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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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54662892 No.54662892 [Reply] [Original]

I'm devastated.

>> No.54662941


>> No.54663044

Cunny rock is not her.

>> No.54664465

Only complete retards thought otherwise when she has been found within a day after name drop.

>> No.54664668
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Welcome to Pheşiktaş

>> No.54665126

She is definitely going to a better place if breaking her contract was worth it, so don't worry.
Even if she doesn't end up in Hololive, she will surely find success in small corpos like Idol or Phase.

>> No.54665304

based. I don't like that beryl whore. "riiririirii" FUCK YOU SLUT

>> No.54665387

EN 4, bro.

>> No.54665725

Fuck off fishman

>> No.54665764

I'm of mixed feelings on this. While she deserves more of an audience given the talent she has, I am aware of the consequences of letting her into the biggest corpo there is at the moment: basically, exposing her to causals and holodrones.

I would think that perhaps the best approach here would be for her to debut either in a mid sized corpo, such as Idol, Phase connect, or yes, VShojo (which is unlikely given it's been functioning like a retirement home of sorts, Beryl's never had as much pull on her own as the current VShojo members had).

>> No.54666231

So she's just gonna chill for like two years?

>> No.54666235

Based. Your pathetic shilling was annoying and it's great knowing your underwhelming whore was rejected by the big leagues and has to slum it yet again in some smallcorp or ngmi indie. How many personas are we now on, the third? fourth? Well, certainly won't be the last lmao.

Just don't be salty and anti any of the new HoloEN girls who were actually good enough to get in instead, lol.

>> No.54666332

>all the shilling for this mid tier Vsinger on /vt/
>she doesn't get in

>> No.54666367

Jesas, chill.

>> No.54666397

t. Kiara

>> No.54666427

She's an outstanding singer.

>> No.54666436


>> No.54666492

she is in idol or in the fish's harem, so it's okay

>> No.54666531

She really is.

>> No.54666570

Holy Cloudtomo seethe

>> No.54666577

only the sisters are at the same level of beryl, the rest of the new gen is mid at best

>> No.54666606

idol had a new gen too recently for her to be in the next one already
my bet is on Phase

>> No.54666979

Rent free baby.

>> No.54668368

the fuck is a cloudtomo?

>> No.54668482

bot post

>> No.54668540
File: 77 KB, 510x680, Ff6_Lp0aUAAjGjk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This motherfucker

>> No.54668605

It's true tho'. Beryl went through a few personas just to end up nowhere again.

>> No.54668686

outstanding singers are like cockroaches, they're everywhere.

>> No.54668688

Damn you type like a sister

>> No.54668825

She's leagues above and beyond Shiori, Hololive management fucked up

>> No.54668864

Imagine if all of the people that shill Beryl actually watched her regular streams. She would have been a lot more successful.

>> No.54668895

The biggest cucks in this board

>> No.54668976

Idol is already looking to expand their VSinger branch and their CEO hinted that next month something big is gonna happen, there's a chance Beryl got scouted

>> No.54668978

massive cucks

>> No.54669008

None of u catalogfags even watched her. We had barely 30 viewers on her truck aoe and chrono streams.
Fuck off if you don't actually watch vtubers

>> No.54669331

Yup. 30-40 ccv which is average for small corpos, and then suddenly went to 80 once her graduation was announced. Fucking roaches, all of them.

>> No.54669349

I know right? Instead, she joins small corps, spergs out about rules, and then ditches.

>> No.54669533

It's over

>> No.54669624

It's funny to see how holofags only care about this girl when it comes to en3, otherwise they don't give a fuck, and when she doesn't get in, they say their average new twitch whore is better even though their new toys can't sing, can't dance, have a uwu voice, and pander to pedos, the very kind of one they despise and never want to talk about, but now they have to talk about them because they are in already lmao

>> No.54669763

Yeah, it isn't looking likely.

>> No.54669835

the adherent of the blue dorito is incapable of self reflection

>> No.54669906

It didn't seem likely because HoloAdvent was likely in the works months before Beryl graduated. It's more likely that she's either going to Idol or Phase, maybe Phase with how the CEO was in her last stream.

>> No.54669932

i watched her and i shilled her here, i was mostly dozing off during her chrono trigger streams, but the other games were great.
and i also watched the misaki sisters when they were barely above 50 viewers.

>> No.54669953

They would be shitting on both Moe and Waabyuu if they had catalog threads and didn't had Blue Dorito attached to them. I know that for Moe this is true because it happened in the past.
Now people praise her and say she's a great addition to Hololive... Fuck off

>> No.54669956

Seems like one hell of a get for Phase.

>> No.54670283

>I know that for Moe this is true because it happened in the past. Now people praise her and say she's a great addition to Hololive
What timeline are you from? You clearly haven't looked at the catalog in this one

>> No.54670307

sorry berryl, time to move on.

>> No.54670465

>Now people praise her and say she's a great addition to Hololive

>> No.54670514

I wouldn't be mean to Hana, but she had no right trying to fuel the fire those stupid, unprofessional zoomers in gen 3 caused. I was nice to her and wished her well before she opened her mouth.

>> No.54670563

She will be Phase Gen 3 (t. insider)

>> No.54670741

She's a good singer and a decent streamer
However, Beryl fags are the MOST obnoxious fags on the board among small corpo/small indie and make multiple EN 3 thread with her
> shill her on multiple small corpo, vrt, vsinger thread
> anti holo if they don't get her in
> anti corpo she used to be in
> shit on the girl who get into holo that isn't her
> act like she's a hidden treasure if everyone else is shit for not kissing her feet and the ground she walked on
Meanwhile she stream at average 50 average ccv because I guess vocal shilling /here/ doesn't translate to ccv all the time. She has gone through 2 corpo's in 2 years already and never has been with one more than 6 months. She has also been on hiatus LONGER than active during her 2 career of streaming.

>> No.54670745 [DELETED] 

It's just a handful Berylniggers hyping their shitgirl up before and seething now that it's clear she isn't it. Actual Holofans don't concern themselves with such inferior smallfry. She could barely hold 50 viewers during normal streams in her last incarnation, you'd think with the amount of shilling on this board they did she was super popular, but yeah that shows it was only a handful of dudes trying to astroturf something into existence. And yeah, they're incapable of realizing that her subpar viewership does in fact actually reflect her subpar quality - that's why they staked so much on her getting into HoloEN, because their cope was "n-no you see, it can't be that she's just shit, she's ackshually uhhh a ~hIDdEn gEm~ and if only Cover-sama would give her a spot on the big stage, eeeveryone would see how great she is and love her!!!" and the copium reserves they've been huffing are running awfully dry now.

>> No.54670937

devastated over a little who... for the past months this board has been talking about a beryl so when I google 'beryl vtuber' and the top result is twitter for this autistic married to a furry chubba I thought it was always a joke

>> No.54671053

Fucking glad I don't have to see your retarded posts again at least until she graduates from her next corpo. At least then I'll know EN4 will be around the corner and she won't be in it.

>> No.54671343

>with how the CEO was in her last stream.
This means nothing, look at Purin.

>> No.54671429

You're just describing Shiori

>> No.54673653

Bro you just got shiori, someone that streamed for 5 years and never developed a talent for anything or found virality.
5 fucking years.
Small corpos are hiring better talents, this is the simple truth.

>> No.54673835

Face it, she's never gonna be in Hololive simply because Kiara hates her ever since their past. Now Kiara is having the last laugh while being far more successful than her.

>> No.54674005

Why are holobronies like this?
kek have fun with Moe and Waabyuu, who definitely have super intetesting and fun personalities, and are definitely super talented!
Holodrones are beyond retarded. They still think Sana and Bae are the peak of entertainment cause they managed to get into EN lmfao

>> No.54674055

Did she put Kiara in that ring or something

>> No.54674087 [DELETED] 

>Berylniggers trying not to seethe at the girls good enough to actually get in HoloEN challenge [impossible]
lmao I see we have already switched the script from shilling our worthless whore to "w-well the others are worthless too!". Better luck next time, EN4 for sure, right guys?

>> No.54674312

Kiara doesn't even know who that is, but sure, if it helps them cope, yes she personally slapped Beryl's application out of Yagoo's hands, that must be the only reason, she's just that powerful...

>> No.54674356

Why are you playing whiteknight for a literal whore with zero personality who you've only known of for a single day?
Admitting cover fucked up with their picks for the new gen won't hurt you know.

>> No.54674432

Lot of brown hands typing in this thread.
Hard to watch someone you don't know exists. I didn't find her until someone posted about RTS VTubers and posted her AoE2 stream (or maybe it was just an AoE 2 thread, I can't remember), which was maybe a week or two before she actually graduated.

>> No.54674686

kek have fun with Moe and Waabyuu
I will, thank you. Have fun with Ber- oh, whoops! Guess you can't, huh?

>> No.54674703

Did we watch the same debut? It's crazy to see someone defending Shiori.
Actual mindless drones.

>> No.54674727

>literal whore with zero personality
but enough about Beryl

>> No.54680525


>> No.54682079

Aviel, Sakana, please, I'm begging you to pick this gem.

>> No.54682147

If she were in any other corpo or an idie the same people defending her would be attacking her and calling out her boring personality.

>> No.54682473
File: 9 KB, 197x198, 1603281320584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>speaks English, French, and Japanese fluently
>can sing in 6 different languages
>has Kiara's life experience but can actually sing and isn't menhera
>knows how to Live2D rig and even has two daughters
>actually loves vtubing and appreciates her fans, even the degenerate ones
>wants her stream to be an escape and doesn't want to bring drama or politics into them
>based taste in video games

>we could have had a HoloJP member as a HoloEN

>> No.54682494

There is that word again.
Why can't people just move on?
Beryl isn't as talented so she didn't get in.
Maybe if she can fix her basic personality she'll have more upsides with her come next audition.

>> No.54682703
File: 465 KB, 634x622, 1611653541226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that HoloEN prioritized the homos:
>graduated from Production Kawaii because black company Fall 2021
>people thought she was Fauna from the way she wrote, nope.avi
>debuts as an indie a month after her graduation
>streams for a little but goes radio silent Spring 2022, shortly after the SAME TIME that HoloEN opened up auditions permanently
>berylfags thought she was EN3 because of the timing
>announces hiatus Fall 2022
>Tempus 1 and 2 debut
>ends up joining a 2view JP vtuber corpo instead, to go back to Japan
>fast forward June, she graduates despite her desire to stay in Japan
>EN3 announced
>And the rest is history. She 100% applied to Hololive at the same time she did to her 2view JP vtuber corpo, and got ignored because they wanted EN homos.

>> No.54682856

cover can't hire someone who is not auditioning
>they scoutet talents before
yeah that was before they got thousands of applications
not saying covers hiring is perfect, see shiori, but they can't possibly know every yt/twitch 2view

>> No.54682936
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Beryl's oshi was Marine... I wonder if she liked her new MV...

>> No.54683062

If she don't have any standard or patience, she can always apply to NijiEN.

>> No.54683112

Why is Nene like this?

>> No.54683121

That's the biggest cope around. Of course she would audition to Hololive, not her fault that talent acquisition loves to numberfag dead subs.

>> No.54683198

Don't worry, Nene's about to get mogged either way. Maybe Beryl won't be fabulously popular like the EN girls, but she'll definitely get a ton of loyal fans at Phase... for better or worse.

>> No.54683439

just watched a clip of her
she doesn't fit any of the models and sounds like ironmouse 2.0
even IF she's a better streamer than the others, if she can't convince management with her audition video or during interviews, she doesn't deserve the spot

>> No.54683705

>can actually sing
>knows Live2D
>can maintain the kayfabe like an idol
I don't know what planet you live in where having actual talent guarantees your admission into hololive because existing talent disproves that.

I can tell you didn't watch her, but I did and I can say her Skyrim streams where kino:

What more than likely happened is they took one look at her sub numbers and noped and went with someone bigger.

>> No.54683870

Beryl GFE...

>> No.54683908

>I can tell you didn't watch her
obviously, I just said I watched a clip of her
i never said she's not entertaining because I wouldn't know
please learn to read

>> No.54683984

I thought she was supposed to be the singer

>> No.54684079

If this was the right timeline, she would be. Instead you get... well, don't visit the catalog later tonight.

>> No.54684181

She wants a company that can get her a JP Visa, so that'd only be Niji or Holo

>> No.54684337

I don't think Niji even grants visas, but didn't Prism is under Sony JP? If Sony grants visas then that's her target agency

>> No.54684358

The twins sub and ccv aren't special and they got in anyway

>> No.54684514

>I can tell you didn't watch her, but I did and I can say her Skyrim streams where kino:
lmao this boring shit is what you've been shilling all this time? No wonder this garbage streamer was always just a middling 2view, even with all your shilling here - even the people stupid enough to fall for it and check her out didn't stick around and dropped her because this shit is lame as fuck, so her viewership never improved.
But sure, keep it up and she'll magically appear in EN4 at least... or EN5, or EN6, or until you run out of copium and switch gears to "w-well Hololive sucks anyway!" (oh yes, that'll surely endear her to current HoloEN fans and make them want her too) and "w-well she's too good for Hololive anyway!" (yeah suuure that's why she has always been a ngmi 2view going nowhere)

>> No.54684691

She hasn't returned to being an indie, so it's already established she's going to Phase, Nene, where she'll be at least a 3view (bigger than Niji at least).

>> No.54684778

Enjoy your slop, coverdrone.

>> No.54685016
File: 46 KB, 411x454, 1673480414922989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love when random 2 views get ballbusted

>> No.54685237

>unironically doing exactly the "w-well Hololive sucks anyway, she's j-just too good for them!" script as predicted.
Man, your grapes are so sour, I can taste them from here.

>> No.54685304

Hololive doesn't suck, they just have shit talent acquisition if they only hired two bilingual girls.

>> No.54685505

Don't use my oshi's oshi to shitpost. Use Kiara next time.

>> No.54685628

Reminder that Beryl averages 20 ccv
There are almost 3x that amount of people posting here

Not a single one of you retards watched or gave a fuck about her

>> No.54685698

ok brownvtmemes

>> No.54686099

This thread will be really fucking funny if she ends up being Nerissa.

>> No.54686267

I was just about to say. Why do people discount her being Nerissa?

>> No.54686381

The meat eating. Beryl is apparently vegan, even though she never mentioned it.

>> No.54686621


>> No.54687596

She should have just never left kawaii. Literally the third biggest small corpo these days.

>> No.54687667

all I knew about that rrat was that beryl hade a good singing voice.

>> No.54689240
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Fine but still
>2 view indies getting buttblasted

>> No.54690012

Mom0ki is from the midwest. Ope is a midwestern colloquialism. It could also be some literal who, but the odds of it being Beryl are vanishingly small at this point. Mom0ki and
a certain clock also VA'd for VNs from the same studio so she's a probable nepohire. Shiori's PL has ties to Loserbait as well. Nepotism turned a possible 5/5 gen into a 3/5 gen. Be sure to thank them for deadsubs mcgee and an unironic vshojo orbiter that only joined to further her VA career.

>> No.54692131

considering how often the prism girls go to japan, they probably can get travel visas, probably not residential ones or whatever they're called

>> No.54692211

I mean phase 3 is coming soon.

>> No.54692319

A new level of cuck, beyond what anyone has ever seen before.

>> No.54692364

I like my Tom and Jerry cartoons

>> No.54692872

The irony of this post considering we know everyone who got into hololive this gen

>> No.54692966

She left because Kawaii wouldn't get her a work visa to stay in Japan. She didn't hate the talents or management. She just needed a visa, and they refused to cooperate despite being a Japanese company. A lot of Kawaiifags treat her like the spawn of satan and think she left because of an overinflated "I can do better" ego, but in reality the reason was simply "She needs this and they won't provide it".

>> No.54693158

Why did she need to be in Japan

>> No.54693465

I'd go further and say she probably left Production Kawaii for the same reason their first manager did (shortly after, wiping out her time at Kawaii from her CV), and that's because there was no support or investment into the talents while taking the cut. Things have changed a lot since then and it doesn't seem like they've improved a lot.

>> No.54693608

It's where she wants to live her life. She has a long history in the Japanese entertainment industry. To the extent that people made up rumors that her and the chicken don't get along due a rivalry from those days.

>> No.54693609

She quit because of no work visa to jp was a tongue in cheek joke among kawaii fans anon. Quitting solely because kawaii can't get her a work visa to japan during the HEIGHT of japan covid travel restriction kinda makes her look bad. Even Hololive can't get their EN to jp for 3d during that time period.
It's probably conflict with management and how the company is run as usual.

>> No.54693885

I wasn't watching Kawaii during her days so idk
Kawaii seems fine ever since I started watching it (maybe a few months after gen 2 debut). I think gen 3 were kinda cunts to leave, especially when they involve so much drama within their own gen as well (oceane saga etc,...)

>> No.54693927

Not a good enough reason. There is no reason for her to have to be in Japan unless she’s a gross weeb like Kiara. I don’t know who this girl even is but if she quit Kawaii because she can’t live out her weeb dreams she should neck herself.

>> No.54694046


>> No.54694962

That's quite the conclusion to make, Kawaii is very clearly not a good corpo if half their talents have left.

Beryl is a weeb, but more of an idol/maid cafe weeb than an anime weeb. And she didn't need someone to help her out, unlike a certain other comparison you made.

>> No.54695395

>idol/maid cafe weeb
We don't want actual sluts in Hololive.

>> No.54695403

People treat her poorly because when Kawaii gen 3 left she made a vague, smartass remark on Twitter on her PL account. No deal forgiving her after that.

>> No.54695451

Just ignore him. He admitted to going into this thread despite not knowing who she is. All he's done is trash on her and blindly attempt to defend Kawaii when he wasn't even a fan of them long enough to know one of their Gen 1 talents. There is absolutely no way this cloudtomo is acting in good faith.

>> No.54695460

Yes Kawaii is shit but Beryl is a retard if she’s angry she can’t live in Japan.

>> No.54695499

Not Kawaii's fault two were total bitches to the rest of the talent and gen 3 was made up of fucking self-important zoomers. Kawaii did the best thing by letting them go if they wanted to leave,

>> No.54695590

If you think I’m a Kawaii fan you’re regarded. I just find it dumb that Beryl is mad she can’t move to Japan. She will rot in 2view hell.

>> No.54695626

idk, sometimes she seems kinda unstable, its a risky hire.

>> No.54695681

You're not even arguing with Kawaii fans. Despite set backs, a company that can band together and put on a praise-worthy concert like that is clearly on an upward trajectory. You're fucking dumb to act like you're arguing with any fan of Kawaii and not some drama llama.

>> No.54696067

Idol has their own invaders division separate from the gens so she could land there too

>> No.54698731

I'm kinda on that hopium after going through her tweets.

>> No.54701259

It's Kawaiinigers using this situation to shit on her just like they always do. Just on the last week I saw her past go from "graduated from 2 agencies in over 2 years" to "graduated from 6 agencies in under a year". Tho there's also your usual /#/nigger going through the same ritual of sucking up the new girls because they were the chosen ones while calling everyone else who didn't got in garbage like they always do. They do that for Sana for fuck's sake.

>> No.54702865

Fawning over inferior talent due to blue-dorito sticker... Amazing.

>> No.54702889

Kawaii fans have never done anything to Hana. Sorry, she's too retarded to notice false flaggers.

>> No.54702948

she'll be nerissa or one of the twins

>> No.54703016

Oh yeah, all the faggots saying "she left 1000 companies in under a day" are definitely not cucktomos.

>> No.54703295

Are you really that gullible? Or are you looking for an imaginary enemy? No one hated Hana when she left and she left on good terms. Are you too daft to think people will use any angle they can to fuck with someone? It's not Kawaii fans.

>> No.54703389

Nene Amano? Why are her fans cucks again? I still remember the shilling /here/

>> No.54703881

Unironically a twitter cosplay thot who previously did twitch variety streams (and heavily compensates for her flat chest with a big titty model since almost all her cosplay were ass shots).
Lots of drama internally with Kawaii collapsing (her seething when a previously graduated chuuba was mentioned, including getting the archived channel nuked, rrats that she was a source of conflict with the entire Gen 3 which walked out, etc), alongside her GFE coming off as rather disingenuous and knowing her past as a convention e-girl.
Have nothing against her personally, but she just feels like a beginner tier ASMRtist who just waves around her "$10k KU100 mic" without knowing how to use it. Same complaints can go for just about any other EN ASMR, but her rabid fanbase is REALLY dedicated to worshipping her. Cloudtomos isn't just a lifestyle, it's a religion.

>> No.54704019

Its amusing that people think that there are any kawaii fans left on this site, they all left a while ago. Just take a look at their general, its full of shitposters with barley any discussion about the talents.

>> No.54704469

Beryl is in the new niji wave.

.t insider

>> No.54704538

>Barely streamed during the past 2 years
>Hangs out in discord with her groomers/friends instead
>Didn’t even last a year in either corpo she’s been in
I’m happy she never got in Niji/Holo desu

>> No.54704619

She's Mococo guys.

>> No.54704811
File: 652 KB, 844x1028, 1683124110213259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New all female wave
>She's not in it

>> No.54704832

Crazy how that could describe Gura too

>> No.54704929

And I'll thank god for that. Last thing I want is for her to appear in the same black company that hired that backstabbing whore.

>> No.54705012

It maintains a general compared to before when it was just gen 1. I dropped Kawaii, I just don't trust them anymore.

>> No.54705105
File: 169 KB, 700x700, 1690169592775878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enna is a song bird.

>> No.54705216

Bro, hana/beryl fags go around shitting on hololive, old AND new gen Hololive girls as soon as they think beryl might not make it in the new gen. They also have been shitting on kawaii and kawaii girls. For weeks after holo gen 3 announce, they went into /pkg/ trying to stir shit about how Hana gonna make it to holo EN 3 and mog all of Kawaii. Even in this thread, 90% of them are trying to anti-holo and anti-kawaii. I don't care much about beryl/hana since she was only in Kawaii for like 2 months and quit before I evwn watch Kawaii. I wouldn't know much if Beryl fags weren't keep trying to push her everywhere. Now they are trying to play victim playing Kawaiifans are anti-ing her or w/e. I'm just being annoyed about the berylfags and have nothing against her.

>> No.54705302

It maintains a general because its being used as a dumping ground for shitposters.

>> No.54705301

>New all female wave
lol, good one.

>> No.54705574

Kawaii did nothing wrong, if she wanted success she should have stayed and been in the successful concert they just had.

>> No.54705732

Stay and have to kiss Nene's feet? Lmao.

>> No.54705876

>been in the successful concert they just had.

>> No.54705947


Considering Cover acted like they had no plans to add to EN in 2023 and then all of a sudden we have a Gen 3, it's very likely that we'll see another EN Gen early next year.

Now will it be another guy gen or a girl gen, that I can't say for sure. I feel we'll get both in 2024 though.

>> No.54705995

fuck kiara
fuck nene
talentless power-tripping whores

>> No.54706012

>past 2 years
Anon???? She streamed full time while at her JP corpo.

That discord got shut down too iirc

>> No.54706018

Seethe more 2view

>> No.54706229

>kiss Nene's feet
If you want to be in Kawaii you need to worship Nene.

>> No.54706239

Kiara doesn't even know your 2view exists.
You're getting mad at shadows, schizo.

>> No.54706265

Cloudtomo you sound upset.

>> No.54706283

Kiara is the reason Hana got disqualifed from council retard

>> No.54706448

Actually, they do have a bit of a history.

>> No.54706689

Grim. Thank goodness she cut her losses before she was stuck in a sinking ship.

>> No.54706715

The problem with you berylfags is you keep shilling her by dragging other people down and shitting others whether it be holo/niji or other small corpos. All you are going to achieve is make other people not watch her in her new reincarnation.

>> No.54706759

Sure thing, cuck. When's the next graduation?

Motherfucker when she announced her graduation you faggots went on every thread trying to convince everyone that this was the thousandth time she jumped ship. I'm supposed to believe that these aren't kawaiifags but everyone shilling Beryl like that are her true fans now?

>> No.54706970

Kinda funny that people here are obsessed with a sinking ship.

>> No.54707088

the first despective comment in this thread is someone insulting her >>54665304
she is just chilling and yet retarded fans from other girls attack her.

>> No.54707152

There were significantly more
" future holo EN 3 threads and posts" about her graduations than people ever mentioning her jumping corp too much or w/e. The EN 3 speculation did help her go from 30 ccv to 80 ccv average post graduation announcement so good for her I guess. However, she's like a darling for multiple threads like /corpo/ and /vrt/ and Kawaii fans don't really go into those threads.

>> No.54707288

You're jumbling Berylfags, Advent antis, and disappointed Holofags into one giant shit basket.

There is a few very simple reasons why you're wrong:
1) Actual Berylfags know she's gonna show up in Phase Connect, the next best thing to Hololive, they have no reason to be bitter.
2) Advent hired Shiori
3) Advent hired mom0ki instead of Beryl

Holofags have every right to be disappointed, because every single comparison you make shows that Beryl was objectively the better pick for one reason: she can actually speak Japanese. Nevermind being able to sing, her idol background, love for vtubing, or any of that other shit, the only reason you dislike her is because of the imaginary boogeyman of her fans (which are like ~20 IPs from the 80 IPs in this thread).

>> No.54707375

Do you have any proof of this?

>> No.54707443

In every single time she was mentioned faggots came in droves just to repeat the "muh left infinite companies" bullshit. They even camp /#/ for fuck's sake. But nah, it's her fans who love to shit on everyone else.

And Beryl fans go to /pkg/ now?

>> No.54707516

>1) Actual Berylfags know she's gonna show up in Phase Connect, the next best thing to Hololive, they have no reason to be bitter.
Umm sweetie but Idol has surpassed Phase Connect. Get with the times.

>> No.54707575

Jewbros cope that Beryl might have been picked up by Aviel too, so there's that.

>> No.54707768

Their Gen 2 just debuted, no chance she's in idol... By definition, it's not the next best thing (for her).

>> No.54707919

Case in point, you are one of the obnoxious berylfags going everywhere doing this.

>> No.54708029

What, proving you wrong? kek

The girls they picked aren't bad to me, they just don't know Japanese.

>> No.54708228

No, just showing how obnoxious berryfags shilling is without putting others down. You do know you can shill her without shitting others right? I am not even a holofag.

>> No.54708283

Nene fired first by getting butthurt over a comment about Hana.

>> No.54708327

...how is saying that the girls don't know how to speak Japanese, shitting on them?

>> No.54708396

Why are berylfags always hope she get in corpo but then shit talk about 99% corpo out there. Maybe beryl isn't fit to to work in a corpo. Why don't they wish for her to just reincarnate as an indie and be successful as an indie? Some people can have great talents but simply don't work well within a corpo.
There are many current indies whom I think can make good addition to Holo but I'm fine with them choosing to stay indie as well.

>> No.54708452

She hasn't gone back to being an indie.

>> No.54708548

She's in holojp7.

>> No.54708744

>heavily compensates for her flat chest with a big titty model
She didn't make or choose the model dummy

>> No.54708871

you care too much about a random girl on the internet

>> No.54709007

Isn't she in Phase Connect gen 3? Sakana was in her chat a few times

>> No.54709524

How does a 2view's shills manage to be even more obnoxious than Pippafags?
I'm going to anti this bitch wherever she pops up just because you faggots are so insufferable

>> No.54709598


>> No.54710440

I honestly just wanna know how people be finding her I lost track of her after her first grad then she stopped streaming on her 2nd then I just found out about Beryl im slow on the uptake ig.

>> No.54710633

I kept up with the twitter and found anons mentioning who she was here.

>> No.54711803

Thread is about to either age terribly or very well in a few minutes

>> No.54711864

As an actual Beryl fan I can say with honesty that I only have problems with 2 corporations and one fanbase. The corps are Nijisanji and Wactor, for reasons that don't need to be explained here. The fanbase is Nene's, and they unironically started it. Every time Beryl gets mentioned they come out and start shitting on her while making up blatant lies. You see, Nene is insecure. She has absolutely no reason to be, because she's doing extremely well for herself. However, a person's mental state is what it is, real world be damned. She once went on a rant because a fan artist of hers drew the entire Gen 1 cast, Hana/Beryl included. Not long after that Hana's old channel vods were nuked. As chat reflects streamer, so to does fanbase reflect oshi. Beryl, on the other hand, has done absolutely nothing to Kawaii ever since she left. She's just trying to live her best life.

Regarding the recent debuts; I've been watching Hololive since before EN was a thing, and I'm sure I'll keep watching it for years to come. I am a fan of many talents in Hololive. That doesn't mean I'm going to bootlick every decision the company makes. The company is not my oshi. People absolutely should not be shitting on talents because their oshi didn't make it in. However, I see no problem with shitting on the suits calling the shots if someone more qualified slipped through the cracks. It's their job to make sure that doesn't happen and, in my mind, they failed this time.

>> No.54713439

Looks like it aged well.

Hope holofags enjoy the funimation VA kek

>> No.54713703

Its over

>> No.54714037

Her voice is far more fitting than Beryl's would have been

>> No.54714145

well EN4 it is

>> No.54714598

As a berylfag, i don't think her voice fit that model.

>> No.54716736

So should I just check up on P to see whats next?

>> No.54717209

Anyway good luck to real berylbros wherever she end up in.

.t holofag

>> No.54717364

Nah, just keep an eye on Phase.

>> No.54717966

I don't think she will say where shes going there. She said on her graduation that she would go on a 2-month vacation so look forward to new debuts starting around September.

I just hope it's not the rainbow company.

>> No.54725751

>Nerissa wasn't mom0ki and was actually a good singer
Hope her streams are good, W for Holobros that it's not mom0ki.

We'll get em' next time Berylchads.

>> No.54726312

I still think Beryl is the better singer but Narissa's debut was good and has a pleasant voice that fits the character
EN4 I believe

>> No.54726900

I'll reserve my judgement for her karaoke, since she doesn't know Japanese.

>> No.54729430

What the fuck are you on?

>> No.54729612 [DELETED] 

I can why she didn't get in after that

>> No.54730127

Nerissa was speculated to be her. Instead, she's some unknown.

>> No.54730296

Don't go drumming up drama and making enemies for your oshi Berylbuds. Have a good day!

>> No.54731017

She sounds exactly like her though?

>> No.54731245

No, it's someone else. You can tell by her singing.

>> No.54731406

Phase Connect Gen3

>> No.54731921

No, you literally can't

>> No.54732145 [DELETED] 

She's ValkyrieAurora

>> No.54732516

She doesn't stream as an indie. Look at her time as Peari many months happened with zero of just one stream,

>> No.54732872

she never sang though

>> No.54737858

if Beryl come to Phase, she will instantly mog Nene by 200ccv

>> No.54745570
File: 45 KB, 500x500, pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp it's done. It's was pretty obvious barely a day after they started using Twitter but I still had hopes. At least the twins got in so it's not all bad.

>> No.54746394

They can't accept that there is always someone better than their oshi.
Beryl might have been a top prospect two years ago, but there are so many talents that are much more talented than her now. She is basically Niji's Chima. She can sing but has a personality of a wet paper towel.

>> No.54746975

Straight from /#/s.

>> No.54749715

See you guys at Phase and eventually EN4

>> No.54751953

At least there's a chance that EN4 will have a much shorter gap than what Advent had.

>> No.54754569
File: 516 KB, 662x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes joining a better corpo

>> No.54755220

I much prefer the Jew or the Fishman over the yatch guy, even if her dream of performing in 3D will still need to wait a while longer. But hey, that's still better than a cancellation because of "Covid" in fucking 2023.

>> No.54758849

You're an idiot, she's a better singer than anyone in hololive, Suisei, Moona, IRyS etc included. Whenever she joins a real corpo and has an audience she's going to be an absolute superstar, just wait and see. Birb should have been Shiori, and Beryl should have been birb. Some other corpo will benefit though.

>> No.54759180

Anon as much as I would kill someone to guarantee Beryl was in Advent being a fucking faggot and comparing her to everyone else is fucking foul. It's over, man. I know it fucking hurts but it's better to just accept it than act like a dumb cunt.

>> No.54759832


>> No.54760168


>> No.54760264

Here, take your meds

>> No.54760492

obviously it's over, was replying to another anon saying how mid her voice is when her singing is god-tier. hololive loss will be someone else's gain though, I wish her the best wherever she ends up

>> No.54760563

Feeling second hand envy for some virtual woman is embarrassing.

>> No.54760853

Maybe she already in EN4 and in training process?

>> No.54761949

Unless an EN4 is debuting before the end of this fiscal year (March 31st for those who don't know) I doubt about that. The hope right now for her in HoloEN is if Cover is interested in another Vsinger but Project:Hope is basically dead after Omega was fired/demoted and I fail to see a continuation of it/a new Vsinger project after AZKi became a normal Holomem.

>> No.54764147
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>> No.54764290
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>> No.54765540

drop the cope, she'll be fine in Phase they all seem happy over there

>> No.54766447

Clearly not since she didn’t get in. KEK what a joke.

>> No.54766609

The new auditions are put up after en3 have been chosen. It's getting too crowded now for holos to debut in 2nd half of the year. I am thinking cover might want new debuts on the first half of the year.

>> No.54766770

I am expecting an EN4 around June if Jap-san is remotely smart, but that unfortunately still doesn't confirm Beryl in it if she debuts anywhere else in the next few months.

>> No.54767181

>got phase into mahjong gacha
>poached beryl
I kneel sakana.

>> No.54770285


>> No.54770411

Beryl LeRou/Hana Flores/Morino Peari is not one of the HoloEN Advent members.

>> No.54772712

Getting triggered by obvious shitposters who will do the same to any of the failed potential EN3 hires doesn't make you any better. Again I know that this whole situation fucking hurts but going ballistic because some retarded called her "mid" without never watching a single stream of hers doesn't make you the better man.

>> No.54773044

Beryl the starry dragon
Playing silly games

>> No.54775592

And drove a truck
And other stuff on the internet all day...

>> No.54777994

What's Nene's average ccv nowadays?

>> No.54779451

Unironically not impossible, while it's far more likely she's going to Phase, there's also a good chance hololive pulls the reverse uno card and gives us another Gen later this year. That's only if they're smart though, because fucking hell were they stupid to focus on the homos.

>> No.54779933

>just waves around her "$10k KU100 mic"
a lot of asmr artists have talked about how that is an algorithm thing. youtube will push your stream more if you include that in the title.

>> No.54780029

And her fanbase includes some of the most mean spirited and bitter people on the board.

>> No.54781531

wherever she ends up this time around, it's not like she's averse to dumping corps when it suits her

>> No.54781569

a Phase Gen3 likely starts at 500ccv minimum.

>> No.54781583

As she should be. Loyalty to corpos makes you vulnerable to abuse or unfair working conditions.

>> No.54781995

how so? people who want her to succeed and shill a little? I've never seen a mean spirited Beryl fan, a few white knights at worst.

>> No.54782183

>nene has 225,000 subs
>would rank 13th in phase connect in ccv
this time last year only pippa and tenma had bigger ccv than her

>> No.54782810

I've rarely seen shills who spend as much time shitting on other talents than hers. It's not enough to praise her, everyone else needs to be put down.
Plus some of them are still crazily bitter about what is effectively a dead corp she quit years ago.

>> No.54783427

Holy mother of cope

>> No.54783638

That's a rrat that sprang up from /#/ and how the audition reminder was for EN4, so it's not a baseless cope.

>> No.54783837

I would be paying extra close attention to Phase Gen 3, because if for some reason she doesn't show up there, then this is the next likely candidate.

>> No.54783982

she'll be the irys of en3 .. jk.. hope someone picks her up soon

>> No.54784400

I think she will be in Phase Gen3. Gen3 is rumored to be a singing gen so she would make sense
>Gen1 is the flagship Sad Girl gen, where the 3 biggest talents can't sing but are entertaining because menhera/wild.
>Gen2 is homogenized normie gen. all much better singers than Gen1, but much less entertaining.
>Gen3 is the idol talent gen with extra emphasis on singing and traditional talent

moonjelly and ember were brought in and are phase's 2 best musical talents (Uruka's throat is damaged and who knows if she ever recovers). moonjelly espcially being hired showsintent of what Phase are looking for going forward

>> No.54785010

I don't disagree, mostly because Fishman was very public about how close she was to Beryl, so it's a huge IF, but it's still a possibility.

>> No.54788837


>> No.54790769

thank god
