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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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55093871 No.55093871 [Reply] [Original]

Karaoke battle...

>> No.55094116

At the very least Shiori has much, much better taste in music

>> No.55094161

Jesus, I bet the debut rule had not been implemented they would have overlapped all over them

>> No.55094200

Why Mori why???

>> No.55094381

Mori is getting mogged anyway, everyone will tune in for a first karaoke even if Shiori can't sing (I know I will too).
So who give a shit.

>> No.55094453

Is she sovl at least?

>> No.55094457

Will Shiori sing Mr. Brightside for the luls?

>> No.55094458

It's almost funny to see stuff like this and with Gura. I guess Myth is making them work for it.

>> No.55094474

LMAO get fucked Mori
5k vs 50k

>> No.55094516

I'm going to guess Calli's is going to be archived seeing as she's announcing her next song collab

>> No.55094583

Mori is objectively become the second best singer in Myth/Council after IRyS. You guys may not watch her, but she is actually pretty decent thanks to those lessons

>> No.55094655
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She should come out to play as well.

>> No.55094709

hahahahahahahahaha no

>> No.55094781

Niji defle.... Holy shit Israel!

>> No.55094826

Bae is definitely better than Mori but Mori is up there, I'd put her around Kiaras level if not slightly higher

>> No.55094900

Imagine being a better singer than Mori yet Mori got scouted and keep getting picked over people like gura and irys for opportunities time and time lmao. That's gotta sting so badly and unmotivate the fuck out of you.

>> No.55094949

Because Mori is to much of a coward to take Gura head on.
Look at the Pizza stream.

>> No.55095024

Inb4 they do a duel like blue homo and Ame did.

>> No.55095039

UMJ controls her MV upload schedule and she can't move it. She has complained about this quiet a bit since she knows releasing MVs son close together is bad for views.

>> No.55095054

Mori isn't getting these opportunities because she's a better singer she's getting them because she has clout and is ambitious. People like Gura, IRyS, and Mumei who are all better singers just don't seek it out like Mori does

>> No.55095063

Mori doesn't acknowledge Gura even exists and hates her guts. She got the last laugh and now ignores her. She won't even say her name.

>> No.55095111
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>> No.55095166

I'd agree but only since she writes her own lyrics which in my book make her a better singer/musician

>> No.55095217

Makes sense I couldn't imagine having an oshi like Gura who has done nothing since debut to improve and she's the same. I'm gonna puke,

>> No.55095224

>Le holo vs holo
Smells like Nijisanji right now.

>> No.55095232

Well, the best is between Nerissa and IRyS. For recorded songs Nerissa moggs because cover is incompetent to make good music.
For live singing though, its gonna be interesting. Will wait for her to sing on Sunday I guess.
And naa, Mori is not better than even Kiara
Holo En ranking for singing
>Kronii(if she picks a good song within her range, she is better than Mori for me)
I am assuming Shiori is already gonna be better than Mori just by looking at the ranking

>> No.55095292 [DELETED] 

Hope connor’s wife loses

>> No.55095376

Right, and Mori has only two talents. Unfortunately she covers them up unless she needs a job.

>> No.55095389

And yet non of them will ever come close to Moris music career. I'd just give up now. Nerissa is nothing but a whore leech who wants an in after her comments

>> No.55095398

You forgot Fauna anon, she goes above IRyS and Nerissa fyi

>> No.55095408

Kiara is way too high man. I like her but her voice is kinda not that great even when singing

>> No.55095422

Look at the numbers dumbfuck

>> No.55095474

Lmao that stung didn't it. People like Gura knows she'll be nothing but a glorified eceleb while Mori is going on live TV and actually making it as an artist. Oof

>> No.55095489

God I wish. Nothing would make me happier than to know the civil war was real and Gura mogged Mori so hard she killed the bone bros. A guy can dream.

>> No.55095510

IRyStocrats have these weird delusions that IRyS is the best singer in EN and its just management's fault why her numbers are bad

>> No.55095512

Mori unarchived too?

>> No.55095522

>No Ame
Shit list, everyone should disregard it

>> No.55095551

Yes what about them?
IRyS'd Archived Karoke got more numbers than Mori,'s unarvhived Karoke. I think this tells who the better singer is if we go by your logic

>> No.55095565

>making it as an artist

>> No.55095613

It's great because Mori got those sweet sweets view's and dipped. She got that last laugh. Go to Guras most viewed video and laugh. That air bnb was too funny. I often go back and laugh at people like you

>> No.55095636

Now this is delusional. Are you high on lean?

>> No.55095646

Yep, Gura can sing but is extremely lazy, thus she doesn't get to sign with anything

>> No.55095704

Look deadbeat, I am not trying to offend you or anything but Mori is just not that good for karoke.
No way she is number 2. You said she is number 2 behind IRyS and people just said you are full of shit. That's it

>> No.55095774

Why do these posts feel like seething 2views latching on to Holos who actually like Mori? Especially Shiori.

>> No.55095852

>IRySfag makes up numbers
Ohh how cute

>> No.55095921

She wants to get mogged live on stream, some kind of humiliation fetish I suppose

>> No.55095970

Anon, no need to worry about offending Deadbeats. They deserve all the bullying they get.

>> No.55095975

You know, I would have posted the le numeros.
But I am just too tired right now
Fan we fo this some other time?

>> No.55096027

>itt another thread where deadbeats live in an alternate reality where Mori's views didn't nosedive off a cliff
You fucks realize it reached a point where she had to address all the desperate numberfagging she was doing onstream because even the reddit crowd noticed?
All this damage control and gaslighting won't accomplish shit now that even the casual viewer is aware.

>> No.55096040

Jesus christ you guys are actually engaging with the larper here. That's why he isn't in splits or global anymore kek.

>> No.55096072

>mfw I spread misinformation om purpose

>> No.55096078

Once the sub purge happens and Mori’s ccv stays around the 3k range I have a feeling team CGDCT will have the last laugh.

>> No.55096101

>on 4chan
>the hater central of the internet.

>> No.55096182

I really mean when I say this, I don't want the Deadbeats to be bullied here. However, I just expect them to not get blinded by delusion.

>> No.55096192

She is fauna tier

>> No.55096196

I look forward to this fight. That said I doubt Shiori is much of a singer, but she'll easily win the numbers game because it's her first time.

>> No.55096201

Gura has made a song in which she ridicules clout chasers like Mori before. She doesn't want fame and you are projecting.

>> No.55096227

Deadbeats live in a perpetual cycle of cope, seethe, attack, hope, and despair. All fallowing one after the other again and again.

>> No.55096296
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>MFW it did happen

>> No.55096302

>apparently, networking = clout chasing
Which wageslave is whining right now?

>> No.55096316

Whore vs Whore

>> No.55096319

I respect your feelings, Anon, but they deserve it. Every bit of hate a Deadbeat gets was earned.

>> No.55096337

>Chumpedos and Irystocrats make a thread and raid it just to shit on Mori and deadbeat
Where have I seen this before?

>> No.55096409

I see no Chumbies or IRyStocrats. I see Mori antis hiding behind Gura and IRyS, who are factually Mori's actual friends.

>> No.55096436

Actual Mori cope. I never thought I’d see the day deadbeats. I’ve never been more happy to know Gura doesn’t give two fucks about numbers and fame.

>> No.55096495

For some reason Deadbeats are obsessed with Chumbuds and IRyStocrats. Often KFPs too. it's sad, but I guess they need targets for the delusions.

>> No.55096538

Go to /ggg/ or /hirys/ and mention Mori. You will see how much they hate her for mugging their oshi

>> No.55096546

Only first time I’ll ever take from her

>> No.55096573

How the fuck does that dispute what I said? If anything it supports it
Fuckin ESL

>> No.55096622

Where did the Reddit crowd notice? In your delusions?

>> No.55096637

Not either one of them but anyone who calls Mori a good singer is delusional. She *improved*. That's the equivalent of polishing a turd. It's still just shiny shit

>> No.55096645

Damn does she really need cash that bad?

>> No.55096679

As a Chumbud and IRyStocrats, I don't even give a shit about your Oshi. Why are you retards so obsessed with us anyway?

>> No.55096694

No, she just deserves it.

>> No.55096768

Gura has bigger numbers, but IRyStocrats? I have no idea why Deadbeats have such a hateboner for you guys.

>> No.55096892

Nice anon, good on you. We will still make fun of you at HLGG.
BTW you haven't posted the video of you drinking your own cum as you promised. Not fair

>> No.55096990

I hate Mori but I hate Shiori more.

>> No.55097090 [DELETED] 

Average Deadbeat.

>> No.55097104

I don't feel anything toward Shiori but I hate Mori.

>> No.55097155

Yeah no wonder you are one of those LGBT+ woke members and an IRyS fan.
No wonder Mori makes you seethe so much

>> No.55097240

Sure think faggot. Now post the video of you drinking your own cum like you promised.
Ohh and btw, IRyS will continue to hang out with Mori, so you can seethe as much as you want

>> No.55097269

Why is this thread so active?

>> No.55097351

>80 Replies
>35 IPs
guess who's self-replying

>> No.55097434

Fallowing? What does agriculture have to do with this? Do they even have agriculture in Jakarta?

>> No.55097498

How does a viewer (who no doubt is probably from here) jokingly saying she's getting consumed by numbers and Mori saying that because it's business they're all on some level forced to care, correlate into her being a numberfag?
This thread seems like a mix of Mori, Gura, Irys, and Shori antis I'm just gonna assume it's an assmad nijifag or phaseshitter

>> No.55097543

>I'm just gonna assume it's an assmad nijifag or phaseshitter
Usually a safe bet

>> No.55097730

False flagging Deadbeats as always.

>> No.55097957

Oh turns out I was right lmao >>55094607

>> No.55098299

I think IRyS is a sweetheart and I love her a lot as she is good friends with Mori, but her fans are like some of the worst people on this board. They seethe so much at even the mention of Mori its hilarious. You all should look at /hirys/ during chadcast or a Mori collab fr.
I don't how she got these mentally I'll people despite being so wholesome

>> No.55098371

If you like Ame/Fauna's karaoke then you'll be able to watch Shiori sing. Also Mori getting constantly mogged is just karma rumao.

>> No.55098408

I assure you, most of those "IRyStocrats" will now be "Jailbirds".

>> No.55098431

If Deadbeats projected harder they'd generate an IMAX picture.

>> No.55098499

We're not the people who created "the Deadbeat Meido" to cope with being laughed out of global.

>> No.55098532
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kek drugs are bad for you anon

>> No.55098560 [DELETED] 

>desperately trying to hide their pocket jannie
lmao we see you, Cuckbeat

>> No.55098579 [DELETED] 

I swear you cuckbeats will hopp on to a thread, post Mori images off topic and then start talking about her. The moment someone retaliated or tells you to fuck off, you niggers start crying.
I am a Hooman and this is now happening in the /who/ thread, so I am with chumbuds and IRyStocrats on this one

>> No.55098586
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>> No.55098681

Nah bruh she's behind IRyS, Gura, Mumei, Bae, and probably Nerissa.

>> No.55098813

>this is now happening in the /who/ thread
I don't see any Mori discussion.

>> No.55098975

man I thought chammers is back..

>> No.55101066

Neither are good

>> No.55101158

yesterday gura was overlapping the dogs too, why are women like this?

>> No.55101424

She should have known looking at what IRyS has to deal with that she would hate losing control of her music

>> No.55101756

Are you a fucking retard or just can't understand basic English?

>> No.55102191

She's terrible. This article explains her singing problem better than what I could

>> No.55102229

Shit. At least it's not noel tier.

>> No.55102450 [DELETED] 

Cuckbeats will cope by saying Mori never needed Hololive to be successful anyway and Shiori can "have this one". Trust me, I have seen how passive-aggressive they can be.

>> No.55102603

Holy ESL

>> No.55103275

>Steph Curry wouldn't be successful if he didn't have the 3 pt shot!

>> No.55103367

Naw, Mori has WAY more control under UMJ than IRyS does with Cover management. She said the only thing she can't control for this EP is the MV release schedule. It really doesn't matter in the end since her stuff sells really well and gets lots of streaming listens, but its still stupid the way they do it.

>> No.55103408

Thats literally Gura when she isn't singing city pop.

>> No.55103410

Who cares? Luca's outfit is going to BTFO both of them.

>> No.55104364

You didn't have to make it this obvious that this thread is full of nijinogs trying to push holo vs holo narratives.

>> No.55105756

no one wins

>> No.55106079

Gura is factually the better singer, better than pretty much all of EN (atleast until we see nerissa can do in an unedited karaoke.

I do get annoyed with her music output though, she’s obviously aware there’s a specific demand in what she sings yet still sings JP idol shit or things that just don’t utilize her singing properly. Like just this past two weeks there’s clips of her singing reaching almost 1M views faster than her actual anime OP. If she ignores that then she’s really killing her own career.

>> No.55106758

why are all EN -ori vtubers bad

>> No.55107871


>> No.55108594

Shiori will mog her. She deserves nothing less. I don't care if mori turned a new leaf and started talking to her chat like they're retarded. Also not related but I hope advent stays away from Mori as much as possible. She's corrupts everyone who will listen to her. Like kronii for example

>> No.55110201


>> No.55111531


>> No.55111973

They can't collab during the collab ban, but how about raid?

>> No.55112081

they both her whores lol, they literally both made jokes based around an interracial fetish, and the incidents weren't even months apart...

>> No.55112140

>its still stupid the way they do it.
mori decided to stream at this time every day, so they just went along with it.

>> No.55112139

mori and shiori belong in vshitshow or zhangisanji

>> No.55112201

>holo v holo bait thread
what's being deflected this time?

>> No.55115067

could be cute

>> No.55115484

Mori's so fucking shameless, holy shit.

>> No.55115677


>> No.55116154

I liked this cover of hers
