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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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55025040 No.55025040 [Reply] [Original]

I don't understand 90% of what they say. Is this like the english version of Miko's Japanese?

>> No.55025096

skill issue, learn english ESL.

>> No.55025102

wouldn't it be better to make another shiori shill thread

>> No.55025134
File: 334 KB, 1500x1230, both-sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no it's just a skill issue, even ESL can understand them

>> No.55025194

Why are we supposed to care about your skill issues?

>> No.55025328

Guys, I don't think this is a skill issue. They just mumble borderline incoherently. Weird that ESL has an easier time understanding it!

>> No.55025352

Definitely skill issue, I'm ESL and I was able to perfectly understand them after the middle of the phogs (fuck them) stream.

>> No.55025868

ESL understands ESL

>> No.55026165

Only ESLs can understand their ESL English

>> No.55026517
File: 251 KB, 496x480, Beato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without love it cannot be heard.

>> No.55026599

I struggle to understand most of the ESLs though. Getting what the ID holos say is a challenge 90% of the time but I'm fine with fuwamoco.

>> No.55026713

skill issue get filtered ESL BAU BAU~

>> No.55026755

Their pronunciation is really bad, so uwu, can't understand shit either.

>> No.55026823

Alarming how many on here can't understand English. I can understand them just fine even with their accents and them randomly speaking Japanese at times. Skill issue, I guess.

>> No.55026879

I understand what they’re saying but the meaning leaks out of my ears. I have to focus if I’m not content with turning my brain off.

>> No.55026931

No you just need to expose yourself to more accents so the part of your brain that registers speech gets used to english that isn't murrican.

>> No.55026937

For the first time Clipchimpers have a legit reason to put subs on holoen girls.

>> No.55027027

Only people used to hearing shit fake English can understand this shit fake English. It's basically a neon sign announcing you're brown to brag you can understand marblemouth

>> No.55027072

say that again without crying EOP

>> No.55027109

You stupid ass yuropoor, I can even understand thick NY Italian/Irish accents. Stop pronouncing like an ESL.

>> No.55027201

I don't understand, I understand them just fine, where are people finding issues understanding them?

>> No.55027241

Get filtered i guess

>> No.55027281

Euro here, I have 0 problem with keeping up with them desu

>> No.55027325

It makes sense to me. There are plenty of ESLs and SEAs here who can get away with it because they can talk and type normally. But that also means they’re above their country average, and exposed to both pagpagspeech in daily life and foreign accents in online media. Which ends up making weird voices easier to understand.

>> No.55027349

Or maybe they just understand English better than you. It's basically a neon sign announcing you're a retard with shit hearing to boot.

>> No.55027379

Make your own lenguage then stupid american, english comes from europe, why dont you speak native american then.

>> No.55027406

No seriously, I'm actually giving this some thought, is it an enunciation issue?

>> No.55027538

They're EFLs though...

>> No.55027544

Wrong. ESLs struggle with basic English, let alone irregular speech. They are the great SEAcreature filter.

>> No.55027580

This is japanese content in English. This is what the jp onions boys who don't even speak japanese call kino.

>> No.55027607

NY Italian and Irish are ESL. So you can understand these niggas that don't even use the half syllables in their words but not the bau baus. How many dicks your mother took to get used to your step dad's accents?

>> No.55027646

So you mean having a larger understanding of different language makes it easier to under stand nuances in accents...

>> No.55027644


>> No.55027680

It doesn't translate to english very well because it's very sweet and saccharine. It sounds unnatural but appeals to someone who wants somebody who sounds like they would disintegrate in a stiff breeze.

>> No.55027739

You're right. If it's intentional then they're being idiots thinking that roleplay means they have to talk like babies. Anything that understands roleplay knows that if your role ends up being an incomprehensible retard then you need a better role. Some people are making asinine excuses for them that they would never make for anyone else. These are two grown ass women supposedly not new to the entertainment industry, making fools out of themselves just to get the dicks hard of the most embarrassing niche closet furry fanbase.

>> No.55027829

>is it an enunciation issue?
Yeah, particularly fuwa who also seems to be farther from the mic. If your brain's autofill function works then you'll have no issues but it still requires some brainpower to get what she says.

>> No.55027833

retard or trash bait?

>> No.55027925

NTA but you're wrong, this has to do with things like pitch/tones that are uncommon, especially in English. Most English speakers aren't trained to hear it from an early age so the neurons that encode those tones are pruned and trying to hear it later in life requires effort.

>> No.55027984

>Seething ESL

>> No.55028066

Oh you're right, they do sound kind of British don't they? Is it a Scouse accent?

>> No.55028085

Is that all you retards can say?

>> No.55028144

Your oshis got called out for intentionally trying to sound retarded. I don't think anyone takes you seriously if you call them ESL.

>> No.55028206

>obvious ESL thinks anyone takes him seriously

>> No.55028255

They can be a bit overwhelming sometimes when they run their mouths at the same time, but I say that in a good way.
they'd be easier to understand if they stopped saying bau bau every second word

>> No.55028408

You act stupid and people will treat you like you're stupid. Keep going and give more reasons not to change anyone's mind.

>> No.55028590

it's called acting cute, I know living in America where everyone is in a race to act like the dumbest faggot imaginable but please try to pretend you live someplace sane.

>> No.55028599

Idk what you just said but you're not even human.

>> No.55028654

Get better headphones. When I'm at work with my cheap Chinese earbuds I can barely understand them too.

>> No.55028738

is that what you tell yourself to cope ESL?

>> No.55028858

>you're the idiot, I was only pretending to be an idiot (the entire time)
You become what you act like.
It isn't called acting cute. The Japanese branch acts cute, anime characters act cute. This is called acting retarded or acting like a DDLG prostitute. Do they need diapers and a pacifier too? Anime is cute, that ain't cute.

>> No.55028895

>not posting the twins

>> No.55028896

it sounds like what english sounds like to non-speakers but 200% more weeb and desu i cant hear them talking over each other and 60% moe noise

>> No.55029063

I'm an ESL and I can understand them. Mumei on the other hand....

>> No.55029143

what about Sana? I really really struggled to understand her but I don't have a problem with these 2

>> No.55029310

Skill issues are skill issues

>> No.55029442

i dont find their english hard to understand at all in spite of their baby speak

>> No.55030056

English is their native language though.

>> No.55030138

Mumei is closer to a small animal than human language.

>> No.55030169

I love Eigo Miko twins.

>> No.55030217

watch streams, they said its not

>> No.55030369

I struggled with her too. I can understand them if I focus but if I keep them in the background I don't understand shit.

>> No.55030410

They are literally not japanese people.

>> No.55030473

It's obviously not their mother tongue. The way they pronounce those Ts is an easy giveaway.

>> No.55030488

watch streams, japanese is their third language

>> No.55030562

>be from "english speaking" country
>only your village in southern Cornwall or in some other Scotland understands your blabbering
>has to watch Netflix with subtitles
>"w-world is ESL!"

>> No.55030563

Yeah? But it's possible they are yuropoors. They did say Japanese is their third.

>> No.55030597

>dude just keeps spamming watch streams
Kek. Fucking redditor.

>> No.55030634

I'm from NY, retard. It's the cultural capital of Anglosphere.

>> No.55030658

>Americunts can't even understand the one language they speak.

>> No.55030661

I have no issue understanding them at all. Is everyone here ESL or retarded?

>> No.55030712

It's them having an accent on top of their voices mixed low and on top of them speaking quietly so it's hard to make out what they are saying.

>> No.55030733

You're ESL if you can comprehend their ESL speak.

>> No.55030811

I don't understand anything they're saying but at least I can jack off to fuwa's tits

>> No.55030833

I'm as ESL as they come (never lived once in an English speaking country) and I understand 99% of what they say, both in English and in Japanese.
For me it's usually 100% for non-thick accent English speakers and 50% for real-world Japanese, but FUWAMOCO is FUWAMOCO so it's fine.

So let me get this right, yesterday was a free Steam card for each Shiori thread, today is one for each FWMC thread? Tomorrow it's the jewel's turn?

>> No.55030861

My first and only language is English because that's the only one that matters. Maybe stop being retarded.

>> No.55030949

You must be black then

>> No.55030967

Yea, they are. This board is full of stupid, raving, jorges, and monkeys from facebook.
I'm from New England and I can understand them. Even if someone is speaking in some shitty slang version of English I can understand them, even Patwa.

>> No.55031141

I'm White. Sorry you have to keep coping that there must be something wrong with me while I have no issues understanding English and you get filtered like the idiot you are.

>> No.55031195

Same, they mumble a lot.

>> No.55031232

I can understand them if I try, but desu I'm kinda racist so I don't like the sound of ESL English (I'm also ableist so any major speech impediments irritate me anyway, especially if it sounds retarded) so it's a turn off for me.

>> No.55031268

I understand everything so I dunno, I think it's just you
Clean your ears maybe

>> No.55031336

Oh, I forgot about Mumei! I used to watch her almost every day after debut, and I would struggle so much to understand her.

>> No.55031347

It's their twinspeak. It gets worse when they feel comfortable.

>> No.55031398

I understand everything and english is not even my first langage come on retarded americans

>> No.55031625

Maybe they grew up in NA, but are 2nd generation immigrants, so they didn't learn native English from their parents, but only from school, friends and TV.

>> No.55031628

Technically people can understand them but what they mean is that it's the most unpleasant thing imaginable and you need to pay attention to decode retard mewling and mumbling into speech. It's the opposite feeling to listening to someone with a buttery smooth voice, well trained in voice acting and conveying any character across while still being pleasant to listen to without any effort. These grown women are effectively shitting the bed trying to pull something off that is far beyond their capability.

>> No.55031703

>These grown women are effectively shitting the bed
I will clean up

>> No.55031941

I love the doggo sisters, but I can admit that they can mumble a bit. It can be hard to hear what they are saying if they talk over each other or if there's other loud sound etc.

>> No.55032019

>making fools out of themselves

>> No.55032105

Based dogs exposing how many seething ESLs are on this board. Have a literal random timestamp, if you can't understand this it's your problem:


>> No.55032141

I can understand what they are saying if I focus to the stream. But if I try to use their stream as a background noise while I play a game or do some other stuff, then I will very easily lose track what they are saying.

>> No.55032207

I watch for the cute noises

And I hate myself for it

>> No.55032234

The only time it's hard to hear them is when they're a little quiet. Either their volume is too low or they should move the mics closer.

Their English is essentially native level, they sound like asian girls who were raised in the states.
Complaints about their English have to be coming from other ESLs.

>> No.55032312

Just go full racist. You brown shit stains need to learn how to commit and go full send.

>> No.55032330

Same. But they're cute so it doesn't matter.

>> No.55032523

Miko or Luna is a good comparison, the baby voice is hard to understand already. It’s hard to understand an accent you aren’t used to, so of course the fags here that live on cgdct anime and loli hentai will feel right at home

>> No.55032611

Sorry but the ESL argument is having the opposite effect here. Your post sounds like seethe and cope because you spend time making an ESL argument when it's obvious to everyone that their speech isn't remotely normal. If you have something to say you should say it instead of being brushed off as basically conceding the point by claiming everyone is ESL.

>> No.55032666

Its pretty simple for example you dont understand chinese but can recognize that language is chinese. So your brain decides thats chinese i dont need to pay attention i dont speak this shit. Then it turns out it was english all along. Or its some japanese song that had random engrish mixed in but you dont realize they were speaking eng until you read the lyrics. You just assume it was all japanese.
Esl are going into this thinking its english so they understand it.
Natives have to manually remind themselves its english cause everything they hear is telling them its not.

>> No.55032701

I understand the pink one 100%, but the blue one it's hard to understand not only because she pronounce like a drooling retard but because she also tend to speak really low.

She talk like this.
>HERRO EVeryo....good mo...

>> No.55032705

>They cause ESL clippers to seethe
Based twins.

>> No.55032788

Welcome to the ESL experience.
It's because you can't use your dedicated first language neural pathways, but you need to use part of your general brain CPU to decode what they are saying, the same CPU you use to solve math or reason about things. Therefore, as soon as you need to think about something else, the software that was decoding Mocospeak is put into the background and paused, without you even realizing it.
This happens to all of us when we listen to something that is not our native language.

>> No.55032809

SEA ESLs are being filtered? Good.

>> No.55032842

They're asian girls raised in Canada so they technically should sound like Ina or Kronii, but I'm guessing the FAS has made them somewhat retarded and they've had impaired speech development.
That's fine though. Girls are cute when they're somewhat retarded.

>> No.55033053

It's actually us who has a hard time understanding ESLs because of their diverse accents. Most ESLs mumble English or move their mouth in a way they're used to.

Not to take away from the twins. Idc if I can't understand them the first time, I just have to focus harder.

>> No.55033055

Are you ESL? Sana is just an aussie lmao.
These two have a weird slurred babble that's not a common accent in any english speaking country.

>> No.55033057

I would argue that they haven't even mastered English as a language yet, unless they're faking their accents.

>> No.55033195

I can use other English speaking streamers as background noise just fine. So your shitty theory is full of shit.

>> No.55033264

to anyone saying they are clearly understandable, and it's a skill issue: the girls themselves acknowledge their English is difficult to understand.
Which is pretty mind-boggling to me.
Talking is their literal job. If you are difficult to understand while driving a forklift in a warehouse, nobody cares, but when you are streaming to thousands of people online, without showing your face, only submitting your voice as your form of communication (which is essentially your product), being understandable by the most amount of viewers should be your #1 priority, far ahead of everything else.

>> No.55033272


>> No.55033280

>EN gets TWO Mikos
Nothing personnel JP losers

>> No.55033380

They are just doing the same fake baby talk bullshit that Miko and Luna do.

>> No.55033467

what? i understand then just fine. whats their first language then?

>> No.55033487

As a native english speaker, they sound like they're fucking drunk or slurring their speech all the damn time. Listening to shit like >>55032105 I only fully understand them when the entire sentence is fully finished and my brain pieces the gaps of their ESL. How the fuck does anyone pronounce "definitely" like "denly"

I honestly find it a little frustrating listening to that shit for a long period of time because it's so slurry and cuteish that it starts to feel like background noise for me that's just fluff.

>> No.55033564

So what? As can be clearly seen, talking like a pair of retards just makes them cute and endearing. The reality is, they CAN talk properly, they just choose not to because they know exactly what they're doing and who their target audience is. The pledge, the twincest, their speech, the petplay, it's all a part of their brand. This is true for every Hololive girl. Hololive won't hire people who don't have a solid understanding of their brand and aren't purposefully curating it. This is a company and its talents selling a product.
If you don't like it, it's probably not for you, but you're not the target audience.

>> No.55034143

Unironically it's the English speaking American anime dub industry and fan communities that are to blame. Unlike Japan where the seiyuu industry is very mature with schools, training, tests and many agencies, the dub scene in America is a barely functional ghetto market. The problem isn't the size and the money made but the training and techniques that are used. Like how Japan uses trained women to voice young male characters, whereas English dubs have a grown ass man doing an awkward falsetto to voice a young male character. The same is true for young and cute characters. Whereas Japan has a whole range of seiyuu that accomplish a variety of unique styles, Americans and others in the west try to clench their throat to squeeze their vocal cords and force a permanent head voice that they project as a nasally falsetto. Even Kugumiya Rie has a larger vocal range, because she didn't do the same flawed technique her characters could speak in a high or low tone while still sounding young. This is no possible for what the American style achieves, it's limited to a very small range and sounds constipated most of the time.

Fuwamoco are following this flawed American style but are trying to achieve the same range as Japanese seiyuu. That is why is sounds like shit and they're mumbling all the time, because they can't voice all their words properly. Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk on why HoloJP will always be superior.

>> No.55034196

I feel like giving two talents the same channel was a mistake. It puts 2 possible superchat pools into 1 pot. I think the OkaKoro thing was smarter.

>> No.55034233


>> No.55034534

i want my money back

>> No.55034581

>fake baby talk bullshit
this is what /vt/ has become
FUWAMOCO, you can fix vtubing, but you have a long road ahead of you....

>> No.55034687 [SPOILER] 


>> No.55034946

Because it is not physically possible for them to enunciate "definitely" properly with that voice, see >>55034143 for an explanation. They would need to at least apply and release lots pressure to parts of their vocal tract, and possibly their ribcage.

>> No.55035014

It’s amazing how easily the dogs out you fags

>> No.55035194

NTA but you support fake baby bullshit? I'm here for anime bullshit, always have been.

>> No.55035256

Big if True. But man that's kinda fucked up shit.
Doesn't help that the Western VA scene was left to rot decades ago and the remains just pushed into VAing everything with no care if the director's desired voices wrecked them long term. (The sheer amount of VAs from the 80s still carrying hard is interesting)
After all in the eyes of many Voice Acting isn't """""Real""""" Acting so no one wants to properly teach technique.

>> No.55035463
File: 28 KB, 480x492, do you know where your dog is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can understand them just fine. As a whole though I'm not sure how I feel about them. The way they speak is so over the top and cutesy that it starts to go into cringe territory when it goes on long enough. There were a few moments in the Q&A stream towards the end where they would laugh and you could hear their actual voice leak through and it became really off-putting. It's like going to Disney and seeing someone dressed as Cinderella vs going on the ride and seeing animatronic Cinderella. While they're both fake characters, one is clearly more "real". I'd rather them just be themselves as dogs than have to keep up this cutesy voice all the time, especially when (as other anons have pointed out) it's starts to get muddled and slurry. We'll just have to see how it goes moving forward.

>> No.55035594

They're not quite as bad at English as Miko is at Japanese, but yeah. You'll get used to it.

>> No.55035657

compare this to their ggn and ally & sally voices. they're all different and I don't think they'll be afraid to relax later on and switch up their voices like most of the talents have already done.

>> No.55035972

And it also screws up their voices in the end. Pekora does a sort of lolibaba voice a lot, but you're not supposed to do that voice for a long time or it screws up your voice too. She had to go to the doctor who told her she had to stop talking like that or have surgery because of nodules. She was able to find a compromise but it still posses a long-term risk. She had only been streaming for a few years too, there's a time limit on this kind of vocal cord abuse, think about it.

>> No.55036329

Me neither, I'm too busy masturbating to their synced moans

>> No.55037378

I can understand Miko just fine, Luna on the other hand is a mess.

>> No.55038755

They need to strike a balance between pandering to the audience and being completely ingenuine. I don't know if anybody wants to feel manipulated when it comes out that everything was fake and calculated.

>> No.55039011

Anons are always in denial. It's you that is jaded and projected, they're pure of heart and so on. It's always the same and they just move on to someone else to repeat it. I've since lost any delusions that anons were more sensible than the rest of the internet.

>> No.55039020

You must be deaf or dumb

>> No.55039021

girls are cuter when I can't understand them

>> No.55039090

ESL here

>> No.55039289

Will the ruffians still BAU BAU for them when they inevitably need to go on hiatus for months to a year?

>> No.55040451

Then what is the difference between these guys and the delusional teenage kpop fans who think their idols really care about them? I'd expect more logical thinking from grown adult men.

>> No.55040648

>>55025040 ESL filter

>> No.55040915

The top streamer is xqc and nobody understands a word he's saying either. Streaming means appealing to the lowest common denominator. Audiences love that garbled barely intelligible shit. They're just playing the field. I don't understand why it took this long for a vtuber to try to emulate xqc.

>> No.55041050

they remind me of her probably why theyre becoming my favorite EN's

>> No.55041119

Skill issue

>> No.55041162

It would be better for them to articulate more, I'd expect it to get better if coming months. Also we'll just get used to them.

>> No.55041304

This thread is literally infested by women that hate the fact that they play the cute role lmao, they are literally the most popular ones everything they are doing is fucking working

>> No.55041319

OP here. I am actually EFL! I can understand Mumei, Sana just fine. Anyone from UK, Australia, New Zealand I understand fine.

I think the dog twins are maybe doing a baby voice that makes their enunciation hard to understand. Kind of like Miko, maybe it is natural for them.

>> No.55041377


>> No.55041594

how's mumbai?

>> No.55042515

No there is no real difference. You think these men lack logic but let me challenge you. If you were logical you wouldn't expect more from them just because they're closer and more similar to you. It's illogical. Now you can become logical by understanding that grown ass men also tend to be little bitches.

>> No.55042587

And their vocal cords are a ticking timebomb.

>> No.55042700

These ESL whores shouldn't be getting any views, they should be getting mogged by Gura constantly, why are you stupid faggots watching them? Are you trying to ruin Hololive? I've been a fan since Myth first debuted and I'm sick of YAGOO and Cover constantly trying to sabotage Gura with these distractions.

>> No.55043150

Even when they talk in Japanese I understand their cuteness.

>> No.55043334

As a JSL I can actually understand their Japanese easier than their English because they enunciate better. Not that I can't understand their English, but it takes effort.

>> No.55043533

They are more self-conscious of their japanese because they are still learning. On the other hand they are pushing way too much with the keyfabe when speaking English.

>> No.55044175

Yet they actively try and sound like they barely understand English.

>> No.55044464

Do we know what subset of Asian they are? There are probably differences between Chinese and Japanese ESL.

>> No.55044896

They're literally professional pretend Japanese and actually whiter than Mori.

>> No.55045094

You can buy into a kayfabe and post /here/ accordingly while knowing that it's not real. You're taking this too seriously for a Peruvian mountaineering forum.

>> No.55045119

Jap here, it's 6 am and just watched the archive
I also barely understand what they talk but they are cute so that's ok

>> No.55045361

When they used emojis of themselves they chose two little blonde girls, and they called themselves Caucasian. If THAT'S keyfabe then that is some self hating shit. I still find it hard to believe they're larping as esl-ers but the evidence is stacked

>> No.55045657
File: 472 KB, 877x708, 1669613343092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55045923

Already into the "only pretending" arc. Leave your make believe to the appropriate general if you don't want people to take you seriously. Don't be a clown and say it was only a joke after you were BTFO a hundred times.

>> No.55045926

They sound retarded on purpose but it’s cute. If you need proof then just watch the NGG debut, their English sounds significantly better there then it degrades over time.

>> No.55046332

Since it's kinda related to the conversation, to me Fuwa's voice sounds a LOT like Mel's, but ONLY when she speaks english, not when she does in japanese (anyone agrees?) and Moco has one of the most legit anime tomboy little girl voices ever, damn

>> No.55046531

I love Moco's voice which is why I wish she would talk more often (rather than just make sounds).

>> No.55046647

I'm ESL and I can't understand them perfectly, do your English reps retard

>> No.55046768

Well if it's all fake, I'm expecting them to have entirely different accents 6 months from now.

>> No.55046829

Are you talking to yourself?

>> No.55046877
File: 87 KB, 1068x794, Screenshot_20230801-223250~3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijinigger vocabulary
> If
> Whore
> Bitch
> Homo
> Kek
> English police

>> No.55049652

*Chumbud vocabulary, they've been crab bucketing this entire gen from the start

>> No.55051205

Post checks out. I did my reps and they are literally white girls larping as Japs.

>> No.55054926

bau bau.

>> No.55055251

It's an act similar to Luna. Unless mandated, they will keep it that way.

>> No.55055342

I can't.

>> No.55055647

Just google them. They are not hiding their RM and are fairly easy to find. Both them and Kiara share's a fairly similar history.

>> No.55055705

Wow, glad I'm not the only one. I personally can't stand the way they talk, I find it annoying. I guess in english it just does not work. Even though they are in EN branch I really feel like they are for JP people. I find them cringe.

>> No.55055841

Forklift analogy, didn't read.

>> No.55055938

Chinese ESL here and I can't seem to understand most of their mumbling speeches. I guess only SEA ESL can comprehend them without any issues.

Bijou is bad too but at least you can understand her.

>> No.55056020

Blatant lies, I like the dogs.

>> No.55057415

They have FAS. It is why Fuwawa talks for Mococo most of the time and why their speech sounds slurred sometimes. They aren't ESL they simply have a birth defect that is completely out of their control.

I can understand them perfectly fine, especially Fuwawa.

>> No.55057926

apparently before hololive these two were kinda popular? If so, how the fuck do so many of you struggle to understand them?

>> No.55058081

Oh I fully expect the shift to be noticeable as usual as there's super obvious pitch shifting on their end. It won't be a dramatic drop unless they're having a medical related break and come back having to change how they're talking for health reasons.
It's kind of why Marine's hyper fast talking in part is a reason why she's having issues. (Seriously she's pretty much a female version of John Moschitta when she gets going with the superfast talk bit)

They will still at least do that but probably in a different tone. There may also be tone drift that makes them sound more distinct from each other as they're not both pushing towards a predefined artificial voice.

>> No.55060561

It's really weird how they're pretending to have accents, they are literally from Canada.

>> No.55060972

they weren't and they talked more clearly. I understand them but nothing i could watch just on the side.

>> No.55061135

The blue one is only hard to understand cuz she’s always half whispering, the pink one is very easy to understand.

>> No.55061549

I used to be in the "I can't understand shit" camp, and then I decided to watch them with headphones on. I could suddenly understand about 90% percent of what they were saying, even though I ocasionally had to think on what they said when they slurred their words. ESL btw.
So to any Anons who may be having trouble understanding them, give it a second try but using headphones. Their speech is far clearer when doing so.

>> No.55061592

Americans are the best at understanding ESL accents because we have the most ESL immigrants. Especially Americans that study computer science/cyber security/anything tech related.

>> No.55061778

If you have trouble understanding, then why not simply try listening better?

>> No.55068200

not my problem
