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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 55 KB, 792x1342, CGDCT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54619829 No.54619829 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.54619913


>> No.54620018

Why are they all making that scheming face

>> No.54620183

This is what untreated mental illness looks like.

>> No.54620271


>> No.54620371

took me a minute to realize that was gura's hand and that she wasn't bursting out of a giant cake.

>> No.54621098


>> No.54621251

I'm glad we got a good one.

>> No.54621471

They're gonna kill Shiori for the betrayal

>> No.54621475


>> No.54621795

I thought it was a castle

>> No.54621924


>> No.54621940
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>> No.54622233

oh nyo >:3

>> No.54623512

its a fucking lion

>> No.54623999

Serious question if you guys like cgdct why the fuck are you literally constantly thinking of men?

>> No.54624292

Literally no one mentions "men" here. Maybe you're the one who's obsessed with cocks.

>> No.54624339

you have to be obsessed with the enemy to win

>> No.54624357

actual mental illness

>> No.54626670

They're gays in denial

>> No.54627733

another good soldier + she is the one that actually likes idol reps

>> No.54627898

You're goddamn right~!

>> No.54628253

>FPS gamer

I hate to break it to you anons but unless she's got the mental fortitude to grind solo or carry other EN holos she's probably gonna end up partying with males. I say probably because there's also the chance that she will party up with the FPS JPs, which would be the best case scenario for CGDCT but would probably be hell for her due to server ping.

>> No.54628520


>> No.54628721

>I don't watch stream the post
Go watch her debut, 'tard.

>> No.54629163

I did watch stream. I'm just saying the talent pool of FPS gamers in HoloEN is abysmal. Her best shot is hitching a ride with the JPs or VSPO, because lord knows the the ENs aside from Watson don't bother with them and ID means Ollie would sink her claws into her.

>> No.54629245

She likes fucking Apex, im not sure on her yet

>> No.54629405

Keep your friends close, your enemies closer.

>> No.54629471

Literally a meaningless buzzword that has just become "anti-homo" retard shit. Has nothing to do with cuteness in the girls or what they do. I hate you faggots so much it it's unreal.

>> No.54629783

Well since you DO watch stream but can't understand her esl tongue let me spell it out for you: She don't play FPS, she's a RPG player. But she will play anything if it mean she can collab with her senpai. Literally just look at her schedule again, do you see any fps in there ?
>Notice me senpai

>> No.54630056

I hope these are jokes.

>> No.54631623

I don't know what you mean those are all very cute girls but you seem very stressed maybe you should take a break and hang out with some friends or something

>> No.54632334

Shiori is literally the only virgin of this gen and you’re all losing your shit over corporate mandated collabs

>> No.54632530

Gotta know what's threatening the status quo

>> No.54632603


>> No.54632873

>the homobeggar cries out in pain as it strikes you
CGDCT was never even used as a term until cancer like you began intruding. Hololive is implicity CGDCT.

>> No.54633012

Brown hands drew this.

>> No.54633225

brown or not, those hands were based.
buzz off tranny

>> No.54634195

Tempus didn't exist when you doxbeats went around posting all of EN. I still remember how you unicorn and CGDCTfags called Ame, Mori, Kiara, Mumei and Fauna whores; 3 of those you now hold as of some make believe anti homo group

>> No.54634491

Posting in a based thread.

>> No.54634668
File: 71 KB, 941x1080, 1585814007604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54634920

>trying to eat steak
>fly buzzing around
>very concerned the fly can land on your steak and ruin it
>why are you thinking about flies if you like steak bro?

>> No.54635071

>food analogy

>> No.54635166

sad that they're necessary to explain such basic concepts

>> No.54635377

Why did you eat somewhere where there are flies? Fucking retard

>> No.54635522

He was eating at his favorite restaurant and then suddenly people introduced a bunch of fucking flies into the place and then started saying if you don't like flies you don't like the restaurant.

>> No.54635694

Because it's the best restaurant around by a long shot.

>> No.54635730

Gura need to tell her that it's okay to be cute and funny.
I know you are here gura.
Please, protect her!

>> No.54635935

People weren't, HoloEN was female only on its inception, and hailed from a vtuber group with a predominately "idol" group that doesn't interact with men, especially with its most prominent talents. So customers chose that over the fly-infested place across the street. And they expected business to continue that way. It didn't, so now they're upset.

>> No.54636138

To add, I'm not even saying the customers have any say. They don't, it's not their establishment. All they can do is take their business elsewhere. I'm simply explaining why they're upset, because that's what you were asking, why they're 'constantly thinking of men'.

>> No.54636340

reddit minded people used to get mad at car analogies too. I'm starting to think the faggots that inform your opinions just don't like analogies, probably because their pet negros can't into them

>> No.54636363

>Idol group that doesn't Interact with men
Trying to shift reality is always funny

>> No.54636487

>Idol group that barely Interacts with men
There, stop sobbing now

>> No.54636650

>especially with its most prominent talents
No, that's close to reality. I assure you there are people who watched holo because of how male interaction was handled relative to other corpos. By that I don't mean the company itself, but the overall stance of the talents relative to other options.

>> No.54637698
File: 647 KB, 997x934, wh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54637912

Ledditors cant think in anything other than WW2 references or Marvel movies.

>> No.54637990

CGDCT only grows.. stronger >:3

>> No.54639331

What the fuck does cgdct mean

>> No.54639475

how can you be this new
are you leddit migrant or a twitter tourist?

>> No.54639486

>Try to stay healthy
>Think of ways to avoid catching a cold
>If you like being healthy why do you spend so much time thinking about germs bro

>> No.54639508
File: 814 KB, 144x130, 1688783679895941.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura drew this you can't convince me otherwise and I will NOT take my meds.

>> No.54639605

We always do

>> No.54642442

This is what untreated mental illness looks like.

>> No.54643724

Or simply sane in the mind, foreign concept in here I know

>> No.54643847

Sisters, emergency meeting back at the discord. I can't have you saying the same thing like this.

>> No.54644221

Except WW2 is kino unlike the Amerimutt Capeshit.

>> No.54644252
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>> No.54644414
File: 17 KB, 326x314, 1611213278323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger, cgdct have been around since anime became popular on the west.

>> No.54644546

Honestly this might be the most cgdct-friendly gen, with Bijou, the twins, and possibly Nerissa.

>> No.54646794

but you're the one talking about men

>> No.54647375 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.80 MB, 1760x2320, 1611539620307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you know?!

>> No.54648059

we dont you fucking idiot nigger
yes nigger

>> No.54648944

Serious answer: the brain focuses on negativity. There's a vtuber I hate with all my guts and just hearing the name makes my stomach turn yet I can't get it out of my head and I hate it.

>> No.54648967

they avoid the truth as easily as they breathe. just like with eddie and marcel

>> No.54653964

Evil gura, I need her

>> No.54656656

Reddit term. You can instantly and safely disregard any troon who utters this word.

>> No.54656783

I see the standards here are very low
