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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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54714584 No.54714584 [Reply] [Original]

>voice not as deep and sultry as Kronii's but also not as dorky as Mori's
>no edgy or unique/interesting personality, just the same self-aware self-deprecating shit that every other HoloEN does


>> No.54716034

How did Hololive get this woman.

I'm pretty sure this woman can easily get a career in Travel Agency. How did she land into hololive

>> No.54716128

She sounds so incredibly generically American

>> No.54716272
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>> No.54716284


>> No.54716448

>watched the debut for 5 minutes
>already shits on the talent
LOL drama trannies are something else

>> No.54716609

Seems incredibly mediocre yeah, the most boring of her gen from what we've seen so far.

>> No.54716628

>loves idols
Give it up, sis. You lost.

>> No.54716666

Told you she would be boring.

>> No.54716786

sounds familiar, she is pretty much a typical mom character, not for me but she got her niche.

>> No.54716940

cry me a river, gachi simp. nothing but the truth was said.

>> No.54717015

She hasn’t even finished her debut you seething 2view harlot

>> No.54717277

>Not a tranny like Kronii, not a husky smoker like Mori.
Yeah, I love her. Time to switch oshis clockcucks.

>> No.54717347

>not as deep as kronii
>not as squeaky as fauna

>> No.54717602

>he just learned that holoen is capeshit of vtubers
Good for you anon.

>> No.54717677

I love Korone, Polka, Luna, Miko, and members like that, but not everyone needs to be like that, just giving your best, not being a bitch and not collabing with males already puts you fairly high in holoEN

>> No.54717695

unchecked quads on page 1!

>> No.54717876

the best of both worlds, and not mori and kronii! yay!

>> No.54718061

it's afraid!

>> No.54718099

Her strongest quality: her amazing speaking voice, and her singing. Ridiculously good.

>> No.54718235

>tranny like Kronii
these rrats are getting out of hand

>> No.54718359

aww some ones salty because they didn't get picked

>> No.54718435

we aren't shitting we are praising. See the shocked silence from OP, he is shocked that she is good

>> No.54718454

More like doxxfagging, anon...

>> No.54718852

another berylkeks seethe thread
go get your visa, retard

>> No.54719014

I like her but OP very obviously was not trying to be complimentary kek

>> No.54719036

Is this one the so-called m0m0ki?

>> No.54719164

She's nervous, shut the fuck up

>> No.54719541

at this point im just glad she doesn't sound schizo or homobegger

>> No.54719584

>Kronii but good
Keep seething clockcuck

>> No.54719770

>fag who can't tell the difference between a man and a woman

way to out yourself as a tranny lover

>> No.54719801

>I love Haunting Grounds, remaster it and don’t change anything about it you fucking retards
I like her style.

>> No.54719871

>if you think this one vtuber is boring that means you were a candidate to be picked
Is this ESL or just mental retardation, I can't tell anymore

She lacks anything that stands out though. Kronii's deep voice had a sexiness to it, Mori's deep voice has a dorkiness to it. Hers is just...nothing.

>> No.54720016

Who??? I've been away for months.

>> No.54720073

>she overexplains stuff
even better

>> No.54720128

She's the best one so far.

>> No.54720285

>can actually talk to her audience without massive gaps of dead air
She's better than Mori and Kronii by default

>> No.54720476

I found it hilarious how she's so shamelessly in love with food. An american through and through. I'm extremely curious about her roommate, I want to see if she's as big as I imagine her to be lmao

>> No.54720479

Shes pretty good. I hope she does asmr.

>> No.54720524

>doesn't know what a treble clef is
>"I'm a musician"

>> No.54720594
File: 101 KB, 175x257, 959656943_koyori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>overexplains stuff
>knows a lot of based stuff
>sex voice
>no pantsu
>creative stream
>lots of fan input

I don't know about you guys, but she has set up a lot of high expectations in me

>> No.54720633

>not deep voice
Way to ruin my week. Hope lies on the twins now

>> No.54720696

>Hers is just...nothing.
Some folks including Depressed Nousagi think that she is like a blank canvas. Someone that her own fandom is going to remold into something other than Vanilla actually.

>> No.54720765

>hololive is an idol company

>> No.54720936

>if you think this one vtuber is boring that means you were a candidate to be picked
I never suspected you were on the table. Cover probably tossed your resume out as soon as they saw you were a tranny

>> No.54721008

Consider this:
Sex with hags

>> No.54721172

>depressed nousagi
opinion discarded

>> No.54721479

Saw her in the live chat of more than a few nijimale debuts. I know I saw her in some ID girl debuts chats as well and I think a few of tempus 1's, T. I've watched a lot of debuts and partnered channels are easy to spot. Point being there's precedence to be worried if you're a unicorn cause she's a unity chad at heart, though it's possible she's going the NO MALES route.

>> No.54722060

I swear to god the longer she talks the more I hear Irys’ voice but deeper. Not complaining btw, I think it’s kinda funny.

>> No.54722213

Imagine having others' opinions live rent free

>> No.54722353

>literally the only holoEN people haven't been able to ACTUALLY figure out the CORRECT roommate identity

how did she do it?

>> No.54722379


>> No.54722659

Nobody tell him

>> No.54722739

Can we please execute every zoomer who calls every normal girl a mommy? Only fauna is tolerable with her mother nature stick even with her normal voice

>> No.54723074

>I hear Irys’ voice but deeper
I can't unhear that now, thanks

>> No.54723232

>if you don't like this one specific vtuber that means you made a resume and are-
It's hilarious how much mental gymnastics simpy whiteknight cucks are over some woman that doesn't know who you are or gives a shit about you. And the best part is, you have no retort to her voice not having unique qualities to it because you know I'm right. It has no sexiness to it like Kronii's or no dorkiness like Mori's. She just sounds boring and generic. Her personality is too, it's the exact same self-deprecation shit every EN has.

>naming literal clipperfaggot jewtubers
I'm convinced the nerissa defense force are just tourists and not the same anons from /jp/. You're all such normalfaggots

>> No.54723414

Apparently she's a nobody va called valkyrie something

>> No.54724039

>is normal and not abrasive or acting like she doesn't want to be there
Kek okay faggot.

>> No.54724345

Why would I want to watch someone normal

>> No.54724383

at this point just give her the most generic white middle aged woman as a model, christ
what ever happened to hiring personalities in hololive

>> No.54724564


>> No.54724979

It's not ValkyrieAurora

>> No.54725174

Yeah, her speaking voice is incredibly plain. Unfortunate, since the model is nice.

>> No.54725404

She's pretty much dark Irys, seems fine to me.

>> No.54725464

Seethe harder, homobegger. Unicorns just won.
>how do you know I'm a homob-
I just do.

>> No.54725686

Caitly Myers?

>> No.54725775

She sucks ass
Why doesn't hololive just hire Europeans

>> No.54725940

>corposlop produces more holoslop
imagine my shock

>> No.54726073

so who was she? in the past?

>> No.54726217

She’s too normie for me. The way she said Umineko with the “i” sounding the same as in “mid” or “dill” made me cringe into oblivion.

Just Bijou.

>> No.54726537

Having a deep voice isnt enough. Its gotta have a certain uniqueness to it. Kronii's deep voice is godtier because of what she does with it. There are deeper voice chuubas but they still aren't as sex as her. Nerissa's deep voice just sounds bland.

>> No.54726702 [DELETED] 
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She's pretty. And Korean.

>> No.54727137

Because even SEA monkeys have more coherent english and are more interesting than yuropeons.
Europoors are mostly gypsies with no internet access

>> No.54729443

>no edgy or unique/interesting personality,
She listed a rape game as one of her favorite games

>> No.54729484

I've never seen such cope condensed into one sentence.
You sound miserable and brown

>> No.54730003

She sounds like an actual woman and pedos like yourself can't handle it

>> No.54730316

based, i want her to rape me

>> No.54731551

Well at least I'm not European then, although those sad sacks of nigger shit are miserable and brown too

>> No.54732529

Doesn't matter, you still weren't picked and never will be.

>> No.54732960

she's EN Suisei. Save this post and check in a year or two from now

>> No.54733214

Holy shit look at this virgin nerdrage lmao

>> No.54736773

If her voice was as sexy as Kronii's she'd be an 11/10
A girl can't be allowed to have that many strong points

>> No.54737348

maybe you can take some notes on how to not be so retarded
