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54479995 No.54479995 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just me, or does anyone else feel like something bad is going to happen with Advent?

I don't know, a flop, someone fired, a sana 2.0, etc etc

>> No.54480079

go back to your discord, faggot

>> No.54480107

The only bad thing its going to be the Kronii exodus

>> No.54480145

Something bad's going to happen to you, Kuy

>> No.54480153

that's just mental illness

>> No.54480243

Vespies are buttblasted lmao. It's maggin time hahahaha. Yeah, MAGGIN TO GRADUATION HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.54480304

1% deflection post

>> No.54480323
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>> No.54480340

males collab 100% even the twins

>> No.54480449

Oh cool a discord tranny raid

>> No.54480453

What makes you think Advent will flop? How do we even define a flop when every girl already has so many subs pre debut?

What makes you think an Advent girl will get fired?

Which Advent member do you think is going to be "sana 2.0" whatever that means?

>> No.54480495

sisters are really melting down tonight huh

>> No.54480710
File: 1.20 MB, 1280x1745, EgyhbhSX0AImNOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>half-grown horn
It's over.

>> No.54480785

Nah third gen usually the best gen.

>> No.54480963

Anon, all that bad feeling you feel...
It's all me
You see, your dad will find out that your mom actually sleeps with me, and then your family will get separated. Don't put the blame on her, it was all me.

>> No.54481085
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It's over Kroniibros
>unfortunately idol culture is a thing vs Idol lover

>> No.54481126

soorrry i dont have family i live on the street of L.A

>> No.54481234

Just you. They seem to be getting a warm welcome and the models and characters all seem nice enough.

>> No.54481310

Nah, tits and eyes too small to be a threat.

>> No.54481429

They're all ex-Nijisanjis in their previous life.

>> No.54481551

my bet on the curse falling upon Bijou

>> No.54481639

>the JP disparity only 2 gained the nihonjins grace

>> No.54481640

a bigger drama arc than Kronii's

>> No.54482053

this, but as a result of kronii

>> No.54482317

I'm hoping for Gura success, but that's asking for too much.
Won't pass judgment until after their debuts.
But just the Hololive brand guarantees success....as long as they don't have a Bud Light moment.

>> No.54482526

If the PL rrats are true
>Jewel will yab herself out of the company within the first few months
>Nerissa will bring back the male collabs
>Shiori will attract western GFE schizos and get murdered
>The dogs will go on to have a long and successful career

>> No.54482776

they will do fine at beginning , then they will collab with other EN , start talking in meme , say lets go lets go a lot , lose their original personality, get fake sick for 3 months , etc.

>> No.54482940

>Is it just me
It depends anon, are you a seething 2 view that didn't make the cut? or maybe a niji/small corp shill falseflagging for your dying/irrelevant corpo?

If yes, then it's just you.

>> No.54483044

I'll take those odds and consider it a successful generation. Until Shiorin gets butchered its still a 3/5.

>> No.54484056

>Is it just me, or does anyone else feel like something bad is going to happen with Advent?
Most of the big problems with Myth and Council involved talents not liking their model or default outfit. Cover seems to have let EN3 have more input with their designs and management seems to be more used to running the EN branch. There is always the chance of someone burning out for other reasons but there is less potential issues with Advent.

>> No.54484996

i believe the economy is going to blindside hololive, so that negatively affects en3.

>> No.54485442

Hope they are like Sakamata, a million red flags but turns out ok

>> No.54485622

When you see # thread have more positivity about en3, you know for sure this thread is made to farm containment breakers video and full of discord faggot.

>> No.54486473

it does suck to be on the wrong side, does it?

>> No.54486589

Its not too late to drop NijiEN and stop being a retarded faggot sister

>> No.54487868

Oh, something bad is going to happen soon, alright. Just not to any of the girls.

>> No.54488766

Jumping ship from Kronii to Nerissa as we speak, or Shiori, whoever is the sexier.

>> No.54491500
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Success breeds envy.

>> No.54491873

Any of them advocating male collabs will spell doom for the rest. Everyone watching them already has established oshis and will go straight back to watching those, rather than waste time with a lost cause that they have no sunk-cost in.

>> No.54492249

That's correct.

>> No.54492673

>Koseki lowest in her gen
so why did she flop? was the ffxiv that much of a debuff?

>> No.54492739

I don't even care about male collabs if they're just professional about it, just no more vindictive talents like Kronii please. Shit is like poison.

>> No.54494067
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>> No.54497610

>Is it just me, or does anyone else feel like something bad is going to happen with Advent?
not anytime soon

>> No.54499206

or mori

>> No.54499414

Yes 2viewsis, two more weeks

>> No.54501513

not yet

>> No.54501553

It would be awkward if one of the twins got terminated

>> No.54504022

You're just nervous for them, fucking pussy, try taking a shower.
