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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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55275862 No.55275862 [Reply] [Original]

>gets away with malecollabing

>> No.55276118

It's cause catalog shitposters are actually Hoomans.

>> No.55276978 [DELETED] 

I’m pretty sure she is le wholesome rural christian girl so no cock sucking would happen

>> No.55278279

the difference was she didn't make a big deal about doing it. it just happened the one time and that was that. bonus points to her as she didn't actually know beforehand that it was going to be a malecollab

>> No.55279436

sounds like a cope to me

>> No.55279584

Sounds like you need to watch streams

>> No.55279775

>lays a half jap egg
Got away with it all

>> No.55279863

Sounds like you just have double standards for you oshi

>> No.55279933

Fuck off catalognigger

>> No.55280080


>> No.55280214

All of the shitposters on this board are EOPs who don't watch streams
So the fact the collab didn't happen on her channel AND happened during JP primetime in japanese means they aren't even aware it exist

>> No.55280265

I accept your concession.

>> No.55280453

yeah she also got away with marrying me and you guys didn't notice so

>> No.55280561

lmao wait till she's pregnant with me you're gonna look so fucking stupid

>> No.55281009
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And yet you still here, crying on double standard.

>> No.55281013

She already served her year of probation for first time offenders
Bae talked her into it and she realized it wasn't something she enjoyed

>> No.55281129 [DELETED] 

Guys please I beg you. Stop replying to these threads WHY DO YOU EVEN BOTHER.



>> No.55281426

>she realized it wasn't something she enjoyed
Was she public about it?

>> No.55281436 [DELETED] 

but its fun to play with catalogueniggers

>> No.55281490

I regularly malecollab with your dad, and he thinks I make a better son.

>> No.55281758

Do you at least sage your replies?

>> No.55281795

how are you typing this, son? Mumei and I haven't conceived you yet?

>> No.55282008

There are no other threads other than this garbage or generals

>> No.55282016

Mumei needs to check her contract again. It very clearly states that before or after male collabs, all talents must tell their fans they're pieces of shit and that they need to just do whatever the talent says she wants to do (but also don't stop supporting her you piece of shit :D)

>> No.55282361

Why not post in a general? Surely you actually watch and enjoy at least one of the chuubas who has one?

>> No.55282492

We got wifi in heaven's lobby waiting for response. Btw you're getting twins, congrats. Maybe this time my father won't leave to get milk

>> No.55282684


>> No.55282840

Getting away implies it was her idea instead of something she was literally forced into.
And anyone who watched streams would know this. You're not supposed to troll outside of /b/.

>> No.55282915

I do, but thats really all you can do at this point

>> No.55283066
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i'm thinking she had a pretty good time

>> No.55283222

i am sorry

>> No.55283239

such a good time that she never spoke to any of them ever again and has avoided their english counterparts like the plague?

>> No.55283391

before a collab all of them get inside a discord and agree to it. they also decide the game
cope harder

>> No.55283426

Didn't Bae get away as well?

>> No.55283443

CGDCT is not idol culture.

>> No.55283444

>she realized it wasn't something she enjoyed
I have never seen proof of this.

>> No.55283552

>avoided their english counterparts like the plague
I bet she's talking to them on Discord right now thanking them for the birthday wishes.

>> No.55283617

ok? so she didn't know they were coming, they showed up and she's just supposed to say "fuck you, i'm out of here" while making bae look bad? bae sort of fucked her so she had to do it, if she wanted to do holostars collabs, it's really fucking weird that she started avoiding them after that

>> No.55283741

keep fantasizing homobeggar, tempus has been thoroughly BTFO, there are virtually no collabs between en hololive and holsotars anymore, cry about it faggot

>> No.55283982

i knew those brown sluts were a bad influence

>> No.55284076

Hasn't collabed with them since.

>> No.55284172

it's cool bro, this was a year and a half ago i think? and she's avoided holostars entirely ever since, she learned her lesson so she's cool, which is why most unicorns are still cool with mumei, she learned her lesson and was redeemed

>> No.55284178


>> No.55284283

Holy fuck I've seen this exact thread dozens of times why do you guys keep having the same back and forth every time

>> No.55284483

Shiori cucks are out in full force i see….

>> No.55284664

Because they're full of the same exact posts every single thread.

>> No.55284792

>She learned her lesson
You motherfuckers who have replied this shit in these threads are dangerous sociopaths that need to be removed from life

>> No.55284823

Contrary to schizo opinion, collabs with males do not equate to triple penetration.

>> No.55284897
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Um... Anon...

>> No.55284913

First time offender and not repeat crimin like others

>> No.55284944

How is it that all the males I see them collab with are betas who let the girls walk all over them

>> No.55284966

Mumei is Canadian.

>> No.55285062

this world would be so much better if unicorns just neck themself

>> No.55285072 [DELETED] 

I feel sorry for the hooman for he does not know.

>> No.55285178 [DELETED] 

Cope nigglet

>> No.55285387


>> No.55285632
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>>gets away with femalecollabing

>> No.55285797

>she learned her lesson
You retards are so fucking evil. Hope to god you never get in a relationship with anyone!

>> No.55285868

What the fuck??? How dare they????

>> No.55286099
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>> No.55286299


You retards understand this is bait right? How new.

>> No.55286481

Did I know???

>> No.55286509

>unironic frog poster
I rest my case.

>> No.55286536

when and where was this collab?

>> No.55286557

>he doesn't know

>> No.55286589

Holy fuck, next you gonna post your wojak here you predittor???

>> No.55286739

what's wrong, gonna cry?

>> No.55286809

Unicorns were /r9k/ incels all along. Color me flabbergasted.

>> No.55286879

Cmon, post wojak

>> No.55287140


>> No.55287194

Love me owl
Fuck you nijicuck

>> No.55287408

almost like the problem isnt the male collabs themselves but their behaviors

>> No.55287647
File: 6 KB, 240x210, 1672475826818477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You weren't supposed to remember that

>> No.55288599

Your parents probably never taught you how to own up to your actions and being responsible. I bet you blame everyone else if any mishaps happen in your life just like you blame Mumei's friends

>> No.55289303 [SPOILER] 
File: 341 KB, 1080x723, 1685383138427595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that she doesn't mention them on stream despite totally talking with them on discord is so rude though! What a bitch!

>> No.55291993


>> No.55292041

Towa is a woman

>> No.55292341

The key to getting away with male collabs is to completely ignore them on stream and never collab with them again kek

>> No.55292375

Everyone could tell that she was genuinely too autistic for it to matter. Kronii on the other hand...

>> No.55294106
File: 623 KB, 1920x1080, 【MUMEI'S BIRTHDAY】Karaoke with GUESTS !!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just enjoy

>> No.55294271

>The key to getting away with male collabs is to not be a Holo JP/EN girl

>> No.55294486

He doesn't know..

>> No.55294560 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.55294680
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This isnt council

>> No.55295067

>unicorns enjoying their CGFCT
>bicorn maggots come in gun blazing and demanding change and male pandering after their newest victim nijiZh crash and burn
Wonder who's the anti here.

>> No.55295605

cute girls fucking cute things?

>> No.55296084

>>unicorns enjoying their CGFCT
Okay. But what about the girls though? Do you care about what they want?

>> No.55300012

good for her

>> No.55301020
File: 81 KB, 240x240, 1690639896131117.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sticks by her fanbase

>> No.55301456

I mean this was the time when en management was run by retards who saw niji temporary success so they were thinking tempiss what we actually wanted.

You think Mumei would really say no if her manager and her friends were pushing male collabs?

>> No.55302455

Computer aided Graphics Forced Cock Torture

>> No.55304537

Vesper is on record for saying that Tempus doesn’t talk to Mumei.

>> No.55304630

She'll be back

>> No.55305173

Look man if someone accidentally hits a cat on the road and apologizes and never does it again I won't call them a cat murderer.
It's a honest mistake.
But if someone goes out of their way to find stray cats to murder them then hell yeah I will call them a sick fuck cat murderer piece of shit.
And if that person even defends their actions and tries to make a moral high grounds out of murdering cats they are actually an even bigger piece of shit.
No one ever cared and no one cares and no one will ever care about this because Mumei obviously realized it was a mistake and didn't double down on it.
The other girls drew all the attention and everyone sort of forgot and didn't even notice Mumei.
Going back and saying hey look she did that thing and you missed it now is very petty and sad. Keep trying to get e everyone mad and to hate her forever but people will never give a fuck.

>> No.55305176
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>mooms birthday
>bait threads on the rise

>> No.55307155


>> No.55307190
File: 228 KB, 760x376, 1662143243501138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mumei isn't my oshi, im not a whore to betray mine

>> No.55307235

>Anon wants people to be upset with this

>> No.55307306

Perks of being nice to your fans.

>> No.55307336

It's been a long time since that one stream, but IIRC she barely even talked and mostly was just making shitpost drawings like Ollie impaling herself on her own sword

>> No.55307348

They can do whatever they want. Unicorns are less than 1% of their audience.

Don't ever confused noise on 4chan for the real world. Nothing that happens here matters. Ever.

>> No.55307466

Anon, if the employees did whatever they wanted, they would just ask to get paid without working for it or they would be hostile torwards the customers, we are seeing kurosanji burn and collapse in real time and you still believe the holo way of doing things is wrong

>> No.55307539
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How is holojp just doing it without the incels here going mad with seething impotent rage?

>> No.55307661

You aren't entitled to other people's money, sister.

>> No.55307928
File: 7 KB, 227x222, 13243e52342345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55308111

fucking retard using Fubuki to make his point...
lurk more faggot

>> No.55308129

Jup, that’s right If your oshi collabs with males I will still call her a whore and you a cuck

>> No.55308177

>meanwhile nijiEN slowly sinks in the depths of the mariana's trench

>> No.55308391

I wish i was this ignorant. YWNBAW nigger, there is a reason the pillars of holo are where they are. Let me know when a whore get to peko or gura level tyvm.

>> No.55308448
File: 102 KB, 1000x1000, 1677349045313701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon how the fuck are you comparing friendly interactions between men and women, and murdering cats

>> No.55308519

>gets away *from* malecollabing

>> No.55308895

she is a professional

>> No.55308935

Fubuki is already abandoned
