other bullshit going on, so they are just a regular person with extra steps and tell everyone about it so it means anything at all, because otherwise no one would even notice a difference.

>> No.55590976

If they broke the rules in first place, that means that either they can't read (a problem solved by a video, which this stream was), they didn't see the rules (another problem solved by a stream which is more noticeable than rules under a video), or they don't care about rules.
Just stop pretending to feel so offended by this stream already anon. You probably don't even watch her. I don't either, too much overlap with girls I enjoy better and male collabs for me. The entire fucking point of this stream was trying to make the rules obvious to retards, if you aren't retarded it doesn't affect you. Move on with your life.

>> No.55591042

Why are retards itt getting upset at this? This makes her not whorish. If you want a whore that panders to coomers, go watch vshojo or the dozens of EN indie twitch thots

>> No.55591128

>(a problem solved by a video, which this stream was)

people aren't obligated to watch all streams
most new viewers will just ignore that stream because they have no way of knowing it would concern them

>> No.55591140

Anon you might be a retard as well if you didn't notice she's talking about her chat

>> No.55591303
File: 278 KB, 854x1478, my little prince.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost flat
>insists on dressing in cute boy outfits
>british accent
Jesus Christ

>> No.55591353

And if they refuse to do their reps it's their own fault for anything that happens to them in regards to a subject that was covered in a stream.
What the fuck are you even trying to argue about anymore and why did you start repeating arguments.

>> No.55591372

I don't care what anyone thinks of Rin. Her being an absolute sperg prude and tryhards kayfabe being a asexual prince makes it all the hotter when she eventually succumbs to GFE content to stay relevant soon. Licking ASMR and soft kisses soon friends!

>> No.55591659

>People don't read the rules in the description of the video
>"Surely they'll go into that Vtubers backlog of livestreams and look for a rules stream there"

>> No.55591695

Reminds me a bit of Kronii being forced sexualised and having to desperately pretend she's OK with it.

>> No.55591914


>> No.55592016
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honestly based
I nut daily but fuck coomers they're the most annoying dramatic faggots you could ever have the misfortune of interacting with on a normal basis

>> No.55592393

Most people outside of this board understand the difference between lighthearted banter and insults.

>> No.55592532
File: 186 KB, 535x1444, rin penrose 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this gets said a lot here, but unironically, IMAGINE. Literally the perfect boyfriend (female).

>> No.55592766

Just literally look at anything that remains of her 2 (technically 3) PLs and you'll know all you need to know about her. ClashB-Lizzy is all but wiped off the planet by now though, but thank god at least that shitshow is over. See you after my 3 day vacation, spergs. You're welcome.

>> No.55592955

She's sickened by greasy fatbeards lusting over her and doesn't want any more PLAPfags in her chat.
Stop being a redditier faggot about it.

>> No.55593213

no, I'm just countering the "she wants to be an ALPHABET PERSON" rrat because spergs being sexless is literally one of the diagnostic criteria and she's actually autistic, not meme autistic

>> No.55593261

>flirts with male vtubers
if that's flirting she sucks ass at it

>> No.55593326

Maybe she should have thought of that before being so PLAPable. If anything pointing the finger at her viewers is victim blaming.

>> No.55593372

>gets the best porn in idol

funny how it works
roca is literally sex incarnate but she doesn't get anything..

>> No.55593425

objectively untrue. kill yourself redpill retard.

>> No.55593459

rin only likes sex with blahaj

>> No.55593526

>enter vtuber's chat without attending a 90 minute lecture
>"Hi! :3"
>reason: janny-sama detected sexual connotations in this post!
>ban expiry: never

>> No.55593603

if you think this happens then you're the exact kind of person who shouldn't engage in chat that she's talking about

>> No.55593636

Most people in general understands that if you cross the line you'll simply be told you did so that you don't do it next time, rather than banning the person outright like she is. If the punishment is that extreme there shouldn't be any grey areas.

>> No.55593711

what are you talking about? the horniest people I know are all autistic

>> No.55593781

So you're saying we shouldn't go by what she said in her powerpoint presentation? We have to read between the lines? Then what was the point of the stream in the first place? The whole point was to lay it out bare so there are no misunderstandings.

>> No.55593888

Wait, is Rin a tranny for real? I thought it was a joke

>> No.55593946

Retarded stream aside, asexuality is a fucking meme and I can believe she said that

>> No.55594111

I've heard normal people say they can look at a person they find attractive(clothed) and immediately imagine having sex with them. I've never experienced that and it sounds absurd to me but I have gotten close with people I can imagine myself having a comfortable companionship with

>> No.55594156

Funny thing is they can't even be asked to keep up with that low standard for this to mean anything, so you will totally see many of them claiming that they masturbate to porn all the time but they are still totally heckin' valid asexuals, even though that obviously means they would be into that shit if they encountered it in reality, which they obviously don't because they are either people who just want to be part of the trendy alphabet club without being different to a regular person in any way or who try to make themselves feel better by pretending not having sex is actually by their own choice and preference and not for the lack of opportunity. And I'm not saying asexuality doesn't exist, but just as most of that stuff the number of people who genuinely are that way is vanishingly small and the rest is just people who searched for something they could put in their xitter profile next to all the self-diagnosed mental illnesses that are nothing more than quirky personality traits for them to have.

>> No.55594167

>>"I'm actually asexual"
She means "I'm asexual towards (You)"

>> No.55594191
File: 33 KB, 991x206, 435345345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check it yourself, being sexless is a diagnostic question and really well studied. It's just that being hypersexual is ALSO associated, so it's a bimodal distribution with fewer normal sex drivey people

>> No.55594272

>so you're saying
discarded, learn to read

>> No.55594308

just because you don't immediately think about fucking every attractive person you see doesn't mean you have a different sexuality.
i realize the irony of me saying this on /vt/ of all places but please spend less time online and more time socializing in person. you're losing the plot.

>> No.55594344

doctor's diagnosis:
low sex drive or aphantasia
asexuality is not real, it's a mental illness like depression

>> No.55594459

Learn to write.

>> No.55594550

>self-reported ASD diagnosis

>> No.55594586
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>it's not real
>it's a mental illness
surely you can see that contradicts each other. nobody gives a shit if it's healthy or unhealthy, but denying it exists is ludicrous

>> No.55594638

Asexual is the new cool word women brainwashed by liberal feminism use when they aren't ethos desperate for attention, because apparently you're a hypersexual degen otherwise, never in-between. That's why you get these weird mental gymnastics of people masturbating, drawing porn and still thinking they're asexual.

>> No.55594677

I'm diagnosed schizoid personality disorder, the lack of desire for sex is a symptom.
I'm just saying although I don't want to have sex with people or really interact with anyond in general I still have had a desire to be close with certain people and I can see how asexual people could still be interested in romance.

>> No.55594728

Coombrains BTFO, get fucked losers.

>> No.55594751

fine, use this one
>ASD diagnosis by trained clinician
>Hannah and Stagg,2016
>ASD individuals showed less sexual consciousness, sexual assertiveness, and sex-appeal consciousness, 28% reported asexuality

sorry you're so bent on being a sperg fucker but they don't want you

>> No.55594890
File: 219 KB, 1020x930, rin penrose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reason: posting get pregnant 132,054 times over the course of two hours
>expires: never

>> No.55594897

The ultimate payout from farming your audience from shorts instead of developing your desired tumblr cult naturally.

>> No.55594946

Where's her mods to help filter her retarded chat?

>> No.55594981

and i'm saying most of them call themselves asexual when they're just normal. normal people don't want to have sex all the time, horny people are just loud.

>> No.55594994

I like how the chat in the background has someone saying "beautiful armpits". Bet they got permabanned right after

>> No.55595053

tumblr has been quite the disaster for the human race

>> No.55595094

I skimmed through the VOD this is from and holy shit why did she become a streamer if she can't handle regular-ass chat? There's so many more chat rules she wants to enforce that shows how thin-skinned she is. So she wants a hugbox? OK got it. Not like I watch her anyway, good for her I hope her simps abide by those rules.
also: FUCKING LOL she says she'll ignore it anyway but has to make a point about it in this stream anyway https://youtu.be/iW6lgrwwq-U?t=1778

>> No.55595102

Buy an ad

>> No.55595148

>Not like I watch her anyway
holy shit then shut the fuck up

>> No.55595154

>bans thirsty sea SIRS and unikek incels

Why is this a problem again?

>> No.55595310

>she can't handle regular ass-chat

>> No.55595339

No one likes stupid bitches who talk down to their audience and tries to be morally superior.
It's so obvious that all this is going to do is kill all the good will she had fostered.

>> No.55595365

the problem is that asexuality can't be defined and most likely is just a cause of autists not understanding what sexuality is or how it manifests. look into any fetish community and you'll find tons of people claiming to be asexual. i just don't buy that someone whose hobby is fetish stuff have no sexuality. 1+1 equals 2, not 0.

>> No.55595416

>corp is full of abject coombrains
>one wants an exclusion zone
>anons get mad
by allah it's the west bank settlers all over again

>> No.55595603

Wow it almost as if she is in a corp full of Vtubers who are coombrains with one getting off in a member only stream

>> No.55595733

you're super retarded, the fact that 1/3 are sexless clueless asexuals does not mean there's not a bunch of creepy sperg fetishists. both of these things are simultaneously true

>> No.55595768

>Wow it almost as if she is in a corp full of Vtubers who are coombrains
that's what i said

>> No.55595854
File: 318 KB, 1800x1800, 1673392173141174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good bait

>> No.55595864

It'll certainly lead to weird situations whenever there's a verbal or visual innuendo and the chat suddenly slows to a nervous crawl.

>> No.55595875

considering how few people are asexuals there shouldn't be huge numbers congregating anywhere. it's like the overrepresentation of trannies or jews.

>> No.55595896

And so did i

>> No.55595964

are you arguing it doesn't exist at all or that there are very few of them, because the reply chain I was in said it did not exist at all

>> No.55595976

I'm gonna lift her off the ground and remind her of her femininity

>> No.55596081

I don't even know what you're sperging out over anymore, Rin isn't a fetishist on fetish sites so what does that have to do with her

>> No.55596102

normally people don't say 'wow it's almost as if X' unless they are glibly trying to imply that the person did not recognize X

>> No.55596128

I'm glad you find so much amusement from a misplaced hyphen, I can only assume you don't find any fault with the rest of what I've said so thank you for being in agreement, Anon.

>> No.55596159

my point is all the "asexual" people are like you
mental condition, or postorgasmic illness, or spinal issue/obesity, or trauma, etc.

>> No.55596209

If you genuinely think that saying "hi" and saying "PLAP PLAP PLAP GET PREGNANT" are the same thing, you probably haven't said "hi" to many people
either that or you're a rapist

>> No.55596312

Yessssssss. Whoever drew this >>55584199 needs to do one with her saying "PUT ME DOWN! PUT ME DOWN!"

>> No.55596459

ok I mean that it's unhealthy, and the way lefties frame it is as an immutable and not bad trait
in principle it should be the same as saying "I'm diabetic" but it's not treated that way in left spaces

>> No.55596553

Yeah, you're even conserving other county's populations. Too bad there's no room for your own people in your own capital though.

>> No.55596569

>finally get a pure girl who isn't into lewd jokes
>complains about it
Why is /vt/ like this?

>> No.55596731

Psychology is not scientific or objective, it's political. Asexuality is not real.

>> No.55596747

Alpha Fucks Beta Bucks

>> No.55596917

That was hot as fuck female humilliation is a top tier fetish

>> No.55596980

/vt/ only want waifus devoted to them. Why you think they push so hard for the Idol Culture? Is the framework by which they can keep them in check.
This place is visited mostly by maindenless people, so what gives?

>> No.55597050

Trannies are masturbators, not sex havers.

>> No.55597057

Like Suisei. Is more arousing to defile the pruddish I guess.

>> No.55597117

>Actually too seiso for /vt/
Rin I kneel

>> No.55597143

>Say anything
>Get banned
Imagine getting a golden ticket just to ban people who aren't breaking rules

>> No.55597171

true asexuals are beautifully inhuman, which is an attribute which is beautiful in its own right

>> No.55597187

I was being facetious about how the criteria that will get you BANNED FOREVER is entirely subjective and could be enforced by the whims of a particularly overzealous janny.

>> No.55597201

That counts as conservative on Britain. It's why the Anglican church exists

>> No.55597221


>> No.55597237

I will now watch Rin Penrose.

>> No.55597572

>30% of all spergs are disgusted by sex
Uh-huh, and where exactly did you get those statistics from?

>> No.55597713


it's literally in the thread, you're not even a fucking threadreader


>> No.55597715

How is that not a thing? Sex is disgusting. The only arousal I've ever felt was from 2D and I sure as hell wouldn't participate in some awkward attempts to replicate it with 3D people when you both are sweaty and smelly and make weird noises. 3D porn is even more disgusting than that. Sure I find some vtuber designs hot but I can respect the ones who are as dedicated as to pass their asexuality onto their vtuber persona as well. I've never felt a speck of arousal towards actual people but that's nice because I get to have actual friendships without thinking about our genitals unlike you retards.

>> No.55597973

>girl doesnt have an incel astrology purity score of 200
>unikeks/incels: WHORE
>girl bans creepy losers and doesnt want to talk about sex: AGHHHH I AM SO MAD! PRUDISH! AUTISITC!


>> No.55598205

I guess this confirms that all of those anons saying that sex was disappointing and underwhelming were autistic all along. When in doubt, assume they're autistic.

>> No.55598606
File: 92 KB, 602x116, toff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up yank, you don't know anything about British politics or it's ethnic/class composition.
Rishi is a British citizen who has lived in the country his whole life, is a toff born to rich as fuck parents (because there are entire groups of wealthy indians and asians that immigrated here decades ago), was educated in private prep schools and everything and is an Oxbridge boy.
The UK isn't exactly like burgerland where the only wealthy/elite non-whites are black rappers or asians in tech.

Stop misusing terms like 'right wing' when what you really mean is 'white.' Conservatism as an ideology isn't inherently tied to race and you are brain-rotted if you think it is, it's never been the case.
You can disagree and say that Sunak and the Tories aren't right-wing enough because of their policies (there are further right-wing people in the UK who do say this) but to say that just because Sunak isn't white somehow means he isn't conservative is just retarded.

Anyway, it is most likely the case that the Penroses are Tory as fuck and this probably is why Rin is prudish. The asexual thing is obviously just a cope.
You can literally hear the Toryness just dripping from her posh as hell accent, and I could probably guess where she's from too. Not that I'd expect burgers to be able to distinguish or tell things like this from bong accents.

I give Rin 5 more years max before the trendy tumblr liberal phase gets washed out of her and she starts thinking muslim immigrant boats should be sunk and the homeless should be shot on sight.

>> No.55598665

>i'm asexual
>but i do have a sexdrive!

>> No.55598755

>beautiful armpits

>> No.55598878

How is that unhealthy when you retards spend half of your life desperately trying to get some pussy and a huge part of your life depends just on the fact if you get it or not? Sounds terribly inefficient when you can just... not care and suddenly poof, your life is much easier. Burgers won't understand this analogy but it's like having a car. All of the car-havers I know keep saying it's great but in fact they can't stop complaining that the oil is expensive, car parts keep breaking, they worry about getting into accidents or getting speed tickets, they are tired from people using them as free taxi, they are annoyed by not being able to drink, the list goes on. Meanwhile, you can just straight up not have a car and not feel any major inconveniences ever, and that way you don't need to think about that stuff at all, it's just non-existent to you. A huge burden off your shoulders.

>> No.55598954

>Anything sexual
oh so she's going to ban LGBT comments too? really?

>> No.55598993

>nobody gives a shit if it's healthy or unhealthy
that's what I said
that's what you said

so work on your reading comprehension or something, I never said it was unhealthy, I said whether it is or not is irrelevant

>> No.55599011

I can jerk off to 2D fucking pictures. I don't want to ever stick my dick into someone or touch anyone in a sexual way. How hard is that to understand? Masturbating isn't sex so it can't be considered having a sex drive.
That being said, I have a feeling that Rin is hardcore asexual and doesn't even masturbate. She comes off as a girl that simply doesn't have it on her mind ever.

>> No.55599079

>girl needs to subject her audience to entire TEDx presentation just to set her boundaries

>> No.55599189

>nooooo you HAVE to be a whore!!!
Do shioricucks really?

>> No.55599261


>> No.55599274

Rishi also got parachuted into a guaranteed constituency then had an absurdly fast rank rise through the party because he's a fucking unelected plant. He has nothing tying him to the country and he will be more than happy to sell us all out for some quick dosh and then ditch us for whatever globalist safety net his wifes family has set up for him.
There is nothing conservative about the tories and don't pretend otherwise.

NTAYRT btw, incase it wasn't obvious.

>> No.55599286

If you wanted whores you can watch mumei and irys and fauna
All whores

>> No.55599299

so we just gonna gloss over this then. can someone give a qrd?

>> No.55599322

She's autistic enough to make a stream with several hours powerpoint presentation of her plushies who are all named and have their own traits and habits according to her and she takes them to different places like cafes and museums. What the fuck did you expect?

>> No.55599349

Why do you guys keep bringing up Hololive members unprompted? I she how this is, lol

>> No.55599409

Explain how such comments can be sexual without being facetious.

>> No.55599464

Feeling called out?

>> No.55599509

Objectively untrue, kill yourself rollotard. Imagine having your entire worldview obliterated by an actual blue haired cuck lmao Even in nature, "alphas" get cucked and raise the "betas" children.

>> No.55599789

One hundred years ago the idea of a Paki being PM would have been the punchline to a joke or the plot of a science fiction novel. You used to rule these people and now you blather on about how he's actually a based niggerino who's conserving the Bri'ish way of life. It's a national embarrassment and how any Englishman can live with himself knowing that there's a little brown man rubbing his currystained arse on the same seat that Churchill and Pitt sat on at Downing Street is beyond me.

>> No.55599796

She desperately needs rape correction

>> No.55599890

Imagine the emotionless sex!

>> No.55599991

>because he's a fucking unelected plant
are you pretending to be british or just retarded? It's always been the case with our parlimentary system that is the party leader steps down they are elected by the party and not the the general population. We don't have general elections to decide the party leader, only the party. So given that context, wtf does
>unelected plant
even mean? Every party leader in british history is 'unelected' by that logic.
Also the reason why he rose in popularity so fast is just because his policies were just the same shit the Tories were doing pre-Truss (and Truss was a fuckin gdisaster for the party) and they've had a boner for being the party that elects young people and 'minorities' because it pisses Labour/lefties off that they can go 'we're conservative and yet we are the party that had 3 female prime ministers and an Indian guy'
It was extremely predictable that Rishi would get elected by them
>He has nothing tying him to the country
other than, you know, the fact that he is a british born citizen who lives here
>he will be more than happy to sell us all out for some quick dosh and then ditch us for whatever globalist safety net his wifes family has set up for him
I don't know wtf you really mean by this considering the Tories main flagship thing for the past 8 fucking years has been Brexit and leaving the globalist EU and having the UK be self-governed. I agree that the Tories don't actually really care about the country or the general public and mainly have their own party and financial interests in mind but it's baffling to say they are somehow globalist when they are literally isolationist.

>> No.55600125


>poltard shit
>br*t*sh poltard shit
kys both of you

>> No.55600220

Nope, feeling superior

>> No.55600309

Nigger worshipping idiot.

>> No.55600623

>harmless compliment or sexually suggestive?
I wonder what call her jannies made.

>> No.55600826

You can bet JP and ID were all over her but she can't do anything because "it's just girls". I mean, how can it be sexual harassment? Don't be silly Kronii.

>> No.55600999

>he let the kids live

>> No.55601293

>calling an india a paki even though paki means middle-easterner and Indians fucking hate pakis and have quite literally been in conflict with pakistan specifically for decades
KEK stupid yank
there's nothing more sad than larping burgers that think they understand anything about any yuro country or bongland and act like they have any connection to them. I bet you're one of those retards who obsesses over your random genetic ancestry and thinks you totally have any claim on white european heritage or something.
>you blather on about how he's actually a based niggerino who's conserving the Bri'ish way of life
never said that actually, learn to read. My argument was just that he is still conservative policy-wise and on some social positions regardless of his race.
The problem here is that you are defining 'conservative' to mean something different than how it is commonly used. You mean 'conservative' in some abstract racial/spiritual 'conserving the racial and social soul or britain' rather than how most people use it.
You're equating 'conservative' with different concepts like 'traditionalist' and 'racial purist' i.e. you are equating conservative with fascist. You are basically doing the retarded lefite strawman of conservatives unironically.

This would have been easier if instead of being a retard, you had just started by saying 'it's bad that Rishi is the PM because he isn't a white englishman and the tories are not far right-wing enough.' Rather than this stupid semantic misunderstanding about conservatism.

>> No.55601397

>are you pretending to be british
who the FUCK would want to do that

>> No.55601457

So she's disgusted by her ugly vtuber fans but not her hot male collab partners, got it.

>> No.55601492
File: 884 KB, 1689x2170, Man Writing a Letter by Gabriël Metsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Rin Penrose,
Yours sincerely,
Rt Hon. Mike Hock

>> No.55601522

So you're the British equivalent of the pathetic eternally losing American conservative trad who loves his based black MAGApedes.
Churchill killed the empire and shouldn't be praised, good post otherwise.

>> No.55602048

>Masturbating isn't sex so it can't be considered having a sex drive.
Absolutely pathetic cope. Horny=sex drive. You're just jaded and afraid so you take care of it yourself.

>> No.55602328

this is the kind of ridiculous cope that failed humans generate to excuse their fear of intimacy

>> No.55602482

Non-con makes it hotter.
Cheers bro I'll jerk off to that

>> No.55602506

at no point did I ever say I like Rishi or the Tories, I'm just being autistically pedantic about people misusing the term conservative and pretending they understand bong politics.

This whole thing started because an anon responded to a post stating the obvious fact that Rin is from a conservative family by saying the british haven't conserved anything and then the same(?) anon clarifying by saying that somehow because the tory prime minister's name is Rishi Sunak this means the british have failed to conserve something and the party is not conservative i.e. misusing the term conservative to mean 'conserving the racial makeup of britian' when literally no one uses the term like that in bongland and it doesn't somehow refute the fact that Rin is from a socially conservative family and is just unrelated.

>> No.55602549

Just as /wvt/s are Twitch streamers with trendy anime avatars, Rin is a regular Youtuber with an anime avatar

>> No.55602624

even if it's 'cope from fear of intimacy' and they're all mentally ill faggots doesn't mean it doesn't exist, retard. you're just proving again and again that it exists, you just hate it. that's fine, it's how I feel about trannies.

>> No.55602664

Who the fuck is this?

>> No.55602860

Shiori Novella.

>> No.55602877

One of the chat jannies is a containment breaking faggot who steals memes from /jidf/ and posts it in the idol discord.

>> No.55603123

why does the idea of someone not wanting sex make people so mad?

>> No.55603130

Oh, yes, totally. I'm hestitant to speak for all asexuals or anything but mine is 100% from trauma and I'd never claim otherwiser. It's definitely real but it's not an "identity" that should be normalized or accepted.

>> No.55603190

because they want sex and can't get it, so they assume anyone who doesn't want it is just coping better than them. literally read the replies to this thread, they flat-out admit it multiple times

>> No.55603263

For the same reason some people get pissed about the idea of not being able to have a gun without a license.

Muh freedoms or sth. Entitlement

>> No.55603265
File: 278 KB, 1360x2066, comfyfield.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rin moment

>> No.55603619

It's her older sister.

>> No.55603773

Okay rin.

>> No.55603826

Many of them grew up in an era where autistic virgins couldn't just assert intentional abstinence when confronted with their kisslessness.

>> No.55604053

>self-admitted pure, sexless vtuber with no interest in getting fucked
>faggots in thread say thats bad
if you cant see the inherent plus this added to all porn with her, youre a short-sighted fool

>> No.55604071

>even if it's 'cope from fear of intimacy' and they're all mentally ill faggots doesn't mean it doesn't exist, retard.
He's not saying it doesn't exist, he's saying that its a cope. It can be both, just cause cope is rationalized doesn't mean it isn't cope.

>> No.55604197

Not the most appropriate image des'

>> No.55604223

I would take this asexual crap with a grain of salt. These days every zoomer larps as some flavor of queer so that can fit in with the rest of their mentally handicapped friends. Would not be surprised if in a few years time she decides "you know what, I actually like men".

>> No.55604320

Man my back is itchy

>> No.55604418


>> No.55604553

>Sex Plaprose

>> No.55604605

>Greek cravings
Yeah, now that I think about it, I really could go for a gyro right now

>> No.55604780

It's literally just a side effect of SSRIs

>> No.55604925

Incel is a queer identity.

>> No.55604947

I've never had a gyro, what're they like

>> No.55605029

Being gay?

>> No.55605086

Did she really say she's asexual?

>> No.55605093

lesbian gay black transexual queer incel anonymous

>> No.55605292

Yes but also they destroy your libido

>> No.55605894

>they take the meds
>brainworms, anorgasmia, and/or ED kills their sex drive
>"I was born this way."

>> No.55605984

Hi discord

>> No.55606575

I'm fortunate enough to be taking both an SSRI and an ADHD medication with a common side effect of massive increases in libido. The side effects almost entirely cancel each other out, with the only remaining effects being that I have incredible staying power and can last for basically however long I want

>> No.55607096

I don’t know if they actually flirted or your just a dumbass, but if you go by what the lgbt’s think they seem to be able to pick between asexual or aromantic or both. So an asexual person would hate sex but enjoy romance and vice versa for the aromantic person. I don’t know if this makes much sense, but thats supposedly how it works for them.

>> No.55607185

They put you on the sexual speedball

>> No.55607388

dude just say you are a tranny and fuck off, you are way too knowledgeable on the subject

>> No.55607513
File: 1.49 MB, 758x720, Suck the life out of me-2[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F1byx24.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Novelites keep winning

>> No.55607571

I genuinely think I'm part of some sort of long-term drug trial for it because every time I go in for a check-up my doctor asks way too many questions about my sex life, ability to orgasm, how many times a day I masturbate, etc. If I were attractive, I'd think she was propositioning me

>> No.55607584

it's a shame who they gave this model too because it is very attractive, too bad they gave it too a homobegging prude

>> No.55607624

>I don’t know if this makes much sense
the point is that it makes no sense and that online lgbtqwertyuiops need to stop making up labels for completely normal shit. no pre-internet faggot ever identified as "asexual" or "aromantic".

>> No.55607695

uhh you wanna tell me what they have you on? for scientific purposes of course

>> No.55607717

I haven't checked /jidf/ in months, is Rin anal rapist ok?

>> No.55608493

Prozac and Adderall, but I wouldn't risk it if it's not medically necessary. You might end up with serotonin syndrome and that shit ain't pretty

>> No.55609590

Ive had a handful of friends go tranny so I’ve learned a bit more about this stuff than some others here
I think asexual was a thing, though maybe thats not the term used historically. Aromantic does seem like something that just came around in current year, i mean your basically just saying “im not interested in a relationship, i just wanna fuck”, which we generally call those people whores.

>> No.55609948

She designed it dumbfuck. She even went into detail of how it's colored after the ace flag
>white, black and purple (red + blue)

>> No.55610207

I noticed that this person is spamming a lot of shorts and trying to game the Youtube algorithm. From what I heard they sound really fat and common, basically the English equivalent of trailer trash. I don't understand the appeal.

>> No.55610587

>From what I heard they sound really fat and common, basically the English equivalent of trailer trash.
Is that what it is? Man I don't flat out don't dislike an English accent, but hers really grates on me for some reason

>> No.55611109

I mean I don't know her personally, but it reminds me of how overweight "slags" sounded when they came from bad public housing estates. I spent a significant portion of my youth growing up and going to school with British people. So the voice just conjures up that kind of mental image.

>> No.55611399

Isla Coleman is and always has been the superior royal vtuber.

>> No.55611587

dont care didnt ask buy an ad

>> No.55611697

>>He has nothing tying him to the country
just to point out, the retards who came before me elected david cameron, surely he would be tied down to his country, so where is the sheepshagger now? in some nice foreign country sipping the nicest shit u can put in glass watching the horror he created.

>> No.55612382

They shouldn't give royal or peerage models to anyone that can't pull it off. When they give it to Japanese people they know how to pull it off. They change how they talk, change their mannerisms, change the worlds they use and how they enunciate, all playing into the role. When a western person plays such a character they talk as if they're taking your order at a drive-in restaurant.

>> No.55613316

Even choco from Hololive barely gets anything and whatever she does is erotic by itself

>> No.55613482

At least they were all contained within its nsfw pages, getting rid of them made them spread across all the other sites

>> No.55613579

autistic AND british is the maximum level of antisex

>> No.55613809

Do you think she got a grill boner after the first indecent touch

>> No.55614452
File: 308 KB, 603x563, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55614570

What an irritating piece of shit

>> No.55615013

Sexualizing someone that doesn't want to be sexualized is still disrespectful. But it's not like they have to be respectful by law. It gets to a weird place where people insist that your ought to be okay with something because you can't stop them. People should just own their disrespect of boundaries instead of trying to convince everyone that they're still good people.

>> No.55615058

The stream only discussed what was unacceptable in chat. What we do on X and the chans is fair game.

>> No.55615229

fiction and reality are different.

>> No.55615249

Her model should wear a hijab if she doesn't want to be sexualized.

>> No.55615488
File: 360 KB, 762x974, 1662927388775018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh? if true that's actually very cool from Idol, and Rin has good taste roru

>> No.55615691

It's at the very least kinda rude, knowingly doing something she specifically asked you not to do. If you don't care that it's rude then whatever that's your deal but it still is rude.

>> No.55615906

>they don't like thing
>does thing
Excuses for why it's okay don't matter, just do it and own it, or don't do it. Stop making excuses.
You should wear a hijab.

>> No.55616127

Rude? Probably.
But it's still peoples right to create fictional fan creations. Even more so if they're doing so in a way that isn't causing direct harm.
You don't see Trump, Biden, Obama, Bush, and Clinton bitching and moaning that people are making literal fanfiction videos of them on youtube.

>> No.55616164

Why would I, a man, wear a hijab? DUMB!

>> No.55616572

Because you're a little bitch?

>> No.55616643


>> No.55616654

>Sexualizing someone that doesn't want to be sexualized is still disrespectful.
it's your imagination, you do whatever you want
nobody can force you into not thinking about something

>> No.55617065

seriously, this is the ultimate rape bait.

>> No.55617486

>Sexualizing someone that doesn't want to be sexualized is still disrespectful
Good, I don't respect her, keep sexualizing her.

>> No.55617575


>> No.55617579

>considering how few people are asexuals there shouldn't be huge numbers congregating anywhere
normalfags first day on the internet

>> No.55621005

>flirts during colabs with males
yeah sure i believe you

>> No.55621469

The Lord True sounds like the subtitle to a Dark Souls boss's name

>> No.55621583

Idol has kinda rubbed me the wrong way with all the coomer shit, but this seems a little extreme. I guess if thats what she wants that alright, but banning anything sexual at all? Like what if something happens in game, or during a collab, are any sort of jokes counted under this rule? Feels like you’d be bringing down the ban hammer left and right.

>> No.55621639

I got permabanned for saying free Palestine

>> No.55621887

Is it disrespectful to jerk off to a woman?

>> No.55622256

I visited her channel when she collabed with Fuyo and Pochi and said
and didn't get banned.

>> No.55622951

>Idol has kinda rubbed me the wrong way with all the coomer shit
You just read catalog threads and believe it instead of actually watching streams, got it

>> No.55623052

I love you anon please never change

>> No.55623219


>> No.55623925

>never chat again since apparently anything might trigger this absolute snowflake.
nooo i cannot call her le nigger noooo!

>> No.55624290

You were directing your horniness to Foyo. All Rin could do was seethe

>> No.55624440

There's a difference between friendly joking and outright harassment, but I suppose being an autist makes it hard to distinguish between the two.

>> No.55624709

>She's from a conservative family
If that was the case, they'd ban all anime, it's part of that woke and grooming craze.

>> No.55625031

>I'm asexual.
Ok but is Rin Penrose asexual, or is the person playing her asexual?
There's a difference and I'm pretty sure Rin doesn't know it.

>> No.55628200

Funny leech girl
