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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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54436504 No.54436504 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it so painful to be a vtuber fan irl? Why do normies hate us?

>> No.54436644

Because you hate yourself.

>> No.54436670

Your affected by the mewlings of lesser men?

>> No.54436695


>> No.54436711

Because you are a beta cuck simping for e-girls with boyfriends.
Then you throw a tantrum when said e-girl streams with her boyfriend.

>> No.54436717

Why do you care what anyone else thinks of you?

>> No.54436728

No I don't. I just like watching vtubers.
I guess so, it's a constant bombardment of being the butt of people's jokes.

>> No.54436752
File: 140 KB, 1000x562, breaking-defense.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're at the point where you let normies get to your head, I think it's time to enlist in the Army, anon. They'll toughen you up.

>> No.54436754

I'm kinda openly a vtuber fan lol. Though I'm 6'2 and look like a scary bastard so no one says anything to me. Though they probably talk behind my back, but whatever.

>> No.54436759

Nope. I just watch them. Some people see them as gfs wives whatever and that's cool I just value their entertainment.

>> No.54436762

nobody cares about normalfags
this is like those faggots who whine about how difficult it is to live in japan
then you find out it's 21 variations hinging on them needing to have a social life and stop caring

>> No.54436773

Rape them to assert dominance

>> No.54436787

Do you donate, buy merch and membership?

>> No.54436803

I don't know what you mean exactly.
I bully non vtuber fans on the internet.
Whenever someone acts like there is something wrong with loli, I act like there is something wrong with them.

>> No.54436807

Never have, got nothing against it though.

>> No.54436812

Jokes of what kind?

>> No.54436813

>rampant sexism
>weird tribalism
>idol culture
>neet culture
>hikki culture
>incel culture

gee i wonder

>> No.54436820
File: 4 KB, 204x247, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See this? >>54436711

This is a seething sister/normie who's trying to get under your skin.Reread this post several times, and think to yourself : "Why should I care about these deranged ramblings?" You'll soon shame yourself out of the mental rut you're in.

>> No.54436828

because of all the shitposting

>> No.54436832

Vtuber = Anime = Pedo. Simple as.

>> No.54436836

>incel culture
it's the opposite

>> No.54436849

Holy based.

>> No.54436877

This, also OP why are you talking to normies about VTuber shit knowing you're going to get hate? If this is the most of your worries you need to do better OP.
SEA femanon

>> No.54436886

Good, you should never do any of what i said to any woman streamer ever anyway. Be against it.

>> No.54436918

Ok XQC, didn't you get cucked by a fat woman?

>> No.54437011

Enough about Hollywood.

>> No.54437086
File: 96 KB, 520x600, sad10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

venti, you really need to let it go. It's been 30 years.

>> No.54437113

internet pedos*

>> No.54437118

You clearly don't belong if you still care what normies think. Almost like you haven't been an internet degenerate for 10+ years and rdon't emember what being an anime fan was like before it got flooded with normies.

>> No.54437133

>Giving a fuck about normalfags
Kill yourself

>> No.54437175

Yeah I work construction sites in the UK so I know exactly what normie men think about vtubers when I tell them that it's basically an all girl thing, mostly japanese.
They love that shit.

>> No.54437193

When has normies liking something ever been a net positive for the hobby? Look at the current state of anime and say you want normies infesting this fucking niche.

>> No.54437237

Heck, I work as a basket weaver in Namibia, and even I know what normies think about vtubers. They worship them, here.

>> No.54437258
File: 615 KB, 902x790, 1661293447873355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more curious to know why this board is filled with people who obviously despise Vtubers yet here they are shitposting each and every day,
I understand the underaged /v/ermins but what's with all the femcels and Twitter troons?
This is just another weird anime hobby for weird people. 4chan was literally created for this shit.

>> No.54437336

You need to be gassed

>> No.54437360

People absorbed in the troon culture are genuinely concerned that men are able to happily consume content that has absolutely 0 references to their ideals

>> No.54437369

I assume it's because "haha you're a virgin loser" but I've never understood men wanting other men to be in relationships. If they think so highly of themselves, wouldn't they want less competition anyways?

>> No.54437386

Because you faggots are unhinged, especially the shipfags

>> No.54437457
File: 660 KB, 1280x720, considerthis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because entitled western women/troons. Just like how they'r seething about some African countries outlawing gay shit, even though they never cared about Africa (or even despise the continent). It's the woke version of the "white man's burden".

>> No.54437472

Pretty much this. The type of men that is drawn to hololive in particular are the type of men that are most important to indoctrinate the alpha types

>> No.54437505

indoctrinate; the alpha types*

>> No.54437610

>Nope. I just watch them
>I just value their entertainment
If you are male and you watch female vtubers then you are blatantly lying and in reality you subconsciously imagine fucking them every time you watch them. Watching females for entertainment is absurd because they are trash at entertaining.

>> No.54437614
File: 302 KB, 1254x878, 1680987234111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54437619

For people feeling constrained or henpecked in bad relationships, looking at single folk puttering along makes them insecure that they made the wrong choice. If they can convince themselves that the other is inferior, that conversely means that they are superior.

>> No.54437653

They are enraged at our happiness

>> No.54437753

Stop drinking the /vt/ kool-aid and think for yourself for once, jesus you fuckers are so pathetic

>> No.54437848
File: 36 KB, 308x308, korosmug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine caring what normies think.

>> No.54437933

It's an anti thats bastardised an argument for why loving holomems is a natural thing.
Originally the point of it was that entertainment is so easily accessed and so varied that you can definitely receive the same level of entertainment elsewhere and that the motivation to become invested is love.

>> No.54437956

>t. pedophile

>> No.54438394

I think they are entertaining and attractive.

>> No.54438652

It's the Pokimane effect.
People watch because she's funny and entertaining? No.
People watch because she's hot? Yes.

Any female streamer watcher is by definition a cuck.

>> No.54438739
File: 392 KB, 1276x1742, 1669592159446531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normalfags hate everyone they don't understand. That's what defines them as normalfags in the first place.
You get used to it. Either find people who share your hobbies or just go hermit-mode like so many of us.

>> No.54438856

That's also why those kinds of people always say that all women magically lose their virginity at 13 and have double digit body counts by 20. They settled for a roastie and need to feel better about it.

>> No.54438923
File: 51 KB, 873x381, gossip obsessed monkeys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made your own bed. Even JP vtuber fans think you're garbage, not just normies.

>> No.54439066

Shut up faggot it's been made clear that actual normies have no issue with vtubing or hololive and that OPs concern is about internet losers

>> No.54439244

lol, the first time I've seen a JPbro openly criticize Coco.

>> No.54439363
File: 384 KB, 1176x2944, shark the unicorn king.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can play this game too, nigger.

>> No.54439391

because the medium is simply too autistic for the average normie to understand

there is literally no way you can unfold the layers of culture needed to brace yourselves to watch it.
it is simply too alien for the average celebrity worshipin, popular-culture feeding human to embrace.

this comment kinda hits the nail.
if you arent in the anime sphere, at least enough to understand some culture differences and enjoy them, vtubing is too alien an enjoyment

>> No.54439446

zoomers need to learn how to hide their powerlevels

>> No.54439469

>He doesn't know how to hide his power level
Children these days not learning how to do the most basic of techniques

>> No.54439527

>Even JP vtuber fans think
That is a single man's post on a japanese 4chan equivalent. Were there even any replies, Ken-sama?

>> No.54439567

>Why do normies
You lost me. Observe an average normie lifestyle for a week and report back, then question why you should give a shit

>> No.54439595

Painful? Take pride in your affections, you weak willed faggot. I wear my Korone merch like a fucking badge of honor.

>> No.54439649

Why do you want normies to like you?

>> No.54439910

Self-esteem issue. I watch my oshi's streams at work

>> No.54439989

I watch them because its interesting to see people who aren't cripplingly autistic react to autistic media. I used to watch random non gamers play darksouls many years ago and vtubers have that same appeal but with everything.

>> No.54440020

I don’t. I want them to leave me alone and not bother me.

>> No.54440165

So conceal your power level? How hard could it be?

>> No.54440462

You say that like it's a bad thing. It's an absolute blessing normies are repulsed by vtubers. It takes me back to the mid 2000s when 4chan was generally avoided for being the site for creepy pedos and hackermen instead of being a proxy for reddit and twitter like it is today. Sure they come and shitpost but they'll never overtake the culture like they have other boards.

>> No.54441648


>> No.54441830

im fine being one i chose to hate normies because they're faggots

>> No.54442041

Its a natural reaction to mental illness. Of course we should be more understanding of the mentally ill, but people find it easier to mock them, specially when their actions are morally reprehnsible.

>> No.54442154


>> No.54443087

why do you give a shit what normies think?

>> No.54445000

Is she about to pee her pants in this picture? Answer fast please I need to fap.

>> No.54445446

It's okay anon I also hate you faggot

>> No.54447551

Nta but I remember reading an eromanga where all there was was pekora peeing herself or peeing in marine’s boat.
