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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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54631197 No.54631197 [Reply] [Original]

Who has the better schedule?

>> No.54631315

Shiorin is more unique, the rock has more generic appeal

>> No.54631408 [DELETED] 


>> No.54631506

shiorin, im not interested in another 12 year old gaming with a meme soundboard

>> No.54631516

Get to Know Me Road Trip is a damn good idea

>> No.54631618

How is she gonna have an open VC stream with a collab ban? Also I hate that shit in Niji, I hope it doesn't start a trend.

>> No.54631713

>open VC
i don't know which one's the bigger red flag but they definitely are

>> No.54631914

2/2 will never watch live
Shiori with the whole lecture shit makes me reluctant to sub too so i will just memory hole her and not bother with the vods, the week 1 is weak too

>> No.54631936

Another Holo v Holo thread?
com'on try better BVTM

>> No.54632117

Shiori schedule is 8/10. I really like the variety, though open VC/collabs this early is iffy to my traditional ass

Rock-tan's schedule is 6/10. Same complaint about super early collabs, and the streams are a bit more generic. They're all solid, low-risk games, which I find somewhat milquetoast for a 1st week

>> No.54632136
File: 467 KB, 1461x750, LMAO!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here a thread anon.
not a holo vs holo

>> No.54632190

>Koseki has a stream every day and most of them have potential to be really long ones
Holy shit finally someone is gonna actually stream in EN.

>> No.54632245

XIV means Bijou automatically loses.

>> No.54632307

The Rock is only playing one good game (TOTK).

>> No.54632329

Why does the homobeggar girl have an interesting lineup while the unicorn girl have mediocre slop besides L4D2?

>> No.54632331

Vidya for me
ATS sounds comfy

>> No.54632410

Shiori has a nicer schedule, however so far as vtubers she's not remotely as good as Bijou.

Imagine being a vtuber for like 5+ years and never picking up how to be a good entertainer. Not to mention getting uppity acting as if you're hot shit for it. People were constantly saying the past day "there's a reason moe hasn't gotten that far despite doing this for all this time" and you know what, they're completely right.

>> No.54632457

>no game
>no game
>no game
>>two games
>collab game
>>collab game
>no stream

Gee, I wonder

>> No.54632481
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finally the first actual souls autist. mori was such a fucking disappointment

>> No.54632518

Two entirely separate audiences but both are good.
Shiori is doing more informative and casual talking streams, Bijou is doing game related things.

>> No.54632526

Shiori has the more interesting schedule, but It doesn't matter what Koseki plays - I'm watching for her, not the games.

>> No.54632531

>who is Noel

>> No.54632598

Learn Japanese oh my fuCKING GOD PLEASE

>> No.54632648


>> No.54632650

No, I mean souls AUTIST. She talked about playing them over and over and doing challenge runs. I do kneel to Noel already.

>> No.54632696

lol vocaroo yourself speaking a full sentence in japanese
then kys you larper

>> No.54632759
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>> No.54632769

Noel literally cosplayed herself in her first ER build, maces and strength only. If that isn't challenge and souls autism I don't know what is. Also
>Believing a debut has weight for what a chuuba will do in the future
Mori sure does love doing all those music prod streams she promised during debut, right?

>> No.54632809

I can't. I'm auditioning, and I don't want to oust myself for being /here/.

>> No.54632845

Never try and falseflag as a hololive fan ever again

>> No.54632979
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Since, i'm a cunnisseur, i'll choose bijou.
It's a shame that i can't join ffxiv tho.

>> No.54633032

They did away with collab bans when tempus debuted. Mori was playing mini-golf with vesper like day 3 of debut week

>> No.54633086
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I maintain that videogames are the bread and butter of Youtube streams. This isn't twitch where you can get by on react content and chatting.

>> No.54633106

Rock loli by far. Not even a single day in and book bitch was already talking about rest days as if she's earned any yet. Bijou actually WANTS to stream, long hours even and even lost track of time during debut

>> No.54633115

I dont know mate when I say souls autism I dont just mean making a themed build, I mean someone who has replayed them over and over and is competent at them, not just someone who has one and done'd each one. no point in splitting hairs over wording if you literally know what im talking about

>> No.54633184

banter is more important but theres something about just chatting streams I usually cant get into

>> No.54633298
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Reminder that Shiori had the habit of clickbaiting the titles of her streams, for example the "ASMR Intense Mouth Sounds" ended up being a video of her RP as a drug dealer. I think her schedule is a red herring.

>> No.54633342

youre right, casually playing dark souls once makes you a supreme mega-autismal sperg of all from soft games! Also all of the girls are lesbians and also literally me! Never try and falseflag as a hololive fan ever again.

>> No.54633349

I don't think any corpo schedule will get me excited.

>> No.54633370

You lost

>> No.54633389

Thats because youre a loser faggot who watches dumb reddit cunts.

>> No.54633428

You all know what parasites means. Tempus collab by proxy.

>> No.54633429

bijou and luna arent cunny

>> No.54633461

>elden ring
why is she sabotaging herself

>> No.54633483


>> No.54633514

Shiori sounds more interesting but I really wonder how long she will be able to survive with no games

>> No.54633556
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She wants the me audience

>> No.54633561

Why not? Test the audience and take advantage of the debut buff during the strongest week.

>> No.54633623

Those games give her time to interact with chat, what's not to like?

>> No.54633625

she's gonna end up with 4k views

>> No.54633676
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They are and there's nothing you can do to stop me from masturbating to them.

>> No.54633681

Better than fubuki who wanted to do the whole MSQ.

>> No.54633716

Go back to /#/ you faggot. Nobody gives a fuck about your shitflinging

>> No.54633836
File: 527 KB, 1080x607, img-2023-07-30-03-03-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the forbidden knowledge, I knew there was no GFE. You mistake me for those other lost causes.

>> No.54633853

That shit is absolutely not happening with en3. Will be nice to see how management addresses their bullshit now.

>> No.54633897

Shiori is an Noel tier singer unless she has gotten way better over the years. I might watch Bijou play truck sim if Fauna or IRyS aren't streaming. The only thing I'll actually watch is the L4D2 collab.

>> No.54634885

>western cape shit from google dot com
>le forbidden knowledge
>those other lost causes
At least you know you're a lost cause

>> No.54635258

Eilene style.

>> No.54635634

Left 4 Dead is kino, and while I am interested in the raiding stream, I know it is going to be miserable if she is going to be doing the current Savage Tier. Hours of constant raid wipes, endless rage quitters, and players who just do not know what they are doing.

>> No.54635728

both schedules are very reliant on the person being entertaining.
I expect Bijo to be better just for not going out of her way to make awkward sex jokes.

>> No.54636038

How the L4D2 collab gonna work with 5 members?

>> No.54636533

The fun solution would be mods. There is a human director mod for example.

>> No.54636735

You really can't think of why 4 pov would work?

>> No.54636820

The twin dogs:
>1 control the mouse
>1 control the keyboard
Honestly if they do that it would be hilarious

>> No.54636834

>4 channels
>half of them already stream in the same timezone
More overlapping...

>> No.54636913

For the love of god Cover get some EU chuuba to fill in the gap of dead air between between late JP streams and Ina/Fauna starting theirs...

>> No.54636951

for the doggos, it'll most likely be one playing the game and another one backseats and give commentary

>> No.54637444
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>actual games
picked up

>> No.54638591

>one throwaway comment that didn't even mention males is a lecture
I'm glad fags like you are so easily filtered. No sane person wants you around.

>> No.54638765

the loli

>> No.54639586

Bijou is adorable, but I'd rather chew glass shards than watch FFXIV.

>> No.54639615

>both streaming hours after midnight for eu
both schedules are shit, but i hope NA bros have fun.

>> No.54639994

nta but its shazamposting

>> No.54640188

>no deep rock galactic
is the rock girl retarded?

>> No.54640197

is she being "quirky" by listing things in cst? why?

>> No.54640347

Shiori's unironically looks more interesting. Nothing stands out to me in Bijou's one, though I guess that could be used in her favor since if they turn out to be great streams it's because Bijou's a good entertainer.

>> No.54640475

What does "Open VC" entail? I don't think I've ever watched a stream with that concept.

>> No.54640529

please help me fill time

game game game game game game

>> No.54640550

shiori schedule = great
koseki schedule = normie tier

>> No.54640764

>Noel tier singer
You sold me, I will now buy the membership day 1

>> No.54640948

she sits in vc and people join.
its a bizarre concept for week 1 because they are supposed to be huddled in a void with their genmates

>> No.54641311

>Week 1 FFXIV
The biggest red flag I’ve seen for EN3 so far

>> No.54641374

Kiara hinted at such a thing possibly not being there anymore.

>> No.54642312

>vtuber crash history
im not newfag, not watching
will read facts, not watching
>open vc
with who? tell me
can't watch not live
>chill truck game
chill game so she can talk more
can be good or bad depending on how she acts
will be either fun or very boring
>elden ring
challenge runs are fun

Shiori's schedule is something ill hop into and see if i like it
Bijou's schedule is something i'd watch
i blanked on shiori's debut when she went on a tangent
Bijou showed off more creativity

>> No.54642512

Wait until the actual thing to shitpost, gayhorn. I predicted the shitposts but not this early
