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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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55331345 No.55331345 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.55331449

No, you're not even cute and your voice is nowhere near as sex

>> No.55331478

I was never a kronii but I already did come home to her

>> No.55331514

Kronii refugees stay home dont come near nerissa

>> No.55331529


>> No.55331563

>Kiara but more pleasant sounding

>> No.55331577

Which is it /vt/? I've seen claims that she will mog:
>Fauna (mommyfags/nee-san enjoyers)
>Kronii (deep voice + big tits)
>IRyS (singing)
>Mori (white girl who curses a lot)

>> No.55331588

>Can sing
>Is taller
>less of a narcissistic cunt
>sexier voice
>Better design

Holy fuck Nerissa you didn't need to mog her this hard.

>> No.55331632


>> No.55331658

Her voice sounds better and she has a more refined personality, but she's way more boring than Kronii.

>> No.55331722

She already mogs all 4 except Fauna in the long term I predict.

>> No.55332077

>voice is nowhere near as sex|

Kronii sounds like a dead soulless fish that's trying to hide their actually a man pulling a female voice. Nerissa sounds like an actual woman.

>> No.55332137
File: 468 KB, 268x342, Nerissa Oh Fuck Yeah, Oh Yeah[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fyt2ov7.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55332187

It's not just in comparison to Kronii. She's just boring straight up. She's like a pretty gem. Nice to look at for a minute, then you put it away forever. Her singing similarly is pleasant to listen to, but safe and formulaic. I'll die on this hill that that's how people will see her a year from now.

>> No.55332227


>> No.55332281

Kronii is THE holo everyone talks about when it comes to being boring. Her streams are a fucking snoozefest. 0 personality whatsoever. And she sounds like a troon.

>> No.55332394

Nerissa's personality is honestly really boring but at least she acts like she wants to be in Hololive.

Can't say the same for Kronii who thinks her first-world rich Asian girl problems justify acting like a depressed bitch all the time.

>> No.55332410

This is bait

>> No.55332441

>Like Kronii
>Like Nerissa
Now what

>> No.55332661

Sure. I can accept that. I think the same of Nerissa. The package is really nice right now when everything is fresh. Her singing is technically great and she can hit all the notes that triggers physiological reactions that get people to like her at first glance. I think once the audience gets used to her singing, just like how people got used to Kronii's voice at debut, there's nothing beyond that.

>> No.55332887

Mindbroken cuck kronie

>> No.55333212

Fauna's zatsu game is unbeatable, so she lives.
Nerissa will mog Kronii with no survivors just because Nerissa isn't a retard and knows what she's getting into.
Irys will do well, but Nerissa is going to sexbait and oneesan bait.
Mori will live on in her music, somehow, but she's going to lose to music + IDOL CULTURE.

>> No.55335575

She doesn't have any of Mori's dorky tomboy charm and her taste in music isn't edgy enough to compensate, so it's a hard pass for me.

>> No.55335742
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>> No.55336232

go back in your shithole thread kronie

>> No.55336433

No, fuck off Nerissa is nothing like Kronii and we don't want any of the Kronies coming over. They need to stay in their discord chat containment thread.

>> No.55336548

holy mindbroken

>> No.55336846

>first-world rich Asian girl problems justify acting like a depressed bitch
Fuckin Boba Liberals are the worst.

>> No.55337024

sorry but i like shiori more. her giggles shot straight to my heart while yours sound like kiara which is horrible to the ears

>> No.55337138

the amount of seething here y'all really THAT obsessed with kronii huh? taking hours off your day seething about her funny that's how she stays relevant instead of being forgotten

>> No.55337343

>not being miserable 24/7
>not being a troon lover
Ya know, that too.

>> No.55337544
File: 3.03 MB, 2480x1405, Kiara_mouspad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara without sovl

>> No.55338066

I've noticed a lot of Kronii wife posting in the catalog since EN3 kek. They know it's over.

>> No.55340871

Honestly I was sold on her when she shaked her boobs just to tease her chat, later when she was playing a game and needed to make room for the gameplay she almost moved her avatar out of the image too much and chat complained the boobs were out of frame she actually moved herself back and apologized.
Her whole no underwear kayfabe and her yuri teasing with Bijou.
Holy shit a girl that actually likes to play along and give her audience what it wants?
I'm in.

>> No.55341072

Who the fuck wants kronies in their fanbase?

>> No.55342562

Now this is a based take

>> No.55342642

shiori maybe
