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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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54904922 No.54904922 [Reply] [Original]

What is her endgame? She is just TOO good to be real
>White woman but somehow likes cute girly things like makeup and flowers
>Wants to be sexualized but not in a twitch e-thoth way
>Likes cgdct animes
>Likes idol shit
>Explicitly said "Hololive is an Idol company!"
>Unironically likes Kiara, Marine and other Hologirls

>> No.54905129

Her endgame is to have fun being in hololive and sing

>> No.54905160

You can tell it's SEA hours because of the "le white woman" obsession the board develops.

>> No.54905191

Being extremely vanilla.

Nothing wrong with that though.

>> No.54905207

>>White woman but somehow likes cute girly things like makeup and flowers
That's normal
>>Wants to be sexualized but not in a twitch e-thoth way
That's normal
>>Likes cgdct animes
That's normal for anyone who isn't a shonentard
>>Likes idol shit
>>Explicitly said "Hololive is an Idol company!"
>>Unironically likes Kiara, Marine and other Hologirls
That's exemplary

>> No.54905290

Sing a duet with Kiara. While having sex.

>> No.54905300

She's also a wo/m/an although at the moment it seems to be limited to Gundam and Macross.

>> No.54905348
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You rike GFE ?
You get GFE !

>> No.54905360

more like she's curing the board of its yellow fever

>> No.54905368

i disagree that she's too good to be true and submit that she is just right.
>is an idol enthusiast which is just objectively the biggest L one can take
but is so enthusiastic about it you can't help but smile
>likes lovelive
but was so inspired by k-on she bought a bass
>likes kiara
but likes marine more and own way more marine merch than kiara
>liked Bitch from Mercury
but is smart to be filtered by the first half of ZZ
>has boring forgettable conservative design
but still shows off her ass on purpose and goes out of her way to encourage you to sexualize her
i can go on and on with this back and forth for a while. she seems balanced in a really healthy way and definitely not "too good to be true" but i went into her debut with really low expectations and have come out of her two streams really invested to watch more.

>> No.54905400

This is the only correct answer don't believe anything else

>> No.54905499

The popular HoloENs + Bae + Kiara are already like this. Except for the anime part. Not sure why you even think that's a plus.

>> No.54905714

The catch is like her fanbase is going to be complete shit. I hate /ope/ already. Every third post is doxxshit.

>> No.54905744

>filtered by wanting to know more about a person
this is a you problem.

>> No.54905764

NTA. Seek help.

>> No.54905831

If I wanted that I'd just watch a regular streamer instead of someone pretending to be a cartoon character.

>> No.54905929

wanting to know more about the person who expects you to emotionally invest in them and wanting to be reminded life is trash, lectured about politics or made to feel like shit because of shit like class or geolocation is not the same thing.
neck yourself, but skip the note.

>> No.54905975

Became permanently associated with Kiara in her first stream after debut, not a good move. No identity of her own, just Kiara's lackey

>> No.54906154

You sound like a former teammate.

>> No.54906156

Are you serious? This is 99% an EOP board focused on EOP talents

>> No.54906202

She'll join Holotori and have a few collabs with her. That's it.

Fauna is the chumbud prime and it wasn't the end of the world.

>> No.54906290

Hololive really hit the ball out of the park with this gen.
>idol mommy
>idol cunny
>idol doggos
They even have built in containment for homobeggars and trannies. They can like as many of Shiori's tweets and not watch as many of her streams as they want and the other 4 will just live in harmony with the rest of hololive.

>> No.54906299

I like both chuubas but they seem less schizo than the Shiori ones.

>> No.54906345

>White woman but somehow likes cute girly things like makeup and flowers

>> No.54906350

>Wants to be sexualized but not in a twitch e-thoth way
That was so nijisanji of her I almost lost interest

>> No.54906407

That she's a KFP is a giant NO for me. The shit she's doing with Kiara is fucking cringe. You don't see any of the others do that.

>> No.54906504

>Wants to be sexualized but not in a twitch e-thoth way
>Unironically likes Marine
It makes no sense to be hyped over someone wanting to be "sexualized but not like e-thots" but then also think that liking Marine is a good thing.

>> No.54906528

Pretty much this. At this rate she will turn into the runt of the gen.

>> No.54906575

>but likes marine more and own way more marine merch than kiara
Literally the opposite. She basically just likes Marine but she is completely obsessed with Kiara.

>> No.54906655

you are misinterpreting this because she talked about kiara more.. because she can. like, there's no language barrier, it's literally a lower barrier of accessibility. emotionally she was pretty forthcoming about marine.

>> No.54906793

She's a little too cool and collected most of the time and her voice can get tiring to listen to because it leans towards a being a relaxed monotone. That's literally her only fault. If she allows herself to emote more she'll be giga dimes.

>> No.54906806
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This. Shiori might be a vapid whore that is more suited for NijiEN but holochads are blessed with the other 4. Nerissa in particular is unquestionably holo material.

>> No.54906836

Fauna isn't as annoying with being a chumbud as Nerissa acts with Kiara. Honestly Kiara should let Mumei free from Holotori and take Nerissa, she probably even wants that. Only reason she doesn't is because she would come off as a giant bitch in the whole community where even the JP's would see it.

>> No.54906898

her endgame is to get money from your gullible ass

>> No.54906919

>>Unironically likes Kiara
I'm not even going to watch her if that's the case

>> No.54906931

There's plenty of proof regarding which one she likes more if you look at what she did before hololive. She basically never replied to Marine on twitter or talked about her. She didn't even post in her chat. Her chat history is all Kiara with some Mori and I don't see anyone mentioning that she likes Mori despite her being in Mori's chat more than Marine's.

>> No.54906986

>Honestly Kiara should let Mumei free from Holotori and take Nerissa
Hi Nerissa.

>> No.54907048

>I'm not even going to watch her if that's the case
>EN3 filtering a record number of faggots
You love to see it

>> No.54907077

Please stop. We get it.

>> No.54907156

something so amusing about watching someone call someone else a faggot and also defend a woke activist in the same breath.

>> No.54907192

there's 4 other members in EN3 I can watch for a KFP-less experience

>> No.54907207

jap thought of everything! i kneel

>> No.54907269

how are you off by two values, the keys aren't even beside eachother. the twins are just one account.

>> No.54907357

I said members not accounts you complete autist

>> No.54907474


>> No.54907540

Spoiler alert: That's every chubas goal anon.

>> No.54907591

ZZ as a whole wasn't even half as bad as 2000's Gundam like AGE, even at it's worst 80s Gundam was incredibly kino

>> No.54907831

>likes lovelive
>ignoring the fact she loves idolmaster over it
typical lovelivefag behavior

>> No.54907914

t. that anon, and i actually agree with you
but someone (a normie idol girl, no less) going through from UC scratch and hitting that ZZ wall is big respect, because even back then the japs were put off by that shit. it did recover, and in hindsight it's much better than majority of gundam released since, but the contrast doesn't mean it was well liked. it's a sign she has potential even if she's dumb enough to like wfm
>listed lovelive liking as a negative
>eslchama reads this as a compliment somehow

>> No.54907934

Rissa will join Holotori (the official idol unit) once she has a 3D model.

>> No.54908707

>doesn't know about the other two

>> No.54908778

>miscounted by two
>calls other people autistic

>> No.54908951

nta but you're profoundly retarded and somehow persistent at being one too

>> No.54909224

You wish nijisanji is like this

>> No.54909367

I can respect it, even as an /m/ pleb who loved all of Zeta despite it's really rough flaws , I can see why both zeta and Zz can be a massive turnoff. The 80s movies and OVAs are much better regarded.

>> No.54909785

Besides Korone, they all are?

>> No.54910260

uh, think you misunderstand or misread. zeta is well liked, then and now. it's pretty much the best of uc if not gundam on both sides of the pond. turn A is generally considered the best writing but its disappointing kit sales and few suits keeps its legacy somewhat marred. you loving zeta is the norm. the only turnoff about it is the animation is ancient.

>> No.54911422

Marine is not good?

>> No.54911589

Her taste in /m/ is about as based as a EN female vtuber can get since I've given up looking for one who likes Mazinger, Getter and Braves

>> No.54911987

Faggot. Why are you so gay? Marine is no slut, she respects her fans more than almost any chuuba amout there. She just does a lot of fanservice.

>> No.54912083

>she respects her fans more than almost any chuuba amout there
Even within hololive? Hell no is that even close to the truth.

>> No.54912146

Just watch her streams and you'll know.

>> No.54912359

She is okay but she's a normie that doesn't catch your meaning and is not quite on the same page as you. Don't misunderstand where she is coming from when she says things. She loves touhou, you know IOSYS and Eurobeat, the kind of fan that was memed and bitched about in countless /jp/ threads. Interpret what she says in that context.

>> No.54912390

Yes she is not good.

>> No.54912511

So you're saying Marine respects her fans more than almost anyone else in hololive?

>> No.54912521

she's in the top 5 in terms of income, ccv and rankings. frankly she's also quite the favorite on vt which says a lot if even the pondscum here can agree she's good.

>> No.54912542

Kiara did the same with Pekora when she debuted and it died down overtime.
Chill out, people think what they do in the first month will set the tone for their whole career in Hololive and it's never been the case.

>> No.54912690


>> No.54912724

I am saying that. I can think of some that do more, like Pekora, Ko'one, Mikochi and a few others but by and large she really likes her fans a lot.

>> No.54913713

Doesn't matter. I'm a simple man, I like her and her voice, and listening to her stream makes me feel all warm and cozy inside.

>> No.54913748

I did notice her touhou is kind of ... basic. Why do these chubas put shit that isn't really true out there on debut?

>> No.54914113

>>Likes idol shit
>>Unironically likes Kiara, Marine and other Hologirls
huge red flag

>> No.54914157

if i recall she put touhou music, not touhou, which does absolve her of some responsibility to reply with specifics. there's a shitload of godlike touhou music but the core games will only ever be difficult shmups; the interests aren't aligned.

>> No.54914224

Every post after this one is unnecessary.

>> No.54914290

>>Unironically likes Kiara
Of course, she is Kiara nepotistic hire. Never bite the hand that feeds you.

>> No.54914474

I think Nerissa is somewhat like Kronii, but is much happier in personality and can sing very good too. She also doesn’t shy away from the sexy part as much. Better than Kronii, basically.

>> No.54914483

Marine is as sexy or more as any western vtuber out there but achieves it being cute and at the same time avoiding bitch/prostitute behaviour

>> No.54914549

I love her so far, but while everyone seems to think shiori is the ticking time bomb, I bet it's actually nerissa. A few weeks/months down the line a grey name is going to say something trivial in chat that sets her off and leads into a 15 minute lecture rant.

>> No.54914676

I mean it's not just basic, it's "Marisa Stole The Precious Thing got me into Touhou" type stuff. The girl is undeniably a normie. Not that it's a bad thing necessarily but interpret what you means as if she's a normie.

>> No.54914788

This bitch is so lucky she even got the bird motif so she can join holotori. She is literally living her dream.

>> No.54914869

i meant music, she listed it under music.

>> No.54915005

she's an ex kronii,

>> No.54915454

Girls being girly is rare nowadays. Most of them behave pretty much like dick-less males, love to be manly and wants to be treated like men.

>> No.54916343

i dont care about touhou.

>> No.54916485
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And i'm the bull that will charge the huge red flag.

>> No.54916585

But if you didn't grasp the meaning she's a surface level otaku, you're 4chan, she's tumblr, gaia online, resetera. Groups that say the same words but mean different things.

>> No.54916772
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>gaia online
Fuck i'm old.

>> No.54916865

She is the sign thay God have finally forgave our sins.

>> No.54917132

We need a new Holotori for ID/JP to that unit work with Nerissa.

>> No.54917206

If I were a homo my literal first legal move would be to cover the Mazinger Z opening anon. I get you

>> No.54917510

She's too old and her eggs are gone.

>> No.54917647

>What is her endgame?

Draining my semen, and it's working

>> No.54917737
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>lovely voice
>wonderful singing
>cute personality
>tall and sexy
>great taste in everything
>loves girls and being around girls
>absolutely loves Hololive
She's what I've been hoping for Hololive EN for a long time, she is built for Hololive. I hope she has a lot of fun playing with her oshi and much success in the future.

>> No.54917786

Never forget Kàkka claimed to be the first male member of holotori. Nerissa Kaela and Kiara BTFOd him. And sisters are seething.

>> No.54917828
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She is lovely, she's the most Hololive girl you could possibly get for Hololive EN

>> No.54917918

>cute girly things like makeup

>> No.54917969

She listed IOSYS as one of her faves. That should tell you a lot.

>> No.54918725

She's just a bit too young to be a proper oldfag but she's a proper old pattern weeb.
She loves Hololive and is elated to be a part of it, similar to Kiara.
Being able to make money hand over fist is nice too, once monetization rolls around.
She probably studied some probable questions and potential "issues" like the sexualisation thing and prepared a good response in advance.
She might be planning to become an EN version of Marine or Suisei, meaning someone who has so many connections and is so well known and loved that they can pivot into whatever they want when they eventually leave.

>> No.54918866

She's only older than Bijou, rest are older.

>> No.54919009

>they're going to do it
>so I should embrace it
>but I don't want to tarnish my image with it
>so I'll take control of it before they do
>I'll encourage them and tell them to keep it away from my official stuff

>> No.54919315

if she has an active flow of lewd art, she is popular.

>> No.54919421
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>> No.54919454

Pretty much, she handled it very well, didn't shame anyone but also kept her main art tag clean and friendly.
She also left the creation of the lewd tag to the community as a further bit of separation.
It's been two days, I'm sure eventually she'll have at least some minor drama and some stumbles and we'll see what she's truly made of but so far she's been top class.

>> No.54919862

She might not be the oldest but she is the most sensible one of the group.

>> No.54919963

Wanna know why these girls are so fucking good? because they had TRANING and the managers told mori to fuck off until their training was done, she couldn't poison the well early and now is too late for her advices to reach the new girls.

>> No.54920104

Okay anon great joke ngl

>> No.54920131

...what's the point of the 2D avatar kayfabe then?

>> No.54920140

>TOO good to be real
she's gay

>> No.54920164

They all had colorful histories before joining Hololive.

>> No.54920172

This place is gonna be amazing during her first yab.

>> No.54920479

>Likes Idolmaster more than Love Live
Woah just like Kiara

>> No.54921098


>> No.54921189

kiara stalker gets job at cover, uses new job to get way too close to kiara.

>> No.54921564

And you know it's going to happen, it's only a matter of time. Especially if it's a homocollab.

>> No.54921645

Literally only 2-3 members out of the 15 hired act like that

>> No.54921722

where does yagoo find women like her?

>> No.54921893
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Lesbian bars and find the timid and awkward ones, like always.

>> No.54921915

Her first big Macross idol influence was MINMEI. She has to be a 30+ year old hag minimum to even know who Minmei is.

>> No.54922037

She is a few years off hag status.

>> No.54922128

She's gay

>> No.54922168

>What is her endgame? She is just TOO good to be real
Your image already says it. She's a birb. And everyone knows about birds.

>> No.54922276

>irys not mentioned in op
>no one talking about irys
what the fuck lol

>> No.54922381

did she mention anything like being a fan of mori or kronii without being prompted? if not that's incredibly based

>> No.54922476

I believe she has mentioned Mori's music. I don't think she's mentioned Kronii on stream.

>> No.54922625

Kiara exists dumbass.

>> No.54923143

I still don't get why so many people compare her to Kronii, they are literally nothing alike.

>> No.54923317

She's a fan of Kronii

>> No.54923463

This. she's just "I am white woman and I'm just happy to be here" in the most positive way possible.

>> No.54923546

Yet most other holoen are worse than her

>> No.54924116

I have never had any interest in watching Marine streams, and I also don't even find her particularly entertaining in clips etc.

However, her music videos are basically the best, in my opinion, and are far better than they have a right to be.

>> No.54924329

She is not genuinely a good entertainer. Sorry if you don't want to hear that.

>> No.54924348

She's pretty good but I don't think I can come to like a KFP.

>> No.54924478

I don't know about other people, but based on what /vt/ has posted about her past, he passion only extends to her music. Her being a fan of some Hololive girls is the only relationship to being a vtuber or vtuber culture.

>> No.54924570

She's a really obvious dyke so her endgame is to flick beans with Kiara and gush about idol stuff together

>> No.54924704

Marine is one of the funniest holomems

>> No.54924905

i was a fan of kronii as well
might be past tense

>> No.54926100

25-27 is not too old for PLAPping. Though if she stays in Hololive for 3-5 years she's either gonna get a bf without telling us or be too old once she graduates. There is no winning.

>> No.54927157

She’s just a new debut, anon, so she’s trying to make a good first impression. Once her fandom and paypigs have stablized and she becomes Too Big to Fail like Myth and Council, she’s turn like the rest of them do.

>> No.54927444

Yeah, I think I agree there. The only ones I have any hope for are the sisters.

>> No.54927569

Wow, she really is to Kiara what Kiara was to Pekora

>> No.54927622

I can't help but feel like you either enter the company with a boyfriend, or you just go without one for the rest of your life.

>> No.54927692


>> No.54927723

>if you look at what she did before hololive
PL confirmed? VA Funimation?

>> No.54928316


>> No.54928433

So she's a real lesbian or Kayfabe? Genuinely asking

>> No.54928442

They're real and live in the midwest

>> No.54928946


>> No.54929063

some say vanilla ice cream is boring, which can be true. But GOOD vanilla ice cream is totally up there with the best

>> No.54929150

You're dismissing the "marry your boss" alternative.

>> No.54929724

The majority of her mentioning other Holo talents was spent on Kiara, Marine and Fauna. Mori got a passing mention, the usual basic surface level courtesy compliments she gets from every other vtuber that also does music, they admire her work ethic, she's an inspiration, blabla, but nothing on the level of paragraphs of gushing she did over the aforementioned three that she's actually really into.
Oh yeah and her "favorite Mori song"? RIP, that should tell you something lol.

If she mentioned Kronii as well, it must've been so minor and buried that I missed it, might as well be non-existent.

>> No.54930273

I guess it's mostly just preconceived notions from pre-debut, when you have little more than the modl to go off and project your imagination onto the character. So basically, just surface level similarities like hurrdurr both dark, blue, big tiddy, ergo she must be the new next Kronii hurrdurr (plus add some shitposting about about Kronii into the mix and how she'll be the "better Kronii" and retards run with the meme for a while).

They're not very much alike once you actually consider personality and character and give Nerissa the chance to develop herself beyond the initial preconceived notions.

>> No.54930602

i dont remember her ever mentioning Kronii in the unpacking stream. not once, and i watched the whole thing

>> No.54932081

i only know of the twitter exchange, which was the cringe moment for kronii. frankly, i hope nerissa mogs kronii to no end.

>> No.54933873

this. my fear is that the jailbirds will rival kronies in terms of stark raving mad behavior.
thankfully, she is ready to talk down the stupid.

>> No.54933935

Shut up

>> No.54934017

so you missed it when nerissa said she won't because of how idol groups ought to be canonically 5 members.

>> No.54934130

if you want to see a turbo bitch, just watch kronii

>> No.54934457

Or Mori. Both are turbo bitches and I'm not sure anymore which one is worse.

>> No.54934650

i gotta say, mr. dimitri jap did great with this one

>> No.54934835

Explain akb48 then

>> No.54934945

She has embraced capitalism. We trade for what each of us wants. I couldn't be happier.

>> No.54934968

You didn't get the memo, right? Shiori is officially a gosling magnet and menhera nerdy goth gf now.

>> No.54935081

The goslings are insane to latch onto Shiori.

>> No.54935174

nerdy cum dumpster, you mean

>> No.54935240

That impression is 100% because of her model, otherwise she's just boring

>> No.54936411

i don't need to. all i did was repeat nerissa's thought on the matter.

>> No.54936701

vanilla is black

>> No.54936991

if they want to be like men, then they shouldn't complain when they get treated like men

>> No.54937223

two years of council have shown me a decline due to lack of energy, bitchiness, or just downright stupidity. i'm all for seeing how advent turns out and hope that the pattern isn't necessary

>> No.54937345

the sisters have the most stress to deal with in my mind. personally, i look past the gimmick to the mechanics of not only their relationship, but also the logistics of "always a collab" streaming. it doesn't bode too well

>> No.54937679

It seems you didn't get the memo. That ended in her debut.
Nerissa is now the gosling magnet, while Shiori fanbase has late stage kronie symptoms.

>> No.54937891

>Shiori fanbase has late stage kronie symptoms
i laughed so hard at this.

>> No.54940845


>> No.54941493

It seems weird to me her problematic opinions haven't been revealed.

It makes sense that's why she privated her twitter as soon as she got picked, no way for antis to dig up shit about her when they didn't know who she was.

>> No.54941520

they've done the collab thing for a loong time. what happens when one of them gets sick?

>> No.54943025

She's the Fauna of EN3. She just likes Hololive and this is her dream

>> No.54943253

This is why hags are so beloved around here
She has all of these positive qualities, and the only con is she's middle-aged

>> No.54943558

>mogs every other singing holo to the ground
>has songwriting ability that will improve and diversify the holoen concert song library
>blue woman
yes, part of the GOLDEN GEN

>> No.54943623

It's really over for JP3.

>> No.54943691

>This is 99% an EOP board focused on EOP talents
then how come it's always and only SEA that's being asked to be rangedbanned? What, the white race is too shit at shitposting? Or are they just hopelessly outnumbered? KEK

>> No.54943892
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She's a midwestern subhuman

>> No.54944126

she really isn't, biggest letdown of a model probably ever

>> No.54944327

Someone was gonna say it sooner or later so I will both catch and kill someone calling her pickme. I'd say "kind of" at most it if that counts it means tons of JPs are too. It is more like she has been around the Holo fandom long enough to really know what to do and not do, what to say and not say etc. It's like if any one of you day 1 EN fans (a kfp in this specific case) turned into a girl (like an actual one) and were asked to be a Holo ... how would you act, what would you say, how would you be a good Holo etc. A female Hololive (not stars, Live) fan is what Nerissa is, so it is child's play to style herself in all the ways she knows the fans like whether they say it or not. The more naive/ignorant ENs think reddit or Twitter say what the fans want, but they really don't sing from the heart like people here sometimes do when being sincere in goslinging, reminiscing about their favorite streams/moments etc. Reading here is, I'd you filter the catalog bad faith / twisted argument garbage from niji/small corpo sisters etc, we are functionally a cheat sheet into the secret mind and desires of the fans, things seldom said out loud within earshot of the girls, and I do think Nerissa is taking notes. That doesn't mean she is exclusively studying here or only values us, probably not ... but she definitely seems to take it into account and is notably very wise, knows what is up vs some other ENs having stunningly out of touch assumptions.

>> No.54945389

Nothing weird about it - she either has been smart enough herself to lock that shit down before it got out of hand, or even had good advice from her senpais who had similar experiences with this shit before on how to handle it in advance (you can probably guess who can tell her a thing or two about having your past "problematic twitter opinions" be used against you and what she'd do differently if she could start over again).

Plus, she thankfully wasn't unfortunate enough to attract a group of dedicated schizo antis who'd care enough to hound and harass her for years like a plague and archive every stupid tweet and every unflattering photo of the last decade before you can lock it down, and blast them in schizo collages all over the internet to turn people against her around her most important debut impression phase.

>> No.54945980

I trust her, she didn't hesitate to tard-wrangle in her unpacking stream, but she did so while being classy about it
And Shiori already attracted all the schizos, so it will be fine

>> No.54947723

nothing the ol' tuning fork can't fix

>> No.54947900

The term "pickme" has been so overused, it already lost what little meaning it ever had. Seriously, when I've seen both Kiara and Pippa being called "pickme's" here on this board, two people who are so very far apart in content, personality and presentation, it doesn't make any sense beyond just being used as a lame attempt to address "person I don't like" by some other trendy sounding term.

For example, providing some fanservice is not "pickme" behavior. Neither is "pandering", i.e. giving your audience what they want and not being a bitch to them - shocking behavior, I know, how dare a public entertainer do this! If the rest of the audience enjoys what you call "pickme" about a vtuber, then maybe that's more of a (you) problem instead of a (them) problem and nobody's keeping you from moving on to other vtubers who treat you like shit, hey if you're into that, I don't care.

The only time calling someone a "pickme" would even begin to make sense (I still wouldn't use the term because it has been so poisoned by misapplication) is in the rare instances you come across some behavior that fits the complete original meaning of the term. A "pickme" was never just a synonym for "woman who tries to get men to like her and behaves accordingly" (that's just what it's been degeneratively memed into, and is easily countered by "yeah, so? what's so bad about that?"), but meant some additional behavior as to "how" exactly the woman goes about ingratiating herself to men, specifically by being a nasty bitch behavior trying to put down the "competition" and fake "omg I'm so not like all the other stupid girls, teehee" bullshit (which is ironic because being a bitch is exactly what makes you "like all the other stupid girls").

Needless to say, this has little to nothing to do with Nerissa, or pretty much anyone in Holo, who's as far from this behavior as you can get, but this is just my personal axe to grind against that term.

>> No.54948038

vaguely similar designs, both have a 'mommy' voice, both have a VA'ing background. But Nerissa is just an overall better Kronii, and people love comparisons, so that's probably why.

>> No.54948124

i like kronii's voice, i hate her personality. nerissa has a great similar voice and so far has a better personality.

>> No.54948369

just gonna assume you're talking about good white women in general

>> No.54948786

Shiori was the designated driver for her lesbian friends that day and just tagged along.

>> No.54948979

I think she sounds nothing like Kronii, unless maybe every voice that isn't the standard "high pitched anime girl uwu" sounds the same to you.
The only thing I can see people mistaking for superficially similar is that Nerissa still has some of that post-debut nervousness which can be compared to Kronii's general autism stuttering, but in Nerissa's case that will smooth itself out over time once she gets more comfortable and relaxed.
Other than that they're not so much alike at all, Nerissa has a much more positive, pleasant ring compared to Kronii's sardonic "ugh, what am I even doing here.." downer attitude.

>> No.54949814

Nta but yeah I'd say that the only people who think "she was smart and scrubbed her online profile" is a bad thing, is if they are doxfags/stalkers/holoantis (commonly such people are all of these), mad that they can't just freely attack her with below the belt shit if they feel like. The kind of fan who wants to wave dox as a threat to control her is not the kind of fan a chuuba would ever want to begin with, and most of those are not real fans at all anyway.

I find it respectable that she respects the fact that opsec actually matters. The impression I get when a girl leaves a bunch of incriminating shit live in plain sight is that they don't care if it ruins the character they are trying to play and don't take the idea it might impact the fans badly when doxfags rub it in their faces. Which are shitty traits to have. She knows how this game goes and I am surprised more ENs aren't much more like her in these regards. Goes to show how many obviously fake grifters are in the scene when they just whine about basic shit and blame fans for opinions going south when they fuck up, instead of strive to not fuck up to begin with.
