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File: 382 KB, 1080x2125, Mori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55253640 No.55253640 [Reply] [Original]

Takamori status...

>> No.55254083

Dead since 2021

>> No.55254302

Kiaras done with that bitch she gets bird pussy now from her kohai

>> No.55254538

Takamori didn't even last 1 year bro. Cuckbeats harassed the shit out of Kiara to the point Mori herself had to intervene and tell em to fuck off.

>> No.55254638

They LITERALLY just went on a date less than 2 weeks ago to celebrate Kiara's actual b-day lacking-object-permanence-chamas.....
When will you retards accept TakaMori is unkillable and that they're allowed to interact with other people?

>> No.55255071

who? the new bird kohai that she rejected? because the owl kohai is bussy with her relationship with the rrat.

>> No.55255206
File: 748 KB, 1920x934, Takamori sex stream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, Calli has a bit of a "surprise" planned for Kiara

>> No.55255360

OP doesn't watch streams.

>> No.55256714


Lame bait, 3/10. Next.

>> No.55257149

It's funny how you basically give yourself a UserID every single time you post, literally no one else on this board thought "cuckbeat" was funny a week past the lean incident. I don't even like Mori, but you losing your mind for over 2 years now is just getting sad

>> No.55257297

You can still be friends after a divorce arc, friend. Takamori is better off as friends.

>> No.55257366

It's ok, Kiara has Nerissa for anytime bootycalls. Kronii is Mori's rebound. Yes I know this is all kayfabe don't @ me but it's still kind of amusing.

>> No.55257389

takamori was never a thing no matter how much Kiara wanted it to be

>> No.55257474

Like what she did to Gura?

>> No.55257557

>only a week
lol nice attempt at rewriting history

>> No.55257607

Kronii is easily corruptible unlike Kiara so a better use of her time

>> No.55257611

How does council keep getting away with it bros?

>> No.55257617

Cuckbeat central in this botch

>> No.55257834
File: 460 KB, 1092x537, e5894d4cb5ac5aa5f19b11e76ab3c29383ffaae5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They hung out
That's it? Pathetic.

>> No.55257866

Least creepy /u/schizo fantasy

>> No.55258097

This, in the first couple weeks it was not easy to tell if Mori was just putting on a tsundere act and being autistic for making a funny show if it, or if she was actually that scornful of it for real - we now know the latter autistic shouting in response matches up well with her insecure middleschooler type mentality. She never wanted to play along on fear that anyone might actually believe it and not just treat it as a kayfabe Yuri ship. Then again EN fans often seemed to not fucking understand tete at fucking all, and thought it was some actual LGBT shit going on and not just a cute convenient way for Holos to make friends and have ready/willing collab partners for stuff. Being flirty and sexually aggressive, but with a girl, also avoids the whole cucking the audience type feeling. Yuri ships are a proxy for sexy talk/interactions in a meta where dudes don't exist, or at least that is what tete serves for holoJP.

>> No.55258872

>Then again EN fans often seemed to not fucking understand tete at fucking all, and thought it was some actual LGBT shit going on and not just a cute convenient way for Holos to make friends and have ready/willing collab partners for stuff
So she was right then?

>> No.55258942

>>They hung out
>That's it? Pathetic.
Anon they've been booty butt naked with each other on several occasions
A little flirting from Reine "can't score" Pavolia doesn't really compare

>> No.55258995

That's like not the best castillian translation I've seen, like who uses tú?

>> No.55259506

Sort of, but some things like Gurame were and are still liked as pairs. Not because they talk dirty to each other or anything, Ame actually freezes up autistically if a girl gets spicy with her. Gurame are good just because they have good chemistry as collab partners. They are a pair not because they are aggressively flirty but they just vibe on each other so people like Gurame as a thing.

As it so happens Kiara/Mori were not particularly great together on stream, because Mori made it irritating on purpose not wanting to play ball + Kiara was stubborn trying to force Mori to crack, making them just not good material to watch together. It wasn't fun to watch one girl force it and the other just say no over and over so the pairing died off completely.

They could have maybe made it work if Kiara played herself as a heel on purpose, like if she was Johnny Bravo with Mori being the girls constantly rejecting/tasing him. But Kiara is too proud to let herself be the butt of "she never scored" type jokes so it just did not work in any form at all.

>> No.55260269

>As it so happens Kiara/Mori were not particularly great together on stream, because Mori made it irritating on purpose not wanting to play ball + Kiara was stubborn trying to force Mori to crack, making them just not good material to watch together. It wasn't fun to watch one girl force it and the other just say no over and over so the pairing died off completely.
I don't think you've watched a TakaMori stream since like 2020 if genuinely think this
Cause not only do Kiara and Mori have some of the best on-screen chemistry in the whole company but they act just like an elderly couple now
Like I agree with you that the "Tsundere/Dere" act they used do in 2020 was awkward and forced but they killed shit completely in 2021 and just act like their normal selves now and it's so much fucking better
That idea that you think the pairing is actually dead right now is baffling to me cause it's never been stronger with more defined and natural dynamic between the two
