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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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5468317 No.5468317 [Reply] [Original]

>Best voice
>Best numbers
>Best content
>Best personality
>Best design
>Best cսnny
>Best original song
Have you accepted that Gura is OBJECTIVELY the best vtuber yet? And yes, I have the right to look down on your oshi if she doesn't meet this criteria.

>> No.5468340

Based falseflagging KFP

>> No.5468344

My oshi isn’t pedobait so that makes her better.

>> No.5468351

do you false flagging schizos ever stop?

>> No.5468359

not sure if falseflagger or actual cumbud, its a thin line these days

>> No.5468362

She certainly seems to be the best vtuber for bait.

>> No.5468365


>> No.5468382

>it's another fucking thread when a shark general exists
Orangeposting wasn't this bad.
>best song
She couldn't even outsing MATSURI in a cover.

>> No.5468416

You probably think you're clever for this 1/10 tier b8

>> No.5468428

It's okay to be jealous but let's not tell lies now. Matsuri isn't a bad singer but she doesn't come near Gura's raw vocal ability.

>> No.5468450

Even if I say Risu is better, and she is better than everyone, you will just say "DURR BUT DA SHARK IS DA BEST"

So whatever.

>> No.5468455

The fact that all you can do is screech "bait" like a KFPhaggot tells me all I need to know. Next you'll call me an egg or a Discord tranny. No arguments in that thick skull of yours whatsoever.

>> No.5468484

You have to actually sing in the first place to be a good singer, but nice try.

>> No.5468513

Gura is good enough that she doesn't need no incel's acceptance.

>> No.5468522

This guy superchats. Did she “brighten your life” again today cumbud?

>> No.5468550

>T-touch grass, incel!
Do KFP really?

>> No.5468557

Why do I feel like it's only the SEA monkeys who care and like Shark?

>> No.5468687

Is it supposed to be a bad thing to support good entertainment?

>> No.5468740

I hope FBI surveillances every chumbud

>> No.5468777

It’s pathetic that you didn’t deny it anon

>> No.5468822

How? You normalfag Redditors think any display of affection towards your oshi is "cringe". Probably because your oshi is a used up roastie whore.

>> No.5469009

>Calling someone a normalfag redditor
>Unironically calling chuubas oshi
Yep, not cringe at all /s

>> No.5469021

Cumbuds were a mistake.

>> No.5469056

EN was a mistake

>> No.5469082

She has 3 million subs for a reason

>> No.5469201

>3 million
Not yet cumchud

>> No.5469253


>> No.5469286
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>> No.5469729

Garbage character

>> No.5470162
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>best numbers
sorry sweaty i hate to break it to you but she's got a while to catch up to the true queen of Vtubers.

>> No.5470287
File: 2.44 MB, 1378x2039, sooi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Next you'll call me an egg or a Discord tranny.
Well, that's what you are. Good bait though, made me (You)

>> No.5470373

>best voice
>best content
>best personality
What personality?
>best design
Also basic
>best cunny
Where’s the funny?
>best Orginal song
And then you decide to listen to your second Original song*

>> No.5470397
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>> No.5470402

Listen to Risu's Plastic Love side by side with Gura's. Risu is one of the best in hololive but Gura is solidly number 1.

>> No.5470467

>I will convince myself that a cumbud wrote
>I will ignore obvious falseflaggy-ness
>I will become more hateful of cumbuds, because fuck them

wtf I can't believe cumbuds are so stuck up their own asses

>> No.5472529

Super cringe, pretty cute model otherwise

>> No.5473018

i'm a chumbud and agree with everything on your list, except best song. red heart is better
