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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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54626256 No.54626256 [Reply] [Original]

why are you sleeping on this girl /vt/?
>great design
>gives you fanservice right away
>unicorn friendly
>Sex voice (if rumors are true)
>tallest holo
>will correct Shiorin

>> No.54626345

>Sex voice
Feed me the rrats

>> No.54626371

Stop fucking jinxing shit I swear to god.

>> No.54626419

>sex voice
Literally the biggest issue with shiori was her voice so I hope that‘s true

>> No.54626470


>> No.54626477 [DELETED] 

because her rm is a Korean homobegger
Why else would we anti her for?

>> No.54626496

Look what happened to Novella…

>> No.54626522

You forgot

>> No.54626553

It's astounding to me how she's the least talked about.

>> No.54626559

She hasn't debut?

>> No.54626589

I checked some of her collabs with other people and she seemed a little...boring. That can change of course but I hope she learns fast. Other than that I’m looking forward to her debut

>> No.54626599 [DELETED] 

Because ive seen her content for years now and what she can do you newfag. She is boredom incarnate, leeched of eileen and a vshojo orbiter
Hell She failed vshojo auditions for fucks sake anon

>> No.54626604

Alleged Mori and Kronii of advent

>> No.54626683

What do you mean? She's constantly shilled, especially as a partner to Kronii.

>> No.54626813

Don't say you weren't warned just like Shiori.

>> No.54626879

I don't trust anyone anymore, I have to at the very least watch the debut

>> No.54627001

Her and Bijou didn‘t have much to work with in regard to talking about them.
The twins have a gimmick and were somewhat popular on this board and Shiori had the yandere memes and people cautioning other because of her PL, plus the meltdown after the debut.

>> No.54627037

>unicorn friendly
He lacks the critical information...

>> No.54627111

I'm praying for her to be decent because Shioshit's already a disappointment, the loli's alright but nothing special. I already know the twins are boring as shit and future 3views. Nerissa is the only one I know nothing about except for being a Korean from Canada.

>> No.54627150

>unicorn friendly
You faggots jinxed with Shiori. Stop jinxing with Nerissa I swear to God.

>> No.54627174

Ah no shes mid very mid https://youtu.be/xZ4p3PsGGA0

>> No.54627239

>unicorn friendly
If the rrats are true, she's about as unicorn-friendly as Shiori lmao.

>> No.54627247

Did/does she actually have a BF? I've been waiting for a screencap or something but so far nothing

>> No.54627294


>> No.54627305

so 50/50 chance we get a top quality or absolute trash

>> No.54627354

Shiori I mean

>> No.54627450


>> No.54627464

The Beryl one is disproven because she's vegetarian and Nerissa established she eats meat.
>maybe she changed her mind
No she stopped eating meat because of eatintg disorders, not a choice

>> No.54627506

She was in an abusive relationship.

>> No.54627521

Well it’s not bad like Shiori’s. Also, I expected better singing or maybe it’s just that I don’t like the genre

>> No.54627605

its not beryl and her fans shat up threads after it was nigh confirmed.

>> No.54627737

She can't be worse than shiori

>> No.54627751

>Blue girl (kinda)
>Sound demon so maybe she's a good singer
>Lineage of blue girls were always historically good until Kronii went menhera

Either she's the gem or we're just out of talent in the West.

>> No.54627756


>> No.54627782

It's beryl 100%

>> No.54627813

Don't worry anon Nerissa would never refer to Tempus on her debut stream.

>> No.54627879

I would've love a deeper voice like Kronii's, but this voice will be fine.

>> No.54627933

>Beryl vegetarian due to eating disorder
>Nerissa confirmed meat eater
>Beryl asian
>Mon0ki and Nerissa Midwestern

>> No.54627944

Beryl already said its not her

>> No.54628083

She better pick her words carefully regarding collabs or she's off to the grid. Learn from moai girl. She meant girls when she said collabing with all of hololive

>> No.54628085

At this point I hope it's someone new from a different industry or unknown in this one.

>> No.54628153


>> No.54628252

Let me guess she cheated on him and when he found out she suddenly told everyone that he abused her

>> No.54628428


>> No.54628533

Actually, Beryl is white, and I don't think the vegetarian thing is an ED.

>> No.54628556

shit it is then

>> No.54628622

>great design
maybe if her shirt was open in the middle or she had a hole in it, otherwise it's bland as fuck
>gives you fanservice right away
when, where?
>unicorn friendly
not proven
>sex voice
yeah, I don't give a fuck about that, last girl with that turned out horrible
seeing is believing and I won't believe this girl is good until I see it

>> No.54628646


>> No.54628701

OP here, sorry I jinxed it
well, we still have the cute doggos, unless...

>> No.54628745

I'm not, she was the one I'm most excited for since the start

>> No.54628817

>2/5 are definitely beyond saving
At least Bijou is cute

>> No.54628843

>a cute idol with a cute singing voice
>or a funimation VA homocollaber that only knows English

>> No.54628845

there is no way the doggos will fail right?

>> No.54628876

>they don't know about Nerissa's twitter saga
Sucks to be you fags

>> No.54628953

>Good singer

>> No.54629017
File: 93 KB, 898x1000, F17tlesXsAAKU0j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when, where?
> Ask and you shall receive
> You can touch my Horne
>69 references

>> No.54629130

She has good EN covers...

>> No.54629277

Ok fair enough I guess that's as far as she can go with fanservice pre-debut.
We'll see if she can keep that attitude up and it's genuine or if she's forcing herself to do it.

>> No.54629293

She gave feet picture on X

>> No.54629348

She's gonna be just as disappointing as Shiori lol, Looks like the only good ones in EN 3 are the loli rock and esl twins.

>> No.54629413

Nerissa looks promising given that she liked an art with Hakka in it, noticed it later, then went back and unliked it. She also did the same after accidentally liking someone replying to her with a Altare emote, unliking it after she noticed.
If she's willing to go back and put effort into removing evidence of homo taint, then perhaps she'll be alright.
Also I'm team it's neither Beryl, nor the VA.

>> No.54630042

Please be Beryl please be beryl please be beryl please be beryl please be beryl

>> No.54630149

After Shiori's fiasco I'm extremely cautious about everyone. I don't want to feel hype for her only to be disappointed later.
That being said I don't think anyone in the history of vtubing can destroy her own hype as bad as Shiori, so it's all upwards from here.

>> No.54630263

Hololive has a terrible track record of giving sexy models to shitty boring prudes so I'm nervous.

>> No.54630316

If you were following /vt/, you should have known the rockunny was a relatively unremarkable pick that would be carried by the cunny voice, and that Shiori was a bargain bin pick that got picked because Cover numberfagged her dead subs that she inherited from someone else.

>> No.54630342

Fucking shit we'll get only two good channels out of this: the Stone Loli and the Twin Doggos.

>> No.54630479

Praying for a literally who.
Jesus, that sounds horrendous.

>> No.54630556

I'm high on hopium but even if it's the VA we might get a pleasant surprise like Nina throwing away her pl

>> No.54630583

To be fair if you would have asked me what I expected from EN3, 3/5 good members with a *potential* for 4/5 would have been waaaay better than I was expecting.
I was literally praying for ONE good option.

>> No.54630704

She's another fucking canadian korean. It's literally over before it even began.

>> No.54630751

Neither Beryl nor mom0ki are Korean.

>> No.54630752
File: 484 KB, 695x693, 168377372238234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HoloEN does not know how to recruit talent. Chuubas who have collabs with males or feminists should be excluded in the first round

>> No.54630805

>why are you sleeping on this girl /vt/?
Because I'm not from the fucking future and she debuts tomorrow

>> No.54630825

I hope they won‘t do a lot of full gen collabs

>> No.54630964

Well they got the job and you don't so clearly they're more qualified than you.

>> No.54631068

You actually make a good point, I only like 2/3 of council and 1/5 of myth. 3/5 for Advent is beyond our best case scenario.

>> No.54631070

It'll be the same path as the others
Many at first, then progressively fewer.

>> No.54631110

Anon... the rrats in this very thread prove that qualifications have nothing to do with it...

>> No.54631111

god damn I am tired of false flaggers making up shit just to force it into the meme
if a meme is fake and forced its not good

>> No.54631225

I don't care what type of person she turns out to be, I just want her to violently molest me until I'm drained and sobbing on the floor

>> No.54631265

Calm down, Nerissa

>> No.54631275

i dont care about the design. if she didnt do sex on screen with holostar. i aint watching. no subs. no monthly subs, no 100$ daily every 12 hours superchat

>> No.54631284


>> No.54631311
File: 139 KB, 397x478, 1665009901197261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just hope that anon is wrong about the roommates and shes a good girl

>> No.54631331

The Korean was machine translated. She's not korean. She's a vshojo orbiter.

>> No.54631790

If you're a vshojo orbiter that gets into holo, does that turn the vshojo girls into holo orbiters of you?

>> No.54631874

this is what gave me hope

>> No.54631934

She already said it isn't and theres hard proof that it's mom0ki.

>> No.54632068


>> No.54632142

I was there for mom0ki's "graduation". Her mic settings were shit, her overlay was all over the place, there was zero effort put into it. She doesn't care about being a vtuber, so she's probably using this opportunity to boost her RM.

>> No.54632170

Anon, Bijou followed then unfollowed her friend. Its managers piloting the twitters

>> No.54632171

I don't want to get my hopes up again, but I'll definitely watch her debut and scrutinize it for signs of spoilage.

>> No.54632220

People are just running into wild fantasies at this point.
I have myself stopped hoping it's a good singer. Like this is a 0.7% rate gacha.

>> No.54632254


>> No.54632256

sounds like a perfect fit for hololive

>> No.54632265

So just like shiori she is just in it for the money eh?
Cover really should have started the hiring process way earlier so that we could have gotten some of the better small corpo chuubas

>> No.54632282

Lets hold off on the hype and just wait for the debut, it worked for the moai girl.

>> No.54632344

Mori 2.0 then. GRIM

>> No.54632348

literally has not debuted yet

>> No.54632353

How can you market yourself as the "demon of sound" and not be a singer?

>> No.54632359


>> No.54632363 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.54632441

maybe she plays the guitar...

>> No.54632447

Idol really poached a handful of hidden gems. I can't believe Aviel manage to get a full gen with zero bad apples and Hololive couldn't.

>> No.54632537

trading the goth chick for fuyo would be nice
i would even accept rin

>> No.54632558

Yeah, I predict this is likely to be the case. I enjoy her music and she'll probably have everyone kneeling soon enough, plus she actually likes idol music instead of rap, but she's still gonna be herself.

>> No.54632635

This is what happens when they wait to long

>> No.54632655

It's Nicki gee.

>> No.54632666

Idol didn't really numberfag like Cover, this shit is blatant.

>> No.54632668

She's Australian. 20% of EN must be Australian. It's the law.

>> No.54632718

It's fucking over

>> No.54632773

I'm not. She seems great on paper.

>> No.54632797

She's a zither player.

>> No.54632817

/baubau/ compared their handwriting and it looks like it's them

>> No.54632885

worst kronii

>> No.54632898

You are crushing her with your weight if you sleep on her anon

>> No.54632911
File: 84 KB, 1122x1122, 1685533567543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the talented girls were recruited by small corpos. Only talentless whores like Nerissa and Shiori were left

>> No.54632912

It's the travelers? No way. Their English isn't up to par for EN.

>> No.54633083

They are native speakers

>> No.54633162

So she has been leaning heavily on the lesbo vibes between her twitter activity and snuggling with Bijou, did the VA do that at all? I feel like going hard lesbo kayfabe conflicts with being political brain rot and it must be someone else.

>> No.54633299

Is it true that Nerissa's rm is an insufferable feminist?

>> No.54633321

Anyone can call themselves anything.
Singing talents don't sprout on trees and the actually good EN vsingers are very few. And none of them seem to be a match. But we will see in a day.

>> No.54633326

Their English later on was kayfabe to sound like japs. Listen to the debut stream where they have perfect English.


>> No.54633330

Motherfucker their channel is still up. I'm watching them right now and they ain't native.

>> No.54633446

She's a leftypol type of person.

>> No.54633450

It was kayfabe, they have a similar life story to Kiara

>> No.54633469

>Jordan lamsey
But yeah this is way better.

>> No.54633471

You niggers keep saying that yet didn't post a proof. I guess we will just have to wait and see who it will be.

>> No.54633486

You think? That would be wonderful, Mori is amazing.

>> No.54633542

As one of the few people who liked Interlunium and still listens to Blue Moon Blue Ocean weekly, I think I won

>> No.54633603

It's beryl. The soup thing was just a meme because shes the demon of soup.

>> No.54633710

HoloEN has not learned its lesson from Krooni. It's fucking over

>> No.54633776

Beryl is 100% not in EN3, Cover wouldn't give someone less than 2 months to prepare for debut.
The only hope for her being in Hololive is debuting as a VSinger, EN4 or JP7

>> No.54633793

There's only two known candidates, anonchama... It could be someone totally unknown but don't bet on it.

>> No.54633847

Isn't Kiara one too? Who cares if they don't bring it up on stream?

>> No.54633854

>he still believes it
Poor this fag when this one has strong hard proof that proves it can't be her

>> No.54633915

They were pretending to be ESL as kayfabe to fit their GGN characters, who are supposed to be ESL

>> No.54633969

>unicorn friendly
Not from what I heard

>> No.54633996

What anon is calling "leftypol" is holding normalfag political opinions shared by most of the population and off-handedly mentioning them on their personal twitter at some point. And yeah, Kiara did the same.

>> No.54634059

>>unicorn friendly
>clearly a bihorn

>> No.54634093

You should pay attention more then
All her actions as Nerissa have been very much so

>> No.54634108

Oh God.... it's going to be the shit one...

>> No.54634180

Because she doesn't have an idol background to know any better. Kiara understands that her personal views and her character should not be related in any way, whereas mom0ki has shown to be very independent. Kinda like Vesper now that I think about it. I hope for our sake that Kiara coaches her and she is able to behave.

>> No.54634398

Did you even predict Bijou correctly?

>> No.54634403

I'm a gambling man. My bet is on a stage play actor only hipster have only heard about.

>> No.54634456

is bijou totally new? is she literally en kobo?

>> No.54634473

yeah they got it right

>> No.54634500


>> No.54634552

Either I'm looking at the wrong prediction or the voice doesn't match. Or maybe I just can't tell if that's the same voice.

>> No.54634553

No, she was a /lig/ indie because of her friends.

>> No.54634561

She orbits Vshojo and joined Hololive just for the money. Literally Mori 2.0

>> No.54634572

>Because she doesn't have an idol background to know any better.
Good point. Kiara knows what not to say and knows about idol culture. Shit, now I'm kinda nervous for tomorrow.

>> No.54634574
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The other alternative, considering Bijou and Kiara mentioned big Oneesan/Mom energy.

>> No.54634600

her 2view friend was squealing in joy, i think she just changed mic or her settings but all the game and other info is the same

>> No.54634658

That's great, I love Mori.

>> No.54634693

She can't sing bro.

>> No.54634695

No way

>> No.54634794

Wtf you talking about ive watched her past life just a few hours ago her content is fucking gold shes a creative genius

>> No.54634797

Tell me more about her? Wholesome idol or male collabing whore?

>> No.54634830

Then you will love Nerissa. She's a normalfag whore, just like Mori

>> No.54634886

Sleeping? As if everyone here isn't aware of her already.

This isn't Nijisanji for fucks sake.

>> No.54634935

mom0ki is a great singer and is a huge fan of the HoloEN girls (especially Kiara and Kronii). She popped into Mumei and Bae's singing streams as well. Don't be fooled by her talent, everyone might be hyped as fuck, keep a critical eye on what her streams will be like because she's not a gamer.

On the other hand, Beryl's JP oshi is Marine and she actually liked to play games...

>> No.54634941
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Left Bijou, Right Waabyuu.
Yes I got it right. >>54434092 https://twitter.com/waabyuu/status/1631687094950146049

>> No.54635083

Sell all your stocks now before they plummet to the fucking center of the earth
First and last warning

>> No.54635104

the fact that she did it twice before debut shows that she will keep doing it until her breakdown / her manager gave up telling her to stop it then homo collabfest ala matsuri that makes kronii look like lamy
she really is kronii 2.0

>> No.54635138

Which one, Shiori? Shiori gave up a long time ago, after she lost rights to her 3D she stopped trying, and she has zero ambition.

>> No.54635155

What about the voice

>> No.54635156

are all holox streamers before joining? I wonder if we'll ever get someone who never stream before in en. I want to feel the soul

>> No.54635190

>she has zero ambition
>just debuted in the largest agency of the world in her domain

>> No.54635205

What about it, it's the same.
Same cunny voice, same ability to speak thai, same fromsoft autism, same handwriting, same drawing.

>> No.54635251

Because Cover numberfagged Eilene's channel. The fact she used that channel to boost her way to a position at Hololive shows what type of person she is, actually.

>> No.54635359

Wait. Does this mean Moonshine is going to move on from Phase Connect to Hololive?

>> No.54635368

>Sound demon so maybe she's a good singer
Of course she's a fucking singer, her entire design is based on Sirens from Greek mythology

>> No.54635405

Did you fags really up your game this much, last time /vt/ couldn't predict anyone at all, now /vt/ can predict the majority correctly?

>> No.54635409

You really want to pretend that only people with ambition get into EN? Did you forget Sana?

>> No.54635421
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>zero ambition
Well, she has some interesting goals, that's for sure.

>> No.54635459

No one asked..?

>> No.54635479

>Groomed by the Holobirds

>> No.54635524

Liberal whore. Who gives a fuck if she's a decent singer.

>> No.54635535

>Live happy
The biggest goal of them all.

>> No.54635549

>2 bad apples in a single gen
great fucking job cover corp

>> No.54635590

Waabyuu is jelly from phase connect though.

>> No.54635601

If you include Tempus, 3/4 of the first gen was guessed correctly with only Axel being wrong and 3/4 of the second gen was guessed correctly with only Hakka being wrong.
And males are arguably harder because of the
So yes I daresay the game has been upped indeed and I'm on track to being 4/4 correct with only Nerissa being the possible curveball.

>> No.54635625

Also no one likes leftism

>> No.54635627
File: 80 KB, 720x720, 1678056652828128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>will correct Shiorin
Will she? Will she really?
I fucking hope so.

>> No.54635630

She's going to be rich as fuck from the mindless membership drones and the merch shilling, her being in hololive is her automatically set for life.

>> No.54635638

She has no enemies.

>> No.54635672

>Eilene's channel
>Every single one of the most popular videos on the channel is Moe's content that doesn't have shit to do with Eilene

>> No.54635699

>Waabyuu's best friend is screaming at the top of her lungs about today
Wrong. And this was of who the art was drawn for in your last reply to me.

>> No.54635702

>normalfag political opinions shared by most of the population
Retarded twitter troon

>> No.54635719

>Let me guess she cheated on him and when he found out she suddenly told everyone that he abused her
I laughed because it's genuinely fucking sad how true this could be.

>> No.54635748

What's your secret, do you know every indue VTuber?

>> No.54635777

Does either of them stream at EU times? That's honestly all I care about at this point, I just want streams I can catch.

>> No.54635788

>look her up
>literally Mori 2.0
A-at least she has fat tits, r-right....?

>> No.54635833


>> No.54635841

Her being Moe is her leeching of Eilene family's success, most of which came from Moemi, the first true unicorn friendly wife experience.

You want to look at a good presentation of her content? Her Twitch channel, which is far less impressive.

>> No.54635848

Now if only mori's rm would get hers out....

>> No.54635860


>> No.54635863

anon, what do you think a normalfag is

>> No.54635906
File: 71 KB, 704x509, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54635928

Not a Twitter troon, dingus

>> No.54635957

I'm not schizo enough to draw bold conclusions about someone who hasn't even debuted yet

>> No.54635983

Aviel has recruited more talented girls than a billion-dollar company. HoloEN managers should be executed

>> No.54635997

If you've been paying attention, it's pretty easy to draw conclusions based on if you like homocollabers.

>> No.54636001

Lots of small coincidences that happen to line up (if there's no voice examples).
For example, Vesper's smile in his pre-debut video lined up with how the RM would smile.
Altare's friends lined up with his RM's.
Magni's was fucking obvious.
If you want examples of Advent, then I linked Bijou's art + handwriting comparison to Waabyuu's.
Nerissa and Mom0ki are both midwestern, both sing, both have done a duet. Beryl has also done a duet but she's vegetarian while Nerissa isn't.
Shiori was a giveaway because Moe made a video on her old channel that basically screams "I'm Shiori" as well as her best friend insta following only Advent and creating a doll of Shiori at a speed that one can only do if he knew in advance.
tl;dr retarded amounts of autism and pattern recognition.
Sorry, no.

>> No.54636010

Yet Moemi never achieved the same level of success

>> No.54636018

But kiara and mom0ki don't really have wacked-out SJW troon takes, it's all normalfag shit.

>> No.54636058

Damn did hololive scouts phone this in? They been dropping the ball since sana.

>> No.54636109
File: 641 KB, 973x889, omegajap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, I killed omega, I should be worshipped. I'm Omega btw

>> No.54636139

Yeah, because their channel got deleted. Moemi and Etra are doing pretty good, actually. Not sure where Yomemi, the GFE one, went to. And no, I don't buy the Moemi skinwalker rrats.

>> No.54636162

Its hilarious watching /vt/ be wrong on both accounts
All of you are retarded

>> No.54636185

She's aight.

>> No.54636188

I can't pay attention to the voices in your head

>> No.54636195

3/5 ain't bad and I'm not convinced Nerissa is who the rrats say

>> No.54636287

Proof? I don't see anyone talking about these so called talented girls, if no one is talking about them it's obviously because they're shit retard

>> No.54636317

I'm both right and wrong. And you'll never know which anon is me otherwise.

>> No.54636365

Roca is the only one. Conni because of wh40k.

>> No.54636394

They just look for whoever has some numbers to their name and add them to some list and kinda go from there, they don't think much about much else. They COULD properly scout more literal nobodies with talent but they don't wanna, too much work. So every single new EN gen from now is probably gonna be full of some bad shit.

>> No.54636411

Between Novella's standout menhera model and the "cute and fluffy" twins, there wasn't much announcement hype left for her.

>> No.54636505

All IdolEN girls mog Shiori

>> No.54636558

I only briefly look at their content after her mid debut, but Momo Otako is a HoloJP lover chad who does some kino GFE.

I just took a look again and,
>I love you ASMR
Fucking hell that's dangerous shit.

>> No.54636596

I'm sleeping with her, not on her

>> No.54636889

small corpos have more talent in one of their girls pinky finger than Niji or Cover talents put together, PixelLink, Phase Connect, Idol, whatever you want in terms of chuubas you can get it there.

>> No.54637386

Let's not go that far, however, if the trend continues with this shit, I'll probably only tune into the twins' streams but continue investing my time and energy with CGDCT small corpos like PixelLink.

>> No.54637520

kek, can you not make it so obvious

>> No.54637765

Hey, I'm not a shill, but I'm also not some bandwagon fuck, I was a fan of Hololive when girls actually streamed but moved away after Council's shit. I like Fauna, the only good talent IMHO, but I never got invested for bannable reasons.

That's how I got know a lot of the girls mentioned in these threads for the past few days actually, I don't like to stay in the Cover bubble.

>> No.54637858

But it is true. Small corpos have to work hard to stand out from the competition. HoloEN and NijiEN are carried by the prestige of their Japanese branches

>> No.54639292

I know it's probably not beryl, because meat thing, but anons keep saying "SHE SAID SO DUH", and I have yet to see some proof.

>> No.54639408

I think anons are just sketchy because of the PTSD Kronii gave. I hope she turns out to be a pretty nice girl as well, though.

>> No.54639752

From what I understand, it was her indie watchers who knew about it and there's not many archives of her content from then, since she never brought it up as Beryl. Some autist compiled timestamps (>>54459599) of her talking about Campbell chicken noodle soup in the past tense and chicken curry only vaguely, and never about gnocchi or chicken rice.

That's probably about as much "solid" proof you'll get it's not Beryl, which leaves only mom0ki.

>> No.54640080

Thanks for spoonfeeding, I guess we will see in less than 24 hours.

>> No.54640363
File: 1.16 MB, 3592x3425, LDecarabia-2023-06-24-FzXP_LqaIAIRfWa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it actually is mom0ki, then she's a Kronii nepotism hire. Both of them are in VNs made by Studio Elan.

>> No.54640465

gib mori some credit, she's semi-reformed and just focusing on music now (thank god)

>> No.54640539

i dont believe in second chances

>> No.54640569

More like Kiara nepotism

>> No.54640601

Mori like Milky-through-Mori nepotism

>> No.54640661

>great design
Bro thats easily the ugliest design in HoloEN.
Also what are you talking about, stop falling for dumb theories, she can be literally anyone.

>> No.54640800

And she still is. You could tell today from her tone when she spoke of Brexit and the UK. These many years later and they are still salty about it. They really though it was gonna be the end of the UK but that wasn't the case at all. The EU were the most affected.

>> No.54641005

sure buddy

>> No.54641051

Not to mention she's a vshojo orbiter

>> No.54641086

i get it

>> No.54641098

she hasn't fucking debuted yet

>> No.54641101

Anything else you'd like to add? Nijinigger/phasekek?

>> No.54641144

I've watched her streams, she isn't Holo material just like Shiori. I don't know what was management thinking by hiring them

>> No.54641210

There's lots of other ways to make music, and demons don't necessarily sound pleasant.

>> No.54641236
File: 230 KB, 1000x942, 1633900355476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you are ready for russian mommy experience

>> No.54641242

You sound like one bitter bastard

>> No.54641274

Is she the only non-esl member of her gen?

>> No.54641285

So bin design is so good.

>> No.54641291

Read the bible, it will change your mind.

>> No.54641422

I thought she was a hohol

>> No.54641441

Every woman claims to be in an abusive relationship when it goes south.

>> No.54641647

She's based on Sirens, who are specifically known for their beautiful singing

>> No.54641870

People here and the forbidden place predicted Tempus, ILuna and XSoleil really well, and at worst they got one person wrong each time. This time it seems it's gonna be four perfect predictions.

>> No.54641906

Nah. Kiara was pretty far lefty, just not as much as someone as Hassan. She clearly doesn't have deep knowledge about these topics but she does parrot a lot of what is said in her circles.

>> No.54641946

Have you ever considered that you just don't like vtubers? Jesus anon, if liking someone is the exception and not the rule, maybe you're in the wrong hobby.

>> No.54642019

It's 100% her.

It's just not Beryl. She was rumored to be going for Phase way before EN4 was announced, and all the circunstancial evidence points towards M0.

>> No.54642100
File: 281 KB, 572x514, 1685479130334302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't sing
She is in VShojo already.

>> No.54642115

Kiara would be considered a right winger by european standards

>> No.54642207

She's no where near as left as she used to be before Hololive. Not saying she's right on the spectrum, but she's grown up and sees the world a little clearer

>> No.54642306

Kiara is someone who strikes me as having her heart in the right place, but her mouth almost consistently in the wrong place. So I forgive her for being dumb, since she does seem to genuinely mean well. Unlike some other mouthpieces in that crowd...

>> No.54642359

You do not watch Kiara

>> No.54642369

The political spectrum is very scrambled right now and most chuubas don't even talk about it. Even Pippa is basically just a centrist with a lot of politically agnostic takes.

>> No.54642473

We don't even know if the doggos will be good yet.

>> No.54643136

How can "normalfag political opinions" be counter-culture?

>> No.54643176


>> No.54643283

Another retard setting high expectations and then gets disappointed on debut.

>> No.54643382

please not be momoki
please not be momoki

>> No.54643592

according to the high autists, it's about a 99% chance that it is

>> No.54643627

It's AneRys !!!

>> No.54643649

Sadly they are probably right, which means the civil war will continue with roughly equal numbers on each side.

>> No.54643683

At least it won't be boring.

>> No.54643797

Would be kind of disturbing then if /vt/ guessed them right 5/5 before debut, although there was a suspicious image of those 5/5 circulating before any had been tweeting maybe some malicious staff.

>> No.54644081

/vt/ will be burning for weeks if that happens

>> No.54644115

i refuse to watch any vtuber with more than 200 ccv average

>> No.54644409

probably just wishful thinking but what if it's NOT the likely candidates a lot were speculating but she's actually an utaite (probably nepo'd)

>> No.54644456

OR the hologirls are just the talk of the town because of the blue dorito tramp stamp

>> No.54644594

She and IRyS will become our Micomet.

>> No.54644777

She has to play splatoon first

>> No.54644793

>The EU were the most affected.
Keep telling yourself that buddy

>> No.54645399

Why would kronii have any power in hololive

>> No.54646021

I heard she gets along with Kiara and that's a red flag for me.

>> No.54650169

Novella is a whore

>> No.54654335

sounds boring

>> No.54654967

I'm just gonna wait for her singing. I don't have high expectations.

>> No.54655044


At least we got Bijou and the twins I guess.

>> No.54655106

Or it might be ore written in Cyrillic

>> No.54655239
File: 329 KB, 956x438, autistic bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ever interacting with literally anyone

>> No.54655868

No one needed to predict that. One of them end up accidentally doxxing all of them.

>> No.54655939

Let me guess Mumei, Fauna and Gura, because you are basic as fuck

>> No.54656044
File: 89 KB, 539x405, Woozie Truth Revealed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We already know who she is too.

>> No.54656453

Nah, my bet was that she was Shiori, but we all know what happened...

>> No.54656840

Never gonna happen nor do I want it too, but holy fuck would it be hilarious for the "NijiCN prisoner escapes to GODlolive" narrative...

>> No.54656950

we're sleeping alright. her debut is tomorrow still.

>> No.54657257

Wow most of Hololive is a redflag to you then
