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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 40 KB, 600x314, 1616258995929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5486484 No.5486484 [Reply] [Original]

>unveiling a new outfit literally a week before graduation
Yeah right. This whole graduation thing was just a big ruse, you'll fucking see. You all faggots are being trolled, this is some kojima shit I tell you what

>> No.5486507

It was probably ready before she decided to graduate. Or it's probably a lame attempt from Cover to change her mind.

>> No.5486558

At this point, it feels like it's a Vtubing tradition to get a new outfit just before graduating. It happened with Hololive China, Maid Mint, and IIRC at least one other.

>> No.5486613

Kojimba WayTooDank

>> No.5486617

Probably it was planned to be revealed much later; better show it now instead of throwing it away.
I bet it'll be half-finished with rhombus everywhere

>> No.5486752
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>> No.5486846

Try not to overdose on copium there

>> No.5486988

Coco WILL graduate….and then come back a few months later ala Sasaki Saku

>> No.5487204
File: 2.93 MB, 1800x1013, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5487310

Coco's character is dead. It's Time to move on faggot. Unless there's some kind of 4th gen reunion or some shit then I don't see Coco ever coming back. That's the reality. Now cry.

>> No.5487657

what an awful design

>> No.5487717

you have bad taste

>> No.5487758

Fucking Coco wasting time and effort like this

>> No.5488051

Look at this fucking newfag.

>> No.5488675

Not >>5487657 but I agree with them. Not as strongly. It's not "awful", but it does demonstrate two related concepts that I dislike in character design (and which were not issues with Gibara's first outfit):

(1) Goes beyond "complex" and adds so many details as to be more "busy" than necessary.
For example: She's got a garter. Cool!
But it's a garter, with a bow on the strap. Okay.
But it's a garter, with a bow on the strap, AND a funky heart-clasp. What.
But it's a garter, with a bow on the strap, AND a funky heart-clasp, AND an inverted-heart design above it. Why.
But it's a garter, with a bow on the strap, AND a funky heart-clasp, AND an inverted-heart design above it, AND a tattoo on the leg above that. Stop.

(2) Excessively asymmetrical.
It's a nice accent to have one side of one part of a costume stand out that way.
Having one sleeveless arm, or one leg? Maybe an accent on the legging instead? Great!
On the other hand, here is asymmetry on the torso AND the leggings, AND sleeves, AND hair ornaments, but also all in inconsistent ways. Now, consistency is not a goal unto itself! A little asymmetry is great. This is overkill. As a comparison point, Arurandeisu has an asymmetrical lapel color and a watch, but doesn't have mis-matched pants legs or sleeves, or an asymmetric beard. Pekora has a light carrot emblem on one side of her coat and a garter, which is acceptable. They didn't give her a garter and three other accents on that same leg. I think her hair-carrots being in different spots is a bit much, when combined with the other elements, but it pales in comparison to this.

And yes, I know that many vtubers have some of this in their designs.
I am not a fan of it on almost any of them.
There's a limit, right around Aiba Uiha's design. Her outfit is right on the line for me, but her later outfits are fine.

It's all secondary to their personalities. I just wish character designers were more stimulated and satisfied in other parts of their lives so they didn't do shit like this.

>> No.5488955

Your post is too high IQ for this board, but I personally appreciate the in-depth analysis.

>> No.5490258

i like the design

>> No.5490295 [DELETED] 
File: 105 KB, 800x371, 1620359015759.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>unveiling a new outfit literally a week before graduation
>Yeah right. This whole graduation thing was just a big ruse, you'll fucking see. You all faggots are being trolled, this is some kojima shit I tell you what

>> No.5490311

Anon I want to believe that too, but she'll be gone soon, and the more hope you give yourself, the more it'll hurt when she's gone.

>> No.5490993

As an omaruza this still hurts me, no SEX clown collab between pol and gibara.

>> No.5491481

Coco was paid to graduate by Yagoo because she wouldn't fuck off.

>> No.5491515

>cock outline
what did they mean by this

>> No.5491656

inb4, it's a graduation outfit.

>> No.5491743

She just got a new outfit a little while ago though

>> No.5491757

coom brain

>> No.5492547

Which is why the announcement was so shocking because from an outside perspective everything was going so well

>> No.5492639

Looks like a wedding dress.

>> No.5492714

Honestly I get the feeling it wasn't so much that Coco specifically wanted to do yabai stuff, but Cover feels like they have to hold the line on being the last word on content. Once that dam breaks they are putting the company's fortunes on the gamble that none of the 40 some odd girls with various levels of mental illness won't cause a shitstorm that affects the whole company. I'm sympathetic to Coco but I sort of see where Cover is coming from. Her going her own way really makes sense for both of them in the long run.

>> No.5492786

at the cost of former discrete chinese investors starting to glow in the dark and cover gaining a lot of negative reputation.

Even if she leaves, it's a phyrric victory. Now cry, Zhao Xiangong

>> No.5493048
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>> No.5493267

That she could have been destroying my ass...

>> No.5493375


>> No.5493409
File: 94 KB, 700x630, 1620613980169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rhombus chads can't stop winning

>> No.5493497

>Coco was paid to graduate by Yagoo because she wouldn't fuck off.
I choose to believe this rrat

>> No.5494020

Those are the two things I hate the most about jap designs: asymmetry and too much complexity

>> No.5494230

Coco's VA will leave but will be replaced. So basically Coco stays but with different VA.

>> No.5494299

Looks like a robe for the university gimmick to me.
FUCK WAIT... Is she just graduating from UNIVERSITY???

>> No.5494506


>> No.5494896

Doesn't matter. Point is to have as much morale and zealousy while you can still say bye.
If you leave it for after, assuming there is an after given OP, that's what will really hurt you.

>> No.5496486

I wonder if the other ones will get a 1M outfit as well.

>> No.5496645

Dumb shill

>> No.5497037

You are a fucking schizo, but I agree with you.

>> No.5497380

another Gamebu. Will be fun to watch the shitshow.

>> No.5503644

I'll bet my cat, that this is a fucking graduation robe.

>> No.5504293

>and IIRC at least one other.

>> No.5504565

Was just about to bring this up, it's more of a here's everything that was planned just not used for reasosns, type of think one last final big stream surprise since the streamer will be gone anyway.

>> No.5504620

It's a snuggie/hood version of Coco-chan

>> No.5504948

Good designs are asymmetrical.

>> No.5506780


She's graduating to return as a member of EN gen 2

Screencap this post

>> No.5507961


>> No.5508587

dont forget haachama

>> No.5509151

So did any nip schizos uncover what she's doing

>> No.5510234

last I heard she was still vomiting over gacha pulls

>> No.5510825


>> No.5511090

the same thing she did before she quit
not streaming and playing gachashit

>> No.5511125

Of course, genius kojumbo is at it again.

>> No.5511729

I like the outfit. It has 4 consistent colours with golden highlights, it's very asymmetrical and might look like it's too much at first but every pattern has a matching part except the wrist cuff on her right arm, it looks like an ornament for a christmas outfit. But overall it's good.

>> No.5514750

she's made it very clear she's getting out of vtubing and not even to be a manager. you need to accept it and stop trying to overdose on asacocopium.
(you)'re retarded. if that guy was a chang he'd be concerned with having coco's roommate dead in public, not the irrelevant character going out of use.
>having a brain means being a dumb shill

>> No.5515092

>He doesn't think cover is THAT dumb
They just don't want to waste the money they already put on it

>> No.5515412

Dumb sheep

>> No.5515540

>I did graduate guys
>...from post secondary education

>> No.5516029

Example pls

>> No.5516125

Imagine July 2nd rolls around and Coco keeps streaming as if nothing ever happened

>> No.5516166

It's her one last hoorah, it's not very hard to understand, OP.

>> No.5516285

I miss her.

>> No.5516375
File: 654 KB, 809x475, 1597066961099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know. I reckon that if we all just pretend Coco was still around then collectively we could probably make a pretty believable illusion of her still being around. Heck, we could probably trick ourselves into believing it. All we need to do is conduct a coordinated effort to make the projection true

>> No.5517519
File: 20 KB, 538x471, E0P4rjDVEAEQHmk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to stop imagining

>> No.5517618

I would drop to my knees and worship her perfectly shaved cunt with my tongue if she would keep streaming.

>> No.5517620

Forsen forsen I'm your number one fan

>> No.5517653

This would be nice but, sadly, Cover is that dumb.

though admittedly this is a weird choice.

>> No.5517686
File: 144 KB, 902x593, 1604416236267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imperial japanese flag and the scalps of manchurians
How will she get away with this?

>> No.5517690

>she's made it very clear she's getting out of vtubing
I’m hopeful for roommate streams still

>> No.5517691

Yeah costume design is really high iq stuff, aesthetics aren't just subjective.

>> No.5517728

Make a vtuber tupla, sounds like a plan.

>> No.5517736

Why would they give away their master plan by doing something so obvious like hinting it with an outfit reveal? She's not coming back anon, get over it.

>> No.5517774


>> No.5517870

death shroud for when she will commit sudoku live on stream in a world first vtuber suicide. i prophesied this in a dream i had

>> No.5517926

I guarantee at least two jp indies have an hero'd live but nobody was there to watch.

>> No.5517959

>Coco’s outfit will be a graduation robe and cap
Honestly I’d kneel.

>> No.5518055

It's 100% Coco-chan

>> No.5520364

>I, Kiryu Coco, am leaving Hololive
to join a new branch for risque holos called HoloX

>> No.5520403

>Kojima shit

>> No.5522319
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>> No.5524707


>> No.5525598

Just watch, she's going to declare she's not graduating, I just know it.

>> No.5525625

I want Coco to do the whole Wolf of Wall Street "I'm not leaving" speech.

>> No.5525717

haha looks like penis

>> No.5525843

That hated him because he spoke the truth

>> No.5525857

I’ll pay you $100 to fuck off

>> No.5525884

Her and Haachama, right?

>> No.5526174

based /fa/g

>> No.5528967

15 minutes warning

>> No.5529004

What the fuck, look at all these Superchats. It hasn't even started yet.

>> No.5529234
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>> No.5529395

first time seeing tatsunokos in action?

>> No.5529429

>korone not giving a single fuck and continuing to stream mario maker

>> No.5529435

Never officially graduated
Shit rrat

>> No.5529471


>> No.5529509
File: 763 KB, 744x653, 1623711719228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better fucking not be

>> No.5529541

Or what?

>> No.5529586

graduation robe with balls on top?

>> No.5529629
File: 24 KB, 240x240, 1598679641259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or i'll shit up random threads in /vt/ with my schizo rrats and slap my desk really hard

>> No.5529665

But you already are doing that!!

>> No.5529757

nice I like priestesses

>> No.5529806

thank god not every guess is just a meme

>> No.5529842

>traditional japanese marriage costume

she's pregnant guys, that's why she will stop vtubing

>preferably from BBC american soldier cock

>> No.5529877


>> No.5529975
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Nice spacing
Nice meme arrows
Nice rrrrrat

>> No.5530002
File: 148 KB, 1112x834, 1621797752393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a link to Coco’s bgm

>> No.5530022

>Never officially graduated
But she did

>> No.5530095

>having literally the whole of june dedicated to her.
I really dislike this.

>> No.5530097


>> No.5530135

it's 1 month that's nearly over fag. and if you knew you were gonna die you'd want to do a bunch of stuff before that too.

>> No.5530159

She told them 3 months ago.

>> No.5530178

i think tatsunoko are trying to tell coco something will all these wedding outfits

>> No.5530205

Did she just kill KanaCoco?

>> No.5530234

I told your mom something

>> No.5530245

She might rejoin Hololive as an EN a few years down the line if cover lightens up or she gets her projects out of her system. More likely is that she is done with Hololive beyond the occasional cameo on HoloAlt and maybe a surprise guest on an anniversary live or something. Any other rrat is just copium.

>> No.5530371

No, She strengthened it. Her denial is a confession.

>> No.5530466

Copium overdose.

>> No.5530509

You're still in the Denial phase anon. Just accept it.

>> No.5530559

ZUN drawing looking ass

>> No.5530558

it's a snuggy isn't it

>> No.5530589

Would fall in line with stated preferences of home clothing

>> No.5530594

In your dream maybe.

>> No.5530640

> Doog streaming Mario maker over the reveal

>> No.5530667

Almost 100k viewers. I kneel

>> No.5530686
File: 244 KB, 543x475, cocoP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Coco month mogs pride month

Absolutely based

>> No.5530700

based doog

>> No.5530703

Hot as fuck

>> No.5530721
File: 37 KB, 518x437, 1620784064929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's about to reveal it.

>> No.5530776

This reveal is not important because she's graduating anyway.

>> No.5530792


>> No.5530808

nice braids

>> No.5530812

It's a Yoshi pattern graduation bath robe

>> No.5530818

>it's Barney

>> No.5530824


>> No.5530830

>not a grrad cap
a bit disappointed desu

>> No.5530840

Adorable as fuck

>> No.5530850


>> No.5530851


>> No.5530852

expected but cute

>> No.5530861
File: 43 KB, 1024x768, 586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did I expect anything else

>> No.5530889

This fucking sucks, what the hell. Does Cover really hate her that much??

>> No.5530893

Her ears are much more noticeable than before for some reason. Is it the hairstyle?

>> No.5530902


>> No.5530905

This is so Coco

>> No.5530910

>entire pajama
Why Coco get all the comfy outfits

>> No.5530917

This needed a boob window. Utter failure. She deserves to go.

>> No.5530933

>One hundred thousand viewers
Good lord.

>> No.5530942
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>> No.5530943
File: 286 KB, 1026x1404, 1598563782433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She got best outfit when she leaves

>> No.5530961

Gura got 193k for her outfit reveal.

>> No.5530963


>> No.5530976

I expected a onesie, but seeing the creepy Kiryu-chan thing so often made me think she was gonna get a onesie version of that instead of the purple dragon form from debut

>> No.5530998
File: 263 KB, 1280x720, get in the pocket ppt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can this bitch be so goddamn cute? She even has a pocket to carry her wife around!

>> No.5531011

from the chest upwards its cute, from the chest downwards seems low effort

>> No.5531019

goddamn it imagine cuddling this monster on a cold day

>> No.5531024

You're a nigger you know that?

>> No.5531033

Cause she's a cute little dragon and she needs to stay warm.

>> No.5531047

Meh outfit. Kinda shows that she is leaving though.

>> No.5531052

>not the track suit
there isn't an outfit that fits coco better than that. we are blessed to have gotten that

>> No.5531053

of course a chumkek is going to flex his number vessel, that's all she is for these retards

>> No.5531064


>> No.5531065

I'm gonna tell my kids this was Barney the Dinosaur

>> No.5531070

It's not fair, bros. It's not fucking fair

>> No.5531083

what a great outfit for kaicho on the dawn of the last week. 10/10 I really dont want the 1st to arrive

>> No.5531086

>same haircut as Kiara

>> No.5531092
File: 138 KB, 463x453, 1594744884119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a disappointment.
Since she's leaving it should have had flopping braless tits with nipples poking through.

>> No.5531120

I want to blast a fat load over that cute little button nose then pull the hood down over it and spin her around

>> No.5531124


>> No.5531125
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>> No.5531128

O-oh! She heard you and she mad!

>> No.5531139

>We've only a week to see this outfit
What the fuck kind of tubo gayery is this

>> No.5531146

take meds ogey

>> No.5531151

>She's here

>> No.5531172

Should have been a KMT uniform

>> No.5531177
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>> No.5531196

I don't understand

>> No.5531199

The 3d effect is actually so well done. Should have this rigger do Gura's model again.

>> No.5531203

probably rushed to meet the deadline

>> No.5531225
File: 766 KB, 3508x2480, 7bbd4e8cec5c2868042b62bdec7215f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5531226

>thug pants

>> No.5531240

Artillerymen aren't stationed in Japan anon, if she's getting American soldier cock than it's probably from some tiny pp 92Y.

>> No.5531242


>> No.5531262

More like a sign the left on her own will, Cover didn't press her like the rrats like to say.

>> No.5531263


>> No.5531267

cum blender

>> No.5531271

Why did Coco graduate?
>shows them this outfit
Mystery solved

>> No.5531328

Oh ok lmao

>> No.5531341
File: 104 KB, 257x261, Bild_2021-06-23_165607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lov this comfy bitch, I will miss her and her Tatsus

>> No.5531345

> Crosses arms



A cult of personality.

>> No.5531346

One of the best outfits in vtuber history, graduated shortly after. Sad.

>> No.5531348
File: 509 KB, 537x537, sukushooooto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she made one of the worst outfits in holo look cute as fuck

>> No.5531357

go work on perms Jenma

>> No.5531379
File: 1.06 MB, 1148x1149, 1622603468029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wakanda forever
Fucking niggers ruin everything.
Its obviously Wolverine's pose.

>> No.5531384

>8 days left
She counted them out, and it hurt me to hear

>> No.5531412

> お嫁に
> slipped out

damn, she's actually getting married huh

>> No.5531414

She's just getting ready to block an overhead heel kick.

>> No.5531416


>> No.5531422

Will Coco throw a pipebomb before she leaves?

>> No.5531477

When did she say it?

>> No.5531484

Sorry, it's me. We've been dating for a year. Didn't wanna break it to you guys this way.

>> No.5531521

>eight days
Bros... You have any plans to cope with Coco's graduation?

>> No.5531534
File: 346 KB, 591x532, Screenshot_2021-06-23_16-59-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol moona

>> No.5531547

When a joke outfit is rigged better than most hololive costumes

>> No.5531551

No, but someone is gonna burn down Cover HQ like studio 1

>> No.5531554

Her last words will be "Taiwan is a countrrryyyy bye bye!"

>> No.5531577

>8 days
no please, my only cope...

>> No.5531590

I think it's just that riggers are getting better with time.

>> No.5531592

I'm going to forget she even existed and instead act like Kiara use to be in the JP branch and was far more based back then like the true schizo I am.

>> No.5531596


>> No.5531598

what did she mean by this

>> No.5531604

The fuck is she talking about?

>> No.5531613

That's because Coco is a lgbt icon...

>> No.5531619

I bought 2 liters of scotch for this.

>> No.5531626


>> No.5531680

Her tits dumbass.

>> No.5531686

>Yagoo, while you sit there, hopefully as uncomfortable as you possibly can be, I want you to listen to me. I want you to digest this because before I leave in 8 days with your company's last vestiges of relevancy, I have a lot of things I want to get off my chest.
>I don’t hate you, John. I don’t even dislike you. I do like you. I like you a hell of a lot more than I like most people in the world.
>I hate this idea that you know what you're doing. Because you don't. I do. I’m the most knowlagablet in the world. There’s one thing you’re better at than I am and that’s kissing Xi Xiping’s ass.

>monster poo

>> No.5531706


>> No.5531726

Alcohol sucks. The only way to be happy is to have a healthy body, which means eating your veggies and exercising.

>> No.5531729
File: 629 KB, 598x1004, Screenshot 2021-06-23 at 12-05-14 よーな on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dude was so close to the real thing.

>> No.5531744

Yes, I'll leave this place and stop watching Hololive.

>> No.5531786

Yagoo's first name is John?

>> No.5531800

That's too easy, she's going to go with a full reading of the tiananmen square pasta and link the wiki pages of all the references in the description to make absolutely sure cover can never go near china again

>> No.5531803

Not really... just play videogames all day

>> No.5531828

She has to save that for the graduation stream. (not her graduation, but the CCP's)

>> No.5531840

>both are orange
Fair enough schizo anon hope it works

>> No.5531844

Original song?!

>> No.5531886

I'm barely awake please andstad

>> No.5531914
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>> No.5531917


What the fuck do you think, retard?

>> No.5531944

He doesn't know, which is why he asked. Please try to be more polite in the future.

>> No.5531961

Yagoo is just rubbing it in at this point but hey, more Coco content for us to enjoy

>> No.5531970
File: 438 KB, 1280x720, supachatflood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ thet're gonna drown her in those sc

>> No.5531983

ah yes, the infamous rhombus reveal

>> No.5532043

>tfw a rhombus cat shark was seen by more people than you will interact with in your entire life
feels fucking weird

>> No.5532072

Have you considered to socialize more?

>> No.5532086

>Anons make shops of new memereview every week to pretend to be mad at as if she was still there doing it

>> No.5532104

You have interacted with 200k people?
Not 200k times, 200k different people.

>> No.5532158

Junichiro "John" Yagoo Esq

>> No.5532178
File: 360 KB, 723x335, oggey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5532228

I wish Coco would have sex with me

>> No.5532236

>keep thinking I've accepted Coco leaving
>new streams
>new outfits
>new songs
please don't go...

>> No.5532290

Are you one of the Indian Tech support?

>> No.5532320
File: 1.61 MB, 1038x584, 1621086345497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's going to get burried

>> No.5532329

i love this rrat

>> No.5532341

If she does this she's gonna be remembered as a fucking legend for years.

>> No.5532345

Yes we should do this a few times.

>> No.5532350

If you work any sort of service industry job that stays busy, you could easily hit that in a few years

>> No.5532366


>> No.5532411

I did my part!
Her computer is clearly lagging while trying to stimulate it now.

>> No.5532426

thanks reddit

>> No.5532513

>sasuga retard-kun

>> No.5532545

Seeing that red SC drop was funny.

>> No.5532547

>Cover is going to lose this revenue stream in eight days
Investors who don't follow the going ons at Cover are going to be pissed at the sudden drop. Managers and employees who let this happen are probably getting fired.

>> No.5532589

Investors may hope for return of china sponsorship onece Coco is gone.

>> No.5532595


>Hair-carrots being in different spots is a bit much

Go back to /ic/hina, you bitch made nigga.

>> No.5532612
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>> No.5532684

Better not, besides Cover already losing the one that brought more money to them, their stocks will go way down if they try connecting with chink brands again the second Coco graduates.

>> No.5532699

I can't believe they killed coco

>> No.5532744

if she dies she can't graduate, perfect plan

>> No.5532766

Unlikely given they aren't sucking China's dick hard enough and firing instead of letting her graduate.
Not to mention the whole Fubuki thing bugs are trying to pull.

>> No.5532785

It'd be funny to see their utter dissapointment when their earnings just drop even more

>> No.5532869
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>> No.5532871

I can only pray that happens so they stop being that fucking retarded.

Which one of you fags was it?

>> No.5532974
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>go crawling back to China
>lose all money from the rest of the world
>find out that billions of bugs does not equal billions of bucks
>Yagoo does a flip off Tokyo Tower

>> No.5532989


>> No.5533017


>> No.5533045
File: 305 KB, 1280x720, here we go again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5533068

HoloEN2 is ready, Cover is just waiting for a more appropriate time. Probably around august. They won't go back to china.

>> No.5533116

If anything, HoloTW/ES might happen.

>> No.5533148

Nobody is going back to China. Manufacturing for big companies is moving to Taiwan, Vietnam, SEA and India.

Welcome back to the rice fields, winniefuckers.

>> No.5533174
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>Refuses to elaborate further
>Gets the best costume
Ultra-chad dragon.
>Taiwan is a country.

>> No.5533186

>An entire generation of Utaite
>In English
Even if vSingers is more successful than expected, any monetary gain will be dampened by the sheer number of licenses they have to pay for.

>> No.5533211

Man, it really would be a giant middle finger to China if Cover decided to do a Taiwan branch, wouldn't it.

>> No.5533258
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>> No.5533280

>TW chuuba comes back

>> No.5533298

which one was it again?

>> No.5533361


>> No.5533489

Suisei will voice her too.

>> No.5533550

There was pressure internally from somewhere to make her quit, they didn't go for the firing because they thought they could keep the english market and rebuild in china, forgetting the real reason the zhangs were primed to chimp out in the first place

>> No.5533602
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Yogurt (Yogiri), I hear she was chill
too bad she happened to be part of the wrong branch at the wrong time.

>> No.5533769

LIke this annon said >>5504293 Gibara.

>> No.5533794

That would be amazing. Imagine the seethe.

>> No.5533814

If you don't like complex things don't look at anything humans have done during the baroque. Not even food

>> No.5533858

Is Jim Ross going to introduce her, too?

>> No.5533878

You will killyourself if you ever see what the European aristocrats wore

>> No.5533902

Yes but he'll stumble over his words, get the name wrong and everyone will be incredibly uncomfortable the whole time.

>> No.5534001

Its not going to be instant, we'll see that happen in 3 months

>> No.5534226

called it

>> No.5534526

Changs and Zhaous have been having a weird obsession with Coco the character. They got a phyrric victory, where the existence of chinese investors started to glow in the dark, and cover getting negative reputation.
It was a huge cost to pay, not to mention the revenue cover gets will drop, which may put the job stability of some managers at risk.

It was a "victory" like winter war where ussr "won" against Finland.

>> No.5534710

or like in ww2 where the ussr "won" vs germany. While having a stupid amount of deaths

>> No.5534854

She'll be in the 2nd Holo EN generation

>> No.5535036

they obviously had this in the works from the time she decided to leave and rushed to get it out at least a week before her graduation

>> No.5535870
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>It was a "victory" like winter war where ussr "won" against Finland.
or like any military "victory" the chinese have had in recent centuries

>> No.5536067

You have a whole pipeline or art and music and other commissions that is going to be worthless after, so of course you have to rush it all out. Then it looks to idiots like you got given stuff before your graduation because they don't think about the fact that this shit takes weeks and months to put together

>> No.5536125

Makes sense why Russia/USSR and China like each other. Literally the same strategy, send everyone to the meat grinder because our population is much larger

>> No.5536127

Asacoco University?
What happened to that place?

>> No.5536191


>> No.5536851

Not even the Taiwanese conside Taiwan a country, rather than a province of the Republic of China.

>> No.5536993

bro we're paying you fucks good money to spread Chinese propaganda on this board, you could at least be a bit more subtle

>> No.5537018

Just to be clear, you're saying the Taiwanese consider themselves the real Chinese government?

>> No.5537240

Sheep can be very smart

>> No.5537347

Except Russia knows you have a better chance if you arm your meat with something that goes bang, as opposed to a shovel.

>> No.5537375

Moona is bonkers lol

>> No.5537435

>huh huh, cover is irrelevant without coco!
>clearly everything is about the changs!

>> No.5537519

ogay zhangrrat.

>> No.5537542


>> No.5537603

He's partially correct. Going back to China would be suicide for Cover. People knew Aloe for like a week and are STILL crying about how she won't come back, even though the door's open. Imagine how butthurt Tatsunokos would get if they found out Cover went back to China after what they did to their oshi. It'd make the KyoAni fire look like a casual campsite.

>> No.5538056

Yeah. And they can't even declare themselves a different country because they would 1.) forfeit all their rights to the mainland and 2.) get immediately invaded by China because as a real country Taiwan could join the UN and China would never allow that.

>> No.5538453

you will be surprised at the amount of people with terminal cancer that don't give up and live caring about their future, even if the pain tells them they will die in a week.

>> No.5538936

It's a split question, the current party in government is one of the ones that advocates for Taiwanese independence from China entirely but formally in their laws they are the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China is a rebel government occupying their clay.

>> No.5543075

That worked out well when they tried to do that to Kizuna Ai.
