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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 140 KB, 1059x940, FyYkjzfaYAAwUSw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55030975 No.55030975 [Reply] [Original]

Anons always seem weary of chuubas who turn out to be Korean, but I don't understand why. Someone please explain.

>> No.55031050

Korean sounds funny

>> No.55031153

I like Ina. And Ari is always dying.

>> No.55031208

Ina is boring

>> No.55031439 [DELETED] 

I hate korean whores cause I am denied of my birthright to bri'ish chuubas by every single fucking nigger corpo hiring korean-canadians.
That is unforgivable.

>> No.55031513

Are we weary or are we wary, which is it

>> No.55031553

Why tf would you want a br*tish chuuba?

>> No.55031622

Wary. Sry, I'm EOP.

>> No.55031657

Because there hasn't been a good Korean chuuba yet because vtuber culture in Korea isn't big (yet).

>> No.55031662

They eat dogs. Do you need any other reason?

>> No.55031708

That would apply to japs too then, no? And yet this board loves japs.

>> No.55031954

The way people are wary of Korean chuubas suggests that they've had bad experiences with them in the past, rather than merely being untested.
Plus, despite VTubing not being big yet in Korea, there are still plenty of ethnically Korean EN chuubas who are still regarded with caution/suspicion on this board.

>> No.55031972

Good koreans
>maybe Ban Hada if she wasn't in niji
I'm guessing someone in V&U must be worth watching as well, but I never tried

>> No.55032108

Feminist cults

>> No.55032152

>Good Korean
Kek. The hate is warranted for this one. I just don't think it has anything to do with being Korean.

>> No.55032224

Care to elaborate?

>> No.55032369

And chinks

>> No.55032613

singing a meme song is warranting what anon?

>> No.55032621

Yuuna is Vietnamese.

>> No.55032661
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i don't care, she is cute

>> No.55032693

Napalm her womb

>> No.55032759
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You must understand: Anything presented is to be taken as a 110% endorsement of the subject. Memes are only ever serious. There are no longer jokes in this world.

>> No.55032786


>> No.55032893

>meme song
Nice cope. I will drop a chuuba for merely making light of NTR in a joking manner, let alone hearing the repulsive lyrics of that godless degenerate song come from her mouth.
If a woman doesn't take loyalty seriously enough to not joke about cucking, then it's only a matter of time before she cucks you for real.

>> No.55033021

Viet or Viet-American? Big difference. Viet-Americans are the most based asians by a landslide. But actual Viets are among the worst.

>> No.55033037
File: 181 KB, 360x342, suiread_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf did I just read? Sounds like how a AI designed by reddit would describe 4chan

>> No.55033085

This one specifically, because she quickly switched to saying "car owner" when she was telling a story about her boyfriend in their car. Dropped her right there and then.

>> No.55033135

you bring up a good argument anon

>> No.55033143

Born in Viet, moved to Texas at like 6 years old.

>> No.55033150

There's no mention of feminism in this article.

>> No.55033241

>defends joking about cuckoldry
and I'M the redditor? sure bud

>> No.55033278
File: 507 KB, 969x1079, 1690765021223662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it wrong for a man to wish for a britbong chuuba that luvs her pint, luvs her mates, 'ates males, 'ates the irish, simple as? I need it.

>> No.55033319

do you have a clip, or know what stream it was from?

>> No.55033350
File: 156 KB, 303x360, suiread_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please tell me this is a bait...

>> No.55033495

He is an anon. And he's tying all that shit and posting it here, the 4chins. The Ai is right.

>> No.55033562

I see, could go either way then. Not as based as an American-born Viet, because what makes them based is that they are descendants of South Vietnamese refugees escaping prosecution from the communist North. That said, her family must be somewhat based to want to move to the U.S., especially Texas in particular. And being so young when she arrived, she was probably Americanized by growing up in our culture.

>> No.55033695

Brits are thoroughly cucked. A bri*ish chuuba can only be as based as an American Democrat, at best. And they're usually far worse.

>> No.55033924

does phase even advertise itself as an idol company, otherwise this sounds kind of deranged

>> No.55033937 [DELETED] 

Not EVERY joke needs to be taken seriously. Joking about niggers and jews for instance, totally fine. Funny even.
But there are some things that are just too sacreligious to make light of, such as cuckoldry or abortion.

>> No.55034035

>airi thread
>not a single pon
i hate this board

>> No.55034056

Fish wants it to be an idol company. But Pippa and Lumi's edginess gets noombers, so he allows it. Nothing good can come of BF yabs tho.

>> No.55034142
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This board hates grifters and people that aren't entertaining which is what you posted

>> No.55034306

"Not entertaining" is fair, but how is Airi a grifter? She's like the least offensive member of Phase to both sides. Probably the only one to never get political at all, not even once.

>> No.55034378

This board is just a BTVM farming board now isn't it?
>Make common joke
>Try to have some opsec and not say how someone is possibly related to you
>Be born anywhere but Canada
>Mention their dad on stream

the fuck isn't cuckholding to you guys?

>> No.55034644
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anon, you're trying to make sense out of schizos on a Srpska Kebab Forum. Everything must be GF(E) or bust for those retards.

>> No.55035016

You'd have to be a retard not to be hyper-vigilant about BF yabs after sooooo many goddamn chuubas have turned out to have confirmed secret BFs.
This is like asking a Vietnam veteran to not glance at the treetops every now and then.

>> No.55035132

Why does she lie about it then?

>> No.55035187

Give me your guide on how to fuck famous internet women.

>> No.55035247

Because of korean radical feminists who infested the entire country thanks to a cult that influenced the government.
All korean women are basically part of the man hating cult by virtue of being female and korean.

>> No.55035404

I'm not deluded enough to think I'd ever fuck them. I just don't want anyone else to fuck them either so I can continue watching them in peace without feeling like I'm being cucked.

>> No.55035414

lmao hang yourself retard. you are a parody of a human being.

>> No.55035426
File: 107 KB, 768x894, the-terror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no the chuuba I'm following turned out to have normal human social life. And the girlfriend experience turned out to be an girlfriend experience and not real...

>> No.55035597

Pretty much this. I recently tried out that game Chrono Ark and found out that the dev fired his main illustrator (girl) because she went on some feminist tirade. They HATE those feminist cunts over there.

>> No.55035697

Wasn't that Project Moon

>> No.55035820

Even if all South Korean women were infested with feminist brainrot because a small cabal of feminist cultists infiltrated the government (and have since been ousted), I still don't see how this could possibly reflect on ethnically Korean women who grew up in America.

>> No.55035900

Asian Americans are obnoxious

>> No.55035950

How so?

>> No.55035977

No, this was like last year already, look up car owner in /pcg/ threads or something.

>> No.55035987

>continue watching them in peace without feeling like I'm being cucked.
So just watching them like normal a normal person. Not be a schizo stalker wanting to control another persons life private life.
really do take your meds retard. that's some fucked up thinking you have...

>> No.55036091

I love Airi's tits

>> No.55036153

To judge Korean women by the state of South Korea today, they're the most conniving frigid gold-diggers on the planet.

>> No.55036210

If you've ever talked to a spoiled Asian college girl they combine the worst parts of whorish feminist empowerment and self pity for their own perceived oppression (being asian and female)

>> No.55036254

It was, feminists are absolutely insane in south korea. Even more so than in the west.

>> No.55036279

The conservative People Power Party favors it, but the democratic wants it regulated and eventually banned.

>> No.55036296

If I wanted to watch a streamer "normally", I'd watch males. They're funnier and more entertaining.
The only reason I watch female chuubas is to simulate the GF experience, because that is all females are good for. The only reason to ever interact with females is for romance and/or sex.

>> No.55036317

holy ESL, but I did get the point across.
You can't be "cucked" because you're not in a relationship with the person.

>> No.55036427

Even explicitly GFE chuubas? If this is how you think, then I hope you call out GFE chuubas for being liars and shitty people who deliberately manipulate their audience.

>> No.55036453
File: 694 KB, 912x893, Suisei_BeANHero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because that is all females are good for
no normal individual say "female" you massive fucking creep. Holy shit seek professional help or just get the rope

>> No.55036506

I suspected you were a seething femanon, but this confirms it.

>> No.55036524

This is probably me judging a group by loud minorities but I'm really repulsed by how they cling on to their blood to try to relate themselves to us when their upbringings are so fundamentally different.
My high school teacher made us write a worksheet on Crazy Rich Asians which was shit and getting exposed to coverage around it made me extremely mad

>> No.55036584

Also notice how you didn't flip your shit at my usage of "male". You're either a hypocritical femoid or a pathetic white knight simp.

>> No.55036606

There is legit no one but an hanful of schizos hating on Mio, and you are one of these SEA sadfucks

>> No.55036611

so true sister, take my upvote

>> No.55036620
File: 25 KB, 300x320, Mostima-mental-illness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, last time I checked there was a normal cuck on me.
Still think you're a massive creep.

>> No.55036747

Retard, learn to fucking read...
I complained about "all females are good for" not the fact that male/female was used.

>> No.55036751

Groom them early.

>> No.55036828

Because they identify as Asian-American, as if Asians are some monolithic entity when the reality is most Asians hate Asians of another country.

>> No.55036909 [DELETED] 
File: 1.63 MB, 4000x2252, 20230802_121746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

projecting SEAnigger BTFO'd

>> No.55036984

>no normal individual say "female" you massive fucking creep
Learn to fucking read your own comment.

>> No.55037182

by the gods anon... You really should just be an hero already.

Now defend the original quote
>because that is all FEMALES are good for

>> No.55037275

I don't have to defend shit. You already lost, so your moving the goalposts.

>> No.55037377
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Love my girlfriend Mio
simple as.

>> No.55037441 [DELETED] 

Korean vtubers can be alright. You have to go all the way to chinks to get the 90% chance of them being subhuman.

>> No.55037522

>Lost, moving goal posts
-I said that there is no way of feeling "cucked" because you're not in a relationship with the person.

-You pointed out that if you wanted to watch "normally" you would watch male vtubers. And that GFE is the only think female streamers are good for

>> No.55037620

Liora seems cool

>> No.55037686

why based ? for sucking the dick of the country that killed and raped millions of vietnamese?

>> No.55037797

>I said that there is no way of feeling "cucked" because you're not in a relationship with the person.
This is just plain wrong. Have you never had a crush on a woman, and felt "cucked" when she started going out with someone else? Maybe you wouldn't use that word, but you definitely felt some type of way.

>> No.55037911
File: 1.40 MB, 360x540, 1689284392320.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Airi

>> No.55037947

When I was 10 yes. But not when I'm an adult.

>> No.55037961

Ayamy is good Korean hag.

>> No.55037971

I love Airi's tits

>> No.55038053 [DELETED] 

Correction: The country that killed millions of subhuman commies who were oppressing their own people. Ignoring "rape", because that's an unsubstantiated claim.
Btw, not endorsing the Vietnam War. We shouldn't waste money and sacrifice American lives to interfere in the affairs of foreign nations that are none of our business. But South Vietnam was objectively more based than North Vietnam, and it's understandable for the South Viets to want our help.

>> No.55038174

So you haven't had a crush since you were 10? Or you somehow feel nothing when this happens with crushes as an adult? Either way, I don't believe you. You are a lying faggot.

>> No.55038276
File: 28 KB, 600x600, pegro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't anti Airi please, her voice is completely fucked up for a long time now

>> No.55038366


>> No.55038410

Did a little digging, and it really doesn't seem that damning? Apparently there were multiple coworkers in the car with her at the time, so she said "car owner" to specify that the coworker she was referring to was the one who was driving the car.

>> No.55038485

What has sexy af Airi done to deserve being the poster child of your bitching anon? The only bad thing about her is she has problems playing platform games like Donkey Kong Country and Megaman.

>> No.55038490

I'm not anti-ing her. I haven't watched her much, but she seems nice. Which is why I was confused at /vt/ hating Koreans.

>> No.55038546

see >>55038490

>> No.55038575
File: 45 KB, 500x500, aya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayame rules this board

>> No.55038624

Everything you said shows you as a victim of americas education program literally everything except the part about america should mind its own bussines

>> No.55038677

I no longer think like a child, and therefor don't feel like I'm being left out or if a girls is choosing someone ells over me.
For streamers I have never hade a crush or close to that. I watch content to take it easy or just laugh.
We both think very differently on this topic, and I'm of the belief that your current way of thinking isn't mentally well. And should seek professional help in resolving. Is mine perfect, fuck no. I wouldn't be on 5kek if I was completely okay in the head.

Thank you for cumming to my KEK Talk

>> No.55038796

I don't care what cucks think, sorry

>> No.55038820


>> No.55038849

They don't hate Koreans. They hate Korean Canadians and Americans

>> No.55038864

What, because I'm not a filthy commie? If you actually knew anything about today's American education system, you would know it did everything it could to make me into a commie-sympathizer. Even on the offchance you are an American, you must be an oldfag with an outdated perception of American education. Our education system hasn't been anti-commie since the 90s at the latest. And really, the 80s.

>> No.55038929

>Brits are thoroughly cucked. A bri*ish chuuba can only be as based as an American Democrat, at best. And they're usually far worse.
You literally just described a korean canadian to a T.

>> No.55038930

Korean woman ruined my life (good thing)

>> No.55039068

To add to what you said, Vietnam is still one of the foreign countries with an extremely favorable opinion of the US. If anyone is sucking dick, it's the native Vietnamese. Also, I would sacrifice the lives of every Vietnamese communist. If you support communism, your life has negative value.
t. US born to Viet refugee parents

>> No.55039183

Fucking based. This is why you're my favorite asians.

>> No.55039205

Why do people became mad when I say I don't like to invest my time and money on things that I don't like or don't pander to me?
I deliberatery watch chuubas that do things I like.
But like any NORMAL PERSON, of course I'll be wary and worried if there are signs that they will start doing things that I don't like.

>> No.55039213

I know in the poorer areas of China they eat dogs, donkey's, cats, and so on but I have no idea about what South Koreans eat. Japanese I know very few of them eat whales and sharks and that unclean poisonous fish that needs an expert chef with years of training so the customers don't end up very sick or dying.

To be fair don't white folks make blood soups, eat horses, make cheese with fly maggots and also tell people it's a delicacy to eat unclean shrimp, lobsters (literal cockroaches of the sea), oysters, fish with no fins or scales like catfish and so forth whose function is to clean the sea of shit, dead bodies, etc? You even brought pigs to the Americas when they never existed here prior and even eat them when they're nasty and unclean. Oh and don't the rich eat snails and shit? Oh yeah and there's the few sickos who are interested in cannibalism. eww.

I don't know why this is even being brought up when it's about korean vtubers.

>> No.55039255

Yeah, never understood that myself. Given the war and all. I would think they'd fucking hate us lol.

>> No.55039357

Grats all you did is make me like Miori even more.

>> No.55039370

I'm not saying you're not allowed to be wary. I'm trying to understand the reason you believe a chuuba being Korean makes it more likely she'll do things you don't like.

>> No.55039482

Chill. I was just shitposting. Even if Koreans did eat dogs, I wouldn't care. I'd try it once too.

>> No.55039552

All part of the plan. Nothing makes a mio anti happier than having her fanbase flooded with unironic coomer cucks.

>> No.55039664 [DELETED] 

>poisonous fish
>years of training
Anyone can do it as long as they aren't retarded.
Not that anon, but
>Evolution, can you give me pattern-seeking brain to...
You know how you watch yourself around niggers? Same things with Koreans.
Stereotypes exist for a reason. Not that this would make them different from any other modern woman, but Korean women are likely to be either lazy fucks, manipulative or corrupt.
Also literal coin-flip chance for them to be feminist or misandrist.

>> No.55039830 [DELETED] 

>but Korean women are likely to be either lazy fucks, manipulative or corrupt.
>Also literal coin-flip chance for them to be feminist or misandrist.
Can you explain where these stereotypes come from?
Is there really as much truth to them as niggers being more violent?

>> No.55039838

Liora and Lofi are cute.

>> No.55039993

NTA but I heard from a Koreanon on /sp/ once that Korea has been completely infiltrated by the feminist cult, both figuratively and literally.

>> No.55040087

Canadians in general, yeah. I'd argue not quite as bad as bongs, but sure. But why would Korean Canadians be especially bad?

>> No.55040153

Megalia. Also funny how recently korean games forced Project Moon to fire an female employee because they suspected she was a man-hater lol

>> No.55040203

see >>55035820

>> No.55040247

korean gamers*
funny how everything started because of a swimsuit character on Limbus Company

>> No.55040349

From what I heard they looked through her Twitter and she was unironically posting shit like "Kill all men". Asking for someone to be fired for Twitter posts is quite cringe though no matter where you stand imo.
I also posted the reply to that post
Getting someone fired because she wouldn't draw a swimsuit outfit is definitely based.

>> No.55040444

If they're traditional with the rest of their family they're not. If they learn liberal, they go full HYPER liberal. Troons/troon lovers, whypipo hate etc.

>> No.55040804

It’s mostly because there’s Korean-Canadian/Americans that apply to vtubers agencies, end up with lewd models and are either ungrateful or are massive prudes that basically puts off people.
There’s good English-Koreans out there anyways like Miori and her love of her fanbase even when she underprices her merch/shipping costs, or Airi who is an adorable hag that loves showering her fans in fanservice and watching AMVs with her fans. And that’s not even getting into some Koreans with ultra lewd models like Dona that own up to it and make my dick hard

>> No.55041043

Bad and uncomfortable things in general are easier to remember.
Good things are dismissed as shilling, meanwhile outrage is very engaging and easily generates attention/traffic/discussion.
So I'd say it's perfectly natural for anons to be like that.

>> No.55041173

Its a north american cultural thing that faggot millennials spawned. The whole too cool for the room shit.
>oh look at me, I'm so dead inside, but if you get it that's cool, but also if you don't thats cool too
Understand, Kronii is the product of this type of cultural outgrown.

>> No.55041523

Its just low test trannies. I love me some korean vtubers. They usually have sexy voice and do GFE, I also love the language. Maybe I will even visit the country one day.

>> No.55041542

>another Mio fan
Since there's so many of you, I want to be fair and entertain the possibility that I'm wrong about her.
Please explain to me how her doing an NTR song cover is not that bad. I want to understand.

>> No.55041968

>Anons always seem weary of chuubas who turn out to be Korean, but I don't understand why.
Cover messed up with how they managed holoEN which led to major contact disputes. Ina got the most revealing default outfit in hololive. She couldn't take much pride in being the first Korean talent with a skimpy outfit and high heeled geisha shoes. Japanese corpos are usually bad with foreign employees but they guaranteed their would be fights in holoEN. Management than decided to add fuel to that fire by giving the skimpiest outfit in Council to their second Korean talent.

>> No.55042079

It’s not really representative of what she’s really like as a person. She’s more of a sweetheart and very caring of her fans, to a point where she got concerned recently that one of them disappeared for a while now IIRC. She also loved doing the doujin equivalent of a book club for members.
She’s more the low self-confidence type I guess you can say, she greatly undersells her abilities as a mixer and undercharges as a result. It’s hard not to root for her.

>> No.55042215

no its because you are calling other people sub human or because you are saying american rape in vietnam its unsubstantiated and saying shit like other countries wanted your help

>> No.55042297

its because some of them see america as a potential ally in an imaginary chinnese invation

>> No.55042558

wow killing millions and looking down on them because of different opinions thats so american

>> No.55042636

It's wokeypidia.

>> No.55043443
File: 48 KB, 202x163, 3623666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw had to stop watching Airi cuz i was falling too hard for her
She is such a cute and dangerous salary woman! Hope she is doing well.

>> No.55044034

You're not really justifying her action of covering an NTR song. You're just saying you'll overlook it because she is great in all these other ways.
Let's say your real life GF cheated on you. Or even joked about cheating on you. Would you tolerate that simply because she is really nice and is a good cook, etc.?

>> No.55044117

Damn right.

>> No.55044128

Only when they're EN. What are the good Korean Korean ones

>> No.55044181

My gf is korean so that is just not true

>> No.55044525

The difference in this case is that it’s a lot more of a joke song about doujins, done in an over the top manner like an opera. I don’t even think she wrote it, it was just a cover of an already existing shitpost song.
If she were to pull something like a Nijisanji member and flirt with other talents on stream, then yeah, that would be extremely off putting. But she doesn’t, she’s just a simple cute girl.

>> No.55045736
File: 823 KB, 1280x720, Mio can we just be friends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please explain to me how her doing an NTR song cover is not that bad. I want to understand.
She had an entire coping arc where she said she would rather be the side chick (You)'d come to for comfort every once in a while instead of being (You)r main girl, because of her abyssmal self esteem. She grew out of it and became more honest with her desire to have chat have her as #1

>> No.55045846

But why would someone who is as hardcore GFE as her even touch NTR with a ten foot pole? There's no good reason for it.
Please answer honstly. Can you really sit through that whole cover without wincing, listening to things like
>when you dwell on the past, while he pounds her sweet ass
>her hips sway on an alpha
>when he makes your wife drool like a cumdumpster fool
>you're a cuck
>tears in your eyes while she laughs at your size
come out of your sweet GFE oshi's mouth?
If she cares so much about her fans, why would she subject them to that?
She's making light of the absolutely horrid idea of women fucking other men behind their partner's backs, so how can you trust her to be loyal to you? How do you know she's not doing the same thing right fucking now? It's clearly not a big enough deal to her to not make jokes about it.

>> No.55045999

What, so all the jokes about NTR that she makes and the cover itself were actualy about her being the cuck?

>> No.55046164
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Give up, it's pointless trying to explain Mio to someone who doesn't watch her.

>> No.55046186

Oh, and I totally forgot that she literally played the game "cuckold simulator" that's all about some black guy fucking your wife, with queen of spade references and everything. Jesus fucking Christ, how can you guys defend this?

>> No.55046248
File: 2.18 MB, 546x784, LioraVibing[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fx7cjvs.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good korean is live right now

>> No.55046281

Anon, you missed the part where I told you that she loves doing book-club streams about doujins. She loves to joke about the sheer ridiculousness of the build up in order to get to the sex part, especially in NTR doujins with how far removed from reality they are in order to fulfill some sort of strange fantasy.
The other reason why it’s easy to believe Mio is that she really wears her flaws on her sleeve. Her self esteem is super low, and in the world of vtubing if there was a fuck up, it’d already be out with the public making a messy situation worse. Especially in the world of indie vtubing where tons of people know each other, it’s a small world.

>> No.55046323

>retards actually giving attention
This retard always post this NTR cover whenever someone mentions Mio. I barely watch her and that seems to be literally the only bad thing about her, a fucking song. That alone should tell you how clean she is.
Also whenever I do watch her, its pretty clear she is obsessed with her loyal viewers. I think recently she went on a rant about how she avoids even looking at males to not bother her viewers.
My only regret is not finding her sooner when I still had a chance of getting her attention as a viewer...

>> No.55046381

The fact that she gets mistaken for Korean so often because she's infamous for grooming them cracks me up every single time

>> No.55046430

Good, keep your distance from her, she's the NTR queen who cucks her fans every single stream, never watch her

>> No.55046771

>I don't care that my GFE oshi is literally playing a game about some guys wife getting blacked and laughing along with it because it's totally ironic and for the meme guys!!!

>> No.55046776

Yeah, it’s not worth it anymore. Anyone can very quickly pick up on what Mio is all about within a few streams, if music really represented what people are about then the world would be a better place.
Or worse, in the case of some rap/metal artists.

>> No.55047959

I'm with the other anon's here. I think it's a complete waste of time to try to get this anti mf to get to like Miori or any other korean girl vtuber. This retard obviously doesn't get it. Probably doesn't watch anime or knows of otaku culture itself.

>> No.55049294

Feminism in Korea didn't reach such morbid state because of some godmother cult brainwashed president Park.
It's rather because the next regime of president Moon and his 'woke' 'democratic' fellows tried to forever rig the political game by ceaselessly panderinng to females which makes up 50% of the population, and some sweet white knight simps would eagerly follow them no matter what so those leftist boomer party would always win the majority.
Gender / Identity Politics at its fucking worst. Mutual trust gone, social divide hotter than ever, long term potential of the country forever ruined.

>> No.55052191

God I love Miori Celesta

>> No.55052489

I love Liora's model and voice but I always get the impression she's a huge dyke

>> No.55055474

It seems that because of K-pop, many other Asians look at Korean beauty standards and try to replicate that style. Also Korean beauty products are apparently very good, although quite expensive.

>> No.55055976
File: 2.77 MB, 596x370, tonguecutesm.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if they're EN and korean they suck.
If they're actually korean they're based.
Naver still sucks ass though

>> No.55056142


>> No.55056216

The PAVN won, cope more.

>> No.55058863

but a lot of them have pet dogs, does that mean...

>> No.55060363
File: 324 KB, 500x500, 1690989993671330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know

>> No.55061622

Koreans embody the worst of eastern and western whores thanks to America.

>> No.55067888

That's because the anon you replied to is full of shit

>> No.55069752

Korean sounds too much like Chinese. It's like a lizard language.

>> No.55069925

Why do you want the vtuber you like to "hate" YOU?

disgusting unicorns are the weidest type of fans ever
