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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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54551963 No.54551963 [Reply] [Original]

Whether for whatever reason and why?

>> No.54552114
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these two

>> No.54552155

Depends who your oshi is.

>> No.54552214


>> No.54552217

Only migo don’t put suisei on the same level as that whore, nigger

>> No.54552243

mr paradise

>> No.54552281

Korone was fucking up so hard that Fubuki started being passive agressive.
They had people introducing the debuting vtuber back then in case you're wondering why Fubuki was there.

>> No.54552284

Korone, and it's not even close, if you have any doubt you haven't seen how bad her debut was

>> No.54552304

My oshi? YOUR MOM

>> No.54552312

Aki. Poor thing. Love her to death, but there are disasters then there's whatever the hell that was.

>> No.54552323

All jokes aside, the community agrees that Korone's debut is a trainwreck.

>> No.54552348

Ame had by far the worst debut of any EN, and I say that as a teammmmate.

>> No.54552364

kronii's was awful

>> No.54552453

>the community agrees
kys, it was pure kino and a good preview of why Korone is great. It's also a relic of a time when hololive had soul.

>> No.54552460

I think the nice thing about these is that they're proof that it doesn't really matter and that garbage debuts can actually become charming once the smoke clears. I turned Fauna's off well before the end but I love her to bits now.

>> No.54552523

Korone in JP
Ame in EN
I don't watch stars/ID

>> No.54552525

Korone's debut vs the rest of her career is frankly an inspiring redemption story, she fucked up so badly at first but then became a legendary streamer not long after

>> No.54552611

Korone had to have an actual intervention from her genmates during her debut. Not even a contest

>> No.54552640

>volume levels all over the place
>stream background elements not properly set up
>got too nervous to even speak sometimes
>chunks of viewers leaving
>had to call for help
>Gamers telling her what not to do, even Fubuki eventually became exasperated
>remainder of stream just became a Splatoon collab with Korone ignoring everything else
You can say "kino" all you want, but it's an objective failure of a debut.

>> No.54552670

Korone and amelia watson

>> No.54552687

Wtf are you talking about? It is a good memory but the debut itself where everything went wrong to the point that Okayu needs to step in is a disaster. I'm not talking shit about your oshi, she learned and became what she is now but that debut is the worst.

>> No.54552783

For ID it's a good fight between Kaela and Anya. Both their debut had the same issue, extremely bland and failled to give any idea of what to expect from them.

>> No.54552871

why so upset

>> No.54552880

I can't remember anyone who had months to practice and check all the equipment and software and still somehow manage to deliver a 1 fps stream

>> No.54552915

This doesn't even mention the constant and repetitive spooky BGM. It was the kind of thing you'd have on for 10 seconds while introducing a campfire story or something but she just left it on until you could feel your brain rot

>> No.54552944

The fake voice was the worst shit i've ever seen

>> No.54553049

In terms of EN i think Ame and Sana were the worst. It was so bad i had to close the streams.

>> No.54553255

There’s no way you could ever label Mori’s debut as being bad. Everyone went into the Myth debuts thinking that it was going to be nothing more than an untalented group of E-girls. Then she played RIP, and you could literally see /jp/ in real time freaking out about how high spec she actually was. Regardless of your opinions on Mori herself or her music her being the first ever HoloEN debut was what caused people to see Myth as a “high spec” gen

>> No.54553283

Moona's debut was so scuffed it became news material for Coco

>> No.54553333

>fake giggle
>fake giggle

>> No.54553374
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>> No.54553440

I don't remember anything in Sana's standing out unless you just mean her voice

>> No.54553443

It's Korosan
Around 5 month having collab then often go solo
Wanna said gen 0 and 1 but in juggernaut era? idk
After gamer gen, all debut gen is lucky due the company Already grow big

>> No.54553453

Ame, Korone and Anya

>> No.54553531

Mori's has technical scuff, Ame's was literally padding for time with autism.

>> No.54553545

Holy ESL

>> No.54553554

She started barking or pretending to be a dog or something and i am weak to cringe so i had to go.

>> No.54553574

Korone. Shit got so bad her genmates had jump in to bail her out.
For EN, Ame and Mumei. Self-explanatory in the former case, and Mumei considers her own debut unwatchable in the latter case.
For ID, Kaela.

>> No.54553576

Just watch this.

>> No.54553647

Ame but debuts don't matter tbf

>> No.54553688

Objectively it's probably Korone. Her debut was so bad Cover ended up making a SOP on how debut stream should be handled. Also probably the only time Fubuki actually got mad at another Holomem on stream.

>> No.54553704

Ame had the roughest start.
Anyone who watched that disastrous stream will recognize it as such.

>> No.54553711

Gonna take another angle.
2 of the best debuts were Aloe and Sana in a bit of a sad irony.

As for bad debuts.
Honorable mentions to Gen 5 for doing the 5 day relay which contributed to a lot of issues because the girls lost a lot of precious time they could have been streaming waiting for the others to debut.
And Council for Technical Difficulties and Omega trying to steal the spotlight.

As for great Debuts
HoloX essentially had a perfect full Gen debut.

>> No.54553722

It's fact , dumbfuck
Just look sora debut, how many viewers?
Look new gen today, how many viewers?

>> No.54553729

Korone's felt pretty disheartening.

>> No.54553753

>Fumbled her debut only to become the best vtuber in the universe later.
All according to keikaku.

>> No.54553784
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Korone's debut is legendary

>> No.54553809

HoloX also did a five day relay. What differentiates them from Gen 5’s debut.

>> No.54553823

>bad debut
Bitch, it was GigaKino just because of her Ride on Time karaoke. There is a reason she skyrocketed in popularity immediately after debut.

>> No.54553852

Debuts literally don't matter, early hololive all had boring and bad debuts but they became the most popular ones. Nowadays people put too much effort into their debuts and everything they do afterwards feels worse in comparison

>> No.54553857
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>> No.54553890
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I watched Korones debut and it is an shining success compared to Scarle. Her internet broke down multiple times in her debut and she only had a 30min timewindow to stream until the next Iluna debuted. Her debut 2.0 wasn't much better as the internet went down again and again but at least she didn't had a timeconstrain

>> No.54553902

this. most of you young'uns were never even close to seeing it but she completely paralyzed during debut and wanted to end it early, just froze up pretty much. really surprising considering how she is today but she was really nervous and doubtful about herself then.

pekora's debut also sucked. she was really meek and mellow, very generic, also nothing like how she later turned out being.

>> No.54553965

fuck now I'm remembering it, it was like watching a 4kids dub.. maybe even worse. everyone was cringing themselves inside out for most of it. the only thing people thought was kinda fun were the trippy filter effects thing she did giving the viewer watson concoction.

>> No.54553979

Her debut performance is what kickstarted her popularity, in what universe? I’d even push back on labeling Mori’s debut as bad

>> No.54553994

>she completely paralyzed during debut and wanted to end it early, just froze up pretty much
No, that was Pekora, Korone's debut was pretty much nonstop technical difficulties, see >>54553576

>> No.54553999

And today suffering koronesuki with a long stream
According keikaku

>> No.54554078

I'm starting to think anyone saying this wasn't actually there. No matter what happened to Mori, she made all of /jp/ kneel to her in her debut and sold the idea of english speaking vtubers to some of its staunchest sceptics.
Her stream had a lot of scuff, but it excelled at what a debut is supposed to do.

>> No.54554101

I remember the advice given to her about that debut: Pretend it never happened. Which she did.

>> No.54554184

I remember someone in thread asking afterwards what she should do now, which is what got that reponse.
To this day, I think that very well may have been Ame.

>> No.54554190

Oh man, I forgot about Scarle. That’s up there too, but I think other Holomems having to join Korone’s stream to help her out just slightly edges out the scuff incarnate of Scarle’s debut

>> No.54554275

Aki' did her "debut" streaming from the same phone she used to move her model, with zero knowledge, support or advice about how to do any of this. It went as well as you'd expect.

>> No.54554588

It was either Ame, or Mori asking on her behalf (she admitted to being here back then). It's sort of a shame it was so bad, she had some fun ideas but was basically drunk on sleep deprivation after staying awake for 40 hours beforehand.

>> No.54554621

For those referencing Korone, she had had prior vtuber experience so was it just nerves on performing for a bigger stage that got to her in that moment?

>> No.54554640

That’s about what you’d expect someone whose genmate thought she had to pay for the privilege of using Cover’s app until they sent her first paycheck. Gen 1 had no idea what the fuck they were doing.

>> No.54554654

Aqua's wasn't so good either

>> No.54554721

>Gen 1 had no idea what the fuck they were doing
In some ways I still wonder if Mel doesn't know what the fuck she is doing after all these years

>> No.54554797

Moona was using 3G phone internet and had family members arguing in the background

>> No.54554855

>or Mori asking on her behalf
Seems likely. They were probably scouring the internet for all feedback they could possibly find and 4chan is easy to search for that stuff. And Mori obviously know about /jp/, so she was definitely there.

>> No.54554974

>pekora's generic
Look I'm not nousagi, but busting out pekorap in the debut stream was genius of her, nothing generic about that.

>> No.54555011

>Pretend it never happened
words to live by

>> No.54555012

>Her stream had a lot of scuff, but it excelled at what a debut is supposed to do.
how so?

>> No.54555440

Mori's debut was trash until the end when she rapped and realized the smoke effects were killing her stream. The teehees, 2 fps, FML, extra horrible teacher voice (seriously go back and listen to it), bombing jokes, f-wording s-word, etc.

>> No.54555455

He literally just told you. People both in and outside of /jp/ were skeptical about the idea of an EN Vtuber, and Mori’s debut was what convinced a lot of people that it could actually work out.

>> No.54555581

he's not saying you're wrong it's just that you're english is fucking horrendous, you need to work on your grammar/sentence structure holy fuck

>> No.54555658

>until the end when she rapped
Mori rapped twice and people loved her after the first one, which was in the middle of the stream.
Also people found her cringe charming.

>> No.54555680

>>54555581 (me)
>wrong your
it's fucking over

>> No.54555702

Also the "A" meme

>> No.54555739

Look, I agree with you, but
>you're english
please be better.

>> No.54555752

ITT: Faggots giving non-EN answers
I hate this board so goddamn much it's unreal.

>> No.54555798

That was already a meme before the debut though.
But her Ride on Time is legendary.
If anything Gura and Mori had the best debuts in Myth.
Followed by Ina and Kiara (who were just boring/okay).

>> No.54555800

but looking back at it Korones debut it is cute and or endearing. Can't say the same about Scarles.
Polka appearently did her debut with a telephone cable plugged in to her modem instead of an ethernet cable.

>> No.54555805

>>54555739 (me)
Well, I was late.

>> No.54555814

Only retards found her cringe charming, and those retards still infest this site to this day.

>> No.54555846


>> No.54555901

Newfags wouldn't understand.

>> No.54555902


>> No.54555943

Anon, earliest Holo debuts were the worst ones simply because nobody knew wtf they were doing. I get it you hate HoloEN and desperately want to be japanese, but we gotta be realistic here.

>> No.54555947 [DELETED] 
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I think she's just swell.

>> No.54556607

Not only that. She literally said she was bored during her debut.

>> No.54559031

no he didnt literally just tell me. he told me that she made people kneel and sold the idea of EN vtubers but didnt explain how or why. he told me that her stream excelled at what a debut is supposed to do but didnt tell me how it excelled at it. you just reiterated what he said.
so im once again asking how so?

>> No.54559530

She showed off her talents and gave people a good idea of her personality. Despite the cringe.

Expectations in EN talents was so much worse back then than it is now

>> No.54560121

holy fuck go back

>> No.54561891

>good debut
>starts rambling just to fill dead air

>> No.54562496

Holy esl indeed but we'll let it play. Mans had some confidence.

>> No.54563227
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>> No.54563675

nigga, that "kino" debut got us this fucking close to be in a timeline where Korone fucked off for good.

>> No.54563740

I liked it, especially the concoction part.

>> No.54563758 [DELETED] 

This is vt vtuber not vt english, shithead
Go fuck yourself with her English crap
Why today in vt a lot of dickhead like this

>> No.54564041

To hell with your English crap
This is vt vtuber not vt english, shithead
Why today vt, a lot of dumb fuck ppl like this

>> No.54564323

>Polka apparently did her debut with a telephone cable plugged in to her modem instead of an ethernet cable

>> No.54564397

I really feel bad on not being able to watch most of her streams but man, she really picks weird timeslots

>> No.54564593

I heard she was sick during her debut, I don't know if that's true though

>> No.54564626

Mano Aloe

>> No.54564793


>> No.54565634

Your posts read like a chinaman who saw a Western news article criticizing the CCP and has a freakout in the comment section. How does someone with such poor English skills even navigate the internet well enough to find this place?

>> No.54565726

I still cringe when I think of the fake british accent

>> No.54565941

It's crazy how she bounced back though. Proud of her. Went from one of the biggest disasters to one of the most iconic hololive members. Pretty impressive.

>> No.54566474

>Who had the worst debut?

>> No.54566610
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Unironically, this was fucking horrible to watch

>> No.54566679

>This is vt vtuber not vt english, shithead
Sir, this is 4chan an anonymous English-language imageboard website.

>> No.54566871

in the entirety of hololive
in EN

special mention to Hitomi Chris for actually getting shitcanned for it

>> No.54567082

She wasn't shitcanned for her debut, but the drama surrounding her.

>> No.54567319

The worst debut is the one you don't remember at all despite watching it live.

>> No.54567318

>Whether for whatever reason and why?
Himemori Luna indeed had the worst debut in Hololive history, at the time her chat was viciously attacked and spammed by nijinigger schizos from /jp/ and 5ch, when the holocaust happened, her debut stream was gone forever, and she has no intention to revive it.
Now all of this is in the past, she thrived and inclined, leaving in the dust her old bullies and hypocrite gen mates.

>> No.54567698

Top 3 w\o tech issues counting

Korone: 30+ mins of staring into space, not giving any basic character info, wanting to end it early, then finally getting piggybacked by genmates.

Ame: I want to know who gave the obviously American Ame the dumb idea to try a British accent w\o any clue of the proper mannerisms.

Kaela: bonk... At least she was able to introduce herself but that's it. If she was any more nervous, she would of destroyed every piece of streaming equipment in front of her.

>> No.54567783

Are people seriously saying Korone's debut was bad? It was one of the best ones and went pretty much as she had planned it aside from maybe the discord messages popping up. Maybe you guys didn't realize it but the scuff was intentional as it always is with her. She likes this scuffed style where things are crudely slapped together and seemingly falling apart.

>> No.54567864

ogey sis

>> No.54567965

>It was one of the best ones
You can still like Korone and admit her debut was shit, anon. No one is going to hold it against you for being honest.

>> No.54568087

>seemingly falling apart
The problem is that it completely fell apart

>> No.54568254

She was like that even in her niconico days from before. She just took what she was already doing and went with it into Hololive.

>> No.54569868
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never forget

>> No.54570053

Korone 100%, for reasons metioned above.
Ame pretty much didnt knew what to say, would constantly trip over her words and was all over the place.
Moona's wifi was garbage, had to switch to mobile data, would constantly freeze and just couldnt land any joke

Some other mentions
Mumei's debut was incomplete (her lore thingy wasnt finished), had her leaning on the "i forgot" joke to brush things away and she just didnt know how to sell it
Peko was cringe but it was her selling her character, the content in itself wasnt bad(but cringe)

>> No.54570489
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I wouldn't call it the worst but IRyS's debut was pretty scuffed. The first 15 minutes almost felt like watching a parody.

>> No.54570542

Kaela was the worst by far

>> No.54571946

The way it went from the pretty cool MV to her descending awkwardly three times was a bit weird

>> No.54571983

It was screwed up in an enjoyable way.
>Hope has descended (x3)

>> No.54572279

Suisei never have a debut stream, anon.
What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.54573464

As if I didn't have more reasons to hate Nijiniggers.

>> No.54573970

Honestly, in hindsight it perfectly encapsulates who she is. The cutest melodramatic dork.

>> No.54574368

>I-It was intentional!
>she literally goes on to say it wasn't

>> No.54575270

With their similarities in debuts, I'm glad Mori and IRyS came to be close. Two very talented and fun, dorky, girls.
Also IRyS early game stream where she called her in-game baby a ni-. That was fucking hilarious.

>> No.54575584

I'm pretty sure Korone was just a normal content creator, not a VTuber. A lot of the scuff stemmed from technical difficulties sapping her already shaky confidence.

>> No.54577127

Ame. Sleep deprived and gave off Foam Adventures vibes the entire time.
If her superliminal stream wasn't a complete 180 from her debut, I don't think I would be a gosling today.

>> No.54581222


>> No.54581893

People forget how lukewarm the whole of Council's debut was. Hopes were not high.

>> No.54583296

>muh kino
it was shit. if she didn't stick around and become one of the main faces of vtubers, no one would look back at it in a sentimental way.

>> No.54592459

towa, rui fucking voice
Harassed by runa Nijiniggar
Interfering with hololive's activities due to the stars stream ban rule

>> No.54593277

This one's pretty fucking dogshit ngl

>> No.54597646

It was so fucking bad they had to actually change how they did debuts afterwards. Like the Emergency Splatoon collab was an audible.
Hilariously they thought her rambling on about collecting fingers was a joke. She wasn't joking.

Scarle's one was a disaster for things beyond her control.

Wasn't Ame up like 24 hours+ before debut so she was freaking the fuck out the entire time. It became a panic attack on stream

>> No.54597749


>> No.54598411


>> No.54598610

Hitomi Chris was a David Lynch-tier nightmare. The poor girl.

>> No.54611105

is there a video exactly showing where Fubuki is getting mad at her?
