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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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54636242 No.54636242 [Reply] [Original]

All these hate threads in the catalog is triggering my saviorfag instinct and making me rock hard
The more you hate her, the more I feel the need to watch her and support her
I will not let her die a second time

>> No.54636330

Okay cuck

>> No.54636347

Jannies are off their rocks again.

>> No.54636354

I'm a hardcore GFE guy but I think everyone is getting angry for nothing, sometimes you have to just wait and see how things pan out. it's fine to see red flags but the pouncing seems seriously premature

>> No.54636424 [DELETED] 

>noooooo, stop recognising patterns
hebraic kvetching

>> No.54636450

>If I can't be the one to make you smile, that's ok. I want you to find someone who will.

Literally says up front there might collabs you dont like, to dip if you want because she wants you to be happy. I respect a honest cute girl over a lying whore. I will protect her smile.

>> No.54636463

I'll be interested in seeing how long that lasts considering how uninteresting she seems

>> No.54636561

the more people that hate a chuba the better i like em knowing it makes people mad is icing on the cake

>> No.54636631

Fauna seemed extremely bland on debut, but she became the best Myth

>> No.54636642

>I'm a hardcore GFE guy
>If I can't be the one to make you smile, that's ok. I want you to find someone who will

>> No.54636672

Dangerously based, all this hate makes my desire to throatfuck her even stronger

>> No.54636676

The worst part of the threads is that you just know she visits here and reads shit here.
You don't become a vtuber for 5 years and not visit this shithole. And then you are looking at all these threads and there's no way you can't think you fucked up somewhere and lose your self esteem and have your ego take a hit

>> No.54636719

Everyone prefers honesty. It’s the truth she’s being honest about that should be different.

>> No.54636810

I genuinely liked her, I hope she will make interesting and different content compared to your average holomem.

My only tiny little gripe is the way her S's sound. Maybe it's just her microphone settings, maybe it's the way she speaks.

>> No.54636917

At least she'll know what to expect. Her numbers would be bae tier and just like with bae, she'll need a bit more craftier with her streams to even reach 10k because of this handicap.

>> No.54637012

Why won't janny clean the threads up? Did he give up?

>> No.54637061

she declared her menhera status, I'm sure she won't be sleeping tonight, probably crying rn, if she's smart she will ignore everything and go her way, as expected from an experience streamer

>> No.54637067

I like her model too much and the gfe pandering got me, can't drop her yet

>> No.54637097

not your hugbox
although i don't partake in those threads, they're not doing anything wrong either

>> No.54637095

Imagine if /vt/ actually breaks her into a full menhera psychotic yandere GFE

>> No.54637143

Anon, she's been in the game for 5 years, she already knows that the opinions of /here/ don't matter considering she started in /jp/

>> No.54637155

based and same

>> No.54637164

moona and kobo seem to do just fine despite being homo collabers?

this is just my insane theory but i genuinely believe the entire retarded way kronii handled the male collabs thing, members thing, and then having the company do that stupid announcement for her ruined a lot of male collabs and peoples opinions forever. kronii is fucking retarded.

>> No.54637185 [DELETED] 
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I was referencing my thread that didn't survive one single minute, despite it not breaking any rules. I was just asking were some of Moe's old vods went from her old channel.

>> No.54637224

Having your ego take a hit might not be a bad thing.

Most places where vtubers are discussed end up being retarded echo chambers of positivity. This place is also retarded, shizos and rrats and roaming dramaniggers and all, but at least it's retarded in a different way.

>> No.54637255

ok my biggest question is
how good at the piano is she we're talking about
like can she play chopin
or can she be like marasy8 and do anime cover songs

>> No.54637281

unspoken rule anon, don't directly talk about past lifes like that, read the room

>> No.54637343

>Most places where vtubers are discussed end up being retarded echo chambers of positivity
lmao where? not twitter, certainly not here, are you referring to reddit?

>> No.54637457


>> No.54637463

Bae has a lot of energy and you can really see the effort she puts in.
Her upcoming streams looks like minimal effort. At least the presentation of Bijou's debut was pretty good

>> No.54637480
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>literally crying that his shitty bait thread was deleted
that's... kind of pathetic behavior anon

>> No.54637515

It was okay. She played a lot more when she was a kid and got a bit rusty. It was still charming.

Bullshit. People talk all the time about retired vtubers or personas. As long as you don't bring up any roommate stuff you're usually good to go. It was most likely a random, trigger happy janny having a moment.

Here's you (You) now go cry about phaseniggers or whatever you usually do.

>> No.54637562

Swinging too hard in the other direction isn’t a good thing either, anon

>> No.54637610

anon you are actually upset your shitty bait thread got deleted. Go to a mirror and take a good long look at the kind of person you have become

>> No.54637639

What luck. If she's here then she has a chance to redeem herself.

>> No.54637714
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Difference between speculation (before debut) and pl talk (after debut).
You'll get used to it.

>> No.54637740

Not gonna lie, that would be a hilarious character arc.

But I seriously doubt that it would happen organically, kind of like it did with Rushia, and I don't think Hololive management would come around on this kind of "character breakdown" shizo shit being planned after they curbed the (somewhat) planned Haachama arc.

>> No.54637842

>>noooooo, stop recognising patterns
What fucking patterns you utter retard, the patterns where vt is proven time and time again debuts mean jack shit? Like how everyone was bitching endlessly against Mumei for not being the strategy games holo they wanted? Like how vt's favorite tempiss faggots on debut ended up being the ones constantly blamed for everything wrong about male vtubers?

>> No.54637907

What about a honest whore and a lying cute girl? What's your ranking for those?

>> No.54637930

first time she married me which made her gone for a while. Now she is back to make money for our travel vlog trips. Ty anon for supporting us.

>> No.54637983

Retarded girls are cute.

>> No.54638216

>What about a honest whore and a lying cute girl? What's your ranking for those?
I'll take Bae over Matsuri any day, easy

>> No.54638239

you always fail at the end, you lack passion and dedication, schizos support or hate with everything they got and they are persistent, your motivation is not for the chuuba but against schizos, you dont love her, you never stick around and eventually leaves, you can only saviourfag for a while, and that's why you couldn't save Sana, and left with shit numbers Mori Kronnie even fucking Rushia

>> No.54638295
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There's no way that you would make a bunch of sexual innuendos and GFE comments and drop references that you know what the audience expected out of you all throughout the debut stream only for the audience to somehow interpret that you want to collab with males right
Because its gonna go 2 ways, it's either we're a super giga retard for even thinking that makes sense or she's an omega fucking galaxy tier retard for doing that.

>> No.54638330

Yeah, I did mean Reddit, which is dying off now but still remains a discussion platform, but I also meant vtuber's own community platforms - things like comment sections, discord servers, etc. Which are inherently biased towards the vtuber in question, and usually end up being absolute echo chambers where you can get positivity and nothing else.

Not saying it is. Listening to every /vt/ retard and getting oneguy'd by some shizo with 3 IPs posting off CD on each is a great way of fucking yourself up. But mainlining pure hugbox shit can send you down a spiral too.

>> No.54638389

Kobo doesn't count, she plays into the little sister act so people don't think she's a whore

>> No.54638432

I can never trust a liar. Matsuri all day.

>> No.54638571

Guaranteed replies.

>> No.54638601

Uhhh.... Yeah... Just like how doors close on their own. And how she doesn't care about handsome guys

>> No.54639624

A honest whore is better than a lying whore, but that doesn't mean either of those is good.

>> No.54642467

Fuck off.

>> No.54642526

it's both
a match made in heaven

>> No.54642530

She used to post on /jp/ anon I think she's beyond caring about this board

>> No.54643211

wait a minute i feel like i have seen this before...... a girl with big horns and somewhat purple hair.......

>> No.54643248

You are among the anons I've found to say that about Kronii and I agree. It's not an insane theory because I've found several anons over the hundreds of post doing my archive reps. Kronii SHOULD have listened to her manager and not done that member streams, she would have not say her idol culture, female friends and surrendering to whoever lunatic members she had

>> No.54643376

based and gfe-pilled

>> No.54643411


>> No.54643430

Based Saviorfag.

>> No.54643576

>Faggots here and other shitpost/bait threads talking about mind breaking a woman who perfectly knows what this shit hole is and the internet as a whole.

>> No.54643702

She's also a hardcore people-pleaser type (but not good at it either) so yeah it might actually happen

>> No.54644046

She's clearly on top of the popularity chart

>> No.54644111

which vtuber was she originally?

>> No.54644171

Your whore is fucked metaphorically and literally

>> No.54644327

She 100% cried herself to sleep today after seeing all those threads shitting on her

>> No.54644391

I never thought about that. Yeah it seemed to get worse after that.

>> No.54644453

This. All this seething just completes the goth edgy thing perfectly.

>doesnt have his pitchfork out
>talking sensible and reasonable in this mongolian forum

>> No.54645043

>Shiori can play the motherfucking piano.
A musician!? shiiit that's all you had to say. All you coomer and gfe motherfuckers need to go away though, I won't have you ruining my high-class woman and turning into a common tavern wench.

>> No.54645184

This is the problem. You're calling her a high-class woman and don't want her to be a common tavern wench. The first assumption is based simply on the idea she plays piano. The second is already history.
Enjoy your common tavern wench that plays piano

>> No.54646500

You do know there are whores that play piano at dive bar too

>> No.54646567

I'm gonna come off as salty but I applied to holo en and got an interview, however where I think they dropped me was when I started talking about collabing with indies and interacting with 1-100 viewer vtubers to make a better connection with the community and scout the market for talent. Guess I lost my spot to this.

>> No.54646608

Not enough whore connections.

>> No.54646698

>interacting with 1-100 viewer vtubers to make a better connection with the community and scout the market for talent
that's their job, not yours nigga

>> No.54646766

She was a nepotism hire since loserbait was her previous manager, he then got hired in Hololive, managed Ame and then he hired Shiori back. I'm not even joking, the connection is there.

>> No.54646850

>I will not let her die a second time
This would be like the 5th dawg
If she keeps going as usual she is gonna float at the bottom of EN and be completely fine with it forever

>> No.54646899

Regardless of her being a nepo or not, I'm just glad an OG vtuber is getting a second chance.

>> No.54646962

Come on, anon. It’s good that you want to gro.. defend her, but this isn’t anything remarkable compared to what Kiara, Moom and Fauna went through

>> No.54647071
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>> No.54647160

I'm willing to give shiori herself a shot, but I see way too many parallels with her fans and lia likers which is the worst possible shit you could draw to hololive threads.

>> No.54647184

This is because /vt/ is made up of people who are /here/ just for drama. I mean there are people here who don't even watch the chuubas they are shitposting about. There are people here who don't even watch chuubas at ALL. It would be nice if this board was ran a little more tightly to make this place actually fun again, these days I barely leave generals.

>> No.54647291

Anon no one takes /vt/ that seriously in the year of our lord 2023, Half of the stupid shit that has been said here in the last year only has delegitimized this place in the eyes of a lot of people (even other people /here/). How am I supposed to take a place that goes schizo over FAUNA and HOLOSUMMER seriously?

>> No.54647371

loserbait was fired from hololive before council even debuted

>> No.54647427

Let's be honest, at most you will watch clips of her and make bait threads in the catalog. Kinda like this one.

>> No.54647476

We have proof loserbait worked at holo, we dont have proof he was ever fired.

>> No.54647571

dude she's in hololive, she'll be a successful millionaire even if no one here watches her

>> No.54647661

Imagining that makes me hard.

>> No.54647671

Honestly I don't think she looks at /vt/ itself, but she used to be in the /jp/ threads.

>> No.54647936

Except the negativity is never like a form of constructive criticism where there’s anything to take from it, it’s always “screeeeeeeee a MALE what a SLUT reeeeee GRADUATE GRADUATE GRADUATE”

“Get thicker skin” is sound advice that’s hard to actually follow (it’s akin to “have you just tried not being depressed?”). But people use the “they should learn to take criticism” argument to just scream negativity and hide behind the shield of “I-it’s just critique bro, why are you so mad?”

>> No.54648579

>not your hugbox
They DO normally delete these kinds of threads though

>> No.54648679


>> No.54648846

Because allah protects then from males. Western atheists have no such guidance.

>> No.54648851

Here. This is the post she should have never made.

>> No.54649138

We're not saying get thicker skin because it's the solution to a problem, we're saying get thicker skin because it's a requirement to be on the internet.
It's basically like saying "if you want to jump into a lake, learn to fucking swim first"

>> No.54649405

If she comes here she should have known what to expect, right? The exact same thing happened with Bae too. I think it's obvious they are intentionally trying to filter unicorns. Maybe for ideological reasons. Maybe because they think it's an insignificant minority that cause disproportionate amount of drama. Maybe because they associate this group with actually dangerous stalkers and alike.

>> No.54652288

>they think it's an insignificant minority that cause disproportionate amount of drama
are they wrong?

>> No.54655315

It is still speculation since it isn't confirmed.

>> No.54655510
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Yeah, they’re even worse than us sisters.
