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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 119 KB, 336x249, niggerfaggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54821331 No.54821331 [Reply] [Original]

>Saw FuwaMoco's popularity and big numbers
>Immediately put up a stream with his faggot twin
Why is this homo like this? Tempus was a fucking mistake.

>> No.54821443

>his twin
Wtf, since when?

>> No.54821745

since he was born?

>> No.54821778

he has been doing this for LITERAL months and it his actual IRL twin brother, you fucking idiot
stop making shitposts about streamers you dont watch

>> No.54821852

i'll reply with as much effort as op put in this bait

>> No.54821890

Are you sure it's not the other way around? Bettel's been doing this bit for several months and mogs a lot of Hololive in superchat revenue.

>> No.54821920 [DELETED] 

oh no no sisters, quick! we gotta slit our wrists for him to stop the tempiss branch from collapsing!

>> No.54821923

Yass, sis. Go tell them!

>> No.54821941

never forget he over took lamy on their shared birthday month........

>> No.54822007

Bettel said he would do this before moving arc even started, which was pre-Advent announcement. This also isn't the first time he's streamed with his brother.

>> No.54822092 [DELETED] 

ermmm... i thought the unichuds were the parasocial fucks... turns out us sisters were the whole time!

>> No.54822195

god you people are so fucking retarded
just an receptacle of the same stupid fucking catchphrases repeated ad nauseum from your fucking worthless heads
if you fuckheads spent half the time you spent shitposting about the faggots that live rent free on in your heads on doing shit in your life or actually watching your oshis, the world would be at peace.

>> No.54822266

>t. retard

>> No.54822396

it's OP samefagging, you can calm down

>> No.54822440
File: 155 KB, 448x448, 1646098311134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure if you cry harder, your homos will become relevant. Oh wait.

>> No.54822517 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 426x123, Screenshot_220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe u should spend more time watching da bois instead of updooting their xeets to own the incels, that way you can save flayon from 2view status

>> No.54822520

why do you even care, look at their sub count at #54821690 and calm down

>> No.54822656

Unitroons have admitted in the past to making things up to shit on Tempus. OP is just another example of that.

>> No.54822678

Crying this hard, what's next, saying that /vt/ should be only generals to no one shit on your favorite fag?

>> No.54822733
File: 1.12 MB, 766x915, 1687364204352374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think they double-team to fuck Froot?

>> No.54822820


>> No.54822834

Knowing Froot, most definitely

>> No.54823053

I'm sure this won't end in a lot of homobeggin

>> No.54823071

slow news day? not even a homobeggar but bettel is one of the few entertaining ones, reminds me of jerma

>> No.54823099 [DELETED] 


The eternal low iq rapist white bugs that hates Mongoloids is sub human.

Exterminate them with a nuclear bomb, white bugs.



>> No.54823108
File: 21 KB, 685x142, roru rumao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xeeters sisters really think this will get him anything but hate for plagiarizing FuwaMoco's godly chemistry and concept.

>> No.54823157 [DELETED] 
File: 1.53 MB, 2000x1600, Untitled design.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>da unitroons!!!!

>> No.54823194

I can't hear you over the sound of you gargling that homo's cock

>> No.54823228

>search "bettel twin"
>clips of them doing random shit from 2 months ago
if we just range banned SEA we wouldn't have such shit threads

>> No.54823308

>OP is a xeeter xroon
explains a lot

>> No.54823337

bettel's cool and does have a jerma style, I have no problems with him

>> No.54823371

right side has all of myth, most of council and some ID

>> No.54823396 [DELETED] 
File: 1.34 MB, 2102x3991, 1684366091379430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sis, weren't you cancelling racist fans for sending xenophobic gifts to bettel?

>> No.54823461
File: 52 KB, 480x473, 1651263408443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>homobeggars thinking they are any better than shitskins

>> No.54823478
File: 164 KB, 900x1200, Fu0rImyaMAAyn7N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yagoo is tempantsu holder

>> No.54823556 [DELETED] 

Cry harder troon. You fags destroyed the vtubing community in the West and harassed big names like Pikamee into retirement.

We won't let you fags destroy vtubing like how you destroyed the west.

Dilate you disgusting tranny.

>> No.54823563

struck a nerve huh? i hope a typhoon uproots all of you niggers from your homes so you can't shit up vt all dayl ong

>> No.54823562
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>> No.54823619

Proud of Altare openly supporting Kronii's delusions. If only xir "friends" at Hololive could do the same...

>> No.54823712 [DELETED] 

im not even from a third world shithole but its hilarious how tempusanjisisters do a complete 180 on the cause and turn into the most bigoted people in the planet whenever you insult milord kekw

>> No.54823839

>you fags destroyed vtubing
>we won't let you vtubing
The chimp can't even clutch its pearls right KEK

>> No.54823879

Nice projection, faggot. I'm sure if you project hard enough, you could make these homos to be popular.

>> No.54824036

ur stupid

>> No.54824053

Fagni's fans are all racist lol. It's probably one of them replying that. Good thing that faggot and YABBA DABBA DOO will be terminated soon after the Advent debut hype is done.

>> No.54824394

>y-you're such a bigot!! what about the cause???
and you call me a sister, hope you join the 51%
i don't give a shit about the homos, if all homobeggers and all seanigs could simultaneously burst into flames the world would improve
>sister hating one of her homos because muh racism and bigotry
wow, it's really a dog eat dog world out there, huh? hope you join the 51% too with your friend up there

>> No.54824649

Go get them haters, sis!

>> No.54824904

your disgusting wound will never heal and your shithole will never know prosperity, "sister"

>> No.54825027

buy an ad

>> No.54825682

hey what’s going on in h-
>posters: 27
>replies almost double that number
o-oh ok

>> No.54826163

I noticed that too. OP's going into overdrive trying to make his lie relevant. Nijinigger trying to distract from EN3? Zoomer faggot already bored of his new toys? You decide!

>> No.54827130
File: 792 KB, 734x650, 1668698633384485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's another homo? Thanks for making me update my filters.

>> No.54827613 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 463x142, tempusanji4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijiniggers = Tempisssisters.

>> No.54828187
File: 19 KB, 423x146, ohnononoHolobros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek you fell for it again faggot

>> No.54828725

OP is always a Nijinigger

>> No.54829167

Not gonna lie it would be absolutely kino if these two collab with FuwaMoco and make it a regular thing with canon lore plus official merch and stuffs like that

>> No.54829376

you're not weaseling your way out of this one unicuck

>> No.54830564 [DELETED] 

Fuck off tranny, you fucks are the troons, YOU FUCKS ruined western vtubing when myth debuted and turned it into a tranny wasteland of CGDCT. Now we can't have normal ass streamers without you fucking troons getting triggered that they don't cater to YOUR interests. Fuck off you myth secondary and you will never be a woman and will never get into hololive to live out your fake ass yuri fantasies that are actually heterosexual because you're just a fucking low test male.

Lmao like the lone troon fans that don't even watch them, (no one watches tempus). Pure fucking cope. Take a basic look at EN twitter and it's full of tranny's that only care about the girls. Just look at the girls super chats, always full of trannies looking for attention trying to get them to say trans rights. The only people that actual watch tempus are real woman and jaded bro tuber fans.

>> No.54831230

You're trying really hard to sound like a /pol/ user anon.

>> No.54831358

Unitroonbros how can we make it less obvious that we're shitflinging and that we're actually real womxn?

>> No.54831496

Mindbroken. You don't even know who your enemy is, youre just swinging in the dark. Or purposefully retarded.

>> No.54831534

>men-hating 'CGDCT'fags calling other people trannies
This is so ironic, you people need to listen to yourselves. Liking men is normal, men and women talking to each other is normal, hating men and never wanting to see them is not normal, so is being a tranny.

>> No.54831660

You're just mad because you're a tranny.

>> No.54832086
File: 559 KB, 700x632, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly both sides have been staying in their own boxes for the past two months or so, I'm fine with the current status quo as long as they keep interaction to a minimum outside of official promotions. I don't particularly hate the fags, just the way they were shoved down everybody's throats.

>> No.54832258

Damn, wouldn't even fucking mind if Cover cashes out and buys the model to make a new Star, that design is lit.

>> No.54832505
File: 789 KB, 850x1133, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think he'll go full Star but we do have precedent for family members having guest appearances with models like Mama Mori

>> No.54832987

Kek could you imagine spending hours on this board frothing over something like “a guy streams with his twin, like he has before”? I literally come to this board to laugh at people like you.

>> No.54833001

And Matsurimama, and Pekomama. It's been a thing in Holo since forever but somehow it's wrong when Bettel does it.

>> No.54833300

>Homobeggars and sisters acting like they don’t constantly seethe on Twitter about le chuds

>> No.54833714

I'm not terminally online looking for shitposts, I abandoned Twitter since most of the artists I followed there moved to Misskey anyway.

>> No.54834067

that's his fraternal brother dumbfuck, they're not twins

>> No.54834207

like clockwork, but hey that's enough cope in your head to know that you won't get rid of him anytime soon yea?

>> No.54834282

>Homobeggars and sisters constantly seething about le chuds
>Unikeks and CGDCTfags constantly seething about le troons

>> No.54834410

>doesn't know what a fraternal twin is

>> No.54835077

i just find these two always at each other's throats it's pretty funny

>> No.54835249

Didn’t you get BTFO’d a few days ago, sis? Still reeling over all of Tempusanji getting mogged in less than a week?

>> No.54836220
File: 1.10 MB, 1920x1080, 1688221942665816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck you're upset, kek

>> No.54836434
File: 7 KB, 245x206, 1678150733119680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, he has the pass, it's ok. IMO its just a shame that all those design, not only Bettel2 but all of them, stay in locked in family/friend jail, like, wished Cover recognized them officially as a part of the streamer like they do to pets. Say, imagine having Pekomama giving you a quest related to Pekora's birthday once their Genshin clone is ready.
would make for one hell of problem if they were suddenly to die, guess that's the reason.

>> No.54836610

>All the deleted posts
how many of these are ban evasions kek

>> No.54836750

You mean when you ran after I posted this? >>/vt/thread/54671496#p54680088

>> No.54836927

How do you get your ass handled to you by a tempusister KEK
I'm revoking your manhood card, you're now a female like her

>> No.54837052

If you scroll down you could see I had the last laugh. Carry on now, your homo branch will collapse soon and they need all the support they could get. Stop seething at the unichuds and start actually watching streams.

>> No.54837213

You can’t even read, sis. Stop falseflagging and start buying more bots for da bois.

>> No.54837294

>I had the last laugh
Funny that you would say that: >>/vt/thread/54671496#p54680644
Do you want to embarrass yourself again?

>> No.54837428

Oh look, a random comment. Did you lose too much blood cutting for Hex, sis?

>> No.54837620
File: 5 KB, 385x133, random.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coping this hard

>> No.54837778

So you made that comment yourself? Nice!

>> No.54837963

>a random comment
>"O-okay so it wasn't random but it still doesn't count!!!!!!"

>> No.54838135

I don’t know what you’re tryna imply sister

>> No.54838586

You'd think you'd find a better screenshot for your "Tempusanji" schizo fanfictions considering you've been BTFO multiple times by the same picture

>> No.54838772

yada yada yada women can’t read data

>> No.54839444

>BTFO so hard it started calling itself a woman
HOLY KEK SEAanon since numbers clearly aren't taught in your country I want you to remember this the next time I use the exact same picture: 63% is a bigger number than 56%

>> No.54840183

I’m not even SEA but it’s hilarious how you’re using that as an insult since SEA is both homobeggar + sister central.
(50 + 50 + 63)/3 = 54
(50+56+69)/3 = 55
You should pay more attention in statistics class, sis.

>> No.54840485

>If I use random numbers I am sure to be victorious!
And those numbers came from the voices in your head, I presume?

>> No.54841067
File: 205 KB, 1287x816, 9FF94A22-3338-4CA6-8084-E866B8036EE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Educate yourself, sister. Go back and read the data.
I’m getting sleepy now, ima cook up dinner and head to bed. You should watch some of Milord’s ASMR if you’re struggling to sleep.

>> No.54841456

>no proof
>runs away
Feels good

>> No.54841923

Add the numbers yourself girlie

>> No.54842040

>t. mindbroken vox sister

>> No.54842291

Most non chink kindreds ran to Hex or Tempiss when Milord betrayed y’all

>> No.54842549

Anon... are you using each color bar as your source? You can't be this retar- >>54842291
I stand corrected.

>> No.54842748

genuine question, but do you just come around every homo seethe thread just to post unrelated pictures of hex and vox? just curious but the topic around here is bettel and bettel 2. I don't know what you're doing here actually but it's good to know that you're also menhera like your oshi

>> No.54843184

Wow, women REALLY can’t read data

>> No.54843549

Tell me about it. I can't believe you're trying to argue that 56% is more than 63%. Even when I ask you to cite your sources you're unable to and seethe over it.

>> No.54843759

he's gonna start calling you sister and woman or something as a coping mechanism after that

>> No.54844172

Can anon answer this without using these words?
>hex / vox / whatever unrelated male you want to schizophrenically reference

>> No.54844676


>> No.54844681

The anon that's clowning him here. The answer is yes, he does. Just to mess if him ever since he started spamming I post the same picture that goes against the voices he hears and what him meltdown. If you're ever bored I recommend giving it a shot.
If he hasn't ran to the next seethe thread yet, he will use one of those again. It's all the poor thing is capable of. He tries so hard to get the "Tempusanji" meme rolling only to get embarrassed by me every time.

>> No.54844895

>this video is private
Wuh happen.

>> No.54844961

Started watching it then it went private.

>> No.54845416

Bettel 2 said a bunch of games Holos play like Unpacking are shit and the perms system is bullshit.
He's too based to be on a Holo stream.

>> No.54846608

it'll be back up with a few edits im guessing, bettel 2 was unfathomably based for that

>> No.54846856

Brother. Not twin. Who cares? BAU BAU

>> No.54848356
File: 638 KB, 2000x1600, 179B8FAB-A308-4701-8931-AAD6B4F42667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took me a while to make! All from data from the thread btw!
Because the sisters who call people who don’t want homos on stream or homocollabs are the same ones who sent death threats to Vox when Reimu called into his stream or the same ones who slit their wrists for Hex and ask him to cure them.

>> No.54848380

stop biting into catalog bait.
learn to ignore and stay on your general.

>> No.54850471

Don't worry about taking so long anon! To keep this debate speedy, I'll simply post the numbers and where you can factcheck them. From Vesper's last three June VODS:
Hololive overlap
>(63% + 62.3% + 58.6%)= 183.9/3= 61.3%
Nijisanji overlap
>(32.5% + 32.7% + 33.5%)=98.7/3=32.9%
Erm... that's odd... I could've sworn tempus=nijisanji...

>> No.54850828

>He has been doing this for literal months
>EN management wanted to copy it
I'm not complaining like you OP.

>> No.54851023

>>54850471 (me)
Just in case you don't feel like opening vrabi here's the links:

>> No.54852690
File: 1.30 MB, 2000x1600, 284503F5-B0F0-4F91-80D5-5C3DDE770A56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vods = CCV now? KEKW people were just there to laugh after he got suspended

>> No.54853154

>Vods = CCV now? KEKW
What's the matter, anon? I'm using the same method you used. Don't move goalposts on me now!

>> No.54853232

I’ll respond in like an hour btw lemme do my workout

>> No.54856575

>>54853232 (me)
Actually, you’re allowed to let this thread die. This infographic is going to take a while but it will be the definitive proof of the existence of Tempusanji. No homobeggar or sister will be able to debunk this.

>> No.54859900

Between the risk of us not crossing paths for a while as well as compiling my own calculations, I may as well give this thread a bump

>> No.54862786

>thread full of men ban evading and calling each other women because they act so effeminate that they're indistinguishable from females without posting pics of themselves, all while obsessing over internet celebrity tribalism while pretending that this isn't the most woman behavior in existence
Holy fucking mental illness

>> No.54868159

Calm your tits, sis.

>> No.54874968

JESAS, so mad!

>> No.54880761

>Because the sisters who call people who don’t want homos on stream or homocollabs are the same ones who sent death threats to Vox when Reimu called into his stream or the same ones who slit their wrists for Hex and ask him to cure them.
that's what caused you to go schizo for months? a simple skim through vrabi shows tempus has almost no overlap with vox and hex. bettel is the member with the highest niji overlap and even then vox is at 6.5% and hex is at 4.4% on his latest stream. even combined they don't even match the holoen member with the lowest overlap, and their fans allegedly want nothing to do with males

>> No.54880803

Bettel is the biggest fucking normie in all Holopro. If you think he could stand more than 10 seconds of that cringe ass debut of those mutts then you're undeniably retarded
