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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 122 KB, 950x1314, Shiori~n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55565128 No.55565128 [Reply] [Original]

Is it normal to fall in love with a chuuba? I've never felt a romantic feeling to a chuuba before, how should I proceed?

>> No.55565190

It's always the crazy ones.
You're gonna get your heart broken anon.

>> No.55565239
File: 816 KB, 1273x1577, 1687477342179989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love migo but it will be forever unrequited due to my being male

>> No.55565482

Not like it's any different for me, male or female.

>> No.55566451

>how should I proceed
You, watch, member, send supers, buy merch. Maybe even write a letter, just try not to be creepy. Other creative forms of self-expression are good too.

>> No.55566568

Just go trans

>> No.55567487

Don't be parasocial or you'll be hurt so hard in the end that you'll not want to watch anyone ever again.

>> No.55567535

Don’t listen to this fag. Go all in.
It’s better to love and lost than never love at all

>> No.55567587

if its a 2 view or below, whale and groom. any more than that and i'd take a break.

>> No.55569553
File: 91 KB, 680x595, 1690861694195434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Shiorin.
>any more than that and i'd take a break
Easier said than done.

>> No.55569606

Are you into NTR? Because your pic is related

>> No.55569611

do not
The amount of cope and seethe that could be avoided this way is immeasurable

>> No.55569702

oh well, you're in for pain

>> No.55569763

It's normal for unloved losers with nothing to live for, like (You)

>> No.55569824
File: 1.59 MB, 2621x1869, goth-hag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should probably get that check out

>> No.55569878

>falling in love with a virtual chink


>> No.55571630

Genuinely, quit before it goes too far
It's great until it isn't and she burns you and you find yourself still thinking about her literally everyday a year later and you compare every girl, vtuber or irl, to her and you're stuck feeling hurt on top of feeling like a fucking retard for letting something like this bother you so much
It's fucking terrible and not worth the risk
Don't do it

>> No.55571883

>falling in love with an autistic zoomer

>> No.55572079

Speaking from experience? Do tell us more.

>> No.55572171

You sound like a pathetic faggot
Also this

>> No.55572309

Anon, the rule of thumb is to never fall in love or become gosling for popular tubas, you'll end up hurt or worse, ignored

>> No.55572469

well, you can, but you need extremely deep pockets to have any chance.

>> No.55572817

She's been pretty good to her loyal fans in the past. Even the nyakuza is the incarnation of one of them.
I don't watch her so I don't know if she's talked about it though.

>> No.55573283

I genuinely can't fathom why people are doing this for shiori of all chuubas after that disastrous red flag of a debut/first week

>> No.55573678

people are legit stupid and can't be helped.

>> No.55574451

You get psiquiatric help

>> No.55575461

All Asian women are into NTR, you're supposed to beat and rape them into submission.

>> No.55575732

I've been in love with my chuuba for a few years. So far, so good. If she ever graduates and decides to get married it's gonna hurt, but meanwhile I'm not seeing the downside.

>> No.55576769

He was one of her most dedicated fans and also did stuff for the rest of their "family" too. Every time he showed up on stream she would try and talk Japanese to him.

I do wonder if she might try references to other people in the future. I might not be watching much of Shiori because of time differences but from what I've seen she's basically just doing the same stuff she did before, just with a bigger audience.

>> No.55576901

I wish I did the same before I got burned big time. It wasn't a huge name, but I feel bad for pushing things too far because I did enjoy their content and everything else they did for their fans. I really wish I never fell down the parasocial route, because it doesn't just kill you from wanting to watch them, but everyone else too. I can't even watch 1views, it's just not the same.

>> No.55577076

Who's nyakuza?

>> No.55577167

I'm not going on a 3 day vacation. Do your reps.

>> No.55577202

>the most shilled chuuba is the shittiest one of the gen
i have seen that one before

>> No.55577365

I know it's the cat, but is it a reference to her old persona?

>> No.55579856

yeah they tend to have pretty horrific fetishes

>> No.55581339

Is this the blacked thread?

>> No.55583304

I will not give up on Shiorin.
