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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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54947725 No.54947725 [Reply] [Original]

Tuesday, 1st August Narukami Twitcast

"The Yuzuki Roa thing has been taken care of"
Finally, it's come to an end. The rest is up to them. The criminal case will not be prosecuted. Will there be a civil case? Dunno.
Enikara and Yuzuki Roa reported the damage in the criminal case. I was doxxed, and it all came crashing down.
The police called me in for an interview. Many days were spent being interviewed by the Police.
I have the evidence.
They'll call me if they're going to prosecute. I don't know if they are going to prosecute or not.
When I called the police on August 1, the prosecution was apparently dropped. No charges. No criminal trial.
Will there be a civil trial?
There was a lawyer who contacted me on Twitter. Kazuhito Ozawa. I didn't think such as asshole lawyer could exist. He was the one thing that REALLY pissed me off about this case.
I had evidence, so I thought, "Can I get sued?". They are really making a mistake, I really hope they'll stop. I want them to give up. No one is getting anything out of this. And the lawyer's fees aren't cheap either.
I want Anycolor to tell me that the case has been dropped. I also want the lawyer say that the case has been dropped. I'm going to continue to keep my fingers crossed

>> No.54947921

nobody cares

>> No.54948020
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You already posted this yesterday and it generate good enough replies. This is old news. So move on, find a new one or make an entertaining thread.

>> No.54948272

can Roa come back now? I hope she leave that shit company

>> No.54949105
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How do you lose against a single menhera? the case was in the bag lmao

>> No.54949630

>lost against ENdramatubers
>lost against JPdramatuber
do Nijisanji win anything?

>> No.54949985

Hope he went through sleepiness nights and constant anxiety that his ass is gonna get busted hard while everyone else was just sleeping soundly. Death to all dramatubers.

>> No.54950424

>Keep losing

That is their standart anon-kun

>> No.54952505


>> No.54952605

Yeah and now it's NA hours, fuck you

>> No.54952751

Appearently Roa refused to testify in person and that put a rather big hole in thier entire plan
Either that or they ruined their case by continuing to release voice packs during the entire suit

>> No.54953719
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They win another reason to get another yacht for Riku I guess.

>> No.54953947

Damn, 3 years for nothing

>> No.54954313

I knew nothing of a lawsuit, how the hell did nijigreedy allow themselves to lose it?

>> No.54954414

>there only 12 hour timezone on earth the other half didn't exist
Did you really?

>> No.54955473

>Wanting make money off an employee that should be on hiatus is what fucked them up

>> No.54959374

the decision was pretty retarded no matter how you look at it

>> No.54959901

Japan has criminal defamation laws?
I guess it makes sense since their defamation laws are fucked

>> No.54960014

I'm not even Nijisister, anon. I'm just tired people shitting up catalogue with samey content all the time

>> No.54960165

The same thread was posted on NA hours too you retard.

>> No.54962832

>Be Nijisanji
>Recruit a literal child
>Recruit menhera
>Management? Why would we waste money when there are record profits to be hard
>menhera and child have minor dispute over muh original verbal tic
>The retarded niggersanji audience you cultivated begin sperging out
>The talents you don't manage or curate begin supporting sides according to their individual cliches
>Menhera flipflops between threatening to graduate and leaks shit to dramatubers
>Niggersanji audience begins harassing child as can be expected when they listen to drama
>Remove menhera and have child show receipts to try to damage control
>Spend the next 3 FUCKING YEARS preventing the child from streaming so that you can sue for financial damages
>Nijisanji doesn't do salaries lol, but we are kind so we will front the legal bills we will benefit from AND GENEROUSLY allow you to continue selling voicepacks where you actually get a decent percentage of
>Fuck up the case despite the Japanese court system pandering to Black companies like yourself
>Nijiniggers will still defend this company

>> No.54965815 [DELETED] 
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Nijiniggers defeated

>> No.54966325

Yeah, the cuck community.

>> No.54967772

um i care more about the involved talents.
are the two fine? theres two sides of the story.. probably? so will they both escape from the company or what?

>> No.54976019

Nobody knows for sure, but they did try to sue him in criminal court which has a higher standard of proof before they'll allow convicting.
Alternatively >>54952751

>> No.54976603

After the criminal trial, the next step is the civil trial.
They just couldn't prove their case, and Any Color will probably win in the civil trial.

>> No.54977042

>conclusion to a 3 year lawsuit that crippled a nijisanji vtuber with her being denied to stream by the company is over in a day
No :)

>> No.54977096
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>> No.54979677

Yeah profiting by ripping off theor talents of their rightful earnings on merch and who knows what else. Also, if they're psychopaths ruining the talents dream in the EN branch by cancelling the AR concert and lying it was due to covid and having a shitty management.

>> No.54980093

Lost to a dude who runs a drama channel ouch

>> No.54980386

This is the 3rd time it happens. Khyo and Falseeyed raped Nijisanjis assholes as well

>> No.54980398 [DELETED] 

Okay nijinigger

>> No.54980902

>all this over a vocal tic

>> No.54980949

Speak to yourself. /vt/ attention span is the length of your dick.

>> No.54981110

So are Niji's lawyers that incompetent or is the dramafag just that good to some how avoid all this shit when in America he would have gotten beaten up for all the shit he did?

>> No.54981236

I believe the turning point was when False said he's ready to go to court to fight this.
I guess he really made this gig his full time job huh

>> No.54981519

In previous thread there's a post translating a part where Narukami talking about getting a threatening phone call from Niji's lawyer that's "very rude"
I guess black company hire black lawyer

>> No.54981778

All lawyers are scumbags.

>> No.54982004

According to him during that time, it wasn't his fulltime job which is why he felt comfortable risking it in a legal battle.

I don't know if he's still working his dayjob but I would imagine so.

>> No.54982103

Yeh, but there's smart scumbags and stupid scumbags.
Guess which one Anykara hire.

>> No.54982382

His videos are getting constant high views. He made deal with GamersuPP, also he employed Co-Dee and Hi-Dee. (he probably employed several editors as well and people who collect recent Vtuber data to announce) It's pretty much a full time job.

>> No.54982905

He definitely puts in the hours but that doesn't mean he quit his normal job. For example, Geega was streaming 7+ hours 4-5 times a week while maintaining her full-time job until she was forced out of it due to a major surgery.

The co-hosts all get to earn on their own accounts (Lae-Dee also does commission work) and apparently all the Twitch revenue from False's channel gets split among them.
Also he edits the episodes live on-stream so no, there are no other editors.
As a minor correction, he's partnered with Advanced, not GamerSupps

>> No.54982978

Then stick to a general

>> No.54984543

This should be stickied. Important to know the boundaries.
And to ensure FalseEyeD and Khyo sees this.

>> No.54986773

>Chairman Xi is a nijikek
not surprised

>> No.54986818

Imagine if Gura and Mumei acted like them.
Only in nijisanji would two girls get effectively canned because of an accent dispute

>> No.54989502


>> No.54991391

>Anycolor lost the lawsuit

>> No.54992290

So massive?

>> No.54992646

Kek. Now I now why Japan wanted all creators to use their own ID.

>> No.54992952

Roa is a fucking retard. Imagine wasting 3 years on this and not even making an effort to testify. While still releasing voicepacks. Which, in Japan, puts a serious damper on the defamation case since you have to prove the incident prevented you from working. Literal retard. 3 fucking years.

>> No.54995125
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>Think of us as a tool to make money.
>If your opinion differs from management
>they will ignore you to pressure you.
>It's like a reign of terror.


>> No.54996489

Great generals died because of you you fucking catalogueniggers

>> No.54996538

Anon, you have baby hands

>> No.54997142

an idiot who's used to scaring normal people by mentioning court is all the budget allowed. I guess the smart ones cost too much.

>> No.54997437

I care, and if you are a Nijifan, you should care, too. Niji management just wasted 3 years of their (former) rising star's career in vain while, again, indirectly embolden dramafags now that they know AnyColor is all bark and no bite

>> No.54997564

When greed overcomes reason.
Nijisanji way.

>> No.54997702

Roa is a young retard being manipulated by Niji. She would never agree to just stay in hiatus and make 0 money. Niji convinced her to just take a break and live off voice pack sale and probably fell her that she will get a BIG pay off once they win the lawsuit. That sounds pretty good on paper if you are young and naive like Roa and get to mams some money by not having to do anything for 3 years.

>> No.54997713

>you have to prove the incident prevented you from working
You don't have to. It's just Niji's retarded way of "building damage for the case" (according to Lulu).
Marine sued and won against many 5ch fags just last year without taking any lengthened break, for example

>> No.54997977

damage for the case" (according to Lulu).
Marine sued and won against many 5ch fags just last year without taking any lengthened break, for example

>> No.54998103

Just make new one. This is important news. Your general existing at that specific moment was less valuable than making sure other people see this. Everybody interested in vtubers should know about this case which warrants at least a couple of threads spread among different hours.

>> No.54998125


>> No.54998187

>damage for the case" (according to Lulu).
Lulu said that when she was stalked, AnyColor kept asking her to take breaks from streaming to build up damage for the case to sue the stalker. She didn't want to keep taking breaks, so she graduated
>Marine sued and won against many 5ch fags just last year without taking any lengthened break, for example
Marine sued a few 5ch shitposters for insulting her mother and another guy for stalking. She won. She did it in civil court, though (AnyColor was trying to bring Roa's case to criminal court)

>> No.54998989

>yesterday it got autosaged
>people instantly flock in to say old news and you already posted this
>mods actually have autosaged Roa update threads in the past
/vt/ is a place without censorship :)
the mods and janitors totally wont delete threads that would rile up schizos but allow threads that rile them up on popular girls and males to stay.
I find this very interesting. It’s almost like there’s an agenda. They want to control the spread of information on vtubers.

>> No.54999091

Man I hope Roa leaves just so Yagoo can poach 5 ex nijis

>> No.54999155
File: 399 KB, 996x600, Screenshot from 2023-08-02 09-15-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah because this one thread is the issue. This one, not the the countless threads like :
>what did X mean by this
>big mooner
>look at my cute shark
>[insert random Twitter posts]
>3~ average duplicate threads every 6 hours on the same fucking thing, none of which get deleted
>[insert stupid spammy catchphrase spammed by /v/ kiddies]
>le out of context maymay
>nijispam, holospam in general
>pointless ship threads

I regularly have 50-60 threads hidden on this shithole of a board.
66 right now

>> No.54999278

god forbid you bring attention to something happening to actual vtubers instead of shitposting, right
this board is dogshit, but hey, at least frogs and wojaks are deleted on sight

>> No.54999889
File: 888 KB, 1000x800, LuluUnouDoubleTeam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn watch dynamite cute ever again
Take me back to 2020 when where the scene is green and the girls aren't shitty.

>> No.55000231


>> No.55000266

>Vkeemstar sued and have to defend the case
>Anycolor(black) pays a shitload of resource to advance their case

>> No.55000294

Roa is fine.
You can easily find her if you do your reps.
It's not like she isn't posted all over the 5ch threads already and has been since a few months after she (was forced to) stopped streaming.

>> No.55000448

JP Prosecutors are notoriously understaffed and underbudgeted. Because of this they won't waste time bringing a case to court unless it's a guaranteed slam dunk. This is why they get 99% conviction rate meme because they only go after "sure win" cases due to fear that if they waste meager public prosecution resources on a case that goes nowhere then their career is toast.

>> No.55000491

Anon it reached bump limit

>> No.55001037

Do we have any data of voicepack sales? In hololive we can at least estimate things are looking good when entire stock of merch gets sold out but can't really get that with voice packs.

>> No.55001109

anycolor cant stop getting clowned on by fucking dramawhores

>> No.55001357

Aren't Anycolor's voicepacks up for a limited time? While Hololive's seem permanent and are continually selling.

>> No.55001637

Why would they be limited wtf. It costs nothing to make or store them unlike normal merch. All they're doing is denying the possibility to support the livers from new fans.

>> No.55001910

Marine is smart. It is easier to "win" a case in civil court because you only have to have "preponderance of evidence" (i.e. have more / stronger evidence than the opposing side) whereas criminal cases require "reasonable doubt" to win.

>> No.55002739

Retards that think artificial scarcity with digital goods = more profit works for everything.
Sony did the same with regards to old network content for consoles for no sane reason and everyone rightfully threw a huge stink about that too.
Those files and APis for older consoles should be close to almost no cost to operate, they are literal files sat in some huge NAS doing nothing until they are needed. Besides the operating costs are paid for via the price of the goods in question as well
It's nonsense, honestly.

>> No.55003352

I wouldn't be surprised if anycolor fired both of them but kept one on the paper in order to sue a dramanigger and bribed the child with vp sales money to keep her mouth shut. Otherwise, it wouldn't make sense why she didn't just copy Lulu and graduate instead of being in a limbo for 3 years

>> No.55003471

Oh yeah Ubisoft did this too. They're removing inactive accounts even when there's a lot of games and DLC or Gacha that's been purchased by the account owner.
This "You have nothing" mentality is fucking crazy. They want us to "eternally rent" so they can make more and more money.

>> No.55003561

It depends on the voicepacks there are limited ones.

>> No.55003644

Yeah, like the one from bvtm trannies shitting on Shiori for the nth time?

>> No.55003668

Even Voice Pack sales aren't that much. Roa maybe kinda big but she's not Dino Gura plushie sales big. Her fellow livers still need to constantly work to ensure they can pay rent and bills. Do Nijisisters really think a voice pack sales can pay for 3 years worth of bills and rent?
Unless those nijisisters are still underage kids or young adults who still live with their parents with no job. I don't think they understand the value of money.

>> No.55003754

I'm only aware of the demon baby. There are 3 more?

>> No.55003878
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Oh please. I bet 99% of you don't even know who Roa is or never watch her stream before this news. You guys just did this to stir drama as usual.
Bunch of grown ass men acting like a bunch of gossiping women. complete fatherless behaviour all of yous.

>> No.55004069

Who cares, she is Niji, should have gone with a better corpo if she didn't want to get shit on.

>> No.55004222

Fuck off cunt, I watched Roa.
I miss her, Ars and Bel together.
I miss her and Ririmu together.

>> No.55004257

Not a single W in months. Grim.

>> No.55004404

I knew about Roa for years. Whether you like it or not, Narukami is very important vigure in the industry and one of two biggest companies failiing to beat him in court is very relevant news. Fuck off.

>> No.55004441

Somehow I feel like there is an extreme bias in this somewhere, some of the points are written so subjectively I can’t take it seriously

>> No.55004483

I mean, as >>54977096 pointed out, it's been so fucking long that a cross-examination would probably hurt more than it helps. They can't claim that Narukumi was the cause behind her absence, because it was actually Nijisanji who stopped her from streaming. She probably stopped giving a shit about the whole thing after a couple of months, so they're WAY too late to claim mental damage from Narukumi, and they also can't claim a loss of income, because they're still making and selling voicepacks. 'Strike while the iron is hot' must be a foreign concept to them, because the iron is fucking rusted over at this point.

>> No.55004605

Yes it's super biased in favor of Roa. Which is ironic considering Roa was the root of the problem. NOTHING would have happened if she didn't throw up a childish schizo tantrum. She's your generic high school bully in mentality except she can only do that online and is too scared to provide testimony in court.

>> No.55004637

I’ve been hating Nijisanji and it’s drones since before this shit even happened.

>> No.55004918

Fine. But you're just the 1% that actually watched Roa. If you look at other people who replied to me, they're all openly admit to use Roa as their drama fuel. Those people got pissy because I called them fatherless lol.

>> No.55005172

Because the first part was taken from reddit that took Ichikara's announcement as gospel

>> No.55005182

Son 90% of this board are Holofaggots from Twitter, nobody cares about them.
We despised them on /jp/ as well when they shit up the general vtuber thread before we forced them out.
Everything about them is obnoxious. The cunts don't even watch streams of their supposed idols, half of them barely even watch fucking clips.
I could bet they all follow shitty [vtuber]_noises Twitter accounts as well.
These fuckers are the reason I have 60 garbage threads hidden.
You can disagree with this thread being important all you want, but sadly it is because it has greater ramifications for the industry at large.
And it basically signals Roas pre-graduation as well... there is no way she will come back to her now.

>> No.55005368

To think there are still Meiro dicksuckers even after all the shit she did.
Roa ain't no saint, but she did nothing wrong here.
Meiro was a fucking nutjob to the extreme. Roa (and the company) was on her mind rent-free well after the boot, when it was all her fault to begin with.
You can say that common phrase of mimicking someone and flattery, but to be asked to stop because it felt weird and then throw an absolute shitfit Tumblr-tier spergout is a whole different level of retarded.
She makes Michael the Cat look sane.

>> No.55005945

Roa will never fuck you, pathetic bootlicker.
If you want to be taken seriously, stop with the horribly biased narrative painting one bitch as an angel. Meiro wasn't "asked to stop". She was demanded to change her identity (which she was already used to) and attempted to be bullied into submission. She did try to discuss it too and find some solution but Roa ghosted her instead of continuing dialogue and when Roa + management started dogpiling Meiro, she had menhera attack and started threatening graduation and later leaked shit to Narukami.

>> No.55006032

>Roa ain't no saint, but she did nothing wrong here.
Whole thing was a problem solely because Roa can't stomach another person having similar verbal tic.

>when it was all her fault to begin with

>> No.55006051

Yeah, okay revisionist.
Don't you have a nice shiny new gen to catch up with before you grow bored of them and ask for yet another one?

>> No.55006096

>uhhh you are the one rewriting history not me!!
I accept your concession.

>> No.55006104

One made-up.
You mean Meiro when she couldn't stand the fact she called her out on it?
Yeah fuck outta here.
Even other livers tried to calm the storm and they couldn't.

>> No.55006235

I still don't understand why some, like Chaika, sided with Meiro

>> No.55006239

She didn't invent it you retard. She didn't patent it either. There were other entertainers using it before her as well.
If she was a reasonable person she would simply strive to be the better girl with this specific tic or go beyond andcollab with other girl for a combo to provide super content for fans. However all she can do is screech angrily at others, wanting them to stop.

>> No.55006497

I honestly can't understand how this was even an issue to begin with. Roa was already established in the company, wasn't she? She had a relatively big fanbase. How come she felt threatened by newcomer? Copied verbal tic had no chance of harming her, if anything it would put the new girl in bad light for being a copycat. That is, unless Roa felt inferior in other aspects and just grasped at the straws to shut down the competition.

>> No.55007531

Who cares about nijifags, I care about people slandering Rushia above, saying she talked to Narukami when she didn't. She only ever spoke to korekore, and only leaked once.

>> No.55007651

Rich of you to say that when Nijiniggers did the same thing. Even worse, they gatekeep their oshi so hard the oshi can't grow and withered.

>> No.55007754

So did Meiro ever reincarnate? I don't care if she's menhera, I want to see how shes' doing, and watch her.

>> No.55007757

She did speak to him. She tried to tell him same things she eventually told kore kore but Narukami told her to fuck off because he didn't want to mess with Cover. That's why she eventually leaked to kore kore instead.

>> No.55007901

I don't believe that shit.

>> No.55007934

Because they never had the full story. They just wanted to stop the mess.
Then when they realized Meiro is actually a legit fucking retard nutjob, everyone talking to Meiro stopped caring, even best lad himself Maimoto

>> No.55008003

Roa return stream soon yeah?

>> No.55008065


Lines up perfectly with her attempts to contact korekore around those times.

>> No.55008281

I hate black companies do fucking much

>> No.55008606

OG Nijisanjihater from /jp/ here.
I won.

>> No.55008648

Except korekore cannot be trusted. No dramatuber can. He was lying to put more heat on Mike, extend the drama and profit off of it somehow.

>> No.55008774


>> No.55008804

Well it all started when nijiniggers threw a bitchfit over Meiro sounding similar to Roa

>> No.55008839

I mean you are free to keep believing it, we will never have ultra solid proof testified by multiple parties. However your entire argument is "he's a dramatuber and can't be trusted". In my opinion we can trust them to some extent in this case because their versions make absolute sense and there's nothing contradicting them other than wishful assumption of "Rushia is a good girl and wouldn't do that".

>> No.55009032

Highlighted comment provided detailed English translation of things korekore said in case you or anyone else reading it are interested. Shows entire timeline of history of contacts between Rushia & korekore across multiple years with lots of context.

>> No.55009094

>Mafu mafu: "Why she keep telling me her woes?"
It's fucking hilarious that a dramatuber even said that about Rushia. He knew he's dealing with an uber Menhera and decided not to get involved kek.

>> No.55009329

It's terrible over there too?

>> No.55009361
File: 62 KB, 850x419, 2022-02-28_21-36-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what gets me the most lmao.
There was also the thing with kson feeling drained (pic related) but i guess she's too much of a saviorfag in the end and after months of no contact decided to help Rushia once again by getting her into vhsojo.

>> No.55009830

Good people like Kson and Mike help each other.
Scum like mafu or krkr wouldn't know about that.

>> No.55011324
File: 23 KB, 691x470, 1638090432741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Michael is so negative and emotional vampire Kson had to take a week off
Kson is a good people, yes. But calling Michael Gato a good people? Eeeeeeh....

>> No.55011634


>> No.55012038

I'm still bitter over this whole thing because Meiro was my last attempt at following a corpo vtuber, she was clearly a nutcase (like many Vs are) but the exact vibes, on streams, resonated with me a lot. Then this whole thing happens, Narukami makes it worse, Meiro ends up being quite a piece of shit even if you believed her side of the story, there were even (likely unfounded) rumors that the whole reason she joined Niji was to spite Roa for something that happened before.
I just don't trust corpos anymore, in fact I basically stopped watching Vs after that. Parasocial attachment shouldn't hurt this much but it does.

>> No.55012420

So Roa lost 3 years of the greatest growth in vtubers ever because Anycolor really wanted to fuck with a literally who.

>> No.55012993

She certainly was creative, you can't fault her there.
Such a waste as well. Why are all the creative types absolute nutcases...

>> No.55013002

Making one of your top talents miss out on the great Covid vtuber boom for basically no reason and for absolutely no return is something I would expect from Nijisanji.

>> No.55013487

She was really good at playing out her lore and fictional oneesama/GF thing, too. Really a waste.
