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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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55537819 No.55537819 [Reply] [Original]

What other explanation is there? Cover isn't Niji and aren't coy about suspensions and terminations. Personal hiatuses, they never announce on official pages and leave it to the talent to announce themselves whenever and however.
>muh timing
As if homo news will have any effect on the new girls whatsoever.
That leaves only one final explanation. Their stuff got fucking robbed in LA, along with their streaming gear and Cover's iphone for their models and probably twitter logins.
It makes too much fucking sense. It's too urgent to not announce but too fucking embarrassing to outright say. And they aren't coming back until they either brick access of the phones remotely or get them back.

>> No.55540532

Just gonna say a certain someone said on stream yesterday that he's going to be streaming a lot more now.

>> No.55540719

don't know, don't care, i am happy about homobeggars seething tho.

>> No.55540755

Nice rrat; too bad that Magni's roommate is streaming just fine.

>> No.55540802


>> No.55540868

don't care and i hope they don't come back so shiori can't collab with them

>> No.55541122

>a fucking month to brick the phones
okay lmfao

>> No.55541485

this, magni is not dead or in jail or in a hospital and literally resuming RM seemingly full time soon.

A rrat from a few weeks ago I fancied was maybe they were striking in solidarity with the Hollywood shit (even though they are not really actors they both have big egos and might think they count) - but if he is gonna be streaming now before the strike is over, no I think that is ruled out too now.

People seem confident now it was related to that tachibana music producer guy maybe being leaky but that really does not rule out the possibility that magni/vesper leaked to him to begin with and tachibana himself being a cringe leaked doesn't undo these guys giving him info. Second hand leak is still a leak.

>> No.55541593

The models are attached to the app, not their work phones, that's why you had stuff like Laplus accidentally leaking Botan's sheep hat or Council's April Fools when they all used each others models. If they were robbed there's no reason for Cover to not give them a replacement iphone and in the retarded scenario that they for some reason brought all their streaming equipment to fuck knows nowhere is actually true (which is insanely unlikely) they still have enough money to buy a cheap laptop so they can do zatsus and not fucking miss their gen anniversary. But go on, keep coping sister.

>> No.55542776

Bro you're a fucking buffoon

>> No.55543493

The cope of the unicucks is delicious.
I am sure this time they will announce the termination for real, realsies the day of tomorrow.

>> No.55544598

Literally robbed of their virginities, by me of course. Now they can't get married.

>> No.55544710

I could totally see a corp pulling "You lost your stuff? Don't care you got mugged, you're fired for losing company property and potentially exposing sensitive data."

>> No.55545096

enjoying all the vesper and magni streams lately? they're sure come back and owned everyone already and surely there's no risk in eating shit later by counting chickens before they hatch.

>> No.55545969

The iphone isn't Cover's property. It's given to the talent.

>> No.55547113

More like Cover was robbed.
sisters, these 2 guys are gone. at least the fans of one of them can take solace that he'll be going back to his previous occupation full time.

>> No.55547848

Just so strange that we've gotten no info at all since the initial announcement.

>> No.55548079

I can see it being related to the Tachibana guy. If they were investigating the two of them for leaking to him it'd explain the silence, since they wouldn't want to make a statement one way or another until they were sure about it.
If he's now resuming RM activities full-time it does suggest that they've reached a (likely unfavourable) conclusion recently. Might be a bit before we hear anything officially, since Advent is still riding debut hype and they wouldn't want to disrupt that with drama.

>> No.55548302

Uncertain about Magni but I'm like 90% sure it's legal issues related to Vespers redesign, because his original design was replaced after his original artist ghosted and Cover had to get a new artist. Sounds like the original artist (or their estate) is suing to get Cover to honor the contract and in the meantime Vesper has to be shelved to avoid incurring liability and royalty fees. I think it will be resolved eventually but the possibility exists that he may even need to be graduated and totally reborn if an agreement cannot be reached.

>> No.55548309

I'd guess it's either that an investigation was taking place, or they didn't want to disrupt Advent debuts, or both at the same time.
Tempus is small compared to the main Hololive EN branch, yes, but sharing the same name means that any drama will inevitably implicate the girls somehow. You'd probably have some fucking morons spamming in the chats of Advent girls asking about Vesper and Magni if they announced anything around their debut timings. It makes far more sense to delay any announcement, since the Tempus fanbase is small and you don't want to risk that vocal minority damaging debuts in the main branch.

>> No.55548432

i guess he was right about Copium

>> No.55548444

>buy a cheap laptop so they can do zatsus
or a phone to do xitter spaces

>> No.55548464

Does the original artist still possess rights to the design even after getting paid by Cover? You'd think they'd try to avoid that, since it'd be a contractual nightmare, but admittedly I'm not clear on how things are typically done here

>> No.55548547

Given that Magni's RM is alive and kicking he could clearly stream if he was allowed to, it's not like he doesn't have access to a streaming setup, so it's clearly something else

>> No.55548579

>Does the original artist still possess rights to the design even after getting paid by Cover? You'd think they'd try to avoid that
I'm not certain but I've heard Cover usually does royalties where the artist gets a certain amount of the vTubers income. This is done to ensure the artist sticks around and is available for updates, new outfits, etc.

>> No.55548758

>their laptops got stolen
This is literally the same excuse as their models got accidentally deleted. That doesnt make any sense

>> No.55548852

Oh that's really interesting. It certainly would explain why the consensus amongst illustrators is that getting to design a Hololive vTuber is the holy grail and means that you're set. I guess the downside is that it's legally messy, which might be what we're witnessing right now.
That being said, this still doesn't account for Magni's disappearance, so who knows wtf is going on

>> No.55548905

dog ate my homework, please understand

>> No.55548965

This isn't the writing general. Also Sora, Miko and AZKi all had an artist change and nothing happened with them so why the hell a legal battle would happen with Vesper's case?

>> No.55550157

So you can get the job, quit, and walk away with a free brand new phone? Nice.

>> No.55550174

Assuming cover commissioned it you’d think full rights come as part of that, only exception would be Suisei in that she designed herself before becoming a Holo, and Japanese law won’t allow her to completely give up the rights to the character.

>> No.55550182

You fags believe their Live2D models are linked to their iPhone's IMEI or something?

>> No.55550289

>Their stuff got fucking robbed in LA, along with their streaming gear and Cover's iphone for their models and probably twitter logins.
>Cover's iphone for their models
Bruh, it's just an app.

>> No.55550331

It's fucking over

>> No.55550659
File: 159 KB, 749x661, cope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UniCHADS got 5 highly entertaining and extremely cute chubas with EN3. What have you obnoxious cunts got? Keep coping like your god koefficient.

>> No.55551675 [DELETED] 

I heard japan has messy laws about "the right to edit" so they could own the rights to design but not allowed to change it.

>> No.55552701

I mean he’s not wrong that even if they do come back from this the speculation was always going to be that they’re graduating or terminated.

>> No.55552998


The faggot is one of the countless leeches who constantly try to use Hololive to farm views and likes. I don't know why you even bothered to bring him up, considering his lack of relevance.

>> No.55553440

They are under investigation and possibly getting fired for leaking shits to dramafags
Or maybe they just couldn't come to agreement with Cover on contracts - thought they were bigger than they actually are and Jap refused to budge. Cover might be telling them to take a month or so to decide if they'd like to sign the contract

>> No.55553575

Fame got to their head.

>> No.55553609

If you can get through the recruitment process, sure. It's not like Cover is the only company providing their employees equipments.
I still remember getting a brand new Dell laptop from my 2nd (or perhaps 3rd) job. Left with it around a year and half later and I don't think anyone complained or asked me to return it (if anyone did, they definitely didn't reach out to me or my acquaintances in the company to ask for it)

>> No.55556393

vesper sir commit best robbari on magni anus

>> No.55556551

All I am going to say is whichever way this pans out I expect to see a grudgepost at least as impressive as the FUWAMOCO one for all the fucking threads we have had about this.

>> No.55557406

Magni and Vesper were in talk with Tachibana for upcoming projects, Tachibana broke NDA and got found out, Cover cancelled a bunch of Tempus projects and is currently sueing Tachibana while putting the related talents on break as is customary. It’s not hard to figure out.

>> No.55559731

>is currently sueing Tachibana while putting the related talents on break as is customary
You're confusing Hololive with Nijisanji

>> No.55560082

>don't care and i hope they don't come back so shiori can't collab with them
That's ok, she'll be prioritizing collabing with the NijiEN males anyway to help promote unity.

>> No.55560138

My mom kept her old 'work' phone after she swapped jobs and my brother kept his computer monitors and peripherals after his. You'd be surprised how little companies care about getting used stuff returned. They'd rather give a new employee new stuff, I assume to not seem cheap.

>> No.55560186

>Cover isn't Niji and aren't coy about suspensions and terminations
Why are you being both a sister and a bootlicker for the branch that is hated both inside and outside? Your corporate priorities don't even favor your male branch and also most of the fans of the main branch hate the homos too

>> No.55560240

Ok then why did that woman close to magni nuke her twitter account?

>> No.55560283

I don't really give a fuck one way or the other as I don't watch Magni or Vesper, but is it not most likely a contract negotiation thing? I always kinda figured the lack of reason was just because a deal was being worked on or some shit.

>> No.55560730

Seeing the Mori clique getting crippled because half of its members are terminated would be icing on the cake.

>> No.55562755

Unless they only sign their contracts a few weeks before debut then no because they were hired around May of last year, so by the time Cover announced the not-suspension the contract renewal already happened otherwise they would've announced their graduations a month before their anniversary like how it happened with Sana.

>> No.55562843

>A rrat from a few weeks ago I fancied was maybe they were striking in solidarity with the Hollywood shit
Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.55563127

I wouldn't be surprised if they aren't fired but aren't getting paid either since they aren't doing any work. It's like they got an unpaid vacation.

>> No.55564265

RIP Pako

>> No.55564461

As a Novellite, dude....my girl is in a very different category from the other 4. I'm taking the risk because I can afford to.

>> No.55564786

Shiori is a NTR enthusiast she will collab with froot's boyfriend the latino dude i forgot the name.

>> No.55565500


>> No.55566016

you are painfully liberal leftwing, go back to t your troon discord or /lgbtq+/ faggot.

>> No.55566192

So all of this was for nothing?

>> No.55566642

Well, if Ves is getting the boot with him that sucks. I really enjoyed his stuff.

>> No.55566847

this is the funniest rrat in this thread if only for the sheer level of he doesn't know it gives off
vesper's original artist passed in 2022

>> No.55567175

not really. he changed, did you even watch him?

>> No.55567219

are you sure they really are dead?
it's kinda concerning since the the twitter activity stopped at some point after tempus 1 debuted.

>> No.55568981

Honestly, not the last couple streams, too busy with other stuff. What happened?

>> No.55572196

Kill yourself corpo apologist
If i said why the corpos are like this youd call me a /pol/tard

>> No.55572582

You are a hormone cosuming troon, that gets off at the idea of your american neo Marxism, go back to your discord/reddit where you came from. Imagine signing an NDA contract and breaking it for clout among your fuckingg internet club of incels seething at actualy succesfull people, trying to leech of from hololive, don't you have schools to go and molest and indoctrinate children? leave vtuber thing out of your life, tourist.

>> No.55572608

It's gonna fucking suck when nothing happens and they just come back, it just seems like they're not gonna get fired or anything like that at all at this point

>> No.55572966

Imagine sucking corpo dick so hard you sperg out this hard when someone points out how its kind of shitty how some kike can just snap his fingers and ruin someones livelihood due to legal overreach

>> No.55573499

i just feel like if they were going to get fired, we would already know at this point. cover is usually pretty quick and decisive with that stuff. how long was the rushia termination after the leaks were discovered? seriously

>> No.55573927

>Just gonna say a certain someone said on stream yesterday that he's going to be streaming a lot more now.
Magni really isn't hiding anything and whatever is going on doesn't seem like it will end anytime soon. This might not be much compared to hololive talents with their 3 month radio silent "health breaks" but is highly unusual for holostars. Cover rarely gives long suspensions to guys and makes even less sense that it happened right after they got redesigns.

>> No.55574172

>"yeah guys you're not going to believe what happened"
>"anyways we can't tell you"
>"tomorrow I will be streaming 10 hours of a roguelike"
>audience cheers

>> No.55574597

This is exactly what I imagine will happen
Glad I dropped Tempus ever since that Vesper JP trip retardation

>> No.55575558

If they ever come back, how would they even handle it? I think it'd be more awkward to forcefully stay silent while streaming again as if nothing happened than just pulling the trigger and graduating them.

>> No.55575608

See >>55574172

>> No.55575744

>how some kike can just snap his fingers and ruin someones livelihood due to legal overreach

They likely broke company's NDA by leaking drama channels information about the internal workings of the company, stop fucking coping and bending reality to your fucking headcannon.

>> No.55575841

Can confirm, am the latino dude.

>> No.55575938

Your cope is terminal, OP. You're a goner.

>> No.55575942

They are gonna be passive agressive about it and the old fag will fuck up again.

I think this is better vesper can do much more damage if he is left in tempus, more drama for tempus, more antis, more restrictions.

>> No.55576008

>its okay to ruin someones life they agreed to it so they deserve it!
Nice reading comprehension, almost like i said "legal overreach" for a reason. Oh wait you suck corpo dick there's no such thing as too much power for them to hold with how you niggers act

>> No.55576350

>you guys both take a month+ off your careers so we can sue an irrelevant freelance contractor, something that will takes months or possibly years to resolve

This isn't Nijisanji.

>> No.55576446

On second thought, let's go ahead and give him tenure.

>> No.55577377

Very unlikely it's related to tachibana music.
magni/vesper went hiatus or whatever it is on july 10.

futakuchi mana didn't name drop tachibana music until july 13. up until then was subtweets.

the public call out didn't happen until july 13th and tachibana was confirmed working with bettel on a cover sooner than that which hasn't been released yuet, and both niji and holostars followed him on twitter, all the way until he ran and deleted his social media. if holo caught on to something before, almost surely they would be distancing themselves away, unfollowing him on twitter and avoiding all interaction.
