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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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54778380 No.54778380 [Reply] [Original]

Unfaithful anons, post your oshi and reasons why you want to leave her for another girl.

>> No.54778466
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>oshi: Ina
>reason: prude
It’s sad but i’m tired of her

>> No.54778548

Never had an EN oshi. Mumei and IRyS were the only ones I could stand to watch and I didn't watch them all that much.

>> No.54778923

Never leaving Fauna. Even if she said we can't be friends I will make her my friend.

>> No.54779103
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>Decided her male "friends" are more important than her fans
>Went out of her way to be antagonistic and controversial
>Shoved an unwanted product on our faces constantly even in karaokes
>Told me to improve myself when she can't even improve herself on her singing, dancing, socialization, comedy and language reps.
But i'll always remember the good times in those 2 years i had with her before it all went to shit. Now it's time for future.

>> No.54780002

Oshi: Haato
Reason: is dead
half joke half serious

>> No.54780027

Haachama will always be my forever kamioshi even though I might cheat here and there when she's not streaming but no one is going to replace Haachama for me. I will prioritize her above all my side oshis.

>> No.54780179

can you really only have one oshi?

>> No.54780205
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My oshi has always been pekora, ever since I discovered vtubers in early 2020
Reasons I could change :
>Too much of a numberfag (I am myself a numberfag but she seems to prioritize numbers over everything else)
>Lying to her fans
>Cold chicken
>Very little focus on growing her idol carrer
>Hypnosis stream
>Really dumb, bad at games, poor tastes in general
>I'm a huge PekoMiko fan

>will collab with male e-celebs sooner or later

I'm interested in Koyori, Kanata, Luna, Aria Himeno, Shondo, Lui...
But no vtuber has been as entertaining and cute as her
I'll be a cucksagi forever

>> No.54780614

going from pekora to shondo would be the most retarded thing ever, you're going from a cute comedian to a whore

>> No.54780681

Traveller bro here. Get your self an oshi who'll come back herself after she leaves.

>> No.54780927

Falseflagging antis used to be more subtle. They're disappointing nowadays.

>> No.54781803
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I'm leaving Kilia from EIEN Project for the twins or possibly dark mommy. Kilia is pretty good, especially for the corpo she's in, but she recently made a conscious decision to stop doing GFE when it was her main pull. Now she's bringing in normalfags and greyfags which has completely ruined the feel of her streams.

>> No.54782082
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I'll let her speak

>> No.54782431
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I left shion, her model/voice combo is godlike but she barely streams. even when she does, she's playing the most boring games of all time that i'm not interested in.

>> No.54783442
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I’m not thinking of leaving but if I ever did it would most likely be because she gets too menhera over stupid shit and is probably the most consistently unlucky vtuber to ever exist.

I can’t see myself leaving because she’s: funny, positive and bright, works very hard, is good at singing, wants to be an idol badly, has determination to do it (basically risking/degrading her hearing to sing), and most importantly to me feels like she’s just generally playing who she is rather than a character

>> No.54783967

I thought that was common? I think I’m on the extreme end of things but I don’t watch any vtubers other than my oshi and I don’t really pay attention to any news that doesn’t involve her

>> No.54784159
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She's turned into an irredeemable numberfag lately. I don't know what happened because she used to be creative and vary her content, but nowadays she just spams the same games that gets her numbers over and over while throwing in the occasional micomet and shiraken collabs into the mix.

It's a shame because she used to be great. It really saddens me to see how low she has fallen.

>> No.54784297

no, you can have multiple oshis, but your kamioshi is your favorite and you can only have one of those

>> No.54784393

I enjoy my oshis content and will not leave them

>> No.54784510

I don't leave my Oshi for no reason, I just add a second chuuba to my list if I'm interested

>> No.54788823


>> No.54789978

my oshi just can't stop playing valorant

>> No.54791850


>> No.54794700

I steal other anon oshis

>> No.54794985
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She got complacent and now Sui has better technique than her.

>> No.54795086

You're kind of a whore for having multiple but it's ok to the extent that they're separated by companies or by branch. There's the concept of "kamioshi" or your big, primary number 1 favorite. Don't use this term if you aren't following them to their graduation and beyond

>> No.54796403

My oshi is languishing because her corpo cant properly support her, her joy from streaming is gone and its 100% noticeable. I am considering changing oshi from the corpo to an indie that i've been watching more of.

>> No.54797558

I'm a neet but still I don't have enough time to obsessively stalk multiple girls

>> No.54797921
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do i really need to give a reason?

>> No.54798325

People use oshi as shorthand for kamioshi.

>> No.54800089

Oshi: I'd rather not say.

Reason: Lost my job(And thinking about going back to college instead of getting a new one, so no new sources of income for a while), and if I'll be grey without any compromise, must go all the way.

>> No.54800103

Not my "kamioshi" (Subaru has never disappoint me) but I dropped Ame a long time ago because I couldn't stand her being an annoying bitch.

I watched Ame from her debut until mid 2021
>Too much FPS games (fuck those streams)
>Cancelled streams
>Being annoying when playing games
>Streams became less often
>Awkward collabs
Last stream I watched was Sonic Mania stream and god I'm glad I moved on after that.

Honorable mention is Haachama

>> No.54801126

>lied multiple times about goals/intentions
>stopped putting effort into content
>focus of streams shifted completely
>canceling at random without apology
One would be enough but this was all at once
